rest extend or postpone the due da±e of nc~ :non{hl} iust:iihrents referred to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof ar
<br />change the amount of such installtne*,ts.
<br />10. $orrower Nat Released. 1;xtensior, of the time for p:t}•meut or modification oI amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Mortgage granted ',}- T..ender to sii}• successor in imeresi of Borrower shall hat operate to release,
<br />in any marine.*, the tiaoi'itt- o* the original Borrower :tn,i Bortt,wer's successors in ir.etrt.~t, Lender shad not he
<br />required to commence procezdit}gs .tgainst suc3t successor or r<'tusx• to extend tim<~ far }?ayment nr otherwise modify
<br />smortization of the suu}s secured Gy this Alorigage b}' reason of auk' demand made by the origfinal Borrower and
<br />Barrawer's successors in interest.
<br />II. Forbearance by Leader Not a Waiver, ',r.~' forbearance h}- Lender in exercising am- right or remedy
<br />hereunder, ar oihen; ise c.fferded h~- :}p;ii;~s!,e !;:\~ . _....:1 tloz i,e s :cal: er of or preclu;ie the ezereise of any right
<br />er remedy itereunaer. 1'he },roctzt~?recto of insurance or tits is}'teem of ties ur atirer Iiens ar charges by Lender
<br />sha• vot :x .. waiter ~ .... -- c-eelerxt t ' rttl a; t e ::e ehzetnes. ..rc~i ?,~• ?ts liar.gage.
<br />-~Q 12. Remedies Cumulative. .\i'jrer,}edies procide,l in,'zhis Mortgage am disrinei anti' curnuiati\~e is env ot.tter
<br />.~..~ righi or reuteac under tl?is .`.fortgaea° 05' :afl~~trdai hl isvc m- equity'. and mac i,,~ rxerrised ce~n;'urrentty. independ-
<br />,=reels or :lle'CP; ~ti'e'.it-- ~ °~
<br />23. Successors and As.'zigas Bound; joint and Several Liability; Cagtions. Ti?e coceu;itit- and vgreements
<br />,.
<br />iteretn car.;=rineci sisal! i,ln,:. area. ti:C rrt;hts i,cretnlaier shad 5ntire t ,. the respeetice si?ccessars ::±icl .signs of Lender
<br />~} znd $orro;vzr, =;.i,icet m tt~c prnsi;,ns of r=;:ra°4rap1: 1: iierew. ~\ii coci•natu:- and agrecna'nts at Borrower shall
<br />~ heoint sad sz=~rsl. TiSC aptions :ar-,t :n?a~:ings ai a:r }a;trs~r:a:Iu oti ; i,i.. Aortgage :trc for cenrenient•e vnl}• and
<br />:are rest t~a 13e tied t0 fret rr}trei xr de ne Ci?r i,Y}\'ls'.\,i:~ t~E2tiaI~ .
<br />t4. Noliee. Ani .office' u, Borrowe= }'rocria? for i?, this Alau°t,a~c siiaii ht' ,icon }]i' uuiiling such notice b}-
<br />cera'?t',ti .} '.idtt__e-i ... Iior-x:a\r;' .. .c Ya,ikrn' 1 .r.i .;afro nrkn\ else,,, .or alit not}rc requited under
<br />r~57`t ~, ci.,h i~+ :,v`ri •>, ,.. •,C ., ,a- $a..'a ., -.,: ,.,.,.rr: _ ,.,:'li+rti ,t.-i-..[,c} is :..., ~in}' th?tice pructded
<br />for in' -~ Aiorea_r _...,,.. ~d<ti'n;e : to ,ara~ . -., _., .: Borso,ye= 's=rn ~ ice.. in ,.., urtmlrr designatc'<# herein,
<br />I5. IIniforrn Mortgage; Governing Law;~Severability. 1'i;i. ±-;?li .,i 1lturt_a~e ,omhine~ unifarnt eaccnants
<br />iornsiierause:find r ..-;:n:forn=. tcrzn;>nts .,i:5 :..:..a .. .:n'i:.a,..- he ,, c. tint: to eo;tsrtate s uniform secu-
<br />res in tirumar.: }rresi"~ ..*ra: }:raper=.\-- Ti:;< \;~ r:~nt;r s....., „rni•d~i+~° thr isw a.i th, jurisciictien fir, which
<br />'sC I'rt~pertc :c iarsfci I^, t':r r.cP, ~3. .. - -..a5i ,. ...5. c e. , .,~ Zinn a_da~i` Or ;Itr \o:e ianfllz i3 iC121}
<br />..}:pitsG. t3w,,;.ct:..,.*;ct ..,..:.,a. ;,, ,:' of t a,a,,. c. ~:... ~li'rie;aEt t; t??e tiate ,c;?eh ear, be ;ieen
<br />r3?~est witb~.i; -..e ~-onfiic^:::g ; -,~ts,o,,..+:::, :. ... ......... . . ..<;oz: o; the Alnrrt;~e :alai '1?e 'vote are declared
<br />bf' ~Yt'fiF81JfN.
<br />36. Botroxer's Capy. Ii.,.*: o,\r* ~~si: ? , ....,.sha•.:.. ,vain::^x : ,•o}~}' of *.f,is tilort•,a~e a? thr tithe of execu-
<br />:.:3L""$:i#'^Z~i: ^,1Tt'•. tt,:: Fit :cam..
<br />IS. lraara§er of the Property. Assumptioa. .: _t': a, :i:l\ „ar. ...._• Fraz,ert~ ~- a intere~i titerYin is ~Id
<br />a::...._,,r.?rc,: `~c $;-^2,.~-e- \\,..,t,,; L\..~r. .a: n,,.~.i 'v.-'.set':?. >l~.u:i..c ,a~ ~... .'r 3t,o:-. ,i a fifer. or ercum-
<br />'3^c~ _.,.arr;'iaa*,, .. ,.._= ~9a~ _ .... .a..;iat: c,:. ..c:..1-,• i;la!t'.(ti <ecur?te .rt~~tts, far hausehold appli-
<br />._._.i_. '. .: 3:.. ._ :l ,~, ilL_. -.:l ee._. .>i t':'e'.3. t... .. -:i,a,". ,.t' l_S..? .. .~'1`.:i,:i v t(:+ tilt' }rant of
<br />n.:z-s,.e.. . ,,r:ti: t c . , .~~x c t_ xrr et . . ~t . ,...... , , - . t :. ..... ... ...< : sc . I.rndcr's optiony~.
<br />...c t':3rY .°..: 1,.C . L-..,. :l'. .... : 7i - ~ jla~.. g'y},'c' 'tT t ......... ., t 11 .,.c .... ';i S'.a_ .t l...... .; d'.: '::]i't R"a.r\-ell ~Uih
<br />capLSOn _,, s.^crEr-Str ;. ,r:,,r u, t:.->3's. ,r tr-:-,>irr i_. :, .:....-, ?i.~• ;,e.*<n:; ; ,... _ 1':i;;.rrtr i. tc he` said or
<br />._...r.~3e3'r'.3 renri, s.cxe-r•Wen; tr: 1Antin~- - . ?it:' ~ re.nt , . - _.. ': r'a.::. :,i..-:..~.-.. ., .- ... ~,it3 ti}at tar interc.z
<br />i\1S'3 h'.k =. t3;E S,?t:la ~i'; :1rP.: t t i ..~ l? ~Tl, 4~r X358: ,. .xl ~L',` '.'.it a` .i- ...., .. ..a I: I c'Sl,.t! Iltt~ w37\'t`C
<br />tL2 c>ptiaA to n•`t'eiern*_e 7`"t=\i~_xi t.a th} ;~~^:,,~r5t +: l.. ,;:! is Ii,+rrc,tt-x ,'. ..,.,.._ .: ...-a.a.. !.3n axe: t:ted a n'rit-
<br />?rm ns~u:1}ptxer. s5rr n;E-nt 1rt~pto.~ l~ ;tratiti~ i,} I_c`adrr. Lrnarr =iisi rrieasc s3cr:,.+,~~_ ;r,,;', sii nulirations under
<br />i1;13 ~lL+*tg3Ee 52rC tt?C ~iT'.Y.
<br />?i ,ender cr:er-S:t_ !~ei iist.ion t., sciE.eru- . sh.t:........ Iiar.oa-cr ., ,..a,: o•. :s+:ir;rrst:or, ,.: accordance
<br />\----. i-x:".ic-oi_: _s <i .?- ~.,...: IIJ, •.c :.... , .v,\. ,. `r7',i i s .. :.., i; ,>! ..- :1.:=L ...z 3UttC2 25
<br />tl33rlcd a=,.... ,t:-..i} I>t_ro;s\r .. s3 ,.. .=att. ix..a.c:i <lur it 3-: s.c-+a- ....... .. . .... ;:rear to the
<br />v'7rI?rr"it.rarl ti; sllt'n I\Pntkl. ; cL-.i, -.:...1 - tit t:ll: .i?. ,;:. .: i,. ,, .' .-: '.: .: _: ' i ~ a , .. ...,. n. -;~l rx'n}eii?C, ift7-
<br />._ttt:.3 etc p~eraph iS !nrr?~~i •. • .. _
<br />~a,!-''. _'<:. .. :: ?.t !'. _"?: _S,'?k'i ~. j'3i'r''.-;+~~C:' ..,,:t .~. :,~~ . .... ..... ............ ...avl .._. ,.. .~'~; .'-:}°>
<br />: ,,
<br />I& Aceelesnttian: Remedies. x'~s ., .a.. _ .. ,. ,,; ikt+r*c•>.r*. t,rr~rt: of :nc~
<br />~-x'tTt:rs9ni t,7 iz rrri'tt'.n',.,_35[..i-n-r..'i?+~.:.. i}at::.:. _: ..:t:. .:::~ ...-a x'.-..._.-,'--~ .S",ii-.'.. .vi'~?1i .LL'.il^'.t c":ifYti'?
<br />n~,- tL":2 ~i ~t?;~e. I _._ _.r to ,'ar,4 :r. _..,?. a......, .a ..- I ., ..a,. :. •Ita;:r J;+, li ;:~rrcri
<br />>}xran-,r.F :l, tis, _ u,=: _,'t,a a,~.., .. -~,.. „at-, .o ~ ... - :.r ~a~- . .2u .,,lri~ aisc•
<br />~rt..l: i}fir ,y.:,k' ,,.t :.1 E.f'i' 1^ .,::.i: c',~ ti l~ tTa,\t. -.1 ~i . ;. .- ~i.a .. a-R':: t-}, : .t '.lie +. ..... ~' '.._.. :Yf: ,.fa i_t itEra-
<br />n4i`3} is?'C&C? v 1=r tx ii+r tt1. tl;}ti - ~,.. ,. . _, .r.'_7t"t" :e^31' 1'e^il-. ~'1'Ci-'a ;vTda+•. .... -.., •1r -xz 3rr-: .l _`?f=
<br />_'11Yk"S£$l:? 1adTU:r i. ...c -.1+-c -tr . i,. ;Y...- .,~. ,4". ,, t,1 „ :~.a . ... ..1,, , :.. 1, .?. .1!j ti L. I.t'nder
<br />st 1_.ern'er'. i=tr'; ,, r is~ _ ~~ lar:' a.; u• .r<- ,.,... _.x,. i 1- ,... .> t. .mot- ~ Ilii:?.=,i::t~~::\ .~i ;u,.i ;:al-::;,;e
<br />A rLtY~'uII iL*',~z'7 '_.':}qL,. .2.:.: .41 ;~ ..* ~I.:'., :tl-.' : \ -fie.... ... ....i.. t',. :. :..,. 'i:... a ,'S,3 ,T Iri7 i9 Calif-i't
<br />_a,.,i --}L ._:nL .. _;- .. ., K, , t- ,.. .,:. ~ -,. .._ -.... _ .-,1.?, ~+.i v.. . i. 1'! t'--?i'_r
<br />''h6t iT i'ta and tiT~t i' re}-~i57;_-.
<br />IJ.'3aerowr'z to Raisstete. Sot~;t;,>tan,ilni; i_rnaie, - ~rx'x,ir;~3tx,?, .i trs,_- =u1eL ~,<eean-.i br ziii,
<br />~E~'S~>i°E'P. I'SiSt'ri7'6Ce7 .-1'.S e.' >~t"{• 1;:2 r'_ z -.~:r - _ ;rf-u, i~ tr-°F;1 ~ i _.... : .. -l.. a-,t x t?its if Oli=~^,a~P ilL:-
<br />raatiatuts'i at any <ime pFtar ter ertn4 i ~ '.}~rgAi nitvrcit ~ .,.- 't'c?t~a.r ~ i., • i3orr'a.ter }:sys i::nder sll
<br />rtttma ~h~ah ~taia be fleet. d:}t- order *. #:ir llc,r~;~rc t i~- `_tic:-.e .;v;l r,+,t<-, -rrur::, ~ Futt,r< .~,ia°ararr~, ar;~-. h3d na
<br />afi+C:ai2T3't547n oC'iFiric''j: +vi $vr3ilri cr ciirr- :i t-rr_:t':*.--: ,,. :~ri?' i?: -i:rr ^i,\ra;; L~;, 3r ::::r,~rn;rni. OI BOrrGQ`f'r ean-
<br />t~~xi is t#us Motu: i,c! $orrna~rr fise_,.'aii ren_~+rst,h cx,n-it a> aar!!rst•=. hr i.crrirr i-. ,'t,icrcine ihr rucYnnnt,
<br />n,md agre~AH!aLS Di Rortouer h, ah;;~ Mortg:z~e sn+l u. raforc;n_~ i.t~nnrr ~, ..•ai:rdiea : ,; sided in Pt+ra-
<br />gtapl} I$ ItEh'Dl, iarltxiiag Intt ~ lirutts.i t.,. rca>crr}~i=fir atttaa•rar\ - irr,, snti ~.,, l4orro+ e•r tal;rs ,ueit aetiuri ac
<br />I.ena2>rr they reaasccwatt'ly require to zusurr that t#?c lien a1 th,-llurteag.. I_.•nder^ i?:tr<•st il., tl;i• Yro}x•rtp and
<br />Brsrxmvcr'is obt~m to pxr t.~ suc~ _:erured by =_„- .Llongarr -1,u}a i-ontinue.,n5}sett-i:- t'f»ui: ,uch }:a~-n=ent
<br />~etsre b9 Baatv~rer, t'14orrgagt; ~rxi tyre ubli~t:~sts srFUrrrd lserrbc ~taali rrmain 1Y3 41}h Serx•r x:ul a€Iect as ii
<br />tsr ~ta,ntt uad oorum~i_
<br />39. a# : A,i of Iv,.r; Lender is Poaseasiau. ~= addttianai =enuritc here-
<br />tttadE3,$rRtta~~'s'ysaei~to I.rrt~r~ reritr+sf il;e° Properr}-. }arvride;f ths: i3urroxE•r Thai:. T,rior to accelrr-
<br />+e#aeae uru~ gsrxgtsgh IS tztaeof at. aimrdartrraent of the j'roasem', 'tact ;ht• right to i•otlrr•r xuh retain stseh rents
<br />se booai~; tad pachb~.
<br />LIp~ eorejezatiotr utuigi }>sragtxp$r I$ Irerrssi c+r ai xrrdonrnent aI zlr.' Yro}Mrn+ l,a•ra,ier. tri !K•r.=on, b~• agent
<br />or by jrtd~ialjy agpoente+i rtnavrr shall l~ zntiil,n3 to ~-nter upnai,, sii;<• I,cisw->~ic,;i c,, nn, i:ssna!:e thr~ Y.*onen}
<br />and Ln :z-Ilert the rersis of t~ Pztrtb. ins?acing thc~ }~=t rluc' Ail :,sits ro}lured i Lrn,lrr or thr- reef=it•rr
<br />shalt be ai3atied ~rtst tit vasment of the co~-ta of tauua~ernertt ui tl.e Vrc:g>rr?'a• si„1 t(„Irv t l;,r, u, r,-t:t- inriu.iinp: i,m
<br />rto4. lirnited to, ere-e,ver`e, fe~a. I'ir~trrn::n~ o.. r.~ec°sc~r, imn,l _,na..,.. --.i..t,l. ,: - `f .,.::i :..+,, ?~ ,.,a -uni~
<br />aeecureti }yvt}}ys'_~fort.gnpe. Lc95r1er and tee reee}rer,:htdZ ix' ttu#,?~ to~a-r•ensnt +,nlr f+v~ t1,n.-.~ :,=?'.t- :,rtu;,!il' n•r,~i:~x°d.
<br />