7-- (~~
<br />Lot Two (2), in Trinity United Methodist
<br />Eastside Subdivision, in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska; and,
<br />"WHEREAS, the Board of Directors, also known as the Board of
<br />Trustees, of said Church do not believe the Church will ever need this
<br />vacant lot, and an offer has been received to buy said vacant lot for
<br />$6,000.00, and said Board believes that the property should be sold and
<br />the proceeds used for Church purposes, which property should be sold
<br />subject to all easements, restrictions, covenants, roads and zoning
<br />regulations;
<br />"NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the Charge Con-
<br />ference of Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island Nebraska,
<br />does hereby authorize and direct the Board of Directors, also known as
<br />the Board of Trustees, of said Church to sell said above described real
<br />estate, either personally, or through a licensed real estate broker, at
<br />such price as they shall determine to be fair and reasonable, and to
<br />such person, persons, firm or corporation as they shall determine; and
<br />to take any and all necessary steps and actions; and to execute such
<br />instruments as may be necessary or advisable; and to enter into such
<br />contracts and agreements as may be necessary and proper, in order to
<br />carry out and complete the sale of the above described real estate;
<br />and, does hereby ratify and confirm all previous actions taken by said
<br />Board a£ Directors in connection therewith."
<br />Kenneth E. Hilligas thereupon moved the adoption of said
<br />resolution. The motion was seconded by Kenneth J, Walker. The matted
<br />was then fully discussed, in which a larger number of the sixty-faux
<br />gersans in attendance participated. Dr. Winter then asked whether th~',y
<br />wanted to vote by secret ballot or a show of hands, and a show of hams
<br />was called for. Phyllis C. Schmidt requested a prayer before voting
<br />~'`
<br />which was given by Rev. George D. Wheat, Dr. Winter then appointed
<br />Esther J. Sanders, Church Secretary, and Kenneth H. Schmidt, Lay Leader,
<br />as tellers. On being put to a vote, with only Charge Conference mem-
<br />bers voting, the motion was carried. The Chairman then declared that
<br />the motion was duly passed, lfi votes being in favor of the motion, and
<br />4 votes being opposed to it.
<br />The meeting was then adjourned.
<br />-S~CTetaS"'y
<br />ATfiESTED TO:
<br />F. ~Iauser W nter, an Elder, United Met ist
<br />Church; Minister, Trinity United Methodist
<br />Church, Grand Island, Nebraska; Chairman,
<br />Charge Conference, under Designation of W. T.
<br />Israel, District Superintendent, South Central
<br />District, Nebraska Annual Co^ference, United
<br />Methodist Church.
<br />CHURCH ON TUESDAY, August 14, 1979, AT 8:35 O'CLOCK, P.M.
<br />A special meeting of the Church Conference of Trinity United
<br />Z~.eti`'~odiat Chin.:: of Grand Island, Nebraska, was held in the Gc.llaher
<br />Chapel oz said Church on Tuesday, August 14, 1.9?9, at d. 35 o'eloo<k, P.M:,,
<br />immediately following the special meeting of the Charge Conference of
<br />said Church which was held at 7':30 o'clock, P.M. Said meeting was
<br />called to order by Ar. F. Hauser Winter, who presided at the meeting,
<br />he 2~eing a Minister of said Church-and being an Elder in the United
<br />Meth©dist Church, acting under Designation by W. T. Israel, District
<br />.Superintendent of the. South .Central District,. Nebraska Annual Confer-
<br />ence, The United Methodist Church. Esther J. Sanders served as Secre-
<br />tary of such meeting.
<br />Dr. Winter again stated, as he had at the earlier Charge
<br />-~-
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