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<br />' _
<br />15ate
<br />it
<br />HALL '~~
<br />This is to eert~g that there is pending in the Countg Court of _Counfg,
<br />Nebraska, a proceeding entitled: ~~,
<br />'i
<br />,, IN THE' A7A'Y'TEH OF' THS ESTATE OF r~FZCk JAP4SODI,ueceased
<br />No.- 35-78
<br />which is a proceeding
<br />(pro6ale of will, administration of estate, determination of hors, dUUA+ination
<br />, in which proceeding the Joltowing described real
<br />of inl+erifana tar, guardianship, or cnnseroalorship
<br />estate is intmltnd, to-wif:
<br />(108) in Hawtharna Place, an Addition to the City o1' Grand Island
<br />proceeding thence due Last, parallel with the Soutt; line of rsismark
<br />Road in such Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (NE},NW.;r)
<br />of said Section 'i'we;nty-two (22), a distance of 220.375 feet to
<br />the Northwest corner of Lot One (1) in Block Three (3) of Claussen's
<br />Gauntry View Addition to the City of Grand Is, and, thence due
<br />South along and upon the West tin e of Blocks Three (3) and Four
<br />(4) of Claussen's Country View Additian to the Southwest corner
<br />of Lot Eight (8) in Block Four (41 of said Claussen's Country
<br />Viaw ,addition, thence proceeding in a Westerly direction along' an
<br />upon the North line of Sunset Avemxe, a distance of '10,375 feet
<br />to the Easterly boundary line of Hawthorne Place, an Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, thence proceeding in a
<br />Northerly direction along and upon the Easterly baundary line
<br />of said Hawthorne Place to the point of beginninc;, excepting
<br />there{: rase a tract or land hai~ins a i'rontac;e an Sunset _lvenue o±'
<br />82.6' i'eet running East and West ar.d 1?ein~~ S3 !'net runnir=.g _~or*-h
<br />ranca South, r,rcrre ?a=rrticular;ty desr:riLse€i iri a <?uitcl~iai=. L4Avd
<br />rocardc:i in F3ook i7;a at Page 2v3 of the Dead ltecorcls aF 11`,.1.1
<br />t~~unty; Neb: ~~..~.
<br />3) An undivided one-half (11:1) interest in andta 'I`iie 1:e~,t
<br />One Hundred Fifty-nine beet fW159'j ai the Gast `t'wo 1lundred
<br />1`hirty-exec f=eet (E.'31') af° the tk'e~>t '!"wo 1lundred Sixty--a'our
<br />Heet (W264') oi' Lat 'Phir•teen (i3), County ~;uUdivision of the
<br />West Ha1F ai` the Southwest tuarter {H',~51n'17, Section FiFteerr {:15?,
<br />Tawnshi)r Eleven (11) North, Range Nino (y), West c~i' the (:th
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />_ ~~jt,~ Serlian 2sFuu'g. "In any proceeding in the county court inaotaing (I) the probate of wills under the praalsians of Chapter3t), article
<br />'~" 2, (2) the administration oJestatw undo t/a prooisions of Chaptu 30, ortide 3, (3) the determination of heirs under the prauisions aJ
<br />Chapter ~tJ, article 17, (d) the dderminafion of inheritantt tax under the proaisiona of Chapter 77, artir(e 2P. (S) guardianships !
<br />,;y under the proaiaians of Chaptu 88, article t, 2, 3, or 4, or (ti) conseroatorships undo the proaisions of Chaglu 38, artiste 9, whue J
<br />,~~~ rgat estate is any part of the assds of the estate or procredinp, the county judge heJore wham the proceeding is pending shalt issue a
<br />eert(1'tcate wtdrh shalt be filed wtth [ht reptstu of deeds of the County in which the. real estate is totaled within ten days gfiu the
<br />~" dacrtptian kf the real estate is jlled trt the proceeding." ........................................
<br />'~
<br />