<br />Conference, that there was one change from prior announcements, namely,
<br />that because we were unable to use the Church Parlor, we were holding
<br />this meeting in the adjoining room, being the Gollaher Chapel, -~nd there
<br />were no objections made to this change.
<br />Dr. Winter stated that, pursuant to The Book of Discipline of
<br />The United Methodist Church, with respect to the sale of Church real es-
<br />tate, and in accordance with the Revised Statutes of the State of
<br />Nebraska, proper notice of this meeting, including its time, place and
<br />purpose, was given for not less than ten days nor more than fifty days
<br />prior to the date of this meeting, by due printed notice mailed to all
<br />members of the Church Conference, at his direction as Senior Pastor, in
<br />"Trinity Tidings" on July 17, 1979, and July 31, 1979; and further notice
<br />by announcement from the pulpit by a 1Kinister of said Church at each of
<br />the regular Church services on the following Sundays, Jaly 29, 1979,
<br />August 5, 1979, and August 12, 1979, and on the following Mondays,
<br />July 30, 1979, August 6, 1979, and August 13, 1979, and by publishing
<br />the notice in the Church bulletins on each of said dates, and by post-
<br />ing the notice on the bulletin boards of said Church an each of said
<br />dates.
<br />further, Dr. GVinter stated that the gurpose of this meeting,
<br />as set forth in the notices, was to vote on the sale of Lot Two (2), i.ri
<br />Trinity United Methodist Eastside Subdivision, in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, which is a vacant lot adjacent to the east of the
<br />present Eastside Chapel now located on Lot One (1) in said Subdivision,
<br />for-tile reason that said vacant lot is rarely being used by the ca2urch
<br />and the Board of Directors, also known as the Board of Trustees, be-
<br />lieved that it would be for the best interests of the Church if such
<br />property was sold and the groceeds used as determined by the-said Beard.
<br />The Chairman then called on Kenneth E. Hilligas, who presented
<br />the following resolution, namely:
<br />"WHEREAS, firinity anited Methodist Church of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, is the owner of a vacant lot immediately adjacent to the east
<br />of the present Eastside Chanel now located on Lot One (1) of said Sub-
<br />division, the legal description of which vacant lot is as follows.
<br />t~-wit:
<br />Let Two (2), in Trinity United Methodist
<br />Eastside Subdivision, in the City cf Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska; and,
<br />~i~RE, the Soazsi of Directors: also known as file r~oara o~
<br />Trustees, of said Church do not believe the Church will ever need this
<br />vacant lot, and an offer has bQen received to buy said vacant lot for
<br />$6,440.48, and said Board believes that the property should be sold and
<br />the proceeds used for Church purposes, which property should be sold
<br />subject to all easements, restrictions, covenants, roads and zoning
<br />regulations;
<br />"NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the Church
<br />Conference of Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />does hereby authorize and direct the Board o£ Directars, also known as
<br />the Hoard of Trustees, of said Church to sell said above described real
<br />estate, either personally, or through a licensed real estate broker, at
<br />such price as they shall determine to be fair and reasonable, and to
<br />such person, parsons, firm or corporation as they shall determine; and
<br />tv take any and all necessary steps and actions; and to e~cecute such
<br />instruments ss try be necessary or advisable; and to enter into sucr.
<br />contracts and agreements as may be necessary and proper, in order to
<br />carry o~at_and complete the- sale of the. above described real. estate,
<br />and, does hereby ratify and confirm all previous actions taken by said
<br />Frei o€ Directors-in connection therewith."
<br />Kenneth E. Ha.lligas thereupon, moved the adoption of said reso-
<br />lution. The motion was seconded by George D. Wheat. The matter was
<br />then fully discussed. Dr, Winter as~;ed whether they wished to vote by
<br />secret ballot or a show of hands, and a show of hands was called for.
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