ant extend or postpona the due date ai file mmrthiv insta!Imeats referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or
<br />chsnge dhe amount of such installments.
<br />10. $orrower Not Released. Extension of the rime for p:n-meltt o1' modification of atrortization of the some
<br />secured be this Mortgage granted hp Lender to anc successor in interest of Bon•ower shall not -operate to release.
<br />in any manner, the iiabi!itc of the ori~inai Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be
<br />required to commence proceedings against sucl successor or refuse to extend time. for payment or otherwise modifc
<br />amortisstion of the stuns secured b~• this Mortgage In° reason of sun denxuui *.nade hctlie original Borrower and
<br />BO1TOtYerre BllCCt',:SOI'8 1n Intereei..
<br />Il. Forbearance by Lendez Not a Wciver. 31i~• for'oearance b~- Lender in exercising sn}• right or remedy
<br />hereunder, ar athern°isc affordzd t;~- sppiiec ate i.,~.•:. >i:ail Ilot be a vv~ai. cr of or preclude tine Fxareise of any right.
<br />or remedy- herewide:. The rrocurewer,: of insurance or isle pavuieut of taxes ar other 1,iens ar charges by Lender
<br />shall not be a vt~ai,er of Lender: rigir to aeceierare the mstur~tt of the indebtedness secured h}° this 1lartgage.
<br />li. Remedies Cumulative. 31i remedies pravidec! in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulaticc. to anc other
<br />. q
<br />Y- rl~iat Or I`l'mZiT~' nndEr t1:15 _i.c~ria3~l' `Jr ati Oriti' ~ :Iti- sari- ci2' t~:tuii~. `i.l:i :ti31' ht' CxYt'Cl~t'<1 Ciliifi:rrPntl ~'. tniiepE'77t1-
<br />ltiitrl4 nntiy oI EuceesSlS•elc.
<br />19. Ruceessors and Assigns Batmd; Joint and Several Liability: Cagdioas• The coven:utts and agreements
<br />~ herein eondsined shs11 bind- and the rights hereunder si:aii itnlrc to- vie resaectico successors and a~igns of Lender
<br />^~
<br />and Bornlx-er, subject to the prcntsions of h.ragrtl+ii t- iiereut..11i covensms anc agreetnerts i;f Borrower ,hall
<br />be ltllnt-and;ecexai. Tl:e captions snd hPSdings et n.e,,aravr:yui> of tills A(ortgagc um ;or convenience ooh- snd
<br />ate not to be usetl to interpret or define the nrovision~ liereoi-
<br />14. Notice. Am- notice to Borrower l,rovic?rd ?es' :11 tLi, \ic~rt_a,r slali im ~ von t:v tnailin~ such notice h~-
<br />~} \c.ttnc'ii i 1 .t. 'n•aet? to Barmwer at nu Prop: , a- i t t t i n low xcept for .un notx•e required under
<br />Ls. c
<br />~ vgrap,. 2C ..cot to he gi.e: to Borroxer ;.. ,..t .-v.n::t. 1-,,_.rii-o_! by .1npl1csble Ern. 311: uotler pl'ol-ided
<br />iOr lr, L :I artea~~P shall F~~ u''ri-121eit tL• have :tit:; li-C'i1 'J Barra,\'c"-' :\'iirii 11t-PIt 111 L!it, n]almel' '-it'; kgIlak£tl ht'.reltL
<br />IS~~Uuiforrn Mortgage: Govern~g Lave; 5everabiL+'ty. "I'iii, ions of mortgage eotniiine~ tlniia7ri covenants
<br />iOr II$tiOnai uSC and Si011-Ln120r2n CUretiaP. F3 R'lt tt ILilli C--~'. i, PaCian3 h,: ini'isd letiQr: i0 Cattit]tUiO a unitOrrtt e6GU-
<br />rity ir2str-,intent caverirg real nrapertr. This \IorFgsgr nai; hr gct'erl.ed in t!ic '.An of the iurisdiction in which
<br />t';e Prapertp .- located- ~i1 the ever._ :1st fir rovsial: .. t Ssu, ai .:,- ~iortgagc or the \ote. ran8icts with
<br />appiicsble tsw` such roni3ict sits!; not affect cti:er l+rovisions of tics `.!argage o=.• the \ete which can be given
<br />edeat without tee conflicting provisian.:snd to •'':i= e*id t.. ~rovisiors of t!1e \lortgage std the \ore see deriareci
<br />to ce seversile.
<br />i6. $ortoweis ti^apy. Borroveez sha.i br iurnis!ie:i a coriornied ceps- of this \lartgasz at tl, time of exz^^
<br />tier. or after reeaniatior. 1lereoi.
<br />I?. Transfer of the Property; Assumptiaa. Ii sll or any l+art ei :lie Propertti- or sn interest. therein is sold
<br />OF tea-slsferred bZ' BorNwPr tC72170UT LenGPr•~ . ...= R-rifts'^. CanaCnt, e.c^!uvin~ is) tfle crPaiion ui s :ieA or enCUm-
<br />brAnre sut,on":inate to tills \longa,e. ~:,+ ti,e1creatian =if :t irureilsse money eerurity interest for household sppli-
<br />sncec, ,.ej s trsrsfe.* b}- .ierise. :ir_cen; or br apers;ior, of '.~.,- agar; :lie death of s oint tenant ar ids the grant of
<br />.Lp Icy--id`t of th tee ~•eals or less et cot,-twin:::_ s option t ; nurcliase- Lr ,der n1sc. st I,ender•s option,
<br />dcr?sre ail the sums setaired be this \icngage ro ;, -: a:rc: ~ Plc due and psy-sble. Len:?er siia;! }isve wsicPd such
<br />option xa sccele:Bte ii. ?tor to the ssic or cransfPr, Len::c- and i!.e t?e2~or. to x;:olii tt:e Pronertc is to be Bald or
<br />transie~d resell agreement in writin, t:a= rile r•re*dit ri sac;: ;,ersaa i~ sstisfactar: to Leader :,rid ttlst the interest.
<br />asysale on the sums ~ecurrd h~• this \IartFage shs;? i,e st sut•1 rate as Lender shall request. Ii Lender has waived
<br />the option t9 aceelet~te pmcideci in this nsrsgrspi. I ; and ii Borrower.. s;1.•ce~ar li interest ha= execute; s wt•it-
<br />ten asstsnlption agFeer'ent accep*.e:: in xriting o~ Lender. Linder shall rrlesse Borrn\, cr inrt sll obligstions under
<br />tllln' I5~07Lg,8€Y 3IId Tlie date.
<br />it Lender CYC_*f3S25 SI]Ct: OpF;On iC~ St`tEiPra[c', Lendc'Z s!i3il :nAL }IarrOx'er RO17Cc' ~ 1 :1CCPiPraL10P. 121 aL COrdaIICe
<br />tc4tL r=:ar~rsph i3 hemo;. ~uci: eetiir ~... ~rt,vidr s 1'eriad of oat le=s tiem Sit d:ac_ i:om the dsti• the naiice is
<br />Alaiit*3 wi=.l:in a't,iri'~ Berrox-er tilsti- I+av t ... sut11= dre!ared cuc•. Ii Bnrntti-er iii!- :. ,+ay such hums i]riar to the
<br />espiraratrl t+= stsrh ~riod. Lenc,er nlst', '., iti':out iunl_rr ^otirr ter ~ieniand n;t Btitrro,rer. it:,'oi;e :: v remeeiie~ ner-
<br />tnit*~ by psragreph 36 hereof.
<br />1t~.-i-4trrxct t rc;•:x-lxr:. }3rrri=w,~1 a21e1 Lender iurt}te*.• r2lcentln: stld s,rrr a. follovt;
<br />P& 1Seeak7ai5on: Remedies. Eire,,::,, p;~a:iar.i in z,:,:zgrui,;; ]' :;.,-~•c,i. ul,att Barn,wt-r'~ breach of rosy
<br />.vrs", r~ra r„e^. ~.: YC-.~ -. ,-..... ~.~ -.. i'u, _..siit.: , - :: t`- ,uc -~. u_ =eru:1•[i
<br />G} tnir•nSlvrtgage.. I_- ,. ~,u .,~ -..,..:t„ t. , i,e.:....- nc.t,ir to Rornnvi~r :,- ivv\'itict? i ,n1.a: t'&t,:. t ~ i:er:-oi
<br />slecif.=rigs tl~ the breY--°!,: ~2= ti:r srt1:,;: r,°uu:n•. t. ,~. ,uci; '. n;KCi,. ,~: .. ,.. .,. riot less t%sn ;hirtv riav:
<br />irv a rte dxtc?he nu,:re = u_ail~t t.~ I3i~r-~~'c,:. ;,v .,.,.. >u. i. ! i.~:_,~'.i ;,,ut br cuit3: ~ st,d t~ ~ tti:a aitur.• to i•ure
<br />su.h b:Y-~~.i'i C3 aT i~kioCa the Cst.~ _ - ~_~ at ., ., o. ,.t ;.1ac .~ ref-, 1
<br />-: s~ r ,onus „i rise ,u~r- -rcutti, br this
<br />Vortgage sad ale of t?ir Prot',ert~ cif th<~'-t:rrae:_~ i_ not curt:i or...r uPi,~r.~ t..t .?ste yK-cihi•d m the ucnire, Lender
<br />at Lt<r.,3e~~ option u1a; •ieclsx~ yi; vi th:- vitas sc~...,rc,i he t(11~ ~9iorgsgo = , be imlui~iate;y dui and pa}-abte
<br />xitltaut further,lrmand an:? •aa~'':es~ t~:is Mond:._<= in' ::ir.,ia; r,i-nrt.r.lin4 I.rn di r she!! !,e rr:titi,:? to eai!rci
<br />su:'M p:ucx~ing sit ei~zpttaes ,. -~.-ti ~:arr. ci.;;.1.g btn rot mi-ht~~3',_. ter-ts,,. ,~a-,r,t.isari~ rridencP.
<br />a'tsstla~ci.s and title reports.
<br />i4. +5~`s $~t to Reinstate. '\,?txiti,tand*.ng Linder , accrxrstion of the vn1= secured by tills
<br />1~4axtgsgr, Baztvwer ~sll !far. file right *.o bar; snc l,r~~cYiinl< begun br Lender to c*lforre thi> Mortgage di=-
<br />eoaaiaaed st say Lime prior to ertn• of s udgzrie.^_t enft~•rin; stile ~Sorgate ii: to ~ l3orrouer i±scs Ixnder all
<br />sums a•hicll srottld be there d•.le under t..,s ilicre,~ee tits \ote ant notes aecurinr Future Adv ancrs, ii any, had no
<br />accElerxiioa occur=ed: ,5;, $arrvwer rurt•= ii? hresrl:.~ c~+.' alti• otl±er co,~rylnt or agr<'t•tuents of Bt;rrouer ron-
<br />tsiafxf i$ able Oiortgsgs; t+.) Borrower pars ail raasOra:tie rx;Hneec int-urrrd },ti- I_rn der in rniwcing the eacenant.'
<br />sad s of Borrorl•er COnLBiaed in thz. \lorttta~e std ir1 eriamine I_cr,.;e•r. remedies as >irocided in pars-
<br />gzaph 18 hereof, inclrrdialg, but nos Iirnitea to. resstlnat.e stturner'x lee>: and 1 d r Borrower tskes such action as
<br />3.aa?der ~y teseoaably PEQlaire to aaRt272 that tree +ien ni tlli> 1langagr, I_rnder's i^ter.•st in rile Property and
<br />Borrol~`s obligatioa ao par the stone sirttrc-tl ilr th:s \ion¢aue -h It continue unininaired. [anon such nat•ment
<br />aatd care by Botmw•er, thi 4iorigsge sad the obligatiol.s =ec•um:3 11=rPh>,• .];:ill ren;ain in fui, force and effect as it
<br />na ao~a~oa had oecurr~.
<br />~'- a3 Bemd~ ! d Reairrr, Leader is Posseerlioa. 3, rsdditiouat security here-
<br />undsr, Borrower hereby aesigae to Lender Lhe rents of kilo P:+opPrty , l;txrridt~i that Borrbn'er shall, prior to acceler-
<br />a usdet ~tetgxal~ IS hereof or abandonment of L}ie Propem•, have tic right to collect and retain such rents
<br />~ tlgey beoauee dae sad papahle.
<br />~poa aaoderafeoa ttraler pasagrapll 18 hereof az abandolltnent of tht• }'ro:,erty, Lender. in t>trson, by agent
<br />or by jtit3iraall~r appoiated trxeirer ahttl he eniidled Lo eater often- take I+o...~ession ai amt luanage the Yronerts•
<br />sad Lt> ooll~t Lhe cools of the Property, inciudin}~ those !>ast tlue_ .iII r; r,t< cot!eeted h~' Len+ier or the receiver
<br />shall be applied first to pay2aent of file rests of management of rise {'roils"rt.3 and ro!lectivn of trots. including, but
<br />oat limited 20. 1•eceiverF fees. premiums on receiver's hanrli :snd n-xsanaiile attcrrnev's ieP,. and then to the -um-
<br />secured by this?l4nrtgage- Ixnder and the receiver shat! he liable to account onic for t?lose rents actuath- received.
<br />