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<br />79-=(Dt3~di3~
<br />SAYfNGS FUftiD
<br />FnRM No. 72n-474
<br />Loan Number_43226____-188 _____1 __
<br />ro- a.n.,~~.
<br />Mt7RTG~lGE
<br />THIS40RTC3AGE. made and executed this ..._ .../a.._......... ds~= of __.Cx'C:~s•~u.--_...__._..... A.D.,
<br />19-,TY.-., between the 'tfortAagor...Fi.ch,ard .:?..--.*14zlang..and.. Cindy.. A.,--toriang,. husbanci_- snd_ wife,
<br />_~aintilX-.-.each..iu-.then.r...Q~tt_zs~ht„___--....._.._....___.._...-..--.-_...-----.--.......___.__._ _.-_._.._---....
<br />of ..--_GT~&Ad_i.S1aFd..--.. -. i.~unt)- of ?I3,. .. ... , titate of ~z~raska_. -.. ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Harrower. snd the \iort.gagee. FIRST FEAERAL SA~'I\GS :IND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, i`_'3.5 "\" Street. Lincoln. Nebraska 6150:. its succe~ors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />Fi'tr:v~sserx: That the said Borrower fns and in consideration of the sum of TtdF~iTY_SE'VEN... -...- .
<br />Tfit3LtS.+2+AI-,Ak33-ti9f1.Of)-------------------------------=--_Dollars iLiS~_-.2i,DQQ_OR__-..__ _-.)
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convec to Lender- i#s succe;.sors and assigns; the
<br />foilow-ing descrbed pmperh• located in the Cauntr of - 3ia;.1 - . StAte of Nehtaska:
<br />tot Forty-eight (4$), in $uenauista Sutaiivision an addition to the pity of Grand Island,
<br />Hail County, Nebraska
<br />Tocsrxaa critlt all the improc•emerts sew ar hereafte=r ere<•ted on the prcperte, and all easements,
<br />right apptu22nanc•es, rer-tt5. tvyalties: mineral. oil and gas rights and pratits, crater, water rights, and
<br />water stvtk, and all raztt~s nos- ar kxeresfter efts^i?ed to the profxrty-, ail of which, including teplace-
<br />rnents and additions thereto, shall ire deeased to he and remain a par# aI the property roc°ered b}• this
<br />Mortgage; and ail of the fotrgoiz.g. toget°ner with :aid pmperr}- tar the leasehold estate in the ec•ent this
<br />Mortgage is ort a leasehold) are iserein inferred to as the '.I'mper+ti,.
<br />&orrower c+ocenants that Burrower i; iawfuilr seised of the c';tstr hervl» c~>nreti-rd and ha> the ri€ht
<br />to age, grant and convey the Property, that the Pmpem- i_s unencuml~nd, and that Harrrower x-ill
<br />vrarrant and defend getzrraLti• the title to the Property against all :Laini~ ens'. demands, subvert to any
<br />rtts and r~stricsians listed in a ~rhedule of exceptions to eoe-rrsLe in any- title u3stn:attce palicc in-
<br />suring Lender's interest in the Ptapertt-, ar ('_') attorne)•'s opinion of title font ahtraci of Title certified
<br />by btxxfed al~iracter.
<br />Pacvinet+ ALwRIB, and the+e present., are execaied and deliiered upon the foilaccarg canditians, agree-
<br />uda.~ sled ablix~~ians of i}ie '~'io3~,n ~3, t~v-u~t:
<br />The Btxmwer agtx~: to pa}- to the Lender. ar order, the prin.•ilca? sum ,:f TW$e`fi'Y SEyEN THgtSa1~FT1
<br />ACID Flts~31'l~--- __ _ _. .. .- -~". - _._~~~---- hr,llarz ~t'S ~ -<7.,~1{i{),0~ )
<br />payable as prt~rided in a ttc;tersrczt~ and delivered. c~.?rcurrrntf} henu-ith, the tirai IIzay-ment of principal,
<br />if net :voner paid, an the First day- of ivot:ember ~: 2t)Cr9
<br />t.~aFaffra Cc~z~.:~.~r;. $orrt,at'r and Lender carenant ar.:i at:=rc~ ar ial'-.uw~
<br />I. Payaxoat of I'riacpel end tnieaest. Hcrmvicer shat' prcmptlc- pa} when due the principal cat and in-
<br />tere:-t sit he indebtetiness ~-idenced %~• the \cste, pr pa}rnent srd `,-ate ~}tatKea as peen-itled in the ?Tote.
<br />and the principal of and ;tt#erest ati env Futum Ad4~ttncrs se~~ur: it bj rhts 'cinrt;a_e.
<br />2. Funds ~ Taz~ ~d '^=urarce. Subject ro Lendei option under paragraphs 4 and ;hereof. Bor-
<br />rower ;.will pay to Lender an the day montsily installntents of principal and interest are payable under the
<br />':Vote. tantil tlx Bate i„ p=id it f+sL. a eu.y ihered.*t "F•~~tcl=."3 ryual to one-txrlith of the yearl}- taxes an.l
<br />ate-e~i~ which may a#airs priority comer this +1art.gage, and ground rcns.:: un the Prs~pert., if an) ;~u=-:
<br />one-twelfth of ~°easlr premiurtt in-,,talL^r~nts for haaard ir~sranri-. falu; one-€-w•eiit}t of 3earlc premiuan in-
<br />~allments far ttmrteaee iitst3rauce_ i# ans. elf as r~srm»blt- ~tstrz3ted initially and from time to time by
<br />Lender as the basis of~a-~rs,txe3:nentz-and hill, and reaconible estimates thereof. Lender ,hall al,pl}• the Funds
<br />to asv said fazes. asgessanents, inc,~r,±n-~ prYn~iu~ and gmnnd rents. Ixnder shall make na charge fns so
<br />g and appf)~ng the Funds or terifying and compiling .aid ae.~s-mm~~ and hilt. The Lender shall
<br />gins to the Boaraa~r, .rithOUt charge, an sarsnual a.°raunting of the Funds shoc}-ing er~dits and debits to the
<br />Ftmds snd the purpose for which each debit to the Funds u°as made. T'hN Funds ate piedgecf as additional
<br />security far the auras enured by this ?c4artgsge. 7'he Horrawer agrees that the Funds may be rald by the
<br />L+~des sad cxratatir-~ with afher fur3ds and the Lender's oven funds and the Lender may pay such itetn_s
<br />irdaa fis s~trt funds and the Lender shall not be liable for interest or dividends s;n sorb Funds.
<br />If t1~ arxttmrtt of the Ft Ire by Leader, #t~ether with the future montlily installrnents of Funds
<br />payable prier to Lf3e dire dates a# tagea, aeaea~aents, iasuranre premiums snd ground rents, shelf exceed
<br />tlva artmaat rettnired to ~y said tare, aettP~tmants, inau_rAnce premiums and ground rent3 as that' fail due,
<br />such a slsall hr at Bot~'awer's ogtaaa, either promptly repaid io Borrower ar credi#ed to Borrower on
<br />raantltly utstaUmeata of Funds. if the amoaunt eYf the Funds held by .Lender shall not fie sufficient to pa}•
<br />taws, asso_aatne~+ita, insur~anrr premiums and ground eerie as they fall due, Borrower shall par' to Lender
<br />any amount >~ to make up the deficiency within thirty days after nntfce from Lender to Borra+ver
<br />rasiuesting pa_wmeat therea#, or Serrrower shall, b-Y an increase in monthly- installments of Funds teyuired,
<br />rnpay tine drncieney within-the f`cmrL amounting petsod.
<br />Upon pa}'mart in full of all at;m:z secured b}' this lclorigage, Lender shaft apf?ly Fund,: held as a rnalis.
<br />again_St. all sums due.
<br />