<br /> ,��� .__�.��..:x:__. _ ._-- - - -- -
<br /> �,� , _ _-_-_
<br /> .� -- - - ��:- -�- ------- ---.._.__._._.._.- - --��` _ - ,_
<br /> i .
<br /> IBonowYr m�y oura wch � WIwN �nd winsLl�. �� provld�d h Wu'�W�Ph tB, by uusk+q th��ctlon or �mcMdY►fl lo b� _
<br /> � �.,,r�wru,.n,w,�uu�, r,�.na.r•.000a wcn d+um�,a�on.a.aud..�„�ot in. aoR�«.nc�.Y�w�u,o v�o�rty o►
<br /> aA,►m.t.rw wrpwn+m: a a,�wn cn�isa Dy uu. s.cuHf�r Inswrtw�t or Und«�•s.cxrRy ntwasl. B«row.r ahaN.tw be n
<br /> d«wtNi i+w+���:.r�, �t»-:s�the ban�i+.�et�rt+�w+�:+.gRV»a�:�:a."y faaa ar L-uccura:a intanu!!on a stafenw+a to Lr+d��a -
<br /> iIWtad ta provid�L�ntir' wMh my maurW Y►fattwtJon) in ea►r►actlao wMh th� loan widwfo�d Dy tM IVat�, Y�cAidlnp, but not �
<br /> ` 14r�M�i W. r�t+rYana oontar�Jnp Bartoywt's oacup�ncy oY tM Wo�y Rs o ptindpaf ntkiancw It thir 9�axity � �
<br /> � wubw�wN !� o„. �.�s.Hoa, eor►ow.►.har oo+�wry wiu, .r cn.aoYw«,: ul th.r..a.. n Eio+rowr .ca�r« N.au. to �n. � -
<br /> ' Properiy,th�iwwM�uW i��d a�P:a�:�i.Y rwi n.�--�a u��::: t�sdar e�ee� to th�m�nk►In writing. ,� �
<br /> � T. P Y O t�C t t o n o!I.�o t d a r's R l p h t s in t�N P t o p�r t y. !f 6aroww wb to p�iam ttw wvw�nts�nd�qrNnw►te =
<br /> � � Contain�d In thl�5�curity k►skwnu�t. or thsr� t� • Ipal procsadhp that maY slqNlca^dy �tt�c! t�nd�t's ripht� h 1M P'rop�rty =
<br /> - i (sssch w� q'�"i��L�bwwrupicy. probats,t�r cwtd�uul:�rt or todeiWro or tn�ntcrc�{�w�Or hpufntiar►a�.than L�nd�t m�y �y F
<br /> � do and pay tor wMiww N n�o�wY a Prot�a4 ttu�va�w d tha Prnp�rly�nd L�r►dn's r{phty fn th�Propaty. L�idar's a�iona � -
<br /> ' m.� r,�+d. w�a �+v wn+s ..a,�w cy . wn wnka, �,., a+o�ay o�+� �nia s«��y �,swm.�,�, .�..mo r, c«u1. wv�o p
<br /> � nasa�aDl�attont��iw�nd�nt�in0 ot� th�R'op�b to m�k��i+��.AMhw:ph L��d�r m�y Lka action und�r thks parapcaph � r
<br /> 7�L�ndw doM nal htv�to do w. ^�� �
<br /> My �ttwaiU dubunld by Undx und�r paraprcph 7 th�M b�cotn�aOdl�orW d�Dt ol 6orrower s�au�d by thk S�cwqy ,T =
<br /> InaWmmt. UMas Botrowrr and Lrndr apt� to oth�t t� ot payrtwif. thaa Wr►o�nta sh� bw fnt�at lrom th� dW W ' _
<br /> dwbur��nt!r►t�1 the Nete n�2e end shall tre�ay�t+M.wilh intrwt,W�an notfC�irwt�L�nda to Borrow�r raqualiW WY�rw►t• °
<br /> , 8. YOttQ� (�fsurillC�. M L�nd�r nquk�d mcxt4up� Insurana u ■ cond'Na► d m�k1n4 tF►�1o�n s�au�d Dy thi� _.
<br /> S�cu�iry In�trwrw�t. �arow�r shaN p�►y th� prxNurr�rpuind to m�htain tM mortp�g�!nw►uics in�d.N.tor tny nasori,th� -
<br /> , mortpap�hwnnce covsnp�nqulrW by lendx IaPsas or aasa to b�In �fl�d.Bwrow�r shaM p�y th�ptank�ms nqutnd to E.
<br /> �� obLin covan9�wbit�ntMy �quN�lant to th� mortpaqs inwranco prwriouay h �I�Ct, at � cost subttanti�ly puk�Mnt W Uu _-
<br /> cost to BotrowW of th�mortp�p� h�wu►c� prwiously tn d(�ct irom �n alt�mat� matyap� MraLrw �pprov�d by l�nd�r. li _
<br /> wcubst�u►tialy puMat�nl nwrt�ap� hwr�nc� cownps M not�vaLaDl�, Bortowa sh�l pay to Larc[4r Mtch monlh a wm pual to
<br /> or►♦tw�IRh ot!M ywly mo�tpay�Msunr►c�prM►�un boin�pid by Borrowr whan tha hswaiu� cov�y�4psrd ar c�as�d W --
<br />'� b� in Nl�cl. I.�nd�r�wi1�cap4 uaa�nd rMak�thw paynNr►te a a bu nt«v�h ilw of nwrtg�M�wrmc�. Lou ns�rw -
<br /> WY�+►��Y� ��� �W at th�opHon of L�nd�r� H mortpsp�insw�ana cov�ap�(in tM�rrww►t w�d far th�p�rlod
<br /> � tAat l�ndK i'�4u�►�)DroYld�d bY�► inwn► �PPro��d by L�ntbr ap�Y�b�com�s�vali�0i�md is obLin�d. &+�oww shrY f�Y _
<br /> � t!u tx�nquind to m�ktitafn n�ottp�p�k�aixar►w M+ �f1kt. or to provid�� foas rMarv�.ur+�i�i Sh�nquinnw�it fot n�aL`s,�s _
<br /> �9 Inwcrx:R ando in accord�nc�wkh�ny wrht�n aprMnwnt b�lw�E�rrower and l�ndr or y�p�J�ww.
<br /> A II�sp�Ction.l�+d�or ib aq�nt m�y mYa rwon�blo�txi�a upor��nd Insp�cUons of Rha Pra�,rry. L�nd�r sl�ri�e
<br />:� Ban.�+usr noHo�at th�Umr ot a prio►to an hspwtion s�edlyfnp nason�bh caua�fa th�insp�ctla�. -
<br /> �� Contl�mn�R101�.Th�prcaeds o1�ny award a ctaYn tor d�rtwqas, dincx or co�►+equ�nWl. h wiu��ctfon with any _
<br />� con�+n�atlon or othr taldn�of ac+�F D�1 ot th�Roputy. a tor conv«ymc� h Wu of�on,arY hwby assipned�nd -
<br />� �f0 bra pafd to L�ndK. _
<br /> ?A th� NN1t GI ! tOtil taki�y O} th� PropMty� th� prOCMds shdl b� appli�d t0 4te tsumf s�cund py tN� S�tWily
<br /> .:,. Instrsirn�nl,wMthK ar not th�n dw.wkh �ny�xass patd to Bortower. In tM�v�nt ot�paitia taWi►p of th�P►opwty N which
<br /> � th�l�lr awluil vakt�o! th� Proprry km»diat�ty bMon th�takir►p b�qual W or yrwt�►thm th� �motu�t oi th� wms s�axrd
<br /> t�t �b S�cwtry Inatrwnmt i�rrnbi+t�ty► bNon th� taklny. ur�Nca Bort+oww and Und�r ott►rwis� eprw in wrNMQ, tM wnM
<br /> a�x�a9 by tt�S�c�xlhl Nstrw�w+t sh�l�nduad by th��mar►t ol tM proeMd�muNk�by tha foiowhp R�tbn: (y tM
<br /> _�� L�1 amoiu►t oi tha wrria secwsc3 ia�dfatMy M(on th�taktn�.dlvid�d by !b) th�fak mcica!r•a!w ot tM RnpKtY Ynrwdi��ti�l
<br />;�ib�iw�th�taWr�y. Ar►y baMnc�st��pai�d to Bortowr. In 1M erwu ot� parWl Wci�+9 oP tM Piroprty M wNkh tM fai�A�t
<br /> �Ir �ai�ii of U1� ProparlY Ym�dfSUN D�Oo��tha t�ftkl�b i�ss thN Lh�amotuu d tfi�sWns s�cw�d tmmedMtaly bdot+�t!N isi�,
<br /> �; uni�as 8oaowar �xS lwwlw otl�wwis� a� N wdtlnp or unM�s �ppYcaDi� {Yw oth�wis� Pr�ovidM. th� proo�l� sA� b�
<br /> �a ap�d to tM wns eaa+nd b!►tAi�S�urMY In+t�wrw►t whMhr or not th�s+��ttwn dw. -
<br /> ,� ii tta�+P►op�rty t�abmdot��Gp� Borrawr.a if�afi.�r notle�by L�ndr to 6aercw�r tlfa!t� eondertr�or ofNrs W+Mk�aa
<br /> •___r._ n_r...��.:�'.. :�2: i:.......L.. .��.� °�' .�.... .� kl,� .w. fi.. n.wi/,.c. �.�...�
<br /> _. - 'f�.�HLf i���,W���.�y�a�A�li�ilw V�-��_JNr vwtvww iwyy�w �yy�a_ .�.•��r�• �,/�y� y - M'. _
<br />..-� �_�M•f�YYMllli•wL�{�� �_IV �����yr��_wr•�•�..M� y��� � �liw W ,P�M�f��N YI� ^� �V�W�I �
<br />� �{��'/i�R�M_�4'I Y�J YYN�-_�JD_��,.'.�,,���_.'`.`�.�'^..W}�I-Iw�1w �1w{u M�1�11^W�. .�Q.��{�,� �y� w� �.+Y�
<br /> Ml�i NIN� �I�iI DV�14� VYI�1wM� �� h ^"`��Y� �Y �1�1�"' � C'^^� � ��M s� � MMW �
<br /> — Postpan�th�dw d�U ot lho monWY WYR�nte t�ied to In pariqnpRf 1 and 2 or G`s�.�e Lb amount Ct s:c.R rayn'Mntt.
<br /> 11. Bonowr�Nat NN�as�d: Forb�arattca Bv 4nd�r Nat a Waivsr.F.�,�,�on ot th.Sm.tar p.ynw�c a
<br /> — modlc�tlon ot�n,o�tloe oi u�..wa.s�ar.d ny thl-s.a�rity w,sa,�,t yraniea by L«�3+r so any s�,00asor tn bw�oe�a a
<br /> Borrow�r sfW not opwat�to ni�as�th�ititr�ry M.�ori9Ma1 Bort'owrr or Ba:swK's suca�cora h fnt�nst. UndK s9�n71 n�ot _
<br /> — b� nquk�d to camw�a Proa�n� s�Y�st �n?' woosuor tn intwtt ot e�Ruu to a�Qmd tb►w tor pabawn or Wtf�ctwi��
<br /> modiyr rno�tiatloR a u,.wm.:.cuna by this:�e�ity Inaiwn«�bv nasom a�P 9ny d«,W�d m.a.by n,e o�w e«row.r w
<br />� BoROVwr'a suca�aas In Int�nat My totbwram�by l�h �uroisirW anY ri�ht or nnwdy thv nw Cv a w�v�at a
<br /> ptrckid�tM nun,ts�ot my�i�ht o►ntrNdy.
<br /> 12. Succ�s�ora and Assipns Bout�d: Jo1ot and S�wni LlaWlky; Coytpn�rs.Th� cov.n.nes and
<br /> q�n�of Ws S�ayMy InstrwnK+t shtl bfnd eid b�n�M ttw wcassors and aaipns ot 0.�nd��nd Barov+u. v+�bJad to tfi�
<br /> . provi�ions of paraQ�ph 17. Bort�oww's cov�w►ts and agwrwnb shd b�}oin!�nd se+HN. My Botrowsr who ar�s Ws
<br />— S�axily hstrtx►wr►t but do�s not�th�t�b: (�) ts co-si�nY►p tl�it S�arity Instrun�t ony to naR�pt,Qant�nd oo�rwy
<br /> tl�! 6«roww'.ru«�t in u,.Prop�rty w�dK th.t�ms ot a0s s.awily Ins� ro) ts ea P�«+•y obq.t�a to pn►ti+.
<br />_— wros s.c�r.d byr ws sroixityr Instrum.nt; ana Ia)a9na that ta,aler and.ny oth.r Ba+�►.r m.y.pr..to�a«�d.�d(r.
<br /> iabw or m�k,�any�anriwdtlfons wlth np�rd to th�t�nss ol Ws Skueity Inatrare�ac ac the Not�wlMoa!ttW BoetcwwPa
<br /> = oons�nt
<br /> � 13. Loan Ch1�'�R q th� ian s�cured by tNa S�cwity Inatru�l: is wbJ�ct to • law whid� aets ayxtm�rn to�n
<br /> — elwg�s, arid tt�t iae�r is inaly htxpnt�d so tlt�t th� intwtt w othar farr�d'+�rg�s ��d or to b�art�d In eawlseti0n
<br /> --= wittf th.�o.n .ro..a th.p.rnr'�wa imia. U►.n: (a).ny audi� on.ry.a.°�ag b.ndue.a b�tl+..nwued nx.swy to rea�u;�
<br /> — rh. cfwy.w sh.p�rtNU.a im8: .na (D) �nr wms �twd� ooW�c.a Mnm ew►owr wPwCh qsr..-Nd.a prmxs«� wnlK w1¢a
<br /> -- n�r�Gd W Barow�►. Undx rr�y chow�to m�k�this nNmi by nductn�tl+�P�Mtiap�l awd undr th�Nd� or by m�a
<br />;� Qnc1 prynwq to Borrow� H� ropmd ndi� principr,ttw roductfon w�.b�trMtW aa• Pr1W P��WY�1 � �Y
<br /> �� Pr�p�ynwu clw0�W�d�r the(Vo�ta
<br /> 14. Na�3ca�.MY�wtk.a w Borrower Provlded tor in this Saaw'siy I�icuc�t sha9 bo yive� by 6o:v�i�y ii or by m�:np R
<br /> by�rat cisss m�ii ur�Mss�ppOcabM Uw►�uirw us�of�notN�r mdhod llw noUo� shal M d'inct�d to ttw Pr�tty Addn��
<br /> ,r;� or any otf�K addr�s BarowM d�atg�t�s b1► notiw to UndM. My no�a W I.Kid�r shY b�yAi�n by irsi dass mN to
<br />:� u„a.rs.aara. uu.a i,..�, or any otn..adar.�s�w�a�►a�«by �owo.c� e«�.►. a�y�om.�o�a.a��w.
<br /> sw,riry tnaaunune st►�b� d..nNa to nav ee.n plv.n w eorrowK or l.na.r wn.n yiven as pro�vta�e in w.para�r�pn.
<br /> =a �s. Gor+�rnin� taw; SowrabtlEty.Ttas s.curiry tnso„n,�,i u,.r e.pov«n�a by aa� i.w .na u,. ta�► w ti,,.
<br /> � �ww��pp�W Yw.�wd�c�'�d s!w ow�ot r�pro,ri�io�ns�a this S�iux'Ry�or�twl�ik.h�an�b�
<br /> r�:— qlwn Ni�ct wxlaut th�catfictirp Pr'ov�la�.To tt�is�nsJ th�prorMions of thFs S�auiry k�sLw�t md tl�Not�an d�d�nd to
<br />'v'�o �liNQ��.
<br /> ;:, 16. BOROMNt's Copy.Barow�r sl�Il b�yAnn on�oonfomwd coRy oi th�Not�and ot thN�auity kuVum�nt
<br /> ;�.� ��s.
<br /> 'L(.:' �
<br /> ,' . �au.wo pss� ow•3 a s
<br />_. ._
<br /> i
<br /> � � _
<br />