<br />I, W. T. Israel, District Superintendent, South Central
<br />Distrir±, Nebraska Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, do
<br />hereby give my written consent to the holding of such Special Ses-
<br />sions of the Charge Conference and of the Church Conference of the
<br />Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, at the
<br />time and place in the Call of said F. Hauser Winter, an Elder in The
<br />United Methodist Church, and a Minister of said Trinity United
<br />Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, for the proposed action
<br />of voting on the sale of Lot Two (2.), in Trinity United Methodist
<br />Eastside Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, as de-
<br />scribed in the Call of said Minister of said Church.
<br />SIGNED acid dated as of the 3rd day of July, 1979.
<br />/S/ W. T. ISRAEL
<br />W. T. Israel, District Superintendent,
<br />South Central District, Nebraska Annual
<br />Conference, United Methodist Church.
<br />DF. S T GNAT T(lN
<br />Comes now W. T. Tsrael, District Superintendent, South Central
<br />District, Nebraska Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, and pur-
<br />suant to The Book of Discipline, United Methodist Church, I do hereby
<br />designate F. Hauser Winter, an Elder in The United Methodist Church, and
<br />Min titer of Trinity United Methodist C';urch ^f Grand Isl°-d, :~braska,
<br />and in case of his absence, then George D. Wheat, an Elder in The United
<br />Methodist Church, and a Minister of Trinity United Methodist Chureh of
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska, to preside in my place and stead, at a Special
<br />Session of the Charge Conference, and a Special Session of the Church
<br />Conference, of said Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, to be held in the Cnurch Parlor of said Church on Tuesday,.
<br />August 14, 1979, at 7030 o'clock, P,M., for the purpose and proposed
<br />action of voting on the sale of Lot Two (2), in Trinity United Methodist
<br />Eastside Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, described
<br />in the Call.
<br />SIGNED and dated as of the 3rd day of July, 1979.
<br />tsl w. T. IsR.AEI,
<br />W. T. Israel, District Superintendent,
<br />South Central District, Nebraska 70.nnual
<br />Conference{ United Methodist Church.
<br />C4•NgENT ?~ SALL
<br />Come now W. T. Israel, District Superintendent, South Central
<br />District, Nebraska Annual Conference, United Methodist Church, and F,
<br />Hauser Winter, a Minister of Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska, and do hereby each expressly give their written con-
<br />sent to the sale of Lot Two (2}, in Trinity United Methodist Eastside
<br />Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />SIGNED and dated as of the 3rd day of July, 1979.
<br />~~ W. T. ISRAEL
<br />W. T, Israe3,; p~strxct Superintendent,
<br />South Central District, Nebraska Annual
<br />Conference, United Methodist Church.
<br />~/ F. H~,USER WINTER
<br />F, Hauser Winter, Ma.n~,&ter, Trin~° it~~
<br />United Methodist Church of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />.. ~-
<br />