� . ,. . . . _ i�'° - .....- __ _L _ '_ .
<br /> .�' ... . ._. ._'--r:c-'�Y^'_.•-'?'_:.. i . . .. . ._ '-`.._.��"'r _ -_'
<br /> ' � •11�A'�U1Y! '�nL�RI'F: ��rt8f!Y�'�KVIl}� .. . � � , � -...-._. .. _�.•_..,...,'
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<br /> �.�.±��•�—+���.°-
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<br />: �"'' �l.�1�3�:4.
<br /> 5. H�tiird ot P�t►�►rrty lwew�w�ce. &,rrowrr shall kc�ep d�r �IIIPCU�YR1CIllti IM�w' t�iIS1111� ur fiercaflrr erntc�l �u► the
<br /> �t�r4y i�r,��!`r�!�N���d A..�h� lir.!, Icui�.Ir i�kltnl�.s.1 Wiiitiu t�w ti�.0".xiti3Yka1 �u�u�I�" r+i.l rury.Al�:r 1�.+:�uaU.. i�klwti�w
<br /> f��k�l.ur il�N�ling, lor whirli I.rnJer rtyu�rr,i�t�urwikt.7'hi. lIl�Ufdllk��h71II I1� t1LiI0�rli�l in Ilir w�t�wnt�aixl f�►r Ihr reri��il+ -
<br /> tlut Lcn:i:r rcyuin:s. Fhe inwrancr car:ier p�svidin�, the imunuur yhalt tx ch:�scn h}' ���r��w•rr wbjcct ta LrnJrr'. appnwYl --
<br />' wt�kh ahall �xN bc w�rwxuubly wfthluld. If Burruwcr fsil� iu �tui�italn �r►ver.�;� �KribeJ•rtx,�•c. Lu►Ylcr nu�. ;u �.,utiltr's
<br /> u�uiu��,nbt:iln��acr,y;e tu p�•utctit l.caulrr's right�in tt�r Fn��rty�in r:cor,la�kc w ith{urrgny�h 7. _
<br /> rlil imuranc� �x�liricv a�xl renewals xtwli t+e�eeptY.�+le io [.ender aixi �ha11 itxludc •r �ta�xiat� nx�n�a�c clausr. I.tikkr
<br /> stull tu�•e the rirht m hotd the poli:ie�atYi remu�sfs. If Lertiei•require9,6orrow•er sh�lt pron�+tly gi�•e to Le�r ail r�cripts o: __
<br /> �i�l premiwi�s�utid renew�at �wwirec. In the e�•ent of k��.v.B��rc�,we�s1uU Qi�•e prompt n�tice ta the inrur�xe carrie�wxi I.enae�. -
<br /> Laxfer nu}�-�c pn�of nf tc�.cs il'�xx macie prumptly hv&�rruNCr.
<br /> Untrss l.erxlee a�xi Bc�rcc,���r cuhcrwice a�rce in ariting. i�uurunce proceeds s�fwll t+e appliod to reasaratian or rrpair of the
<br /> Prop,:rty ct.vi�rd. 6:'thr.�s:ar�ti:�n or r:pair is ctianr+n�lcally f.asibt:anc! L.c��r'. sccurity is nc�t Ic.�.ccrkd. If th;.n�uaration ar -
<br /> repair i.rux ecaxunically feasible or l.rndcr's srcurity u�cuiW be tcsxnal.the inaur�nce prcx�ecds sJull bc a�+�+lieJ to the sun�s
<br /> s�ecuracl by this S�urity lnstrunaent, wheth:r or not then due, with any excess paiJ to Barrawer, IP Iinrraw•rr abarx3a��s thc
<br /> Propeny,or daes iwt answ•zr within 30 d•rys u naticr fron? lxncler that the inserarx;c carrier tuu affen�l to seltle a c�sim,then
<br /> Lender may mllect the inaurance pra:ec�ls. Lcnder n�y �i5e the pruceals to repair ar restare the Pn►perty or ro ��ay su�n�
<br /> iecurad by this Secucity Insuument,whether or not thenduc. T'i�e 30-cl�y perioJ will begin when the nWice is given.
<br /> Unless L.eiuf�r and Borrower aiherwise agroe in writin�, Any al�plication of prcx�eeds ta priiu:ips! sl�ll rwt extarJ or
<br /> pcutpo�e;thc di�e dato ai dic nu�ntAly paynums refci•rcd to in �S��raplis 1 ar►cl 2 or change tt� amou�u of tt�c p•rymcnts. If
<br /> uru3cr p;uagr�{�h 21 thc Property is a�.quitrcl by (.,cn�lcr,Bot�rowcr's right to m�y in,ur.u�ce policie.s and pt�o¢ced;rcsultiag from —
<br /> da�nagc to tlic Property prior to UTe 4cquisition shall�ass w Lra�dcr to clu cxtcnt of tbc uuns sccurod by this Sccurity Uuttuu�eau
<br /> iuut�c�liatcly prior�o thc acyuisiuoci.
<br /> 6.Oacupurscy, Presenat�,bfAinte�ux�e c�ad Protectiou of tC�e Pt�ope�ty.Rurrow•e�'s I.va,cr rGppllc�i2er�; I.e�e6utcCv.
<br /> Borrow•er shall occ�py,establish,and use the Properry as Borrow•er's princip�l resiitence within sixty d�ys after the execution of
<br /> this Socurity Insttument�xl shall cantinue to occupy the Properry as Borrower's principa! reside►ue Cac•at te�.st one year after
<br />. the date of oerupancy.u�less Lender otherwise agrxs in writing, which wnsent si�Jl n�t Ix Wireasonably withltielc9. or unless
<br />• ex►enuating circurostances exiu which are beyo�xl Bom�u��r's control. Borrawer st�aJl cat destroy, dam�ge c�� fimpair the
<br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorzte, ar�vt waste on the Pr�perty. Botrower shall bc�4[z ciefault if any forfeiture
<br /> � �ChO[!OT pf�OCClYt111�`, wheiher civil or criminal. is begun�l�t in Ler�r's goad faith judgment coWJ result in forf'eiture of t1K
<br /> • Property or otherwise materially impair the tien created by this Security lnst�umeni or Lender's security interest. Borrowu may
<br /> core s�uch a defa�tlt and reiactate,us provided in paragraph 18,by causing the�ction or�roceading to ba dismissod with a ntling -
<br /> that. in l.ender's good faith d�t�.rmiaation, precludes focfeiture of the Burmwer'c iau�rest in the Property or othrr material
<br /> impairme�u of thc tien crcatcc4�r�� this Securiry instnunent or Lendar's s�orurity intcr<;st. Borrov�er shall also be in default iE
<br /> 6�,��uwa,,during ttu luan;ipplication proee.cs,gave rr�terially false ar inaccurate infom�tion or atat�cnents to Lender(ar failed
<br /> W�provide I.ender with any n�teria!inforrnation)in coru�acii�n with the loan evide�x�e,i�y the 1Voi�,a•rkiuding.twt not iimlted
<br /> to,ne�n�sentationc corroeming 13:��rawer's occupancy af the Praperty as�principal re,d:l�iee.If this Serurity In;uutnent ia on a
<br /> leuse��lld, Bomowcr shall �ni�2y with all the provisions ai' th� lease. If BorroWr.� a��Juires fee tiik W tho p'c�aptrty. the
<br /> kasa'�a��a.�rd the f�c titla shall nnt mergc unless Lender ag�r.�.c to the mer:;et in writing.
<br />+ �. 7.}'rotett3aa wt'Lea�kr's RiQhts ia the i'roperty.If Bormwu fails�ui�+erform the covca�nts au�i s��camu►ts contained in
<br />:�`;` .. - -this Securii��Trtiitriime:iu, ar ther�e is a leVsl �r�ceeding that may cigni��ntly affect l.erxler'c rights in the ProAtrty(such as a - -
<br />' ` pmcood�ng in banlTUptcy, probAta, fer condem�ation or forftlture or to enforcc laws or rcgulations),then l.ender may do and
<br /> pz}- f�r whatever is c�ecessary to protect the value of ttu An�perty and Lender's rights in the Property. Le,nder's aciioua may
<br />';t inciu3e paying any su� secured by a lien which has prinri�y ovtr this Security Insiwttient. zppearing in owut, p�ying
<br />,:�� neasonabk attameys' fees ard ersterinY on tht Proptrty to mai�repain.Althou�h Y.catider may take xtion w�der this Para�taph
<br /> T,Lqider d�es not have to do so.
<br /> ' My �nounts disbutud Dy II.ender under this patugr.}p� 7 chall becomc addidonal debt of Borrowa secttnd by tttis
<br /> Se,�anity Instrumeau. Unkss Bc�rr�wu and Lender agree to.vt�ur terms of payment, th<;;e a�wunts s,hall beu itu¢crsi fcom tbe
<br /> i datx c�f�isbursanent u the Note txtc aad shall be payabl•�:. with intenst. Wwn notioe from L,e�¢er W Borrowec r'Wwstigg
<br /> � payment,
<br /> �s S.Mart�s�e inwrance.If I.raider required mortgage insurance:tis a condition of making the loan secural by this Security
<br />' Iastms�aent. Ba-rower st�aq �y the premiums required w m�intain the mort$age iawrance in effect. If, for any reason, the
<br /> :. rr.wt'g.a,�e iasurance coverage rtx�u:�ed by Lencler lapses or ces�es to be ia effect. Barn�wer shall pay the premiums requirad to
<br /> �' obi�,in�.vverage wbst�uially eqwa���lent to the mortgage insi►ruxe previously in effect. at a cau subst�ntiaily equivalent to the
<br /> 's oost to Borrower o�'the mortgage insuranoe previoasly in effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by l.encler. If
<br /> sub�tantially equik�lent matgage iiuurance��erage is not available, Borrowu shalt pay to Lender each month�sum��ua! to
<br /> ' ocoatwolf�h of the yearly mortgage inwrance premium being paid by Borrowzr wlun the insurarice coverage lapsed or ceaud!o
<br /> hc:ivs cffoct.La�der will xxpt,use�ud retain these paymenu as a loss reserve in liw of uwrtgage inwr�aoe. Loss reserve
<br /> F�, Fona 302s 4J�0
<br /> • , wo.awe
<br />