If under paragraph IS hereot the Yropert}• is sold or the Prol,crt}~ is ntherni:c acquired itv Under. i.cnder
<br />shall apply, no Isfer than immediat-eh' prior to thr safe of thr Propcrt~- or ir> a~•qui~ition bv' 1•crder, ace}' hands
<br />held by Lender at the time of application as :t credit against the ,n±m secured hv' this AIort~aEe.
<br />3. Application of Ferments. IInless applicahic Iaw inovides otimtrwi"', all payments reccircd by Lender
<br />under the Vote and paragraphs 1 and 3 hereof shall tic applied h} l.endcr fires in paynaont of amounts naynble to
<br />Lender by Borrower under psragraph 2 hereof. then to interest i,aysble ou t-iu) Vats and on Future .ldvanc,es, if
<br />any, and then to the principal of [he Vote and to the trincipal of Future ~dvanres- if enc.
<br />A. Chargos; Liens. Horrower shall pay alt taxes, assessments :tnd other charges, fines and impositions attrib-
<br />ut$ble tome Prapert} \;-filch mac attain a 1?riority o\°er this ~Iariga~e--, aril r•~und rents, if an}-, ai Lender's
<br />option in the manner procideti under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower msk:in~ payment. tehan due. directly to
<br />the payee thereof. Borrower shsl; promptly furltish to Lender all notices of amounts due under this psragraph,
<br />and in the event Harrower shall mske payment dir,'ctlc, BorratreF siutli pron.pti}- furnish to Leader receipts evi-
<br />dancing such payments. Berrocver shat; prompth= discharge snc lien which has priority over ibis Mortgage; pro-
<br />tided, tllai Borro\er sltali nest l;e requiml to disehart;e any such lien so long ae Borrawer shall agree in writing to
<br />the payment. of the eUligation secured by aae13 hen in a manner acceptable to I-ender. or shall in gaod faith contest
<br />>~ `tteh le:-1 by, vs defa:.d er=ice :e~Ent ai suri:..2n . leaf ;)raceedir._s ;) filch o;,eente to }?re\•el:t the enforcement of
<br />~ the lien or forfeiture of the Property or ant ',ar;• c ilereaf.
<br />~ 5. Hazard Iasurtmce. Barrawer shall l;eett ?..' itn,,rocelnents .tofu caisting or hereafter steeled on tlae Prop-
<br />erty insured Figain st loss by fire, hazards inetuded within the tern? 'extended coverage''. and such other hazards as
<br />Lender Tnav reduire and in such mounts ::red for >url: 1?erioiis as Lender Ira} regaire; pro\ ided, that Lender shall
<br />not tagti3re That the am4uni of sorb coverage emceed that nmat;nt of raversge required to pac the sutras secured'bp
<br />ibis '_Glortgsge.
<br />The insurance esrrier 3,raviding the itsursnce sllal? be chosen by Borrawer subject to spprovat by Lender;
<br />provided, 'that suer: approval shai? not. he uureasauabiy tvitllheld. _111 premiums on insurance }?olicies shall be paid
<br />at Lender's option in the tnsane.* pracided under rsrsgraplt ? hereai or i,y Bm-rott-er nank~ng payment. ;then due,
<br />direatIv to the insursi+.ce carlie2•.
<br />in file event any policy is not mnewed on or before ten drys a€ its expiration, the Lender, to protect
<br />its interest, mat- proclue insurance an the improvements, pac the uremiums and such sum shall become
<br />immediately due and payable t4ith inierest at the rate set forth in said note until paid and shall be
<br />scr,:,-ed by ibis 'lS4rtgage. Fai':ure by Borawer to comply mac, at option of Lender, constitute s defatilt
<br />under the Perms of this tilortgage.
<br />~L insurance policies sitd renewals ti3ereni . .:s'.i ne in iantt :ICCeptahle to Lender :and shall inc'.ude a standard
<br />3nartgage clause in iscor of :ind in ;arts :rocs ptsl,ic to Lender. i-c•nr'.er shsi? have rite r+.~ t to itotd the paiicies and
<br />renewals tlxereai, and BarroweF she?I proalpth- furnish to Lender a]i renetvsl notices and ail receipts of paid l,~e-
<br />minss. Ir. the Brent o.i foss, Borro\\er c..ail ~i\~~ prompt remise to the insursnce carri?r and Lender, and Lender
<br />may make p;•oai ai ice; ii rot made prampth- ln- Borron er.
<br />L--niece: Lends= snd Barrawer ati3er~'ise agr<•2 .r. writing, irsurallc•e proceeds shall tie applied to restoration or
<br />rep~sir 4i t~ Property damaged, prc;cded sue': restoration or ztpair is ecanotuieslh- ie'asible and the security of
<br />this 14iartgage is not_herebi• impaired. Ii suci2 r~t.oration or repair is not economical?{- iessihle or if the security
<br />of this _l$c:age a-oatld lx impaired, tlae insurance };ra ee°us shall i,c al?~iit~<i t~ the ,urns secured 'oy this fongage.
<br />wife the excess, if env, raid t.^ Bernwer. ii the Yralxtty is a='sndoned i,v Borrower ar ii Barrower fails to respond
<br />t,o fender within 30 days after aotit:e cv Lender to Borr o\\er that the ina.3rarace carrier ohers to settle a c?ait.T for
<br />+*Y^ce bznetiis, Lender is suthar~.ed t= - _,Ilect and a} p;v the insursnce proceeds aL Lender's 4gtiotl either to
<br />restoration ar repair of the Pr.?peric or ti the sums assured he this \Sangage.
<br />Finless Lender snd Borrower othernisr agree in \cri?free, any suci= spplicaiion of pmc~i: to principal shall
<br />sot extend ar pastpane the Sue date of the Irar•.thly irstsilments referred ttt in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change
<br />:lte amount of scclT installment
<br />If under paragraph 1S hereof the P:apert:- is acquired by Lender. s?l right, title sr_d interest of Borrower in
<br />snd to any iastiran~^e palici~ and i2? ant: tot?3~ proceeds therroi its ti3r extent of the sums secured by thi= \iort-
<br />gabe im..7edi€tely priflr to sue}: sale c,. t•qui>itian ~ resultan trom da3uatie :., ?ire Property prier to the sale or
<br />acyuisiaon shell pass to Under.
<br />6. F^rsservatio'a sad Ir4ainteaattce of F':operty; Leaseholds: Condominiums. $orrower sits:.:,cep the Pmp-
<br />eliy n gaad repair snd :nail n ;~er_nit t camr;~it waste. in;psirraent. e- deteriorstien of the Property snd she?I
<br />ean:ply with the pre, isiaras ci snr feast. if the ~iorgsge is on a ieaseha?t?. Ii .his .1lerigage is an a condominium
<br />a:ait, Bctrraner shall perforce; si; of Borrawer's ublia?sti.n ~ :3r:,ier file d<^r;srstion o? eondon:ini;:n: or mssier died.
<br />take ay-187x5 and ,^t'g'u'-'8..Ori: Oi thY i'Gndanl2P.lnI!7 Ilri~~i'i'. 312,1 CPnSL]Ll12nt ,1C\Cn3t12nLS_
<br />7. ~ e! Leader's Seeuri#Y. Ii Bor-~:s~r ix;:; t riorn, *_. e rnve*rents snd aareemerts can*.sined in
<br />?his lfortgage, ar is ant ast~an 'w* }era^red ~ i. _eu_- ei u h2tl::naterist~y :In'ecr Lender's Interest. in the ProP-
<br />cT:t`, Stie131d:.ng, btrt Lai :nn.Ited :+~, f'F17tnenL cYaina3Tt. i:!;f3:\'cnc'\'. i'iliie rniazcelnCLt. ~: arIitl3gt'.Rl2ntS ar prOeeed-
<br />iEb`6 tnvalvrng a banlirn~.'t ar deeetlaIIi, ?hen ient72r 32 ?_etll:e*•~ apiion. upan. S1at1CF to Barrower, rlsy mske sash
<br />sppcarances, dlstturr. sue?' s -and take s,:<.. ,_,i~^t; as :s s;err-,nary t~, pn~tcet Londer's irtEr2st, including, but
<br />not iitnita+d *.tt, disburseRSe^i~~,rYSSanable s€*.arnev'- fee; srvl entn• act,n Lht~ Property to make repairs. Ant
<br />amtnsnia diaUuisaci by Lender p:i,l:sat to t?lis psrs~yp?: '+. ii'1U5 :ntca~*_ thereon. shai; berarne additional indebt-
<br />adne~ of Borrower secures `c•{- this 1lartgage. Ltnlzss Borrawer snd 1_ender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amoaxr.:tss_*su L•e payable uc~II not*.<, :r•mz; LeIIder Lo Herr.,ner r:que:tiune psy3nrnt thereof. and ;ha?i bear inteF-
<br />est Pratt L~Ie daze of disbuAe:rgnt st :e rate .tstT,i :T. the Vate un?en: pnrntent ai inzeresz st such rate u•auld be
<br />tX1~t;SP9 t,C' 3U',Jhi8bl2 1aR", i^. R`IS;C' C1-2n' ~UCh 4rft',llnt~ :1311 1)FA7 :rat Ert'_~'L at the higll~t :'atE perrnLSSible bS'
<br />3}7"i1ESbl~ ia.~'. 4rllln~ i'u1:C.3 e.:2r, s_.. .:.. -i ~,~"~r3, -. _..u.: , iuiri- a_cS,ucr _v s.iCitr 'si:'; CCpt'n9e i]r d4 ant- 3CC
<br />5~U3L6er-
<br />& Lenie, r-sy ntakr ar raust• to ik> :......~ r~s:~nnl,ir t-rtrie= upon and inspections of the Pmp-
<br />t~rty, p_~:_ rh~t t e.dtr .;~i ~-~ Har-I~n"~. sa_... - -._. .. -_ . _-.. ;n.~t;on ~;f~•ing rrawnahte cat!re
<br />L~or related io irndez t inte:eat in tLe ;? o
<br />$. ~. ~?.> p'rv_~ds of ~,-- a7sar~ ar rtnim lest r.Amage<. direst 4r cansequentiai, ir, conreetion
<br />atth am candemnaiian or ather trktng of ~ e P-oznert;•. or ixart therevi. or for con\eyanre is lieu of condemnn-
<br />t~, ate lr ase;gn!>,d and shall be paid t4 Lender.
<br />In t.~w.i,,r~n> -oi 3 tai t~~,ng o. ,he p~.,2~v~ ,fat, : ...-_~~ _ ='':al; , sl.p:;2d .o , s,r. _ .._ .__,ared h5' Lhu; ~fcrt_
<br />, with !. cTi~CC'8y li an.'- 1383d to BarTtin eF. Ira tt~e ,ez~J ~ t,srtta? r:,tking taI the Prttperry. nn1£_5 BarraweF
<br />and I.endrr otheineiveagte~ in writing, them cite?? be xirplied Lo the sums secured h:• this Mortgage such prapor-
<br />tioa of t~ pmreeds as is equal to that pmlw; flan tthiefr the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage imme-
<br />d~Ltf~ grior to ibe date of taking bears to *_tltt #air market :-aloe of the Progeny immediately prior to the data of
<br />tom. ar3h3t tie ba3saee of the proceeds paid to Borrawer.
<br />L[ t!u Pita is tthandoned bu Bnrtoaer or if rafter notice lts Lender to Borro\t•er that the condemnor offers
<br />to retake sa Fi;toatd or settle a claim for datrlage;, Bo/roa er fails to res;)and to Leader u~itiain 30 daps of the date
<br />of aut•It notice, I.esntter i5 authorised to wisest anti ntT}sly ti3~ proceeds :.t Lender': option either co restoration or
<br />repair of the or to the sums assured by ii3i: ~I art gage.
<br />Finles€ Lender and Borrower ot?Iersise agree in r.•riting, app such application of proceeds to principal shall
<br />