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_ _ <br />-~~+su cam- ~ _- ~+eF~*~a t ~s€~at~ _ _- -: - - -- <br />__ <br />G I __ .~. ~r_m _ ~.. ._ _ I <br />!N THE COU-~'TY COURT OF EtALL CdUNTY, NE3R.4SKA ' <br />i <br />~j ?'his is to certify that There is pending in the County Courl of HALL County, y <br />NebrasAa, a proceeding entitled: <br />,~! Itt THE 1•tATTER OF THE ESTATE OF NICK SAMS~~T~! LEcnased <br />;,p ;I <br />i <br />iu. ----- -- ii, <br />3`-%" <br />.~;ii" No. ~ ~'~ Dae. _ Page <br />!j <br />I~ ~ which is a proceeding involoing ~ c <br />h. i i ;: <br />il? - (probate of wilt, adminislralion oJestate, dclermination oJheirs, delermination '.: tilj" <br />i <br />I~~j~f'I ~~ -^, in which proceeding the futtowiny described real ~„ ii 1l <br />of fnheri[unre laz, guardianship. or coasercaforship !' <br />estate is ineroiued, to-wit: <br />F'.hl., in the City of Grand Tsland, I-fall County, Nebraska. <br />;r~ (Social <~ccurity buiading} <br />4) A tract of land situated in part of Lot 'Chix•teen (I3} of <br />the County Subdivision of t;he West Half of the Southwest <br />4uarter (14;SW!) . Section Fit teen t 1 s 1 . Tnti,nsr,ip F1 e.rer, t ~ 1 ) <br />,~ North, Range Nino (9), West of the 6th P.hi., in the City-o1'' <br />Iii Grand Island, Ha11 County, Nebraska, rnore particularly described <br />~' as (allows: L'omrneneing at the P.orthwc;st co, net of Lot Thirteen <br />~'~~~ (13} of the Count}~ Subdivision as above described, said point bein; <br />!,j;:j ~ the Easterly bow~dary line of Locust Street as now existing <br />'~j~~~ ,, and running thence Easterly along and upon ttxe North line of <br />ii`rlli <br />~j said Lot Thirteen (13}, said line being the Southerly boundary <br />line of Charles Street as now existing, a distance of" Crna Hundred <br />j, Fifty-nine Feet (159'} to the actual point oi' beginning, thence <br />EAst along the Southerly line of Charles Street, a distance of <br />Seventy-two Feet (1?') to the West boundar~~ line a.' E'ine Stre€t, <br />thence Southerly alarg and upon the l~le€t boundary lino cxt Pine <br />- Street, ~ L:f~tz3n C~ :s 1. SiX ty"f'i Ye Feat (©~' ), ?~ii~;;~~ ~~t~i~l r= <br />~___: ~~~__ _+.. .{:_ ..-.-tsr `::'-_ ,. .,.. ,., ....uPl eS a%riC ice. ?i i1i~~ciriar i= ti% <br />i;y <br />~°.~nty~':w.: ~ ~~t . ~' }, t,~eiruc Rtier7'ti~erty par~~~it:; tv 4ne <br />~'te~at 7J C)Llnd3r~.' 11nC Ot Plne StPt'f?L;, a dlstan 4'E of :i1Xty'°i 1Ve t~G'G't <br />(&5' } 'to ttxe point of. beginning, said property c•onstitutirrw, e_x <br />re:etangular tract h;rxvint; a 7? foot frontatre on ~:hari.~s Street and <br />a o5 foot frontage on Pine Street. <br />S) `Che North Ninety--three I•'eet (NJ3') o(' Lot Cane (1) and the' <br />' Easterly 'r'ourteen Feat (E1 ~') of l.ot Twa (~ , ;.hack }tunctred <br />Fourt¢en (lla) of ]taailroad addAtiotr to t hG ..i.ty of Graird Tslur~d, <br />Hall County, Nebrraslca. __.__.__..__-____- -- --..~._.~~~.._----.---.__._ ,. <br /> <br />i <br />!;it <br />iir Ii{ SEdion Ydv;~3. "tn arrg procudlnp in the eauntp court in,mtotrrp (1) the probate of wilts under tha Pwvtsions aj Chapter,4(t, artirta <br />'jpI„. Z, (2) thr administration of estates corder the aroaisiorts of Chapter SQ, arttele y, f3) tht dNerminalian of hrirs under tht proarsions of <br />+~ "~,!';'~ GAapter Ytt, artictt 17, {#) the dtkrminatia.rt aj inheritanet tar urtdtr tht proaisians of Chaptrr ?7, artlcte ?tt, (;;) guardianships <br />~«wj~i under the proaisians of Ehapter 38, ariiett t, :, 3, or 4, or {6) cortseraatorships under the proaisions ar Chapter 38, artiste 9, where <br />;11 teat estate is ang part aj tht assets of the estate or praeeedinp, the tourttp judge lxJore whom the proceeding is pending shalt issue a <br />,~Ii cartificatr which shall be Jiled with the register of duds of the Countg in which the real estate is located within tan daps gftu the <br />' description Rf the teat esfatz is jited in the proceedirtp," ........................................ <br />il~~l <br />If~,: <br />Il;i, <br />I~~~' <br />„. <br />~~ _. -_ <br />