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<br />;'; .
<br />~ ~.Ye~:S~ca~-~F"~o~t~3a~c.ou~ P,~n~ !-n~C.lxing F,e-~ _ _ _, --.--~~ f.~_
<br />Date - _
<br />~, This is to ceri{fy ihaf ihere is pending in the Gouniy Couri of HALL County,
<br />~~ Nebraska, a proceeding eniiiled:
<br />~~
<br />ilii
<br />"~
<br />iI __
<br />1~~, No. 35-78 .floc. 35 page 78
<br />' '~~~ which is a proceeding int~otDing
<br />ij;}!
<br />~' (probate of will, administraliort of estate, determination of heirs, determination
<br />ii~~~~
<br />I~ ~ in which proceeding the following described real
<br />of inheritance taz, puardiartship, or consuvalorship
<br />1 ',,
<br />';I"'
<br />estate is incoloed, io-wit:
<br />~ I) All oi' Lot. Dive (5), Hame Subdivision of part of the
<br />u
<br />Northwest Quarter {NW;;), Section Nine (9), Tok~nship
<br />Eleven {11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.i`T.,
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, excepting a tract located in the
<br />Northwest corner thereof, being 220 feet runnins,3 North
<br />and South and 350 feet running East and West
<br />AND
<br />a part of Lot Eight (8) of said Home Subdvision, more
<br />particularly described as follows: T3eginning at the
<br />Northwest corner of said Lot 8; thence running Easterly
<br />along the North line of said Lot 8 a distance of Four
<br />Hundred Forty and Six Tenths (~#~0.6) Feet; thence run-
<br />ning $eutheas#.erly and parallel to the Westerly line of
<br />Wheeler Averzu€~ a distance ai` 1'wa Hundred Thirty-i ive and
<br />~n~ "T CF1Th~ (r.~.v~.i,j i`'e~tj t27°I7~~ runnln~ '`u#'?`i >?I'=r1s~ 1 ~l~. t:~n=:~~
<br />si T~ av~ i"iksr, c=_s.e~~C3 Fifty-three and 1. 3. .~'C 'i`L'ntl:•= (V. 3.'a) F€8t
<br />to a po7tnt 4n the t+iest line 4f saki. Lot Es; i.T,~nce running
<br />,:4rth~rlj% r.~l4ni~c' the West line ai" -3a:r %i ,at c3 i:i dizi tiifi~e of
<br />Two Hundred Sias, and One 'T'enth {2U6.1) Feet to the paint of
<br />beginnir;g.
<br />2) A laa.rt of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest t!uarter
<br />'~~ (Nli`lyNW;) , aectian 't'wenty- two (2_' 3 > 'i uwirship Il~ven Ell ?
<br />Ii,
<br />1,~ North, T3ange Nine (S), ldest of the tith P.[}T., Hall County,
<br />' Idebr°aska, mare particularly described as L'ollaws: ~aer._-
<br />y mendinc; ut the Nar•tljc:;.r~~t earner, ai' l..at E]ne TTrzradred h~}~,n~_____
<br />- - t~~>~tilr 111~t
<br />~~,
<br />}! I Section 24-S.i9. ".Cn anp ptoeendinp in lt~e eaantp court invo/alnp (t) the prafiate of witty undrr the provisions ajChapltr 30, artiste
<br />~~ji ~„ 2, (2) the adminidratian of tstafts undrr the provisions of Chapter JD, article J, (J) the determination aj heirs under the prouisiona 4(
<br />`??; Chapter .~, article 17, (4) the dderminati~n of Inheritance tar under the provisions of C.'hapter 77, article 21t, (5) guardianships
<br />under the provisions of Chapter J1t, artlcte t, 2. J, or t, or (6) <onservatorships under the provisions of Chapter J6, article 8, when
<br />real estate is any part of tht easels of the estate or proceeding, the caantp judge before wtrom the protecding is pending shaft issue a
<br />i~ ce+fificate which shall be Ji/ed with the register aj deeds of the Coantg in which the teat rstate is tocated within ten dagt afro the
<br />{' ,, descrlptton ajlhe real estate rs/fled In the proeadinp."~ ......................................
<br />Ij;,
<br />Pil'~
<br />~~
<br />- - - -_ --
<br />