If unde.- paragrapi] IS hereot the Yropertc is sold m' the ProperC}~ is athervsise :1:•quircd .c Lender- Lender
<br />shat apply, no later than immediatel~• prier to the ,ale of the Prol,rrtc ar its acquisition In l.-ender. ;utp I:unds
<br />held 6y Lender at the bane of spplicstion as a credit' against the sml:, aecared h~ thi> \tortgago-
<br />3. App&eation of Payments. Bnles: upplirable la\c provides othencise. all ttacments ra•e-ieeti be Lender
<br />under the Nate and parsgraphe 1 and 2 hereot shall he ap{,lied bt- Lender first in payment of :unounts pad able to
<br />Lender by BorraR-er under }?aragraph 2 hereof. t-nen co interest pa~ahle an the Soto and tna Future Advances, iC
<br />3ta,=. 2nd then to [-he {?rincipai of the V~oic azad to the pt:nc i,,al o: T'utrro Aticmar,•s. it east.
<br />4. Charges: Liens. Barrotter shall par a1i taxer- assessments and ether ohar~rs. tires ;uu? impositions attrib-
<br />utable to the Property which ma}- attain a priarit}- Deer this \{ertgagt, anti granaxi bents, ii arc, at Lender's
<br />optfion in the manner provided under ltsragrsh}t _~ hereai or by Borrmcer nuking va hest, zher. due. directh• to
<br />the payee thereof. BarraR`er chap prompth i:u~nis! oT,ender all naives of alaounts date under Ntis paragraph.
<br />anif in the evtat Borrower sltslf ma'se pa} anent direct;}-. Bi!'rower shall prcmnth- ittntish to I_endcr reeeipL ev-1-
<br />ty, deneing such payments. BerroR-er shall {rompth- tilsc'tsr~e :;m lien which has "ziarit} Deer this \[ortgage; pro-
<br />'~-' tided, %hat BormRer shall rnt be required ro dischttrae : nr sucia }let: sa long as Borrower stall agree its writing ro
<br />-~ ':nepsylneat of the obligation secured'o~- such tier. In :a tnaa;ner acce},table to Lender. or shall m s~aac fsitft contest
<br />+:"tE such lien by, or deierd eniorce.nert ei such :iet< in. less? I,roceetiing~ \chica ener;+tc to pr cent the eniarrement ai
<br />~~! the lien or forfeitum of tee Ymperty ar an,' «% .: tltereot.
<br />j~ 5. Kezzard Insuramee. Harrower ....-:li . ~;, _.' . over.:errs no\. ccl=taus~ o? ::era: er t~rected on the Ymp-
<br />errc insured agailtst loss `,\- <`' - aazards i:u~lud~ cithia the Term "extended cacersge". and sorb ocher hazareis ss
<br />Lender mar requirt atld in sueit antonnts aria tar st:ci::,eriods as Lender ur ~ R,duitt : i,:vc ;led. that Lender shall
<br />not require that ?he amount of such ravera~e rx,teeu -i:a: amount of re\-erage required to ps`- rite sums secured'by
<br />this ]iortgage.
<br />Tae tncurwrcc~ rsr.n'r : -o\-=::Ittg the _nsLra:ce shsl': ba ci]osen b}- Berro\.er sut;iect m. approval is}- Lender;
<br />rcyidc'iz. tilt sue'.: ap},roes ~stali rat be unrealvnabh n'ithhaia. 3Il prentiuuis un insurance po8cies s}tall be paid
<br />st Leader = aptiol:... ,...:nstlner , t ..t..:..,~.,-r u'ar.,r~. _ ::creel or h}• Borro\c,er mttl:in,' payment, ,ehen due,
<br />directly to the insurance carrier-
<br />In the event arc poiic>' i~ not renewed an ar before ten da>c of its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br />it interest. else ~*ncum :assurance on the imt,myements, pad- the premiume and such sum shall become
<br />im2t:etiiatelc clue snd payable Rith itltereat at the rate set forth in said rate until paid and .hall be
<br />secured b~- this '.tlortgage. Failure h~' Barrtuer to comp]} mat-, at option of i_encier, constitute a defsutt
<br />.~... jll;nsurs^.,~e_;,oiirte> a .t. ~nr\,a:; ~.,t ... ........ ... fee::: :erenah;r to Lr;:;i•:::nd >h.ll include a aanciard
<br />]nor,-sa-e rrs~e :_, .:., ~. ,...,_, , _.....,, - . .c Lt.lt:rr Lrndt'= <6t?i 1171 t t ],;t to hotel :he pclartc> ia:il
<br />re*aeR°a't; tu~•tn'. a..; B:3rrzcz. ..~- - ., ~ ~_~...lsh *.o Lerner :t;: -enr\as: t: ti .:n.:.sil receil,ts t,i paid pre-
<br />tniu:a:. L tl;e r. .._ ... h;. oc.,- '-'--- rorup rrnitt ,~ .ae .,.surarce rarr,~. ani. Lender. and i.ender
<br />tF~ac .take t~mc~~ -. ;~t.> :tot ~ sd~` rear;, .BerroRe*-.
<br />?:alts L°...:Yee $orn\:t c. -.:ern: c :,- ;rrtir . ........... .teed-. steal: _ sppliec ': restoration of
<br />*•.-151` Cl :ne P. a}R .4 -1aP.'tapP .. _ . `.-lu•^'r~ .tom Orai.JP. p r- 'Sir c cutttDnli c3.:x .. t ,'c ,anti `the . 'fllrtt\' al
<br />ih25 3:artgage tb r,ct i.`if :1°:,y :^:•;:aarF-.. I. .,~.. .;_t....?'.v 3'. ~. 'EPair 1~ -. .. et'a;;ant?C`a's't' Ic'a51blP ar 1 the SeCllrIt}'
<br />of this jlargsgr rc..._ - :.tatrecl.:..t .... _rst' ,,n\ree......a7! . ~ ap::iie .o ..t _ sans -ertlred .a~- this _1lartgsge.
<br />R-ith tae esrz;s, ! a: r-. ;.eta .t+3*r;.,u:. ::'ro:,c•r;~' ._ ..'::aniiut:e,i in- Bor.*r,~t.:..:-Borrower tails to mspond
<br />t~., Lender'.=tats-*- SCt d:;ys at*,rr -::;ee ^_ - . to Borrvne: atlas ±he msvrs:xe rsrrler oticr.~ to fiertfe a clann for
<br />insurance i,etteIIts- 1:_:der :~ suthart_e.: t. ., i~ect anti a}~}%i~ ti:. i.-- ^ance pn,.ee.is st i.tarder's u{,xion either to
<br />restoration ar rrpatr a'i - : Pmpenc ;..t .... -n=:ts >e:e:re.; !,~- this' \targage.
<br />I?n't~,; Under ~...' nn~,t.e-., .erwle:~ix'ree lr. ,cntirsg. anq =.t. :lpnlt,anon e ;,raceed~ to principal shall
<br />sot extend er ~tr,atae the .zue rite of /he ::a.^.I iil~ t.._,..,...,e:ns . eierl-~,i ?o :r: ; arat:rapl:s ] srd '' hercai ar change
<br />tltie 6ID@nnt of .-sL'ch intt-fiilmtnts-
<br />3.f under,~*sg:it.h z5 he.-eat st.r i''apr:.t t_ ar,.t:]:W'i by I. n,dzr.:.,, gi;t.:uie and interest of Barrawtr in
<br />~d scare in:.,arsr.._ :-z?.zir.~. _ .,.:.._ t~:s . ~.rr.~_ .. .. ~, „ ri .,• . .. ;:r.> zrsred b~- this _llart-
<br />e ;~.-: ia~tz:y -> -.~ .a;< i .. ;..1 ..:.. ... .... . .t... _..,n~r :~ 1 ~ -. ] .... *.a the safe or
<br />acqui~:~on shall ;:mss ._ I.erder
<br />6. Presenetion and i,~aiatenance a# Ptaperty: i.ecseholds: Coademini-»; I>orroa'er sllv;: keez> t he Prop-
<br />ertS Sn baud rtr+alT ... =.h5i. nt%i j'rr_.... .. . ~... -. -x:i_.c., . ',-s:r'F:e , '. .. . =riCtiS. .. ~. ,= 1~ralU2rty :trill sllsl)
<br />;~.'3;T R'ti~t .. - 1 l^= . - ~, 1••~ _raS ~- I:'' 1lanra'- ~ on _a fanaanl2nlllP
<br />.. ...e
<br />u~, 13arh?R CI -nfi.I t\eri Jrn', Sli i, Bar^at\rr~- _~.t .:.-.,. ,r. ..., ., ti:3:=.1,~. ~. ... ....~...:.]]u,.. i . :zzeiai£r tiePd.
<br />i%t t,x--iaSCC. and 3'°-GlllaLi+n, r l'ar]d~,^:n: .. - .:.... ; t.,;t):,SE•... ... ,. ..-... ...,.
<br />$. Proieetinn of Lender s Security I. Bt'~r*~ ..t...... ~ t =-,. 1 t- :,.. :;~reements contained i..
<br />ttis llutzgsge.orli snd scalar i>r;;ra:e<utnc:- ;t,u,.,,rt:tt.. ,\1..... ,..... -];;i. _Srr... ,.,...ire. ,t:t~:ess to the Prop-
<br />e>tiF, L.fiSU-11LE;, bas? LD: -tr!,t?~e'd .. tl itrt:t is (.?]:: _I:'. .`.-rt:i\'. : t... :::Jrirt::rf.l. :. . 'r_ilAt;c`ttl~'nts Or «trafeit7-
<br />ittgs inya',-:ing a banlrugtt er ,=e:c-sea?- t?,cr. L~auec :: l.c,. ~. - t,{,ttor ...,,..:: r :~: Be,rroc,'rr, rsxi- nuke such
<br />sppearance_s, dCrur52 >__': ?uses snd take sue:: ~rd~':: ~ .....: ~ssrv r,~proter~t Lenders Interest. inc•fuding. but
<br />rasa I~.*w^,r-ani tv; disv,lrs~tnent of ?ra:~~nat=;r ttors,et - ;zr< >r,~ij~l;tr ,.~tt t:'~~ Yra[~rrt\' to ;:take repait*. .firs'
<br />sa2t~,2ntE discut;xxi bi• Len•er ,,:t:~=„art to It::s .sragrsu:; ; nni: tme`rest~ihe=rut:. ~hsii :kcome additional indebt-
<br />t~aseas of $urrawer sere:. ra ac I';a> ~Iongagr t'nles Rorraz.er and L~n~:er agree to ot'aer =.nrnt~ of payment, suc5
<br />smauus3 stet! be pscat:le t.;kn] :.t ;.-. lets.- I....~.- .c. Bo*roner reyuestin;; pas-utent tl_ereai, snd shall bear inter-
<br />rstt erc}s-.he date ci dis:t:rstrltent s, tt]r ._,t atz<': i._ ,^e 1a.e unless pa4n;e^t a; i,_•terr~t <>t suc13 rasp R•oulti be
<br />conu'ary to app3scs',le iaa. sr. xci:lc}: ~..nt Luc']: stnc,unts sl]ali i,esr :merest st the highest rate permissible h}•
<br />sppiieab sR•. \o .~~_ v..:.st.::., . , _ .ag 3. . . .. ~lrc i.tr:-'.er ± ..zur snd- expense ar do any act
<br />hemsnder.
<br />9. Ls~dien., Len=der rnae• ;ass's: ila~ ~_,~. ,z, .. ;:<rs+.:ca-asahl.~ _t;trSeF uf;un east ins}~ectians of the Pron_
<br />tri.,c-, frmri5e-i3 that '_-. ^.-ver sES!' eis~E Brr±nu~;_r n,at~,~-c ,~rrn: to stn- su,-lt insnertior: -n~~cifrinr yes;anahle cau='~
<br />therefor r~at~i to iender'e ire*.ereFt in tl,e Prataert ..
<br />3 Caad~oati~. The p2nt,ren's of stay aH-arti ar risin; tar cfatnsges, direri or eons.~que.ttiai, ir. connection
<br />wish ani ccrtde=<.:t2s+,aon arothe; ta7;iug a; tt,r 1'iv},cyst .r l.ss+. thrreoi, or for .on~ran.t' is ;ieu of randenlns-
<br />~, are h+e~by asaigne~d and shad t,e paid t o i,eredt-1
<br />Ira ihPeren*_ of a ~:a: taking ai she Yrt*pe_*ty, the ;racre•'- >ital! ].,r x{,p:le:! *.u the •u:us nrenrei h}' this ;4iat•t-
<br />arit2l :lee esces;,, if any. r=ain Ia Barrotier. Ins e event ui z# {a=rti21 takint of sate f'rt,prrtc, ualex Harrower
<br />snd Let>~r cst15er4riaeagt~ee in vcrsting, tiers steal} he ap}abed to site suns secured br this ~lon.gsge swell propor-
<br />t'San o. the pnxeeda as ~ equal to that pml,ortien Iyltirh the anlatmt of the slams secured l,y this 1lartgage imn.e-
<br />d'satxly Itriarta tl;e date tlf raking bears to the lair :na2',cet value of rite Property itrmedistely friar to the dart= of
<br />iskmg, wis~2 lire lsalanex ox the proizeds paid io $armwer.
<br />It tie Ymperty is abaadaa~l b,• Borrower or if suer ranee k;l- L£];der to Barrawer rtes*_ ilre co:tdeannor ot~ere
<br />to make ar. award oz settle a claim t.,.r drmagts, Burreuer isms to resfand to Lender within 80 tia~'s of the date
<br />of such zc~. Leader i3 aut_nflrirxd to eot?eex start spj;fq the ,,mree:i> ~t l.r?lder's option either ].a restoration or
<br />re~iz of the Property arto the stm2s :;eeured b;• th \lartesge.
<br />'[Inle~ Lender and Borrower othensise agree ~n tv*ttg, arc such applicsiior, of proceeds ;o ,rincipnl alas]]
<br />