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� _ _ _ __ <br /> s,�,.�.� .._-=s - . .. _ — -- _ -_- - _ - <br /> Y . ... _.�.. <br /> --�.�. ; ;, . . ..;,._,- _ _ <br /> - �--�..:-_�- :'- , _ ._.�_--- <br /> . .. . . . _.._ - _�����__- <br /> �-.- �- .�,�.-_, ,� . ..W. - . --.�._ --- --------- <br /> � �.�_-����-� - -- <br />. .._ -_ . . .-_ /�/�r il�V�•I� <br /> y� <br /> 17.7'rt�tuPrr uY cbe H•apecty ur� Benefirlyl latrt�.t lu 4iur�vw�. li xll uc un}•�un ni'tlu G'r��ntt}or an� intrrc�t i�� it = <br /> 1�x�I�I t�f lfdllaF�ira�(l�l It i�►'IiCiiL'I�I t��It'i��I Iil Ix}�a11i�F i;x�l:r�trsnrfr:►Ys!::s�i H�•f r��MC� t+�w�1 A 1i,riWtrl �,`�Gilr11 KIt�IS <br /> [x��r's pri.�: uritt�titi c.»ucnt, l.cnder nuy. at i�ti �+{Ni�+n, rrr{uirr imnxtiliatc r;+ynrnt in full af uli +unu ktiuntil h� ihis <br /> S�ru�uy:n:tcvo�at. EE.�ac�er.thi�op�i�>>►>hali �rN tM r�er:ikd b}� it rx.r.ik�hibital by fc�r�l I�w�..��i'�hr J+te _ <br /> uf thiz Scxu�it�'I�L.t►uuxnt. <br /> !E l.axicr e+cer:i+es this��ption.Lcncicr.hail gi�r &��raw���NNi.�af.k:�l,rati�tit�.3'tt:tu�iir� ��a!!{�re���itlz a�'erird�f n��t <br /> IC�S(:1JI1 ?l�d»}� fn�►n t}k d�tc thc ixuirc i�d�li��cr�d ur nuil�til wiQ�in whieh Rurn+K•cr nw�t p.��� afl .unt. k�ur.vl hy zhic <br /> tieturity Inetrunxn�. 1t'(3urrow�cr fails tu pay ttu.r+uni�p�icx t��tt�c rtipir.diu:i uf this�ri��1, i.cnder nu}- inc�,l.c wtiy rcme�iirs <br /> permir�3d!+y thlc Seeurity in,trumrfit wittnwi fu�th.�r�kdic.�u.knuiui�u��i+un�u�r. _ <br /> 19. Korruwcr'c RI�;W to Relu:tate. If' �xrowcr nxtt� certai� r�,rxlitii�n.�. &�rruw�� afwll hav� �lu ri�;ht to havr <br /> enG�r��ement e►f this Security Ins�run�eat distauiiwa� at any tiuie prior tu the carlier�f: �al S day.r 1Ur �uch �Nh�r pericxl a.c <br /> �pplicable law• nu}• ��ify for reinuatcntent) �fore sale uf the Pco�xny Fwr`uant tu :�ny� (x�wcr of �Ic contri��e�l ii� tttis <br /> Securify laclrunxnr,��r(bl entry of a judgn�ent enfvrcin�this Scrurity Imtrun�nt. Thou:cuixlition.�are that R.tirrow�er: (u►Fa��c <br /> L.ender n!1 sumc whirh then w�cwld be due u�x3cr thi� Securiq• in.�ttunKnl and the N��te as iF�o acceleration h,J i�c�tu�t�d: (b) <br /> curcs an�• dcf:tult af any other cnv�nants or agrcrn�ent�: (c1 pays all expenses inru�•red in enforcing thi� Secu�ity la�trument, <br /> 5r.rlu�ling,bul nnt liniittd to, rcast�st�blc atton?eys'feec; ancl (dl take�wch :�:tiun a:� I..i:i�dcr mu�• reasoi�t+ly nquirc ta aesure <br /> that thc lien ai'this Sccurity Incttunknt, l.cndi:r's rights in tlu Propeny s+nd 13urmwer's nl�lip.,alion In ra}� the �unLC scxum3 Gy <br /> this Security Instiument shall runtinuc unch;uiged. Upan rcinatatcment hy Borrowcr, tbiti accurity Inctrunx:nt :uxl U�c <br /> obligations secw�ed lseccby sh�ll ir�uain fully r.f'fective:LS if nn�cceleratiou hucl occurred. I�lowevej•, Aiis right to reinstate slisiJl <br /> iw[a�ply in the case oC;�ecelerrricm ui�dcr para�raph 17. <br /> 19. Sate oF N4te; C6�uge af I.usu Ser�tcer. The Notc or a panial intcrest in cl�e Note (togetfcr w•ith thi� Sccurity <br /> Instrun�entl may[x sc�id une or tnore times wid�out prior nutiee to Bc�rcou•er. A�ate n�y result in a change in tt�e entity(known <br /> a�the'L,oan Scrvicer")that collect�munthly paynuats due uiuler the Pfoec:uxi this Sccurity Instrumcijt.There also may be ane <br /> or nu�re chanses of tfu:Loan Servicer unretat�i w a s�le of the Note.If cizere is�change of the I.�an Scrvicer, Borrower wi{I l3c <br /> given written notice of the et��ge in xcorda,n�'with par�grrph 14 abo�'c a�td 3pplicable law.The notice will st:�te the name aru! <br /> addrecs af the r.eK�Lo�n Serviccr. ,wd tt�e;�1dr.�s to which ptryments should be made. The�wticc wiU :ilso cont3in any other <br /> inform�tion reyuirai by applic�hfr;1rj;v, <br /> 2p, }�� ��qces I�imwrr sh�ll not cause or permit the presen�:c, use. dispos�F, storage,ar r�l,;��se of any <br /> HuaYdous Subuances on or in tt�.e Pr+s�rt}�. }5arrower shall not do, rwr allow anyone el�e to do, anything :J�'c�:ting the <br /> Property that is in viol�tion of any En�-im+»r,���s1 l.s�w. The preccding eu.o sentences ct►alt not�p�l.y. oa ttu�pm.s:ncc,use, �r <br />� ttorage on the Propery of sn�i� quuueties��;�i��rdous Substa.'ues tLt:ir,.d,k generally recognizt4 G*�:+; •YpPro�ri�t.:to iw� <br /> rzsidential uses and to mainten�c�cc ofthe Pmperty. <br /> &►rrower shall p�umptly givc Gender written notice of any investigatioo, cltim,dem�nd,lawsuit or other r�i+un by any <br /> govenunental ot regulatory agencY or private party involving thc Property and s�ny Hazardous Substance or Envimnmental Law <br /> of which Bovrower. hac actual knawledge.lf Borrower leams,ar is noi�fi�by any govemmenta! or regulatory suthority. that <br /> any�emaval or o�,t5n mmediation of any Harttifous Substance affecting�.'�C PY'aperiy is ruxeswary.Eoaower shall promptly take <br /> a(t necessary rcnr��fia]actions in s+ecordaacr�w:��4 Environmental <br /> As used in this paragr.yr�+R.:�4r, "N;�nw,us Substances" are those subacances definad as toxic or hazarcbus substanoes�y <br /> Envimnmental Law 311tI IIiZ fC��P�•w�n3 �J:�snces: gasolinc. kerosene. oeher flart:maL*�e or toxic petroleum �r�.+��ts, toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides.volatile solvents,er.�terials containing acbesta�or fom�ild�h1J,:.and raaioactive materid.�3.:4s usad in <br /> this paragraph 2Q, 'Environtnental law' n�.a�as ftderal laws ind laws of the jurisdiceiun where t�Proptrty is :a�atai t�'rt <br /> relate to lualth,safcry or environmental pn�t:c2�an. <br /> NON-UNIFaRM COV�KANTS. Borrow•er and I.ender further coverz�nt and agrce as foltaws: <br /> 21. Aocela�tlon;Re�ee�3�.s.Lmder sl�ll give aotice to Borrower Ewlor to aadentlon foibwto�g Borrower's brach <br /> ot anY eoveaaot or s�R+e� da this Security Iastrument (but reot I�ior to acceleratiou wKier paragrnpb 17 anlese <br />. epplic�6k taw provideA atheiv�iv.�l.T6e notice shall specitV: (al tile Oe�aIDC: lo)tiu s�ciion�ctoi+ea io ca�r wr�irss.:ii; . �.. <br /> (cJ� d�te,not le�than 30 d�ys traa t6e date tl�ee aotice is given to Borrower,by which t6e defAWt taust be cured;and <br /> (d)tl�xt fnilure to¢ure the defiault on or before the date spedfled in tQ�e notice may rts�ilt in mcceleration of the sums <br /> secused by thts 5o�arity Insirtunent�nd sale oi the Property. The no¢uce s6a11 furt6er infurm Borrower of 4be�ht to <br /> rdnstnte nt�ter�v.^�atioa stnd the rigdt tu bring a coart actioa to acsert tbe nau-exictence ot a default os any otber <br /> deten�e of Borrower W acedr.r�tt3oa and sale. If tiee delaWt is nat cured o0 or b�ff�re tlie date spe�llfed In the aatice, <br /> I,c�1c.. at its option,maY r��iare tmmedtate psymeat in full of all sums secur�d �+y thic Security last�wneat wlttaW <br /> turt6a�de�aaud and uwy invokr the power ot sAle�nd any otber remedks permftted by 9ppli��aWe taw. l.ender slwll be <br /> eutttie�l W co�ted all rxpa�sea inc�urnl in purstilag the rbaedles provlded(n thic pars��raph 2I,including.hut not li�nited <br />� to,reacoaaWe xttorneys'[eesand oosts of tit3e evlttence. <br /> It tbe puwer o!sAle is invoked, Trustee s1u�11 record a notice of defAUlt in c�cb couoty ln w6kh any patt of tbe <br /> �Y is WcaEed ancl s1saU Anail mpies oi svch twNee in the mxnner prescrlbed by appticabk law to Borrower and to <br /> tMe�tber persons prescribed�b�applicabk law.At'ter tAe titne requlred by appUcxble 1s�w,Ttustee�wU give publk notice <br /> ot sak to the persor�s and ta tbe maoner prescrlbed by applicaWe law.7'rustce,wit6out danand o�Borro�-�•r, shall sdl <br /> the property at ' ic w�etion to t6e 6iQbest bidder at the time aad piace and under tbe terms de�ignated tn the aotice ot <br /> sale ia ooe or s�sore p�rcels aad in any order Tnistce determines.Tnutee ms�Y P�P�sale of all or s�ny parcel of t6e <br /> �'�'Pf�Y bY P�+�ic s�aoo�wneat at the time and�pl�ce ot any prEVtously schedWed safe. I,ender or its desi,�nee mati <br /> pucs�l�e tlx Pi�opr�y at an��a1e. <br /> ' Foai�302s �/90 <br /> ►.o.aae . <br />`i <br /> _ ___:.._�f�F' �Y�..�,. .. <br /> ��r:,. ,`�;:_; <br /> _-- -'_-- -��- �', ,,'Ji���:;•-=- <br />,iy�•-'�°' _ 'F�f�{6�J{-:'-- — <br /> ---v- __-_r�"4•.'-�,'-_,.m���_�-------Mf.`.— --� <br /> _ ��Y.;c <br /> - — - -==y='-obrl��a`�6`fi`,,,.•rlG�C776�:_,v-- --- <br /> r� <br /> -------- —-- -- :,�k�.�;;:t��f��;�:s=_:�_— - - - <br /> --= ���=.�.sx.,���qqvl�n��;�' � q!R ���Vlc.-t' - - <br /> ------_�—�ia�ai�7!¢QLSjX's.�'r�.?'wl�iv� 1 i . r✓+�' •N. p��1�;--- ---- .. <br /> _�_�iwo�::ng �� i.71.Sd��fi'L+.3� `;�.s+'�..�.,-_— - -� <br /> - � y y,� �� _— <br /> ��-�.%.."L±.�� qC !ST,� ,,•���1 s;�,..v � <br /> - ��.�a � -_ . .. . <br /> �. <br /> __y.���r.��� ��� r'R'���_�'71dL, �s'S.l. �+'��rifi�y'tf;���`t =- _ <br /> .. ._. _ _ _.__-__-_ . ._ — __- _ �_ .-_ __ _.-- . . .. <br /> �W _;�1.fJ$�1i�,�T�� �': �''�,�.'� ;..��.�1,� �•��i�R . �` r; - - -� <br /> ��Rf���'S�.Y�v " ''r:.Ja,.$ ' ,. . ..'�i'a'1�7 ...,.s,za�s:1� �� �.S�_.. �l <br /> rra�.�r_e::Ar�tiFr$ _.1�ii.��i'C�;`-""���'' i�� •ii'�E . <br />..------------ ._.--- - — °----- •.- - --•. .. ..�7--��:-- ---- -- -- - -- -- <br />