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Ii under paragraph 18 Itereof the Ytropert~• is sold or th,• property is other,t-i;e acgnired be Tender, Lender <br />shall apply, no !aloe than immediateh~ prior tv the sale of du• Propert}• ot• its a,•quisitiun h}- Lcndor. any Fonds <br />held by Lender at the tine of application as a credit again~c r',:e awns scoured h~ this _llortgage. <br />3. Application of Payments. Lrires app(icsble ]a•a provides otherwise, all pscntenrs received by Lender <br />under t-he Vote and naragrapLs 1 and ?hereof rkall i„ ;tpplied h1- Lcndk•r first in pacment of stuount; payable to <br />Lender ny $orrower under raragraph 2 herevi, then to interest l:a~-ahle un the Aote and vn Future -1,t~~snoes, if <br />any, acid then to the llrineiya] as the Vote attd to thk- llrin,~ipai Ei Futuna Act;-anres, i? any. <br />4. Charges; Liens. Borrower shall pry ail £asei, assevment.~ and other eharais. fine, anii impositions at#a•ib- <br />utmb]e io the Yropert}• which ma}• attain a nrioritc Doer this \[orMage, and gourd rents, if auy, at Lender's <br />option in the manner prodded utxde* paragraph 2 heroes or 1,~• Borrower tnakin;; 1>a~ rtent. when due, clirect]v to <br />the payee thereof. Borrower anal! pram;u;- itn::ai: * > Leerier all notices of amounts due under this paragraph. <br />and in the event Borrower n~a;i,~ t~ .:.;e.a .,.. ; ~!~- Borrower shckli protnptlr furnish to Lender receipts eci- <br />deucing such payments. Borrower shah I,rona tai ,iisci,arde sec iien which has priority over this \lartgage; pra- <br />~ tided, that. Berreuer shai; =tot ?~e r:auir... tc. ,fi3s_,~; =rye a..;- such iien so ]or.~' ss Bar-o.v e< lta'] agree in retiring t.a <br />~.'~ the payment oz the obiigatiot: secures] b}~ =;;;]: fleet ut~:: mawter acceptable ro Letaiier, yr shall in good ftaith contest <br />>z <br />vie suzh lien b}•, or defend entatceatent of <;:; ;, !fen i... egos !,rlcee~:in~s xhici: operaie to lu-event the enforcement of <br />the iien or sorfeiture a the Praperty o'ut;ti ;,s:t ..trey; - . <br />P 5. #inmrd Incwaaee. t3o o,re ? i;n ! ,`, e:nents no;t ezt,tin, or r.ereafter erectevi on the Prop- <br />erty tasurrd against loss In .:... ?tazs.r,- ...~-in~.<<. ,,;~.,i:: ti;e tear. "esieuded coverage" , :tnd such outer hazards as <br />~ Lender may require sn,i i:. s;_:it sinat:r.r. .,., ... -,:~ :: ;;ods :is I-crdet• tea; regain: ,>ro; ided, That Lender shall <br />not require iltat the 3rtaunt o; sac:: rn~: et-ate t>>,~ee. t....~ anteurt of coy ers~c reyuitY:i to nay 'the sum; sec.urad'by <br />ibis ~Iertgage. <br />The in_aranre carrier ?~ro':idin_ •. ..:-ors<te~ ~..~.? b~• ;baron h~- Barmc;er sub;ect to appror-st by Lender; <br />rxrvrided, that sac'.a spp.vrs; siisi: trot t;e t:.;re.:sot;si ~;~,ritithei~;..~it aremiunu o:' insurat,ee politic; shall be yard <br />si Lender`s aptiat: ir. the .r=a;;ner ?lrov ;=;c- ~n,ic r ~s.:,_ntp,i: ~ i:irx,i ar h}- ; om,wer mskir:~ ps}'ntesrt. ,then due. <br />direcily to the irsursnce earr?er. <br />lit the event any pollee w, eat r,e;ten•ed an or before ten darn of i.Lti expiration, the bender, to pratert <br />its interest, may procure instuance on the impravetnents, pa}~ the premiums atad such sum ,hall become <br />immediately due and parable wifh interest at the rate set fot73t in said rote until paid and shall be <br />~rared by this '_4Sartha~e. Failure bt' Barn/vv;-r to iomg]}- naay> at aprian oaf Lender_ caniitutQ a d?i3.,lr <br />:order the terms of this tifort~age. <br />91l insurance na;iries anti renen:nl~ t._crc~,? ..:~'_ h~~ ;rs for:u a~=:c•,~tahlc• to Corder nu:d eI;•~~, inciudrr a =tsmiaril <br />:norttage clause in favor of an<i ia. ?onv _:,•~et~tai,ie t:, ].et:d~~r- ].r;`.,iee s]:a!S !:sv-e *.,.~- riu!tt t - -.~:ld the poliriea and <br />re.*`ewala tlaereai• and BarroRer atsli 1>mutrtl} iuntish tt, Linder sli rzna,v-s] nvtic~ and al] ncripts ai ysid pre- <br />n:iutns. I=: the even=, of 'loss. Barrowe- =its;; ;;i;t :,rarxl~t natie•.~ t,, tle ir:t:rsnci csrrier and Lender, and Lender <br />rust make proai a£ ]oi ii net n2ade rrmntlc i;r Borrower. <br />~niess I-znder sz:d Berrowe: ot:;ern i>c acre in ;rritin, i=..~t:rkt.r~• uroceecis ;:tali 'te rty;xlieii icy t~ttrsatian ar <br />repast ai the P-,?nertr ,fanx:~~d. ]:ra-.idc s~.;c_t restarstioL v- ;sir is c-conomicaiiv,3e anti th' securiiv o£ <br />~iar[gage is eat t1,etYtir itnr~aircd. I: sur_: r~-starttie!: c, ..*el,.kir is rot ~- .~ notticsl~ :easib]e ar i the security <br />oIt•Gis y{,~rt•-e vsouid Lee tntt,.s;rrrl t:,r ia;urac.iz I,roiect:s s!;~,'i +,c~ aul,';ir: to ti;~ _un.s ;cured Iati- ibis \forigage, <br />a-ith the eiv~. is ant, paid to Botrv~er. ii ti:c I'ro;•erty ;_ sbsndonh: }+v Botrcr,, i•. ar ii Borrower fails to respond <br />to d~enaer x-itstin ;itS dsr. site-• i~r Lender to Bcr-LUer that ahe in=,xrance csrrier ohets to settle a :]aim far <br />+~~*+ner'-er~uts, I-ender is author.-!,: tot .iert >:,a apyi+ tits- ;rsurarre i~sa,•rri, at Lender's oytian either is <br />resiarstiuu yr repair of ti:e PraLerttivr tU ti;e :ones scoured L} this \Iort~ge. <br />L'nles; Lender an Borrower ottrrnise spree :.. •,vritinR, acv u:•i: almiirstion o* ltnke~ed> to principal shall <br />nat. eztead or pastpane t*:e due da*.e of the :nont;,]+ instaliutentx riiirrtid to tt: l,xrsgrayhs i anti ° betas or charge <br />the amount ai a=ch insts]1:3 its. <br />La under I=ara;rrspn 1D hertai tae 3'ra,,eni- is acquired Ly lender. ;,; rigi:t, title sttd interest ai Barrawer in <br />aad I:t snr anc:1.^anrr r.clir,~s :~na is ar'~? *~ ti;e },roc: eds ti:ereoi etc, ti;: fitter., of toe runts ,?. ure;i Lv- t};i; \iort- <br />gage imttxdtate] l~r_vr trl sari, cac• .,- ., i<it ~•t: ~ ..--uitir..::ran::ian;at;c• ',- .-.~ I'ra}v-.*ti- .,-iv* to t::e .a1e• or <br />se~;uisition shai] r~ a t:. Le~det. <br />S. Preservation ~d?'+4aiat~®ce a# Prapeify: Le~ehalds: C:ossdam~iums, ti~,:-t~,w~~* =i:i11 keep the Prap- <br />rrcy art ~,d res,~=r a*;,i s.?r~i rn-:,, ~ an s,,g1= <br />~_ nrl{ j:+~__-_. ~-_ ~_ .. .. _~._... ._.•.e .. ~- .. .~ ~_. ,._ v- a. i ~iipe d }_ t <br />;~p~ •~it~xt.ze,~.~;_:.c:.n. ,, aa. ]ea.:...:n_~,af~;z*.53gr,- kt. > i .__e;.,,~.. t ... 13nrga~e ;> on a randaminiun: <br />unit, Btrr±=wer s;;ail :ue-;ora, ail o Bor:v+r,='rr ni,itaatt.+ns °_.::;er -..~ _~......,-.~._ vs :unaatninintm nr terrier deea, <br />t~n8 ~y-]fioCf 3iG PC~illat3tlnS ~: the efTn~C;7nn.t4m !Milt .k::.: i 1t.5t7t tte7't ~C; ilii;.-Siti <br />T. Proieelion of Leader's Seeurily. I; Bc,rru"ccer ia: = to :=eri,,n,, t_. +,~rir,snts and agr~menti eantsined in <br />il~'4iorigsge,~•rsi use aetinn or prierec;ntg :~ ce,t:a::r~:.<i:': ,.;:,::. rastz'rlalir «~erti Lt•nk;er:= interest in the Proo- <br />Yrt~j, i.9C1:?t?i;Y~. }lot uC+t lIin748,:1 tv. emine'rt :7~~n3x::- :...o1,r U,rr- ,~-., till. iT-tn;c':~L of cii'ran~~niBntL Or 1!rt3CEed- <br />ittgs invcving 3 bsr.?~-t;pt cr dept "int. t';e*; LY•a:~e.* 3*, l z~.,,.r.. i.I,,,~., ul,c=e: ttz~ticr to Bor:utti-cr. may male such <br />appearalie~, dcbur~ _.uci; sttinc. ariCi taaY -uri. ec:its:.:,,.; -.:,r-,an tz, pro=.iit Lrn,ier's intemst, includsng, b:ai <br />:az limited io, c><silur~~t ai ress~ si±ir attamr}•> ;~- anti r.^.trc u},on t}:? Propert.- to make repairs. ;ny <br />x.~*~ts c'si~+;3urse;5 ?3y Darr F-arS~:sz tr t~ is : aragrsp_:: witi: ;titter+t therein. eha]! ]Keau:e additiana] irdebt- <br />edae~cs of Borso~er scmtuy~ki tl}- this llartgagr.. unless B~trewer and Lender agree to ether term of yaymen*., such <br />atuotuuF ck:al]'ae payable upa:: {rise I_~r.t;e: tv Harrower reque~tirg ,sti-ntent tikereof, and shall bees inter- <br />est irzxr tl;e date ai ~~=?,t:s•;_.4t tl:e r:iu= orated ;°t zhe V ate ==rle== Iancmrrtt ai interest at such rate would be <br />~lirZrf to applirs.'ule '_aa~. sn w;•ie't: =_:_~at =..,,: sr±vuntc :__>ts'1 test intere;-t at the highest rate permissible tlp <br />app]itsble 1£a- `:at'=ir~g ~ottt;,itkc-r_i: t!kis ~~.sgrsj,i, ..._. re~u.r to incur ant' ex,~,ense ar da any act <br />heattrnd}e~r.~~~ <br />~. ~ayrsa.uaII. Lenaet ?n3j tlaaSe t. i"]ll~e 1u tsf 1,3 v1i~ !'!.a.-~S}:3'.s!ai i' .-!;i^? llI1.?il 1ni1 i- -l,_Y"r Tani E-t t}:e Qrap.- <br />ert~ prazided that Lendea ~s?l gi~,-e $as*3crwet r3vtire !:tier tc= sec --, .. virix'c•*.iac =slectfr3ng reasona],le cruse <br />z~ar+rlt±z **.~~d r ~,*+da, , ~ ~. - Pr~:rie:-t , <br />9, C,aoda~tioin, rTe p.*oeeedsjai ar,y award ar eiains ter dwmages, dieter car catuequeatial, in camteetiar, <br />eeittt ang euridemnriizt~n ar ta~3er taking of the lira}n-rt}•. or ]:art t hE•rc-a:. ar fur rrnvc•}•anr? i , lily v:.^oruemna- <br />T~¢, set hetti,y s~tgaat xrHd snail Le paid to Lender. <br />in the event of a rata! taking ai t:xc Praaerty, tl,e llrat•eed- ritali tu- :sl~nlied *,~ the -ants se;•umi b~• this 4fort- <br />gtf shai s$ie esae~. if any, paid to Borrower. I=_~ t13e ex•€•rt of x ;retrial taking of trio Prapt_r;3•, ur31e~< Borrower <br />srtd Lender ~~sve'„~ a ;s ~ritit~g. tl:ems _';3'1 tee appli°~1 za ;i.i ~ttsns sr•urd l,~- il3is :tartgage -ueh ;srapar- <br />tix; of the Ij`' a~ is equal to that proporan which the arnaunt ;;s the sums ~eur+=d b~° this liartgage imme- <br />distxl°g prior to rife dais of raking borax to t]te lair market value of the Prurletty itnrr3ediateiy prier to £]te date of <br />$ the Fisiassee o€ the praeet~ds paid to Borrau er. <br />it ike Br~ea'Lg is et~.rr3c~tstti by Bsxrower ar i£ after native hr Lender to Barmwrr t hai the condemnor offer: <br />ttr rnaie sn svrsu,d ar sctt]e a for i<anisgev; Barmn•er sail- to : esycrnd to Lender w ithi3: 30 da}•s of the dace <br />of aua3r *tatiee, Tinder ie au£drorixe~ to eo]lert and apply tl:e pros-eed= ;+~* Ixnder'r option t•,thcr to restaration or <br />repair of u're Property ar to t]se soars scoured tlc i?3isllartgaga. <br />oql~ Le,-,uer and BQrrovc•er otltersc ie agree in writing, any c^.ic.}. appFicatien of praeeeds to princ•ipa! shall <br />