<br />79- (~s'724
<br />z.
<br />allowed toy !aw or federal regulation. Principal amounts prepaid prior to maturity must
<br />be in amounts equal to one or mare subsequent principal p3yment~>>.
<br />3. That in addition to, and together with, the monthly installments provided for 1
<br />under the terms of the afiaresaid Promissory Note and any other notes err agreements far
<br />additianai advances as provided herein Mortgagor will pay as an advance aayment to
<br />~artgagee on the first day of each month until said Note and the total indebtedness
<br />secured hereby is fully paid, an amount estimated by irk+rtgagee to be sufficien# to enable
<br />- ti:e ~~rtga~e #c pay all taxes, assessments tgenerai or special?, rents, and other
<br />similar charges against the above described premises, as the same become due. Such
<br />advance payments shalt be paid each monti~ together with the manthiy installments provided
<br />ter under the terms of sa"sd Pramissary Note and ary other notes or agreements for
<br />additional ad~arces as provided herein in a single payment and shall not be, nor deemed
<br />to be, trust tunds but may be aommingted with other such funds or the Genera! funds of the
<br />'~?artgagee, and na Interest shall be payable ir, respect thereat. bSertgagor shall promptty
<br />f;~r.+ard to Mortgagee all bills for taxes, assessments and rents and bbrtgagee wil4 use
<br />laid advance payments for the paymen# at said bills. Mortgagee may, tram time to time,
<br />at its option, waive, and alter such waiver, reinsfiate any and all pravisians of this
<br />paragraph requiring such advance payments, by na#ice to t~?ortgagar in writing. While such
<br />waiver is in effect, '<lortgagor snail pay all taxes, assessments and rants as atherwlse
<br />provided hereinafter.
<br />~. tf the fatal of the advance payments made by #na '`?ortgagar sha31 exceed the
<br />amaun# of payrr~nts actually made by the mar#gagee for texas, assessments or rents, as the
<br />:ase m+ay be, such excess, at the nation of the t~irtgagee, shall be credi#ed by the
<br />=tir.rtgagee an subsequent payments to be made by the !~k:rtgagar, or refunded to the Mortgagor,
<br />1r, haaever, the manttsly advance payments made by the hbr#gagor shalt no# be sufificient
<br />'~ pay such. taxes, assessments and rents, as the case may ne, wrier, the same shat! become
<br />uue and payable, then the ;lertgagar sf:al I pay to the t•;artgagee any amount necessa,-•,• to make
<br />uo the deficiency, an er bolero the data when payment of such foxes, assessments or rents
<br />sr.a?? be due. tf at any time the A'lortgag-or shell fiender #c the Mortgagee, in accordance
<br />xi#ra #te pravisiaas al the ;ate secured hereby°, full payment of #ne entire indeb#ednass
<br />ray*,rasanted thereby, the Fortgagee shall, in ca.;~auting the amount of such indebtedness,
<br />~rcu[t to tisz account cf the A7artgagor any credit :,aiance accumulated under the above
<br />paragrapz~. tfi there shalt ba a default undt,r any cf the provisions of this Mortgage
<br />resulting in a public sale of the-premises covered hereby err if the A9:rtgagea acquires the
<br />property otttenwise after default, rre tdartgagee she)i apply in such manner as ?'>Jrtgagee
<br />sra11 ___<'etermine t};e balance efi advanie na}=merits then remaining in the for=ds accumulated
<br />Mfr:=er tra abtsve paragraph, as v credit against the Indebtedness secured hereby.
<br />That in the event any a# the monthly advancx payments provided herein ar manthiv
<br />i,^,stallmen#; provided ;err under the terms of said Fr amissory i+ir#e and any other Hates or
<br />agr~r:>ents far additiaral advances nave rot been made gy the t~ntn day a# thz month in
<br />~i,:ch sucfl paya~nt ras due, a later charge al up to ten fiv? percent of the amount of said
<br />m.::^ih 1 y payman# ..way pa assessed by t;~e :usx i at io, i;; ocvzr snz ?xtra 2s;~ensa i nv:.; v2d
<br />;era nar~vling c-sl'anq;~en# payments. T`~ Fissociatian alai; i n4t Ge uo: igatec -r, accept ary,
<br />r~rattx:y payment ±r>vde at#er tt~e tan#h nay o= the mo==th ::n+ess sai~ rtan;hiy payment shat I
<br />..~ aa,~xgaanied by ?»e full amount a# t;;e fate charge assessed by the ~sscciation as
<br />p:rbva,3e+d herein.
<br />~_ To nay array and ail taxes, assessr,,enis igeneral or spetiaii, roc#s and other similar
<br />:,a.arges levied aid risessad against the premises, this t,4ortgage, or indebtedness hereby
<br />_~::turesl, L~fare ttay become delinquen#, iG,r rhi~ft provisions has not peen made hereinbefrsre,
<br />a-rid in default tner~f tna A~ortgagee may pay The sar=,e, and al} moneys so advanced with
<br />+,+#eres# at 11 ~ #rem trte derte of such pay+r~nt shat; be repaid by Mortgagor open
<br />erx^:3s;,'3, and s~ha11 tae secred by this ?:lartgage.
<br />.?. Tt:a# ter#gar~r will keep tre imyrovarrents on said premises insured against loss
<br />.=rte tire, tigitning and ether ^azards inctadeL ir: tre standard extended coverage endarse-
<br />x.-+..t i?ius #} inv:rrarce where ra~vired by morttaaee. in err; amount not less #txan the
<br />:~=paiv aalance of flee indeb-edr+ass se,~ured Hereby, with lass, if any, payople to said
<br />?+ssvcia#aon, a^ a ci?fi;~3anp or caxt~aries acteptabte to she T,ssaciatScrn; and should such pot ley
<br />- - vt 23151 d£3e5 ~C?43tair! any u~~?+ai~3L~? Ti'a3' C'i Lt1 {j 7ip~~t t7}e ~i~_tr3r?_~ rn_mnany's liability +:"? -
<br />pay tfse a:,ni of any ~.~ss or varrage ;gyp tc the full amoun- fcsr which~palicy is :written,
<br />'ssaa a~utst of Insurance to tie prflvi~d =flail be in an aT=T7un's sufficient ter, at ai i tires,
<br />fs:7l;< ~ret~t #t~ :~ssoeia#ion. ii i~ortgag-vr #aits to procure ;;r main-fair, suzn insurance
<br />ir: th»r manger spacifaed herein, tfla f~ssasr_ia#ian may, at its opti+. an, procure and pa}+ for
<br />s:c.#, ~insuranzx, aasd all mcsreyrs st3 ag4anced with inter=st at 1l ~ tram the der#e of
<br />s~a~ ,pay;t staaf:l De r$~aid isy t~earfgagor upon de+rand, and shall ba secured by this
<br />*~nrtgags,
<br />;~, Ttaat 'ths Wortgagnr x311 ic~ep #t3e bssiiaings open said prami.ses in gone repair, and
<br />i~jt>r wit r~or•"p~f~it-wa=le upon salrt .lid, nor su#ter the same premises to be used
<br />fair -~~ 1a~$u~ lyxrrse. tdort~gc~r #ur##ser gees tha# xritt.{5u# the ;wri#ten cor,senfi of
<br />tae fertera! ~iavinyys acid Lean ssq tz~:itdings or additions tp existing buildings shat i be
<br />3r'~acted ~d .a11 parscissg and 1an~sscaped areas.shai l be saiistactoriiy maintained.
<br />9: That 'sn tleee event tfbe-preasi5es or try part; thereat be tyke r; or dama~pad by reason.
<br />~~# ar+y pub3ic i~rtyve~esat err c~naeranatitxr prt~~dinos, or under- riGht of eminent domain,
<br />- tar +ri ~y g-#rer riraraiser, 1~k3rtgagee shalt be entitled at ;ts opti,r, io comrr~nce, appear ir.,
<br />