21, r'uture fdvances. Upon request of Borrower, Lender, at Lender's option, prior to release of this
<br />Rlortgage, may make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with interest thereon, shall
<br />be secured by this R4ortgage when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby
<br />except that the interest rate on the entire unpaid balance and the term of the originailoan,to the extent
<br />permitted by law, may be adjusted as the parties hereto may agree. At no time shall the principal amount
<br />of the indebtedness secured by this Mortgage, net including sums advanced in accordance herewith to pro-
<br />tECt tlta secuaty of this i\Iartgage, exceed the original amount of the I\TOte plus US ~-_5.,.3~Q...QQ_.........
<br />PROVIDED, HO~'PE~'ER, that prepayments of principal, as provided for in paragraph 22 that follows are
<br />returned to Borrower or are made absalute non-withdrawable principal prepayments prior to advancing
<br />sums as permitted t«thin this paragraph.
<br />2Z. Savia9s Fund. Borrower may make prepayments of principal on env installment due date or
<br />immediately preceding said date to be effective on the due date fallaK•ing and prepayment shall he applied
<br />t-0 installments last to become due under this mortgage. Upon request. of the undersigned or either of
<br />'them, provided a default dae, not exist and then ar one of them are the awners of the mortgaged property,
<br />the lender agrees to furnish to the undersigned or either of them One Hundred (100) percent of such prin-
<br />cipal prepayments and shall pay said amount requested by either party to the party making such request
<br />for said principal prepayments, unless advancement s prohibited by the regulations of chartering and super-
<br />visary auiharities then in effect or unless one of the undersigned has requested, in writing, that said funds
<br />not ha disbursed, in which cam it till require both signatures of the undersigned before a disbursement
<br />. cart be made o: until oihertvise adFZSed in writing by the party making the request for nondisbursement
<br />of said funds. Alt such advanrements shall be secured by this mortgage in the same manner and effect as
<br />i f no prepayments had been made.
<br />23. Release. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender ,halt discharge this
<br />'~fartgage, aithaut charge to Barroa~er. Borrower shall pay all costs o~zecordation~ at~.~_^ V R,
<br />y ~
<br />c ~>_
<br />O ~`
<br />a ~ ~ 4
<br />..~ v ~ .7+
<br />cs-: ~
<br />_ L~
<br />ix atr~t~ ~t'xEas6F, the Borrawer has executed this 'mortgage. o~ a
<br />A ~~ /,/.s
<br />~ D~nie Frank :~_.
<br />/ / ~_~ BOrrawei
<br />~ 1~~amara L. Fr ink -Borrower
<br />:ti
<br />~ ~p~-t~• Addrecy _._16Q3-tierth-Iiz*,~mond. Drive, .Grand Island, Nebraska b8301
<br />---- __
<br />iZ
<br />"~ Sr~;n op VEaeaslta .----._ .. .Hall. ------ ---- - ----- ..-_-County ss:
<br />Oa .hL. --._- day of --.' --'-`~- ~.-., aefore me, the undetsi~ned, a ~liotarv
<br />Public in and for said County, persanall}• came .Daniel-_P. Frink and Tataara L. Fri^k, husband -
<br />aud_sr:~fe. - - . _ - _..._... -
<br />pexsanaliy ]mown la me to be the identical persons chase names are axed to the abate and fomgaing
<br />instru:ne_nt, as morsgagcrs, and each acxnovvledged said instrument to be his az her voluntary act and deed.
<br />R fitness my hand and natazial seal at -- Island:-- eisrasl:a-_--_ -- the date last abave written.
<br />My Cammisioa espii}es: , Ct7wAE S. BAi.ES ..
<br />Ors fS. 41~'t - - ___.-__......_-
<br />- - _ t,p caeca. ~. 3~atan- Public
<br />STATE OF -. __ - _..
<br />'~
<br />County _ - _.
<br />F.ntoted as numers~l index and Ll~ fvt rnt,rd in the Register of Leeds 08ice of said County the
<br />----._.._ _ . d$y of .. .... - -- . 1~ _- , at o'clock and . minutes - _.._-_Sf„
<br />and recorded in Bock _ of ~iTrrtgages at page - , as Instrument 10. ......-..
<br />Reg. of Deeds
<br />By -. _. _ . _... - _._...__..-._. _. ..........Deputy
<br />When recorded to be returned to the
<br />Stet Iiddraca W.un{ Md.eu Phone
<br />>; 1~ !~. Gamer ltt~l., L::e~tn P.4. 8as 526+1, t.incai~, Ns. 58505 4750523
<br />2YOi Sa. 42nd ~., Otnatta P.O. 8cs 5273, t}maha, Ne. 68106 554-8600
<br />1811 West 2nd St., 8nrrsd intend 1811 West 2mt 5t.. C.Tand island, Ne. 68861 384-4433
<br />