<br />County of Hall.
<br />ss.
<br />i, Esther J. Sanders, Recording Secretary of Trinity United
<br />riethodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, a religious Corporation,
<br />being first duly sworn, do hereby certify, under oath, that the follow-
<br />ing instruments herein set forth in their entirety, insofar as the sale
<br />of the Church property described as Lot Two (2), in Trinity United
<br />Methodist Eastside Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />subject to all easements, restrictions, covenants, roads and zoning
<br />regulations, is concerned, are true, correct and complete copies of
<br />the originals of such instruments; that each of the persons who execu-
<br />ted such instruments was the duly authorized, respective official hold-
<br />ing the position indicated by the title shown after his or her respect-
<br />ive name; that the Resolutions authorizing such sale and such other
<br />matters pertaining thereto are set forth in full in the minutes of each
<br />respective meeting; that an announcement of the purpose of the meeting,
<br />and of the sale of such property was given not less than ten days nor
<br />more than fifty days before the date of the meeting, by printing the
<br />same in the Church's publication, "Trinity Tidings," on July 17, 1979,
<br />and July 3i, 1979, mailed to all members of the Charge Conference and
<br />to all members of the Church Conference; and further notice by announce-
<br />ment from the pulpit by a Minister of paid Church at each of the regular
<br />Church services on the following Sundays, July 29, 1979, August 5, 1979,
<br />and August 12, 1479, and on the following Mondays, July 30, 1979,
<br />August 6, 1979, and August 13, 1979, and by publishing the notice in
<br />the Church bulletins on each of said dates, and by posting the notice
<br />on the bulletin boards of said Church on each of said dates; which wad
<br />for more than ten days prior to the date of the meetings on August 1;4~
<br />1979, and not over fifty days prior to the meetings, as required by the
<br />Discipline of The United Methodist Church, and as required by the
<br />Statutes of Nebraska; and that said instruments are as follows, namely:
<br />T, F. Hauser Winter, an Elder in The United Methodist Church,
<br />and a Minister of Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska. pursuant to The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist
<br />Church, do hereby call a Special Session of the Charge Canfer~nce ok..
<br />said Chinch, and a Special Session of the Church Conference of said
<br />Church, tc be held in the Church Parlor of said Church, on Tuesday„
<br />A.u~ust 1~, 1979, t 7:30 o'clock, R.M., for the proposed action of vot-
<br />i3tzl on the sale of Lot Two (2), i.n Trinity United Methodist Eastside
<br />Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Nebraska, subject to ease-
<br />ments and restrictions of record, for the sum of $b,000.00, or such
<br />other sum as the Board of Lirectors, also known as the Board of
<br />Trustees, of said Ch~.xrah shall determine to be fair and reasonable,
<br />and to such person, persons, firm or corporation as shall be deter-
<br />mined by the said Board. The reason for the sale is that said prop-
<br />erty is not being used and is not needed for the Eastside Chapel now
<br />located on Lot One in said Subdivision, and it is believed that it
<br />would be for the best interests of the Church if such property was
<br />sold and the proceeds invested as determined by the said Board. Notice
<br />of the Special Meetings, and the purpose for which the meetings are
<br />called, shall be given not less than ten clays nor mare than fifty days
<br />before the date of the meetings, by mailing printed not'iaes to each
<br />member entitled to vote at such meetings, in the Church publication,
<br />"Trinity Tidings", can the following Tuesdays: July 17, 1979, and
<br />July 3I, 1979. Additional notice shall be given by printing in the
<br />Church's weekly bulletin, and announcement from the pulpit, and pasting
<br />on the bulletin boards, on the following Sundays: July 29, 1979,
<br />August 5, 1979, and August 12, 1979, and on the following Mondays:
<br />July 30, 19.79, August 6, 1979, and August I3, 1979.
<br />SIGNED and dated as of the 3rd day of July, 1979.
<br />F. Hauser Winter, Minister
<br />-1-
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