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<br />
<br />17UE ON SALE
<br />FORM tdo. 720-479
<br />__.
<br />Loan iVumber__t±3639___-_18____ __ __
<br />,.~,- a:.,,,.~
<br />IViO~tTGAGE
<br />THIS \it~RTC,~GE, made and executed this - -?'?.__...__...... -day of .._.... ~cto3z~ ._.-_ _ A.D.,
<br />19..7x.-, between the Mortgagor. .Daniel p, _ Frinn- and Tamara L. Frink, husband and wife,
<br />jointli>_and,each in_their ot.~-t right,.
<br />--
<br />of ...-Gran~_Island_._..-_, County of . .._. Hall .State of -L'ebras'.ta , hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Bormw-er, and the Mortgagee. FIRST FEDERAL S~\'ItiGS AVD LOAN ASSOCL4TitIN OF
<br />LINCt'iI._'V, 1336 "V" Street, Lincoln, \ebraska 686it}, its successors and assigns, hareinafier referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />4Ft-rtcrAcsrx: That the said Barro:rer far and in consideration of the sum of -- Fa?RTY..TWO..TI~t7L`.$e~l\D
<br />S?cTZ'i..I~:L~:II-FIFTF. ~ -sD110Q --.--- ----r- ----c--- - .Do}fan tL'S ~- -4.>1.5Q.. Q0 .-...... - ~
<br />paid by ;aid Lender, does hereby mortgage, t=,rani and ronce~- to bender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />fallaw~ng described property located in the County of .-._....-.Hall .. ... .. .... .... . StatY of \ebraska:
<br />Lrt*_ Zhirts*-Sev2r_ (37j ~_. Reutiags Second Subdicisinn ir. Hail County, Nebraska,
<br />3eiug apart of the SauthLest Quarter ~51,`~~) of Section 3 Tewnshia 1; forth,
<br />Bane 10 k'esc of the 6th!'.*i., Hail County, Nebraska
<br />TocF-rx>:a with all the improcemeni_: now- ar hereafter erected an the properly, and all easements,
<br />rights, appurterart~, rent, myalfies, miners}, ail and sax rights and profits. n-ater, water rights, and
<br />water stock, and a}1 fixtures new ar hex~rtzr attached to the prapert~, atl of n-hich, including replace-
<br />ments and additions thereto, shsl fie deemed to be and remain a part ai the property covered by this
<br />Mortgage: and ai? of she foregoing, together with aid property or the lessehald estate in the event this
<br />It$ortgage is on a la:sehald'> are here=n referred to as the "Properiv'~
<br />Borrower covenants thst Bormw•er is IawfuIlv seLaed of the estate botch} c^t+m-eyed and has the right
<br />to mortgsrte, grant and ~ron~•ey the Pmpem-, thst the Property is unencumbered, and that Fu~rmwer will
<br />warrant and defend generalh the title to the Property sgainst all claims and demands, suhje,;4 ra an>
<br />e~ssemeau anti rrstrictians listed in a scur,'.ule of esceptians to co=erase in any title insurance policy in-
<br />suriag Lender-::x:.e~st in the P:aprrt}, or +°_3 attarnev's opittian of title from abstraer of title certified
<br />ar ia.~nded ai,strarter.
<br />I'at,. tt,rn Atsct4~_ and _h~ pr~n*..c a.< ex rutz.t and delivered open the fnllnwing _anditions, agree-
<br />mcnt.s ~,,, ab'~ga:......- cif the $;.>rtv:wrr, .~,-w-it:
<br />37ii~ Bart~3:~'er agms io pa}~ to tl1P Lendel, ar ?Yder. the t~rlncitsal stin? Of - Y`v K~.4 T-. a.->rC+..icitO~Z S,~ti~u -..
<br />ss` . H'L':i13FS I i i'1"i ~tiTJ ?~G f 10~J - -------------------L)ollar-s t i `S S :~ ~ , 7 54.Oi7 _ 1
<br />__ _ - -
<br />c3a~ahle ac }+ros:d~3 in a ,-.ate ~ei-vted and deliverxl, cnn~urren=.h herew~tl,. the final pad-^.tent of principal,
<br />if net saotur f,aid, on the ._.__ ds~ of ;c-, v~ez' 1!2=t~~~
<br />L'atrrrx4t Ctkv~t~a~'ns- Bc+rmKrr and Lender got°enant snd agree as fa}laws:
<br />1. Paymear of Principe} ~d IIItBr~sL Batrmwer ,hall 1+m,np£}y pay when due the principal of and in-
<br />terest ~,n the iadehtedne; evidenced by ti,e 'tiote, paepa~.ment and Late ,-barges as ptvvided in the 'jute,
<br />an,: tl-,e prin:3pa1 of and interest ;tn say Futum Advances sc•.-ured by thu :It',rtgage-
<br />~. Fads far Tazas ~d Insn:uaez, Subject to Lender's option under Para*raphs i and 6 hereof, Bor-
<br />rower s3-jsi? pay to .Lender an ts,e day Ltonthly installments of principal and interest are pai•ahle under the
<br />Itiote, ttatil tke \ote is paid in fuiL a ~ttm therein "Fund;"t t+Iual to ont--*.welfth of the vearh tales and
<br />aziaecs-nears which .~ay attain priarirt aver this'~fartgage- and gr.und rents on the Properv, if any plus
<br />one-twelfth of x•early prentium insx~;me_nL for hazard ituutanc^e. plus one-twelfth of zearl~' premium in-
<br />staiLts #~ ---rtgagt in.~craar-e, if ant, ail as rerssanab}y estimatzd initiail~ and from tirr,e to lime by
<br />Under an the basic of assessments and bill and xeasanable estimate; thereof. Linder shall apply the Fund's
<br />to pay said tazec. tents. insursare pscmium5 and mound rent. Lender shay} tnakz na :barge for .,o
<br />holding sad applying the Funds or v~*ifc~ing and compiling mid assessmeri~ a_nd bi}lv, r he I.endx~r shall
<br />give to the Borro~r, tvit}xurt charge, an arutna} aicntmting of the Funds shaw-ing credits and debits to the
<br />F4tnt3a arsd the ~ which ~cl? ~3FLiir_ to the Fronde wa? m~de_ The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />aenrrity for the loose secured tsy th- ?tiortgaga The Harrower agrees that the Funds may be held by the
<br />Lender and consmingled xith offset font}s and the Lender's owtt fu®ds and the Lender may pay each ite.nts
<br />tram its own funds and the Lender sl,sll not be Liable far interest or dic•idends on such Ftinds.
<br />ff the amoss;st of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installmetets of Funds
<br />payable prat to #~ dt[e dates of tatters, assessments, inw.rnnCe premitmts and ground rents, shall exceed
<br />the amount requisQtf to Pay said taxes, seaesaerseats, iasuraace pretaiums and ground rents as they fall ;lue,
<br />such ettoa~ae ahsll he. at Barrosvcr's optiam, either pmmptfy repasd to Borrower or er+edited to Borrower on
<br />irurnthly i~~It.n is of Fn..nds. if the amount of the Funds held by Lender shall not be sufficient to pay
<br />fazes, asaessoselita, instuans~ pr~..issms and ground rents as they fall due, Borrower shat} pay to Lender
<br />any amount awry to make up the defi~~y within ihi.-ty days after notice fmm Lender to Bortnwer
<br />requaating pay~tnegtf thereof, ar I3armwer shaII, by an increase in month}y instalimet:t of Funds required,
<br />rrpa}° the deficiency within the Fund accounting period.
<br />Leon payment in full of all enrol sac-ured by this \4ortgage, Lender ;hall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against all sums due.
<br />