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<br /> p;�yments nu}� �x�I�u+�er be r�quir�i,�t tl�r���ti�m uf'l.ci�c, if manga�e iu�ura�x�e �u�'er;y�:. lin thc anxwnt u�Kl fur the ptrial
<br /> sy�. t.�,++.r ►e�c�uiresl pn��•icl.xf b}• �u i�uurer apper�•a!t+y Ix�xkr�ain t+e�omts a�•:+ilable+urf i.��t+t.uiud. E��rr��w�rr stwll ruy' _-
<br /> thc prcn�iunu rruuirni tc,nu►i�uafn nx�rc�t��:i�i.u►,►,uti in c.tc:t,or iu��ov��: ;�Ic':': �G�'vr.�"���t ctw r�uires�kns !'ur n��r��xg.� --
<br /> i��yvrr�n.�:c�uis in accunl+u�.�'with su�y.�ritleii uArc�uxni l�tlwa:u Ban'.►ucr uui Lc"�rr�,r ypplicahlc I•rw•. _
<br /> 9. Ius�ectluu.l.cndcr ar i�s ;�ent may male rca.w�u.M. �ntri.:: upun:uui In..�xr.ti�mti��f�1u•Pr.�xnp. L.crulcr shall Livr
<br /> BJiNK'Cf tk�ICC at II1C�If11C(11 Of(�iitn u�wi i�►;�.�,::i:1^..�Y-=i1'�iN��YN�:fMI"�1{C�+111SC t��N{�1C�ILti�lt.i'tNlll. f
<br /> 10. Cs�udeuu�liai. Tlie pr�xeais uf any �w•ard or claim for danuges. �1ir�t or cum.,`qucnti�l, in comu�tion with any _
<br /> ��txYenuuiioii ar�ulkr talinl of�ny{+:,R uf the Yr.�peiyy, or fur a�n�•.:yan:� in liau af co►xlcn►�uti�m, ar�h:rc5y s.�slatial aixl —
<br /> at�rll be paid ta Le+kfer. _
<br /> In the event c�f a totni t:a:i��g�sf the Property,tiu.pux�ts shall be:�+plietl G�the�um�secure.l b}•this S�urity Lutrumeni. -
<br /> w•hether or �wt then due. wuh any czc�;ss paid to �orrowrr. Tn the e�•ent of �partisl takin�; of the Property in which 1he fair �
<br /> market value of the Pcoperty �mn�diately before the taking is eywl to or gr.:ater than the anxx�nt of the sumc securcd by Qiis
<br /> Security ln�trunxni inuix�.li�tely hefare the t:i{cing, unlesa Battawer and l.ender oth�ru'ik a�c�:. in uriting.the sums wcuralb} �
<br /> Qiis Security Instrumen� chall be reduced by the amount oi' the prc�ceais muldplied b}• �he fall�wing fraction: (al the totaS
<br /> anxwnt oi'the sunu s,ecureci inmutiliutely briar�thc taking, dividecl hy lh) tho fuir market value of tht Arapert�� inunecliately —
<br /> before the ea{;+n�. Any balance shall bc paid ta Be�rroa�cr. In the evcnt oP a panial taking of the Property in wl�ich the iais
<br /> market value of the Property immed�ately bcS'ore the taking is kss thaii the ar.u�unt of the swns sccured inuuediatcly befo�r Uie
<br /> tal;ing, unless Fio�au•cr�ul l.eix3cr othcrwisc agrcc itt writing or tuilcss app)ical�{e!�w otherwisc provides.dtic prcxc^c�Js �,hal7
<br /> be applied ta the sunxs securtd by this Security ius�.rununt whethec ar rwc ehe sums are then due.
<br /> Ii the Pro�eRy is al�aiuloluJ.�y Au+.n'w•er.or 1t,;rltcr notice by Len.icr to F3oesvwcr thac the mndemnor uffers to mlke an
<br /> awud ar settJe a claim for ciamages. &�a�n�w•er iail. 't��respr+ncl to Lencier wiilti�:� 3{? day�s a(�er the date the notiee is gicen,
<br /> I,ender is autlwrized to mlleci arul ap�:}2he}xroeee.js, at its optian,either to reuor�et�u�t�c�,+:cix of the Prapeny ar to tue sucus
<br /> r,ecured by this Security u�Vaw��ent.whet;�:.r or�wt ihen due. ,..�=��S �o pri��P� �y�J� not exu�xt or
<br /> U��ss I.e��der an,�l 13.v^rawer otherwise agrec in writing. anY aPPlicatiou
<br /> postpooe the due date of t�r monthly paymcnts refened to in par.►�ropha 1 und 2«' :ha�'Be���i1O1rnt of sw:lT payments. _
<br /> !1.!?<�a+�wca'+Vol Re]eased+F`�rb`at�".uue By��'Not o�Vxiver. Extension of the time for payment or moditic-�teot�
<br /> di'ynwrti.-a7i..�of the sums secured b} thic Security lnstrument grant�by L.ender to any successor i�interest of BorroKCC .�l�:til
<br /> not o�ratr&�release the liabil'►ty of tl�C origin�l Borcower or Borrow�er's successcrs in interest. Lender shall clrt be re�ui��t��'to
<br /> rntnmencr proceedings against arry successor in interesl or cefuse to extend time for payment or otherwise t�3udi�'y ar►wrtization
<br /> = of' the s+uu9 scxura! by this Security Insirument b�• reason of any dcn�and made by the original Borro•uer or Borrow�r's
<br /> successors im interest. Any forbearana by Lender in exercising�nv right or remedy shal� not be a Wa�ver of oc pceclade tlie
<br /> exen,ise of�ry right or remedy. � c�,venants and agreen�crus of th�s
<br /> 12� �rs �]{ Aist�ns Rcound; Joiat and Severnl Y.Iabllity; Co-signers•
<br /> Sacurity Instniu�ent chal� 'bind and t�e»efit the successors and assigus of Le�xier ar►d Borro�ser.subject s.a ehe provisi�sac of
<br />_ purasraph 17. Bc�ROwer's �over►ants a�x1 agroemet�ts shall be joint and se�•era3. �ny Ba�T�wer who «�-�;'2� this Security
<br /> Instrument but docs not ezocuu the Nota (a) is oo-signing this Security In.ctruinznt only U�uwrtga�te. �nY and rnnvey chat
<br /> Bonower's int�rest in the Property under thc terrrtis of this Socurity I•�rutrumc:nt:�b)is iwt y�r.c�na11Y obligated to pay the sua�ss
<br /> ��by�is Securlty Instrument;and(c)agree�tl►�t 1-e+x�a'an��v°�F B`'nPwer may agree to extend.modify. fortk,ar�ar
<br /> ��y��y�i�s with regard to the temu of this Sec�rity Iruttur�tu or the Notc without that Borrower's conseru•
<br /> i3.i.oan�m�.�• ����:w•°~'��`-���`-"'�'ry inctnimmt ic subia.i to a law which seu nmximum loan chuges.
<br /> and tl�at 1au is finally interpreted so tt�t the interest or other lwn chuges coltu�ted or to t+e collected in amnoc3ian with cise
<br /> loan excet�the permided limits.then: (a)any such!ou►ctiarge shu11 be re�9uced by the arcwunt nx'��ssary to reduce the charge
<br /> to the permitted limit:and(b)any sumc al:�eady collected from Borrower which exceedett pemiued limits will be refunded co
<br /> ga��,,,�, �nder may ct�oose to mlke this refund by ralucing the princip�! owed under the Note or by making a direct
<br /> paymuu to Fiorrower. IE a refund reduces prinapal. the reduction wiU bt treated s�s a parcial prepaYmtnt witlwat aay
<br /> P��Y���8e unckr t�'�e Nou.
<br /> 14.;�;��y.,My not�ce to Borrower provided frr in this Sec�riry Instrument sha11 be 8�ven by delivering it or by mailing
<br /> it by fint��n�il anless appiicable I�w requires use of another method. The notioe shall b�dirocted to the Pinpert}�A��ras
<br /> or any other address Borrower aesignates by nntice to L.ender. Any notice to l.er�der st�1f be given by first class inuil' to
<br /> I,endet's address stated herein or�ny other address C.:.nder designates by natice to Borrower. Any notioe�raovided for in this
<br /> Secyrity I�s�ment shall bs deem�d to have been�ik+�w Burrower or I.ender when given as provided itt t�;iri�taragraph.
<br /> t5.(t".�►veroic� 1.aw; Se�erabi�ity. Th's Sacs��ty I�xr�nt shall be govemed by federal !aw :uul ti�t l�w of ti�e
<br /> jurisdiction in which che PropatY is iocated. In tl���ent:It:�:,�us provision or clause of d�is Securiry Instrume�tt or the Note
<br /> confiicu with applicabi�e l�w,wch conflict shalI r,�y:,:."f'ect oikeff•I,r,svisions of t�'ts Security Instsumert or the Note w&ich can be
<br /> given effoct wittwut Qar�,Jc�fli�vn�Pro��sion.To trus end the provisions of dria Saxuity Instrumzm u�r3�e N°te are�1�
<br /> W be severabla � oi'the Note and of chis Security Lutrunx,nt. �
<br /> 16.Bonnwa c Copy Born;'•+���s shall be given one confomxd copy
<br /> Form 3028 �/90
<br /> Pp�so16
<br /> . . .�
<br />