not extend or postpone the due date of rile ntonthlc iti ~allinents reicrred tG in paragraphs 1 and 2 ktereof or
<br />change the amount of such instaiiment.
<br />IQ. Borrowsr Not Released. IJxtension of tllc time for payment- or modificatim? oC amm•t.ization of the scans
<br />secured by this llorfgage granted by Lender to ring =ucecssor in interest of 8on•ower shall not operate to release,
<br />in anp manner, the 3iabilits Gf the original Iierrowc+. and Burrett'er's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />ree;uired to eomntence luroeeeciitigs against sorb suceesaor or refuse to extend time ;Gr payment or otherwise modify
<br />amortization of the sutns secut~d b}' this \Iort;;agc br reasnn of :m} denlanri Inadc he the original Borrower and
<br />$orraa•er's suece,~ors in interest.
<br />iI. Farbeatance by Lender Plot a Rrai:•er. 1:'~ 'ort:esrance by T.ende:• ul exercising ally right Gr remeds
<br />hereunder. e;r Gttiiertvi e afforded be a1`plieacdc latv~, si;su not z,e a ttai~er of or preoludc the exercise of any right
<br />or relued_c henander. 'T'ire t~^ocure:nei:; o. insurance or tLa ;,3v:nent o; t;ixes ar ofiter liens or charges by Lender
<br />shall nGt be a wairer of i_e::der's rieilt to accelerate the tn3iurisy ai the indebtedness secured i,y this \fe,rtgage.
<br />12. Remedies Cumulative. ~l-i ren?eiiies l,rot idr, i?: [Iris ~loriga;?e are distiP.('t ar:d cumulative. tc 3ny cilter
<br />a
<br />:~ right er ren:eds under Elris ~Iartaage or affo?-deti h_, st, or cquit..:ul,i ul3c l,c ext~rcised concurrently, indcpend-
<br />mils Gr succercisely.
<br />~'» - 2s. Suesessor and Aszigas Sound; Ioint and Sevezal Liability; Captian>. Thn cot cn.ints and agreements
<br />'>~'1 herein eontainai shall bind, and =.lte ri,hts }tereunder sl:sl', inure iu, the reslt\*. ti, r• <urccssars :iud a igns of Lender
<br />~ saci Borni:r;r. ~uixt<•ct tc rite arsrisions of pc,*Hgr:ipSl 1: i,ereai. _A,i cot'en3nts and :igrt`cr.?ruts o $oriower ;hall
<br />~' be faint and ~teral. The caption; 3na. iteadiu„ ~_. the ;,ara`*ral,!s o? tins \tort~.,;;e arc` for t•on,'enirncc only and
<br />are not to ~ used to interpret ot• Beane the nraviaa=.?s hereof
<br />24. Notice. Inc notice to Borro„e^ prosided ::r is '.i,is ]Iurt_afic >,:31i bo C1tCI? }+}' :.-;ihn, xuc}: notice b}'
<br />~ tai±is:: ?uai; adurn'ssed iG Rorrrnrcr s ti:e Yrt~},err} ~ddrra, -ta:e,i i,e':•.c. ~'scrq,t t„r a?„' nr,;tr~e regmred under
<br />~ a ~- vn 1S i.=reo to ?>< .= to BGrrGtrer ?.. ti:c laannc'r (,rrscri;`c-i i,c :1;:;,;:c:,. 13,t- .lm- nott.e nrot'ide+t
<br />•Gr itt';:L. ,ia .^,3~t "1 al} ,e,t7r'C'tl:c il+ -C Ci'i l l'r ?Bi,'.'ratt l'"tl--'I- :l'i''. '3 ;:7-1 ~it:,.,.itCil herc:n.
<br />25. Uniform Mortgage: Go~ezning Law: SevezabiEty. Tcis ;or?:: of rnort~azr <: o:ni?inr~ ur.itor;n coseraMs
<br />:.r ,nat°{,nal L......' P.^t'.-L'niC,?i? CG\B??ants lCiTt; limit rd t.. 3i7GI?~ 1,}' ~'trcisdlCtlo7: to COnSt tt me :1 unit Grm SCCll-
<br />'7iz' in«n:ment trocering re3i "mpertt. T^is liort_s•3e sh_71 },e govert:eai ny the '.art of the urialictioa i?t which
<br />'_l:e Ftvge ~x is ieirateti. in the -went ti:3*. 3m nro~isior..?r clause of ?..s \IortC3:;e cr ,Fa' ~otr cenfticts with
<br />applicable law. sue:. eGrrilct _i: ;, rot .x"eet of . ';,rocisions Gt thi- \lortga~e or ,i:e \ote :chiefs cal: be given
<br />e~eet without t!le ron^?cting },r. =~istuz;, :,nd n ,...s rnti the . ,,v:siors Gt tic A[Grt:;3gc :=m:i rite Aote are declared
<br />tcl be sexerable.
<br />i6- Borreevez's Copy. Borrower si;3ii h: :.:r:ussle:i a co.^.iormec : opy o[ this \hirt~sge st rile time Gi exeen-
<br />tinn or aitee ~cordatiot: !lereni.
<br />17. Sransfet rx2 the Property; As-umpi=oa. ii si; _r sn~' ,r3rt ~>i the Propertc or 3n interest therein is cold
<br />crtraaierr~ ba- Borrower without Z.erde:'s .tr self*.er: a`onsent. exc:nding ,a± the crestiou of a lien er eneum-
<br />hrsn:•e sac=ori:inste t :iiortes_r- ;~,. the~creatit+tr o: 3 i rchsse Inoner securit} interest for household appli-
<br />9::t'c- ,.ci 3 it5n~ter '.,,.- .Yet•3Si', ae£eYtit Or bs a},c=3i?On tii ::Itl' _'j?0'.: ilr t' 1c'8th at i -; OII:t iP,i:xni 0 ,c~! t}T? ,rani fll
<br />3,nr ieati:flld ~. _-: es; o...':rc-: }'eal5 or i~.-> a~•t :,rtainin~ : -. ontio?: to numhsse. Lra:izr :aa}-. 'ai Lender's opiion.
<br />:ieil3_*e ai tj?e s• ~~ -ecutt~d L,t• this \Sorgage tG be uln?>:ziv d,~e ar.:i , sysblr. I-ruder shill base tc3i,-ed su.h
<br />~t,+:an ta, screirt~t~^ 1. ;^or ;.. ..,' :ale r- ~3nsier. Lerit':' ~:id tltc prrst~r, to .s };z,n; the Yrope^s is io L><' =G:d or
<br />ir~sicrr~,: ^eari: _e.*?;'n,er..t >n wri*.in}; v?st rile clrcit ni s_.h }+cl~Gn is s3tis*3ctan -, Lender 3^.d that tits iniettt
<br />*_iacs'?kti>a tire' -.ta-ns ~_,ure\^ D3-t??is'tlo.*t>;s~e s!isi i 3t•sucu rate :is L-ruder s^,ai: rt•c,urst li Lender }lti u•aiced
<br />i~c c,pti~• iG. ~t.eet~t< 1~,IOx'ide.: in t1;:_ i?s-i.~*rap}i ;\a?la ~ Bol•I'ower~a ::tx': 2.;~or in :nterr~t ii3~ ext e•nti~t: y wrii-
<br />tes: ;issunit,'.ior- s,¢,tteraer. sc'cef>tc~i : ;xritil., i,~' I_erder. Lrndrr shall release $orn,wir ;n,n_ all ubhgations under
<br />t^ia Asarga~ce ar,.d the \ote.
<br />Ii Ixndsr ezer._~ _u.:. optiar' to 3cce;erytr, Lender st;31': ?nail Borrower hurler o=.' scceleratim? in accordance
<br />r ,:::. ~a-xgt~;:r ii r. :- ~u-:::.a .aa _ _ ,~tz»i,it x 1•c~r3~i of t,ot 14-'. t!lsn ~Q -~= irnm t?le dstx' the notice it
<br />uis,led w.. a. , z>a_ a~w- _ ,.:, rim ace _.e.i But'- Ii BGrrnwcr 'a i. a} ~!. lino prio.* tG the
<br />t-'1'p~_~aat; i2.1 4': ~E~: t+ F+c ,~4s, Lf .i..f .:i..~1' , n...Cl.l• :.1'.'t'.•'4' U, to L" ~1rn13P,1: v ~ I~(, 1, r', i5 tit` t.. - {,~ni£'~If per-
<br />ft'1.-ia: B\' ~tYL'8~: 1tBr i\ r.~^cL'.
<br />~:o';-I•*:iFirz:a+. + ,~v;.a:a~°~. Iia\+-r\>»'i'r vial l.<+tttlrl' i'artlrrr ,•i\r:i•;uittt ;t;lc? :set-.•, ... ;t,lluu:;:
<br />IL. Rcreiesrrti~s: tsemedies. t~x,c', ; a,„ .. ?;:_r., ., ..,n-:, .: rio:;r,-i: , rr3c3, ui
<br />!°•3Pe:^3.+kt 4.T agrrrn.: .:. ., nt~C"Y•~: <" ... i.1 i" -~.t_- '-f.;sJ ,.lT €_ 1~1a' t`a:c P.3nt~ -. , ' 1 tl .';i ~.;,' :tl:\ :.i.1 S: >t-i'uFt'`r
<br />n1' tal:• ~'-srr:~igr. l.<. .. . .. .. .. ... .... s ....,...,,.ce in Bor acs,. -. ,:to.,,,,.. 7 .SFr:;},.. 1-t ilen•o7
<br />-:i3}-t::t, ^=e ... M, .- _ ,~ .,, :: _ ,.tt ~ _. ....a ., ,, ... .3~ ._._- .,a _-. t;:altt th:rta- clay:
<br />,.,.. ._., ,-s,. .,., .,.... ,. .\.~. t t, }{. - .a. .. ,,, .a., ., ... . a .. . .yt, ~.. 'i- -...,, ...•. in t\+ etlrc•
<br />.; isS!'Yt}: 1`I.{-+c'cx:C'". ..a.t ....... ... a....t \. a..... .i-.t. .. ,i. ,. ._il.. .,... t`\'1.^. L^
<br />~ls,.~~=' 3PS7 =y,r •a. ,. ,; i''"i` t73 e- ., .... • ttaa_ , .a.- ,tl't .. ,. ra .. a.,t .. ...r+. 56 .:t ,rut ice, Lender
<br />~yl ti tl.^, it aS-~. •.~tti i.? i~x ~1-.1.\~it t-I 1 a. ,111 .:;t •.'~.Y:t-,l t. .i I,d F)a~at31 G'
<br />xc2t!i=•at. ;vltber 'irn.a.:l ,Z-. -'yS ..., ...i f "`lz~n ~.> i,-S L...1: _ ,+c 1-a,ku ',Y:- t'i t ,t 7t it"\~ t„ CO11rCt
<br />SL`PL prt>t'Y'f~33~ la l~ t'; r+.:. 3t> -.;,`.`•`i .,1 +..-. t -,h ,:i,t .. ,., ,. t; _._ +)t -. -.... :::fay- r\StY£-n C2,
<br />$Lti:7 u[t.~ a3iC1.~ t)S.:E' 3Y'f%6rt.~
<br />?$. Bearomrr's Big§t~.~ Aeiaetxr#e. 3•_t~:t',.--n; `• l.r-. _ _ .='re'in ,.c+t- -. .l,t. -use,- ..-rurni h~• .his
<br />!i4artg&ge,$om~wetst:e?l;laz-e rise rig;;\ ,s ha:'e t "ri+rt'c•td zk> l+rt;+!n t,r 1rrl :.r t, n.c-. et ...,• llarFagc• die-
<br />,etatinued at anc tzrm nr_at tG c-:t_>z- 1^' a ;uri~n;ert er.;cC.•iag th;. ±langai_r 1:. .t 13Grrourr r:ny>; l.indrr all
<br />ffiems>Nhkh,axxr~ tx titer emu= under t':i. ~?onga~+'- thc• .lore art1 nGte; .=ecvrr,z I•'titure .4,i,anr~-- si any, ha\', na
<br />srce=_etarirul uccurre;-?; rb, Batrniser e.irr` x11 ~s\•:;4•• o: sus other coxensat- xa ;, :tsl:-t;t, ,,: Sorraiwer con-
<br />tsxr~r2 iri tlii; ~~: c, t $;tr?o+~•et rays it :ra_=[nit=?n *_•x}xr4~- :.rxur:r.i }-,}- l.ra. %~ :r. ,.-ri;orr::':g I}:r r t.'nxnt~
<br />nffit ~ ei B~•t+oirer rautaiaNd in th \Se*tgaer and n: eniorr'in4 I.c-nd4•r - rela:eritr- .. :,nn':~.+eti in }tarn-
<br />gral~h 18 hercwf, iachrding, but not 3imited to. rracnsf:ir snGrnev's lore. ixnai ,<i~ Btirrtncrr :lakr~ -ueh act ton a.-
<br />t„~,n,y ._.},I€ rem .. .o ~~ xt,a, trT. i >: o, t_ri; S1iSrtgk,:'. I_,-nde*< rrtt~rrst in tl.t Yroenry and
<br />Aaretrver'a tdx~at~itet tts usg the sl3Ais ~~=.rti }ry ; ,j== Aiartgule• -i;=: 1! cor+trlur nsntrt;talrc,f l~t+ct: ~urh payment
<br />sad oum by Lir2r, tbi~ ~trrt~gr sad t?le obligations serarcet lrerehr ..h+i! retliain Irt •, ii]'. forri- srti e#iert as ii
<br />su soeelees 'lad oecurnd.
<br />26. ad ~gpoi~.laaeci ad 8seeiver; Trader in Poeeeseion .~1 adt;iiiunal ~c•eutzty here-
<br />undear, Bctst>urer beech; » to tender the rents ui iIre Ptr~iern•. ;.-~?-idc•d that Borrower i~haSl, irrar to aeceler-
<br />asaart uad~ pxgh 18 bera\oi or almadan,naztt of the Ymlrert3•, Have the right to cnllret and retain such rents
<br />ss they 6eeeeoe due and payabke.
<br />IJpos soee}eratitm under I+aragra{sh 18 hertrsi or al;andontrrnt o3 the Yrotrrrsy. S.i~nilc-r. in 1\erson, by agent
<br />or by jttdicisl"i1 appointzd rernivet ,<hall ~ entitled fo enter ut*on. take po~;ESSior us atui luxnaRe t'i,e Yrolxrty
<br />aacd to rxilteet. the rents of the Yrolrert;, incltxiing, =_ho,3e pa=_t fire .~H r~nrs . ollected }+•: L~,nler ur the receiver
<br />nliall be spp.ied &rat w payment of the costs of management of ti;e Ynt,eny and collertior± :,i r.•r,t~. including, but
<br />zwt. Iimitad to, rxeicer's fees, premiums x receiver's twnds snei sea=,-,~,a61c ettnrni'r:. itn-,. ;,t,~i then tii the ,um~
<br />secured by this ?14ortgaee. bender and the r•eceirer shall t.c liak+te tat account unl~~ i ur t itusr' rents nrtua(1*: rc•ceiced.
<br />