<br />1
<br />~~~
<br />~~~' ~ l~ ~ ~+i ~i
<br />Fartx Ka. 72n-439
<br />Loan fVumber__'~363°_--~-188---__l--
<br />T,ee 9ra~c„
<br />l~lOi~~'GAGE
<br />TfiIS 1t10R~`GAGE. made and executed this _._..J.2._....._...-.._._ day of ..._..'~-c_r.c~zr_---.-._ ... A.D.,
<br />19..-°.., between the Mortgagor, ...Daniel. D,_Frink and 'Tamara L. Frink, husbana and wife,
<br />jpntly,.and--each- in- ~heir_awn-rights--.----..._.._...._._......_
<br />' Nebraska ,hereinafter referred
<br />o't ....Qrarcd_~sl~n3 ....-, County of -.-....--ha..l_.---------.., State of _.. _.-... .
<br />to as 'the Borrower, and *.he Mortgagee. FIRST FEDERAL- SA~`INGS AR'D Li?A\ ASSQCIATIQN tJF
<br />LIIQCOLN, 123 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 6t+50i, it, succesors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />Wrr,LEScrrx: That the laid Borrower far and in consideration of the sum of ...FORTY.,TWO-.THO1JSr1,yD
<br />5~.1:."'~..Hi?~~~:t1.FIFTY-.3318..ND11Q0..-----r.---ccr-.--c-----....Dollars (I7S 5---42,.7.5Q- O.Q.-.-_.-._......-)
<br />paid by said Lender, does ftern'uy =nortgage, grant. and convey to Lender, its successors and assigns; the
<br />fallowing dc-scribed property located in the County of _..-.._..Iiall-.._-__.-__,_-.--.--, State of Nebraska:
<br />hat Thirty-Seven {3?} in 3eutings Second Subdivision in Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />being a part of the Southwest Quarter {S`r.T~) of Section 24, Township 11 North,
<br />Range lt3 West of the 6thP.*1., Hall County, Nebraska
<br />Tocszxxa with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property, and all easements,
<br />rights, aprrvisrt~pnr~, rents, royaltie" mineral, oil and gas rights and profit.,, water, water rights, and
<br />wa#er stool:, and all ftatures non or hereafter attached to the properly, all of which, including rnpiace-
<br />ments and additions themto, shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the property covered by this
<br />Mortgage; and all of the faregoing, together with Baia property for the leasehold estate in the eyent.t-his
<br />?4fort~age is on a leasehold} are herein referred to as the "Property".
<br />Borrower covenants that Borrower is lax-fully seised of the estate heretic ronveyed and has the right
<br />to nortgage, grant and convey the Pmperrt-, that the Proper.; is unen°umbered, and that Borrower will
<br />warrant and defend generally the title to the Property against all claims snd demand,, subject to any
<br />+~~*~nts and res#rictions listed in a schedule of exceptions to :overage in any title insurance t+alicy in-
<br />suriag Lender's interest in the Properly, or i=} a#tomey's opinion of title from abstract of title eYrti&ed
<br />by bonded abstracter.
<br />Pttevrn€n Atwr.a,. and these presents are executed and delivered upon she following cronditions, agree-
<br />riienL; and aF3ilgaitfinc of the BOrTOwer, LO-A-1L:
<br />Tlie Harrower a°mr1--PA ttt pac° L(s the ~ndPr- ~r nrdar, :he nn,..,-r..n3 -.:m n5 . FHB:"?.-TWO _ THDtiSA,'~D,
<br />r.._., .,.~ v.-
<br />S_flilz;?J:~ f'iF"s.'1' _a_:f, ~I:,oQ--.. ~-""~Ilar, ti'S ti. '~ Si:.+7v'.-. -. - .--.. -i
<br />payable as ptnvided is a ante executed and deiiver~-~d. cr+n_urren;lc l~etoa-ith, tht' fins] pa~Tnent of principal,
<br />if Prot sooner paid, on the - -----1,~ day of `:o•,•e::.~ . 18 ~'~~
<br />liLVZtoar<s Cat~-:+:~?~^rs- Borrower and Lender cen•erant and :zgree a; fotloas:
<br />1. Paymeai of Principal and Ineerest Borrower shall prompt]} pay v;hen due the principal of and in-
<br />terres-t oa the indebtedness evidenc~xi by the \t+ze, prepayment and late charges as provided in the 'dote,
<br />and the ptirrcipal of and intere~- cn am Future Advancer =c+rur~ hz ih=.= '+{art;;age.
<br />2 flmds for 7a~ rLSf f~•:r~.•-e. $t:li;e~. is ;.~rder~ e:~,tion ender parag aphs i and ~i ltereaf. Bar-
<br />rower shall pay to I~nder an the dal- monthly ittstalimenta. of principal and interest are payable under the
<br />'-dtrfe, nn~ the \ote is ~icl in full, a ;um ih~rein "FunrL"1 ryas] to one-trelith of the yearly taxes and
<br />a*~seasments whirl' rosy atiain priority over chi \forLgage, and grourtd cools an the Property, if any plus
<br />one-tweLtth of yearly premium installment, for hazard insurance, plu= cane-swel.+th of nearly premium in-
<br />ata7lmertts far mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasanahly estimated initially and fram time to time tit-
<br />i ender oa #1te basis of a.ents and biIls.and reasonable c:tirnates thereo#, Lender shall apply the Funds
<br />to pe?' said fazes, arena, im**~*+ce nremiums and ground rents. Lender ,hall make no charge far so
<br />ho3diag and applvrrtg the Funx~n or ;~rifgirrg and i~mpiling said assessment= and bills- The Lender shall
<br />W tfte Borrower, without charge an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits artd debits io the
<br />Faads snd the purpa~se feu rvhieh sash debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional
<br />frr L'':c >~`u ?rg Chia Mortgage. Tire Horrower agrees 'that fire Funds may be held by Lhe
<br />Fader sad eor~imgled with other funds and the bender's own #unds and the l.ertder rosy pay such items
<br />fram its own funds and 'the Lender sh~fl oat be Kahle for interest or divddends on such funds.
<br />If #f>e amotmt of the Funds lid by Leader, together with the future monthly installments of Ft.ttds
<br />PeYable P~ tp t~lts d~ dates of fazes, amertts, insurance premiums and ground rPrtts, shall exceed
<br />tl~ amoaaat requiracf 3dr~i y said tease,. its, insurance prprniums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />sash eze~ss Mail lee, st BorrE,swer's option, t-itlsar promptly repaid to Horroaer or credited to Barmwer an
<br />montlilX irtstafltneats of Funds. ff the amount of the Funds held by Londer shall not Fie sufficient to pay
<br />fazes, aase~ertts, insurance premiums and grotand rents as they fall due, Horrower sha11 pay to Lender
<br />itmY stru~rat necessary to make up the deficiency within thirty days after notice from ].ender to Borrower
<br />rerlnet#iag ps,}ant thereof, ar HorrxYwer shaIl, by an increase in monthly installments of Funds required,
<br />repay the deficiency within the Fund accounting period.
<br />Upon paymeni in full of all sums secured by this Mortgage, Lender shall apply Funds held as a credit
<br />against aH sums due.
<br />