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� <br /> w..�� �, ___�._.. -_-- -.__ _--- <br /> _:'� -_- __--:-�--TY�-.- ---..:.;,�_-. . ` � .:i . . ..___.- -_ ;:_-=. <br /> =.ZS�.-.:}h!. +al.�lra ..aaMa�in�-l-Y.=cz�r_z.4u.-.Y-+�±f.o• }- • �•^'--.-._. <br /> Jr ' __. . . ..'t�� . . . .... .rt..... _. .... st:r. " . .. - - .--E.T..-«..��..��� <br /> . ..f�1�� __�.— �_ _ " ." <br /> ��� �too���. <br /> TUGE'sl Nf�R 1�'ll'�I WU�he in�ia�•eu�nts ix�w or htrc.��ter erxtal on tlx 4v►�{+rct��,a�ul ail e.4+�rnt�u�, sy+�►uctciuuxes,�uxl <br /> fi.tu�:: ��•� �: t�.:se���rr u �+i �•: ct�a �....�::t.. AI! r=n,•�-m-cu� aac! :�l:ii:iaus s.hs!! �►IYV br ct�vercd Ry ihh `r+ruri�y <br /> trutrunxr�t.Ait of lhc fi�rCnoi���;ic rcfaernl t.�in thi:Saurit}•inurun�ent as thr"Pr��pert��." <br /> ilf)RROW�R f.'O�'ENAiVTS tF�t dum�wtr i�Iwwfully �i.a9 oi'th�:cstat:htr.hy a�n�•�yal:uui h:u the right����rwu�uxl <br /> cum•ey the Prc�eny u�xl ttwt the PrupenY ix tu►�rxwnberrci, cxccpt fat erxun�+rbuxes oF ��rJ. Ei��rrow•er u•arr�uus�xl wlll <br /> cicfend ge��er�Uy th�titlr t.►the PruE�crty��irut x11 clainu su�d�n�.vxls,subject ta wny c�uumbrancrs��f h���r�. <br /> THiS Sk�URITY iNS7'nUh1�NT�c�►��t+iix�unifc►�n rt�v�rwatus far natiuna! us:�x! nau-unililrtit��c�ve�winty with linuta! <br /> variatiui�bt�Jurisdlcdon to con�titote a unifnrn�uxurity instcui��eru mvering real pn�xny. <br /> UNIF.�RM COVC:NANTS.I3arn�u�cr:aul LerrJer cucetuuit wx1 ugrzc as Full�ws: <br /> 1. P�►�a�enl ot I1rtn.IpR1 wul IaierFSt; Pre�Yweut wd Latr CharR�.w. Battaw�er st�all pmmEuly pay whei�due the <br /> principal of;uvi irtterest�n tltic d�ht eviilrncerl by thc N�ue and any prerayment arx!6,►:e:harges duo u►xier the Note. <br /> 3. Fluulz tar Ta�►es a►ul Iasurauce. Subject to applicablr law or ta� written wai��e� hp l.endcr. Burrowc�stwll pay to _. <br /> Lcndcr an itie day nx►nthly paymcnts are due uncirr the Note.until thc Note is paid in full,a su�i('Funds"f for. tal>'c:uly taxe.c <br /> w�d�cn�ents which n�y attain priority over ihis Sexurity irwroment sic�lien an the Pruperty;(bl��e�rly leasehold paymcnts <br /> or Srou�xl rcnts an the Property,if any:i�)Y��Y ���=Pmperty insuranoe prenuums;(dl yearly IluiK1 iiuur�uuc���y,uu„�», - <br /> iP uny; (e1 yea�'ly mortgage inwra�tce prcmiunu, if ariy; uxi(�uny sums payable by Borrow�er to l.ender, in :sccordance witU <br /> t1�e provisions oF paragraph 8, in lieu Uf the payirrecu of uw�;ago insurance premiunu. Thcse items are caJlcd "i:scmw Iten�s." <br /> i,e�uler��tay, 3t any time, collect a�ui liald I�wuis i►i u� anwwu not to exceed the maxinwrn a�nopnt a te�r for a fcxfe�lly <br /> re[au��nortgag;,toan�uy re�uire for 13�irower's escrow a,ccowit under the federsil Rcal Cstate SetUcnunt Prxedures Act of <br /> 2974 a,;u��cact3d fmm time to tinm. 12 U.S.C.Section 2b01 ei�eq. ('RESPA,"), unle.�s�wQier taw tt�t applies to tho Funds <br /> sets a Lesscr amount. If so, Lencier cn•ry, at any tin�c, coltect;��t hold Fuiuis in �i amount not to cxccxrl du� lesser amount. <br /> Leader nmy escimate the anwunt of T�wx'_�duc�m r1:c basis ot'current data a�sd ce�.so�wble acin�tes of ex,�cnditurcs of fupu�e <br /> Escrow Itcros or otherwise in�ccorda�tce��izh�plicable t�w. <br /> Tfx:• �%+t�xis shall lx beid iiz a�l iiT;,�t�t:�ticui wtwse d�po:�r:; :�� ins�!*ed by � feder�l a�eruy, iastrwnentalit}•. or cntity <br /> (includi:�:l;,esader.if'L,e��ter is sucf�a:r ii:r•titutio��)or in any FeCt�:-:Home Loa�i Bank. Lender�hall apply�ik:Fwids to pay the <br /> Fscrow Itenu. Lec�d;r��•,a1 r.ot charge�3orcawer f�c botding and applying the 1=uruls, annually sutalyzing tfX:escrow aeoount,or <br /> verifying tttie Escr�w sa<�ms,unless Lernier pays&.x�r.awer insecest on the Pu�Tds wxl appl'icabte law pemur.,,t:t�.ier to mai:e such <br /> a ch�rge. 3i�wever.Lender may reqe�in 9�:TOwer ta pay a onr-cime charFe tor xn independuu reat rstau•ea�reporti�� strvioe <br /> usod by l,ander im m�nection with tris loan, unles.c appticabl: law provides ott�erwir�. Unless an agreement is �taJc or <br /> Aj�1I1Ci1bIC IAW TCqUiitS SriIGiC51 t0 I1C Q�1d,Lender shall not be r�uired to pay Borrow•er a�zv interes�or earnings on the Fw�ds. <br /> Borrower and Lender n�a}ag�e in writing, hou•ever, tt�at interest shall be Ysid an the Funds. I.Fnder shall give to Borrower. <br /> without eharge. an an.�ua! aecounting of the Fundis, s}ww�ing crodits and debits to the Funds and the�.+ent�xise for which each <br /> debit t�the Funds wu�nwdc.Tiu Hunds are pledga�ac additional securiry for al!sums secured by this Scti�u�ity Lutrument. <br /> If L,h<.�ur��.c�sekl by Lender eacceed thes smountc ptrmittctl in be held by applicabk law,Ler►der shall seeoant to Borrowu <br /> for the axc�.a�un�In accordan:e with thc require.-t�.nis of applia�ble law. If tht amount of the Funds hcld by Its�ier at any <br /> time is noi suff aienz tm�pay the Escrow Itemc whc�u1u�.l.eixier muy so notify�Borrawer in writing.�suc9�casr Bmrrowes <br /> s}�all pay to�r the amount necessvy to mak�.up the dr.Fi:iency. Borrower shall m�{co up the defi:�u-�cy in ao mose thau <br /> txeJve monthlP PnYme�:,at l.ender's aolo discretlo��. <br /> U,pan payment in full of all sumc socurod by this Secura2a Ynswmont, Lender sl�aall promptly refund to Borrower any <br />. �unds�e1d hy I�endor.if,undu paragraph 21,1.etYier shzll a�9�1ic�ot SGI thC Yropetty.i.enGer,Pt7or ca use�quisi�ion w saie - - �-. <br /> of the Property.sha11 applY anY Fw�ds held by L�+r►dFr nt the droe of acquisition or sale as a crodit agaias!tho sums socurad by <br /> this Sa,urity Instrumrnt. <br /> �.Applk�tion ot Poymeutc.Unlcss applicab7e�aw provides otherwise.all payments reaivod by I.erxler under pnragrapt�s . <br /> l u�d Z shall be applied:first. w anY P►eQ�Ymu�t charBes due�wr+3;s the Note;second,to aruounts payable undr.r paraRrapt�2; <br /> third,to intanst due:faurth,to princip�l due;and last,w uny 1ote.�uges due under the Note. <br /> �t.Chwrges;Leat.Borrower shail r,ay aU tues.ascessmrnts,chargrs.fines aud imposition�attribwable to the Property <br /> which may attain priority over this Security Inun►ment.uxi leaseiwld payments or ground rwts. if any. Borrower ahsll paY <br /> t}�ese obligations in the manaer p�rovidod in paragraph 2,or if no!paid in e1�at�t.Borrower shall pay t}km on tune dlra:tly <br /> to the person owed pzyment.Borrowa shalf promptly fumish ro�r�ll notices of aaxwnts to be paid under this par�gmpb. <br /> If Borrower makes these paynwus directly, Borrower s1�11 Pronq�tlY fumish to Lender rectipts evidencing th�payments. <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge auy lien which hu prioriry over this Saurity Iactrwnent uriless Borrowcr:(z)�,grxs in <br /> writing to the payma�t of the c�bliguion secured bp the litn in a muu�er aoapts�bte to t�ender;(b)contests in�ood faith the Gen .. <br /> . by, or defeads ag�inu asforcement of the iien in, legal procoalings which in the Lcndu's op�nion operate w prevent the . <br /> enforoea.ens of the lien;or(c)socures from the hoider of the Die,.K an agreemau satisfaaory W l.eoder subordivatiag tbe lien to <br /> this Security IQUwment.If Ladtr determines that any parc Q�the Property is subjax w�lia�whicb may atiain ps�oa�iey over <br /> ' tchis Savrity In��cler may give Banower a notice ic3:a�tifying the liea. Bomowts sha11 c�tisfy Lhe lien or take oue or <br /> - more of the xtioas set forth above within 10 days of the giving of noticz. <br /> ca�3oss �t90 <br /> /hp�2 M 6 <br /> i . • , f <br />