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<br />x ____- ~..--.~~~~. _.__ .___
<br />79"! ~{ti4 OPt;T CiJii hIORTU/':GE
<br />EARL-D. WOLFS AND JUDITH A. WOLFS, hwband and wife, AND LYLE A, FISH~~rennaca~l l~d the
<br />r~,artdatJur whether ana or more, in consideration of TWO THOUSAND AND NO/i60
<br />_-=~--~~_~_~~__--_---_---_--------_Dollars loaned to said ?Mortgagor, does mortgage
<br />~J ~,'tj#E FEDERAL $r1V1i~16S AtJD LOAV ASSOCIATION, its successors and assigns, the fcllawing
<br />,~ril>ed real estate in HALL County, Nebraska:
<br />tJdUfdTY, NE6RASi<A.
<br />.= all easements and appurtenanwes teuather with ofl building>. ir^.provements, fixtures
<br />r a?r~urtenances new-ar hereafter erected theraan, nclutling a!i apparatus, eouipmenfi,
<br />~~,.:res ar articles, whether in sir_u_u^ie unaTS or cer,tra?iy con-rolled, wed to supply
<br />-__ -:. :- -ya_ ~., v~`;,it;~„= --.,.,'~ , ;'_-_ ,. ~. ,~..- - ~~t ;~, , 'ag.^:~il~t:~.,~ .r, v"i ter- -
<br />r'~ _
<br />v vives,3s*?d any other 'ping now ar raareatter tnereira ~. thereon, the furnishing of
<br />:_~~"~.'r :*_=Y lessens to 3essees tar- art ;~nfurn;shed building similar *e the ane nor. or here-
<br />- _-.-_~ ax3 seed premises is cus"orar;• ;::r appropriate, including, but Hat limited to, screen=s,
<br />..::crx sad2s, -storm dc*?r-, and Windows, carpeting and other {lacy- coverings, scree:, d.uors,
<br />•;:i;ag5, ?sift-in dishwashers, s;ayes, rerrigeratars, and water Wasters and ai! renewals
<br />=eracemants tnereaf fall of which are intended to be and are hereby declared to be a
<br />.r t :.t-said real estate xherher physically attached there#a ar na?.? The Assaciataan
<br />er~aray subragated to the rigiats of a31 ~rtcagees, iienhoiders and owners Daid atf fay
<br />.~ wrc~ceeds of the !aan hereby secured_
<br />?';~; nAti~ r1t~JD TO ii`0!D the said pru~erty, with satd huildines, improvements, fax'ures,
<br />~:~rrersan~^es, apparatus and aw~iprr2n#, unto saidr.ssaciation, its successars anC assigns,
<br />~.~.. per.
<br />§c::rFgagar hereby ccro~ena*ats math said .Assaciation, its successors and assigns, that
<br />.. .cu4:ar 3s §aw#ully seized ai said premises, that t;sey are free of ence:mbrancas, and
<br />:.,,,, ~~rt~a~r weal tarevar'wrarrant and defend the tine to saiu premises atiai,^:st the
<br />=teat::- caarms os ail parsc.ras xl:omscever,
<br />-;t~. ~.Oa ,,b" 1S C-i _, T°~ Stii:"?r: 4 d? T;3e parr~n` ,a$ ;~ Yc:-e e~_xca?er b~~ ;•~;r ~r~aL*a._
<br />i 75>;7i=i at iis7 ~, is:'i'• d'._- i1aT8 ^`~r~ait#1 i~ `f:.? ;, ,'1C .,''•33 S::r': $5 sut .tar's"! 3~aLf.,
<br />, ,_~ts, ;~r~, ~ ^?'• ar3:;Ylri-er2at, is patiade in r:~:;?i~:~ ins*ai i*:=^i~ aC~'se -.; '!st its
<br />atn a final rr~aturi#y, unless saner peed, can #ha is#day :,f `iavemter
<br />. ~.._. Tina iatalder s;eraa# sna31 nave Ire aption to accelerate ±^e *.saa?unity at th~a Hate
<br />.s #n~h Inds-s r#ga~ is given as s,._-ra , vt a.^,; ?~ efts' the !£~#h iaan
<br />- ~-:,r a-ter- t; rst ~i s i r=g the enders i wed ar the then ~w?er of tRe nre~:i ses descri lied lcerei n
<br />ri 7#~en ,scsrice inr~ ;.~?: tips in gdvance at . is intent ;.3 da sa. Any nrepayrr~nt a#
<br />.. .*acesal made by virT„e a# Ina exercise at this ~pticn snail ae witnJUt prepayment
<br />.:~:iu-:. ;~? Ar}y adtlaticnal advan1e<_ made by the nssg,caa#ian to t~rtyagor, or ?aortgagor's
<br />,..~s:~s~rrrs 7n title, far ~^y purpc,se, at the a,tiar: a. the .ASSaciarivn, at any tiara before
<br />=v "cease ar€d cancslla~;aa;~ of 'his ~ortcage, but a; -5a #ims ;halt tnis t;orrrage secure
<br />- --ices ~,oa aZ~,s~nt a$ said oricDia~s# raie an~i such a::di;ionai advance4 in a sum ir, excess
<br />=~1~fD 3~iFi3i~ NIP~T'l 3mt3'liSANO ~-ti~ Alfl~tt}(?---_...._.-------- ~i fans; ~-rov7ded that northing
<br />_a-,.+~:.~n#ss:mod snail da can-sidarec as tia^it?rag tte armunt th;~t steal? be sec~.:red hereby
<br />~,___-- 3uv;sr~"eC to pr U't~t tt~s aeu'uri t}= .,, i n accar da^tiG w i #h ~avena.nts coma i red i n th i5
<br />~,,r-+ ~~~, -
<br />^ra><i;~cr, a3a~.erttreless, mesa ;,risen#s are upon tr,e tai lowing condit`sor.s: that whereas,
<br />_._a
<br />"_~ ~s=~ "~~r;~a~-r .s a steer r,# sa~ti i,>sucra#iarr, -gas execr;taG a nca'te in wrrtjno to said
<br />r.>o;:iai i,:,:, #a repay sure vt rr+jney, watta interest, in payments as set forth in said
<br />.~-, Scd ~75y geed ai3 addi#i;,nai advances, with interest, and has agreed to abide by the
<br />_ ~:.;ss'titntirat? anal "say-~l..aws at seats Assoc.ation, and rules and regulatians odapted by its
<br />;~>;:sa*~a ~r ~:•i r~tars. gyre aa_t'eed at+d t#o tfer~av a'}r~:
<br />1. T~ pay a =,fldebtedne~s ,era33y secured praat l y and i n #+,! I camp! i ance with the
<br />r~rr; it th$ at~r~sa9d P ~n+issars; `r'ate and any other Hare=_ ar agraerrents for additional
<br />_ „e.<rs as par'~s<dSd +~EV"eI*a arzd of #tata ?mortgage and further agrees that at #l:e sole aptfon
<br />~ati:,r*~;#~~-tiA~r tsf ia8yf>sHnt of th+3 indebtedness Hereby secured,. or any portion there-
<br />' !:a> ~ ea;ndec oi' rsneried, atad any pa;'tirin Gf the preens see herein described may,
<br />.:i - ,a,ti~, ya rea,$ fr+-#;s~ 3i~~ laer~rt wittraut releasing or affecting the persanal
<br />i ;L, j ! i ty of tree :"-'<srt'gar "tiereir tzar #tse paya~ra# of said indebtedness then remaining
<br />~i3, at+;. nn*, cla~r±~r xfl the. arrtrstai;s a# said premise> sha'l l release, reduce or otherwise
<br />.. ~ct'y uct? passcini4i ia~xa-bt#y. fir the l-fen heretay created.
<br /><, f~axlarsdgned reserves ~he_t-ir~'sit-#e prepay this n©#a ;n xlaoie or an ;part on any
<br />,,,~!#mc-n# payeaerrst sate ~*rier to ~ .years from ',he date nerc ;' :~• tie payment of al I
<br />., :rued interest #a t±re its of 5~:~': pre,p~aymen~. tac~ettter witty a ~••c~caime-t fee e;,ci in
<br />.~•;~:3#t;~.~#~i~f~a•.S-ii3~t~rt?~t_i1n ?'3u ~a3U~h tr: rra~ai ~~ ~r~r! ifi__ ~+r.r __:h _.. r.~ ..
<br />.. o n-;~ ; repayrr>ent lea, The prepayment faE so ~h~:.,c:d srar ! :.~, .<.,L~# n nz,;:;r ,r
<br />