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��116�r ,-.�..�_ <br /> ...��• _....._......,_ �„-._. . -:-_:-__� - <br /> �. ' '�. <br /> ..�.'YYSY._" ' __-__-..�•Ila'_Ye��yi�t,Y'"_ _" "__'�_-.'__"-___ <br /> -__ _ _.- ____._ _. � <br /> . t <br /> ' 17. Y��nd�r ot th� Prop�rty or • �n�fie9il Int��st In �rrowar. M �II or�ny P+n d tM F'ropwty or � <br />,1 any int�r�t h k M sold ar trnahrt�d(a M�b�nMoW Intan�t h BarowK M sakf or tw►sfwr�d�nd flortowr a not �natw�l �', <br /> � c�ntx+)wA+eout Lwd.P.pi+or wrNt«t oon.«N� lw�dw m+iy�at w.opaon. r.qur.r+,n,«fl.t.pamwM In IuM a«r wm. �.ar�d ay � <br />-� ; thl� �.`�OIXIIy ltliWt71M13• �IOwNM� 1hM Op1i0fl �hiii 1wi b� �11M1.'��d bY LM1YIIf ii iMUwii(�i{nviwww:� «l f'�..'�'.���:`: G:.^•!'•h4 � . <br /> � �1�Ot{N�SiCWtty/MiWWtN1t• <br /> I K �«�dar a«oius t�w opu«+. �W+d�� sn�l pov� 6on,owK noua�t�c:.�irwa+. TM nc�1+o�aNw pro�kw�aa�+ad a+►o� <br /> � W� than �0 daYt Ranf th� datr 1M notfw k dMl►�nd or mail�d wllhin which Bonow�r nwsl pay sil wn►� aau+ld Dy tl►is <br /> ! S�curity In�bunw►t. H Bortoww iNis b psy th�s� s�wn� prior W t!w�x,p�kttion W tNM PN�d. iridr may:►vvici:��y �.r�w«:� (�+ �, <br /> 1 P�++�bY�S+u►�ltY Inslrutn�t►2 withoui lurthK nofia or tfrrrnd on Bo�ow�r. .�'1 � <br /> � te. aerro+�wr's a{�t to R�ilinrriF�t�. u 9«taw�► ma+eo c�ca�n cor,a�ian., eorrouar.ha�+ tuYn the rt�4,�w ha,r� a <br /> � ��breanKr►t of tAis S�curky Instrurrur►t dfs�onthuad a1�ny IYn� D� to tM wWr ot: (�? 5 d�ys (or wch oth� pwad +u � <br /> ��+;Itcabl.w�w m.y.a.dty fa nru►tawnr+t) th.Prop«�y purswnt w�nr aowr a�at.cant�ir►.�fn u►t�s�►a�uity �► <br /> kutn�n�r►1, or(b)�rwY o!� Judpnwnl�ntorck►p tha S�auitY Inatru�4 Thau condltlona w thnt Boaow�r: (�)P+Y� L�nc9ar� '� � <br /> sunss wNch tMn would Oa dua undw thi� 9�axily fn�YumoM v►d tlN Not��s M no�cab►ailon hsd ocwrr�: (A) aues nn�� (� <br /> d�la�lt of�ny Wh�r covww►1 or aprNn+�nU: (c) WY��11 a�nsas Mcun+d h �ntacinQ thf� S�curky tnsLUm«►i,Ir►tdudhp, bu1 � <br /> tut fiMtW to.nascxubi��ttomyn'f�;and(c�takM such�ctfon u l.«+�r may nstonsbN nquin to uwn th�t th�Wn oi ,��'1 �- <br /> thb S�ei.xMy InsYumKa, l�nd�r's �igAts h th� Pro�rty and Ela�wr'a obilqatlon ta pav tM wm� s��d by thls S�ctuR1� �'f � <br /> � Itutrumw►1 sh�M contiw� uocf�n�d. Upon ninatat�c�wnt by Borrow�r, tAh S�cwity kut�um�nt �nd th� obY�lotti� u�tyal � <br /> h�npy sA�ll r�y�fuyy�ry�r�aa q no �oc�aypn had ocarrsd Howawt.thlf tl�ht to winaU�ta stu�Y nat apPM in 1ha w�s� <br />- a uc.iwation una.r parapnpn 17. - <br /> 19. Sal� o�f Nob; Chang� of Lwn S�rviCW. Tha Nuia a a a partW Intanst fn tha Nuto (tuy�tl�w�Oth thw - <br /> S�auity Instrum�n!) may b�soid ona or moro thwa withhoul pclot notica W Bortow�r.A sal�may r�uq in�clw�p�in th� �ntEtp <br /> (iciown a�th�'Loan Swlc�')tMt coMctt mor+tNY P�Ym�q du� undvt the Noi�and thts S�auYy fnscrunwnt. Th�iq Ww mAy = <br /> � ba or►� or mon clw�pN of th� Lan Swvfar wuwt�d to ■ aaN o! ih� Not�. q th�n is a ctwti� ot tha Loon Swvic�e, �; <br /> Sarow�r w�l b�qiv�n wriK�.�noUc� of ih� chan,r N�du+cs wlh puaynph 1��bow and�ppiicabM I�w. fi� �oBtw wiiG <br /> � sLt�tfla nam��nd�ddras of th.nwv loan Swvicw or�ci tho ad.-frau ta wh:ch psymenta sheut�be mado. The nQs�::�w!I s�o �` <br /> � conWn�ny oth�r hfarm�tlon nquk�d by�PP��kw. F <br /> : 2Q. Hasardaus SubitanC�s. Bcrrowr sh�l!nat c�u� «p�rmit th� prwnc�, uaa. dtapoaal.ttanp�.ar niwis� d =- <br />`� any ttazudow Substanca on or In the Propaty. Ba�a�ar ahaN not do, nor allow anyon� du eo do�m�4hfnQ RlY� th� __ <br /> = Prop�rty tl�at a in vbiatlon of�ny Envkorwtwntal Law. l�iwe p�vcxrdinp two smt�ncM shaf nW appty ta the pr�,us�. or �� <br /> staap� on th� Frop«ty ol sm�N quar►titla of Flaza�doua S:�aaa+cN tt�t an g�rayl noopnlsed to be appropciatu to�at�l � <br /> R: <br /> rwa.aW+usA..nd so rtNr,t«wu.a en.Rop«ty. _ <br />'� 8otrc�� s3�a11 prampM/ ptv� l� witten notbt of ag 'ir�.':WUoa, cLkn, derrwnd. kwsub or otAw �ctiot�b)� a�ny � <br /> Qov�re�nwt�i,oe e�q�tory a�ncy or pn�a�►partY invokic�ths F�v�ra� �nd�ny Fi�vdow Subatance a Envkonnsntd law e1 _ <br /> - whlch 6ort4w�r t�as ae�i Wio�wMd�. H Fiortowar Is nolird py�ny qo►�nM+�t►tal u npui�toiy w2haHty. Ii►�t lu'+y = <br />:� rw�wval a otfi�r nrt�irar o7 anY Haxudous �x��V P►oP�Y ta na�.�sary. Boirowr thW promWAsf Snit� d <br /> tMOwsaqr rciwuW�c!lotb 4��coord�nce wi{�Enviroqa+QVfsi law. �, <br />.- � Aa aur6 In tlAs paw�aph 20. 'M+oaaxtrxa 5ubaAancse'w tAou..JSStanc«d�lin�d u toxlc�oe haraniou�suDst�ncas by <br /> Envirotwnle�G taw and U►� fo�ovrNO wbstanc�s: 9uo�, kera�n+, oth�r tlrtvrwbi� or tc�o P��++� W'�+�+• toxk <br /> � patieidM�nd hubicidw,u�o�soir�nb, rt�t�fs��sb�tos or tort►tikYAyd�,�nd►fdia�cqw rt�WrMl�. As u�ad tn <br /> '1 P�Or�20� 'Enviromw�' mwtis t�drral Uws ao�d I�ws o1 tl�J�rtacicdon wh�n U►� Prapwry h loc�t�r1 Mit ni�ta to _ <br /> i�lY or�mirorn+ataL orot�tia�. <br />--¢ NWit1NIF0iiM COVENANTS. BottcrK�ar and Lmdu i�uthlr Cov�M Nd�prw as foiowa: <br /> � 21. Acc�iw�tlotr, Rwn�:�:. I.vr+�ar �tsa�l �,3vo �talEco t,� Borrewsr {�.o� to �ccsNra�oe� -- <br />-� foQo�wlnp Borrow�r'� br�ach o� any covqnant cr �r�m�t�t tR tttla Sacurity I�strum�n! (6at not <br /> pbr to aacal�atfott uttdu puapcaph 17 tusl�ss applicat�l� Isw atavid�s ott�rwisa). Ttw noNc� _ <br /> shvl �p�ctfy: (�) th� d�fwt� (b) tl� actlon n9ul�d tcs cur� ths tiu�au� (c) • d�. nat t�at than - <br /> 30 days Trotn tiN d�t!w nat�ca 1� �iwn to BoROw��,bY whtch tha dsfautt mwt b� csrrad: �nd <br /> (� that fal(ura to cur� th� dafauk on w b�fon ttw +d� s�acifl�d la th� aotic� mxy rswlt ia <br /> acc�l�ratla� of tiw wms s�cund by thla S�wity In�rwnsnt aad sal�of tt�Iarq�rty.7'h�notics <br /> shal! fiutlwr InMrm Borrorr�r d ttN ri�h4 t,� nfnsl�t� Nvr aca�a�lon and 4!w ►i�ht tr� brtep � <br /> ca�et aat3on to a�Mrt th� non-�xlsbsc� stf a d�faaik or any ot1Mr d�tat�s� o�f Borr�ow�r to <br /> a�cal�ra3lon �nd sal�. if tha c�eiault b not cund an cr bNon th� dab sp�cifl�d In th� nol�c�, <br /> L�ndK aR tb apRion ma�l nclutn tmm�diata pMn�nt in full of W autns s�cund by�fits S�curily <br /> Intdrunwnt withot�t furtl� d�tnand and may tnvoia t!w pow�r t�f ssl� and an�l otlwr e+�m�dler <br />_ • P�nnt�d bf► aPp�lc�bi� Isw. L�ndsr shaq b� �ad to colisct ail �xp�ns�s Incunrd In Pursui�s� <br />- tn. r.m.alas provw.d tn thls para�a�h z1, tnc4,dUt�, t�ut eot fimi4� eo. r.a.onabt• .lt�' =_ <br /> x�. <br />- iws �red cosfs of titl�widertc#. _. <br />�=�5 H tlea pow�r af ssl� la in�a(r�, TewtM �tW1 ncord s natic� of d� M �sch county t�► <br />_- which any part ai th� P�op�rt� tt► foc�d and sh�ll ma11 coplas o� suclb cLOtica Ir� tts� maenar <br />- P�� �'f► �PP��� taw tc B�rnax�and to!Iw odw�Pwson�Pnsc�i�d h71 a�pIICaW� lsw. <br />-- Aft�r�tlm� nqulnd by +4tRtt,�a�t� Sawr�Tnutw �hall piw publk notic� of sat� to ths p�rao�+� <br />'-e'3 and In th� nwuwr pnscrib�f f�r applicabi� law.Tnut,�. wi!lfout d�rAarW aA Borr�ow�r. shql�II <br /> ,�, th� Pe'o��ty aR pubHc aucdar Ga tlw hiph��t bidd�at ti� tlnw and piac�atfd und�r t�t�nn� <br />= dal�n�d (t� tfw noNc� od saia in on� or mor� ptrc�is �nd tn any a�x9�a Tru� d�bms�n�s. - <br />:�, TruslM rnsy postpon� sal� of ap ar any parcN d th�Prop��'h+ ti71 � �� _- <br />_= Wa� and plac� of anY Pr+rtou�y aclwdulod �iw. �dar c►+' L� �.00 asaY Wu'c4Mw � ° <br /> - P►cp�tty iR any sala. <br />;�.� Upon nc�lpt of paym�nt af tlw prica Wd. TrwtN shafl d�lW�r to fiD� purchasK Trusta�'� <br />— dMd conwyin� tlw Pro�rly.Th� nc�tsis lr�th� T�uslM's dNd ahaU b� prima facb wid�� oi <br /> `a th� trutt� of th� � msd� tl�r�e. Tr�dM stWf �pply th� proca�ds d th� sal�In th� <br /> � falio►�rin� ord�r. (�) to all aosts and �xp�nMS af�x�rclstnp tIw pow�► of sal�. and Uu sa{�, - <br />,.� tncludlnp tn. psym.nt of th.Trust..�s t..s actually tncun.d, not to.xc..a tt�rn. ° <br />_ X o�tn. prin�ipd amo�,m a th. _ <br /> nob at tiw xlm� of tM d�claraHon of dafwit,and �wsonaW�r attam�y's fNS as p�rntfft�d by Isw; _ <br /> (b) to W w�s�s sacund by� S�curity �s�as�d (c) any �xcsss to ti� person or prrsau = <br /> M�afty�ntitQ�d to �. - <br /> � F13/Q�Lldfi(7l➢S) c�a+ a e �"""`...' i"`�'"�' -: <br /> l �, _. <br /> � - <br />