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� . -._.:_ ��:.. , .. -:_ =��"=___ T== <br /> �� �.,...:.:��-.,=-�-- --s:.:.�:.:.:. -.-��_=_F� - — <br /> ���..�. - �.,- - — -- --- <br /> i . . — <br /> TOf1ETFiEH VY1TH aY tM Nprav�en�nu naw or n.�.+�+� .�+a.� w, in. ao�►,.r,� �..s.++w��., .�«�.t�«, .+�a <br /> Ilxl,xw now or nar.aa.r■pan ot u,.ptoa«�+.Ar r.pM�c«++r+la.nd.ddMia►. b�cov.r.d by ch�.s�cwily rnse�wn�n►. <br /> .'i�W ifN 1or��oinp Is rMarTad W kt iMu Sw�u+RY{n�Wn�nt u tM'Pfoparty." <br /> • 9UAROWER C.OVENANY9 tMt Baraw�r l�{av.�6+Yy ult�d ol tM wtxt� hwbY caw�yid and I+u th� rph'Io qrsnt �nd '� - <br /> oa•v*y IM PropMiy �r1d 1M�1{�1� Preprty k unM�oumbwwci, �xc�Pl f�F ioWts�rinr.a�oS r�ctud Sott�vK wav�iiius iwiti w: = <br />, d�iw+,�pmanity 1h�OW to tiN Ra1�+tlt�����,uz and��d�, wb}rct to a.�y�ncnxnbru►ces ol ncord. - � �. <br /> THl9 S�CUR(lY Il�S1RU�1[NT carVihN ur+�lom� covananu for natla��al wa �nd non-urdfo�m i:�w�+tiw�w wl�tt� � L.. -- <br /> v�ldlon Gy�fadicdo�i to�tihh.l��u�Mam �axMY hatrwn�nl cov�k►p nC propMty �_ <br /> lliWFORM COVENAPiTB. EfO�rOwM'and L�nci�r oov�n�i�i�iii1��a a:b�.ti:: � <br /> 9. P��m�nt of P�nclQal Md Intrrast; Pr�WYmant w�d Lata Chupu. eoROwar sna�P+omproy�aY wn+n Q� = <br /> dw ih�p�tn dpal 01 and Mtr�tl on tha drDt widr►c�d Dy tM Nota�nd�nY Pr�WY����tl� dw ur��r th�Nott. � <br /> 2. Ftutd� fOr 4a�t�s utd (nseui�itCO. &+bl�ut to Mi+�at�:a i:w or w a v�ri�a waiwr bv tondr,Borrcw�r ah�Y P+x .i� E <br /> to L�ndr a� Ma d�y nw�lhtY P�Y�ts w d►�undlr U+�NoN. uifW tM Nata k p�fd in A+Y.�wm('Fund�') tor; (�J Y�N <br /> ww .r�d aasMamN►t� wt�tah maY �n w1��1► ovar this S�curRy r,aavm�nt a• wn on ttw Prup�rty; (b) Y�N �++� � � <br /> p�;�nu or pround►�►ts on tn� Proprry,d�nY I�1 Y�N �ward or p+roporty inwr.utica Pt+mlums:(� Y�H �ocd :uuru+a �_. <br /> prMt�um1,M Y�y: Iq Y�1►��C���P�'^w+�'�• M�r1y:�nd (Q any sum�P�Y'��bY Botroww tc+l�ndr in acCOtdanca <br />� wMh tha provNbn� W pu��npt+ 9, {n il�u ot ih� pa►ymuA of matpsp�{nwriu►a pr+�nlum�. TMsa ksm� w :,�iw-� 'Esaav i.. <br /> K�ma.• l�nd�r nwy, �i nny tYn�, coMd and hdd funds b�n amount not to�xawd th�maxkrr�n an►ount �4crdr for a i. <br /> (�d�rsYy n4t�d mott{�� ban n�ay nquin tor Barowe's acrow acco�x►t undr tha Nd�rQ R�1 Es4t� Sdtlmw►1 Proaid�uw ''_ <br /> Ae1 0!18T4 as�r�nd�d kom tlnw to tin�,12 U.SC. !�2d01 �t saq. ('RtSt A'), tu�s��rwiiw► yw Owe's app:+� io uw �wwr == <br /> uta a fKaar art►ounL M so.l� m�y,�t �ny th+�. colMct �nd hofd Funds In�n �nounl noi ta arrHd tha Nu�r anwunt. :_• <br /> Lw►dw m�y�tY►xi�Wt atnowt W Funds dua on th�b�aD of ourt�ni d�L�nd nason�bM e�tlma2e�aa �ru�pr�a af luriu� '- <br /> Eurow It�ms or oth�is�h�ocord�na with appYc�Di�Mw. <br /> TPN Fundc attiaY M hNd In�n k►stl4�Wn wfws�d�Pa�s�n M�wnd by�Md�rd �q�ncy. instrum�►taWy� or w►tltY M�+�� <br /> l�nd�►.M l�ndr Is such �n hstiWtbn) a in �ny F�d�n! Hoin�Loan B�nk. l�►dK shaY appy tha Fund� to pay SM Esuow ° <br /> ttime. t�nd�t m�y nat cltup�Barroww ior hokW+p�nd�ppiyi�y tM Fund�,�r►rKi+�ll �Y�►y th� �taerw aeeot�nt,or v�ilyY�p <br /> tM Eurow ItNns. unMas L�ndr paY� BortowK ht�! on tM Funds �nd �p�p�cabM Itw p�m�ita L�ndw to m�ka wch ■ � <br /> clyr+p�. Haww�r. L�ndM may nqulr� Bo+row�r to pay • o1►�iinN CMirQ�for �n hd�p�rKl�n1 rMl MtaU tax r�poittnp sMVia _ <br /> uaed by lencir In conn�clfa� with thls loen. u+�Ns� �PPYwba Mw provklN otharv�. lk�Mss N a�wn�+t!s rt�cf� o► = <br /> a�ic,abM liw nquins intwat to b�p�id,L�ndir shal ncl E�nqukd to p�y 8arowr aiy intanst a Mrt►kpa on tiu Fund�. _ <br /> Barowr�nd L� rtwy aqrM h w�tin�, haww�►� thst ht�n�t sh�Y b�patd on th�Fund�. L�ndr sh�pN�W SoROwr. _ <br /> w�lhoui char'p�. �n �ww+� �e�oax►tln� o!th�Fwidi. showY�O cndits �nd d�blts to ti:�Funds u�d th�p�xpw� 1or whkb Mch <br /> a dibit W tha Fund�wa�mad�. TM Funa}s�n pl�i�d as adclitional s�ctxNy Wr d sumt sxtsnd by tiw 5�axkY kutrt�►tw►� <br /> !!tM Funds h�ld by l�►d�r �xc�ad th��rnau►!s prn�it�d to b�hdd by�picabh hw. lw�cf�c 4�1�ocotx►1 tcs Ba� _ <br /> tor th��xass Fundt In acoord�no�wWt thse nQuYw�w�ts of appRcabls yw. tf th��ssau►t o!th�F�tni�c h�id bY lr►dK at any <br /> tlme 4 not wl�eNnt to p�y tM Escrow Ibm�wh�+ dw. L�►du may so nWiy Bamwr in wrkhQ, and, in such cw Brnowr <br /> ahv qy W L�nd�r ih�amaunt n�oaswY to m�k��+P th�d�x.Y. Bartowr ahaY m�k�up th� didnaY in no a�on tfwi <br /> tv+�Mr�monthlY PaYn�ti.aL�wki�►'� aoM discntioti. <br /> t)port Pepwir�Y h 1uM c4 mi sutns t�q:^rd by thb S�cutity Instruir�M►t. L�ndx sha!pra�tg+MWnd to Borttawit�nyr Fund� <br /> Pwid by ler.d�►. M,uncMr paayr�pA 21. trinrlM s1W�oqut�or sd th�Prope�tY.L�nder.P�ior ta tfw�cquMltlo�n ar faf�d th� <br />= Rrop�rty�atr�il:n4�PA►�sY Fuads hrd by t.�d�r at th�eim�ot acqui�kion or sal�ts a�rodit ap�nsi th�wan araa�d by tl�M <br />_ �3�. pppl�lr.itlon afi P�yt,eattb, ur�ss appOeabis Iaw provid�s oth«wMR a�9 paymw►ts no.+v�d b7r te�r�ar und�c <br />:� pltt�npl�s 1�nd 2 sha� De�PP�� N� So anY Pr�WY��t ch�w dw undu the Aoe�: s� amo�x►ts p�ya�b trW�r <br /> p�tapr�ph�tl+ird�W Nt�nst du�:tourttp t��rinclpal tlw:�nd an�+lits ehri�dw tx�dr th�Not�. <br /> 4. Ck10���; UN1t. Bortow�► sAnii pay W S�xM. ass�sanw��u, Gwpa. 1n�s �nd YnposM{on� �tLrlbuhbi� W t1N <br /> Prop�rry wt�i�rh mty�in P+iakY ovr eAi�Ssaxky inain�nt�nd paym�nb or Qound rwrs.M�ny. Boirowr a1W <br /> py thw oatp�liau (n tho�w�nr provided b patt¢s�ih 2� or if not p�id tn tlrt rv�. Baia�rR shd pty th�en on 1NN <br /> dhC�y to th�P�� �� P�Y�u. Bort�awu shY pton►ptly AxnbA to L�ndR�fl'nzAdo�s d r�ls to b� qid t�nd�r thf� _. <br />� �y�ph. q 6arcw�r anfc� thw paymMlb Qt�ly. Bon+Ow�r �hM D�Y � w i�ncia r�oipis �idw�vy w. <br /> �Bortowv shN prompty�tcharp��ny i�n wNeh Aas Prbdh ovar thi�S�artf/ 1n�trwr�t unt�a Bortowr_ (�) �¢�w In <br />- wlkiny to th�p�ynw�nt ot tM obipWon i�aind by t!N lin In� rtwm��ecepNbl� W Und�r; (D)�r�t�t4a h po0d iWf th� <br />" i�n by�or d�hnds �hst miora+n�nt of th�Nn in. My�l Proce�nQs whkh M:h�L�r�r'a opi�on op�tt� to Ptw�nt 1tw <br /> w�foramKu W th�i�n: rx(c)a�arM irom tM hWdrr W th�Mn an a�wna►t u��Y W LMtid�r subo�dn� t!w Mn to <br /> ur. s.aKxy�. s E.w+a.r a.�«n�+..u.e.�y p.rc o�tr�.�rua«+s►a suel.ct u.w�wn�n m.y awn qtaMy owr nr. <br /> Sraxity hsS�mnL l�nd�nry�lw 8arowR.nwlu fdmtlyM+p tM i�.Boaowr sh�i wiaty tM Mn «tafc� on�«aan a <br /> n»adfoe:ssc fatn.bov.w1Wn to a.y,a u,.pwk►p ot nWk.. <br /> S.I�aeY9 or Pro(Hfty tnwrsrlC�.Bortow�stwl kMP ii��+iprownwnb now�a�ng a hwwR�r�nct�d on d►� <br />- PtopMty k�aund�O�Y►st I�a bf/1n. h�ar�is inciud�d wilhin th� tM�'�oct�nd�d aovwa�� and wrl' othr NazNds.Y�cHD <br /> food�or toodnp,k,�v�Und�r nquins k�wnnca phis k►stxanc� ahN b�n�+d in tiN anaunt�and ia tlf�p�tiod� <br /> th�t L�nd�nquY'�s. T'hr�sturana urtiK provldnfl+h�hauranc�ahd b�e1wNn�3 64o�tnn'�r a�ibJK� to L�ndu's�pprowl <br /> wAiae �Iw noe b. un�..s«wbN wkl,hda. a sorrow�r f.w to rn�u.Y,cov«.� aaab.d.bav.�L.�na.r rs�yr,.d L«�dK', <br />- aption�oW�Wr cowr�to prot�ct Undn's�htf k�ttw Prop«ty In acura,�na�witlf pn9r�pl�7. <br /> - ' �il h+ocuaac� Poiciw and r�nwerats shal b� uaptabM W L�ndrs�ond sh�indud�a stand�cd er+atp�pe cYus�. Undr <br /> a!W h�w 1�ri�ht to hoid th� palci�s�nd r�rab. H L�nd�r nq�'(ew.Boaow�r sfW proniptty flFn to L«�r no�ipts ol <br /> P� P��nd rMlw�t�nOtieM. fn tM�wnt of ksa, Bortnw�r 1tn/9iv�prompt nofk�to th�inNUano�c�erilr�nd L�WIr. <br /> L�naiK nrY m�iC�Pr'oof ol lwt M not��pt+on�ily b't[3onow�r. <br /> : UnMs� Ur►dw and�orrowr otb�wiss sgM h w�SWy, insivarte�e procw�+sf�b�appi�d to nstatlfoet or ta�dr of fM <br /> Rop�ry�d,M u�.naorstioe w�r a.conwdc.y tu.+bie�n2 una�r•s.arity is not�rs�n.a.�t�sa nston4lon or <br /> _ r�ie isal,wa�ade�l t�atbt�a L<rn�Sods a�u�y wa�ld b�twarroe�.th�tnwrarx�proowds s`�s b�appi�d to th�awns <br /> s�cund� tt�1s �.,�curky InsUwnwN, whrthK a rtoR th�n dw� witl.t a� � p�id to Bonw�: R SoROw�r ab�ndans tfk <br /> Prop�ly�ar do�s not anawu witl�in 90 d�ya a notic�itom l�ncir St1at tiw inwnna c�rtir has a!l�sd to�atlN t eWm.tMn <br /> Undar�aaY ooiect thQ ftttxx�nce Drocoed�. Und�r m�Y ttsa tM pocu�ds to ropair or roston tlu P1r'opwry cr 9¢� p�y wms <br /> iwu+�d bic ttis S�curkY fas'�un�nL whw�a not thr�dw. 7tiee sCFc3sy prbd wir bpin whm ti�noiio�is�. <br /> - lUdas Undr and BomowK othwiis� a�w b wdtlnq. any q�IIcWo� of P�ocMds to pei�cipd sh�! r�o! s�nd a <br /> pa�aw tfta dw d�t� of tlw monW}r pay+mnfs nhrr�d to tn p�oFFw 1 and 2 a clwsy�tlw M+oa�t af tM p�nn�nt�.W <br />- WK�QIiiM��t 21 aii PfdDM�Y���bY LiRdi�. 60176Wif�5 I��10 3iiS/llitii(i'IG�i if%� QfOC�OL�i f�tl�fi0i7! <br />- tl,. Rop«q► ai«to tiN�oquisHia+ .n�l P.s. w t.«� tl,..oa«u a u,. wa�s Ey w. s.cutAi � _ <br /> �Y P����4+��• - <br /> 6. Occupancy. Pns�rvatlo�, �t�nanca and Prot�cUon of tlw Pr+op�rty; BaroMr�ra�n <br /> Ap(�11C�ti0tli L+��N1101dl. Borf+ower sha�occuPY. �sLbieh. �nd us�th�P►op�ty as Borrow�t't prfrk,ipd r'�iOMfC�wlU�in _ <br /> �Edy► drys .R� th. �p�lion a thi. s�arityr nsau�,wri .nd shal e«,tinu. w oowpy en. R�op�ty .. eorr+awrs pri�dpr <br /> r�tidrna fa at I�att a�yMr aMr th�d� ot oca+p�nay. unf�sc Undr ottwrwis�qrMS N writiiy, wtach oon�nt shr not <br /> b�w�sa�btY wihhNd or unUst�R�i�y circumsbnas aht which w b�yond BorrowK's control. BorrowK shY not _ <br />- �stroy,d�y�a imp�ir th�Pr+op�ty. atow th�Prop�rlY ta dMYrlont�. or c�nxrit wast�on th� Praqrry.Bar+ow�r shal b In <br />- dd�ilt M�r►y toridEixr acfion or proc�di+y, wMtMr dvi or bp�r�tlwt in L�ndw's yood{�ith Judynwd ca�id rwult _ <br />'• in tat�r+�ot t!�Rop�ty O►othwwis�nrLriNy Y�p�ir th�fwn�rMt�d by th{f S�tl�oky IniLVmM►t ot I.�ndM's s�curiiy Intu�st - <br />�� .s�..��-S. <br /> � <br /> Fu�s.uw nAS� v.a s oe s � <br /> � � <br /> � _ <br />