<br />79- ~i~~536
<br />pm
<br />Nu. 1Jcbb lid
<br />Ile de Grand S.C.)
<br />Grand Island, Nebr.
<br />E?2HIBTT A
<br />1. Exterior elevations shall be faced wi[i, uxposed aggral•,a[e, glass,
<br />brick, wood, vin}'1, native s[ooe, finished concrete panels, c<•ramic tilu, ur
<br />porcelain enamel (or any combination thereof) at option of 'Conan[. Colors and
<br />tzxtures to be selzcted by Tenant. Sdalls facing service arras may bz concrete
<br />block or common brick.
<br />2. Floors of sales area shall have vinyl composition flaor. The
<br />entrance floors are to be cement with Carburundum Ca. sidewalk silicone abrasive
<br />nor aqual) added to make non-slip. Toilzt room floors are cu 6e ceramic tile.
<br />Emplayee and locker rooms shall have vinyl-asbestos ti le ilc;or. Service and
<br />stockroom areas shall have a cement Haar.
<br />i. There shall be furnished and installed in the it-aszd premises
<br />eater closets, lavatories, service sink, urinals, floor drains, toilet stalls,
<br />all plumbing lines, including sprinkler system and plumbing cannections to
<br />Tenant's equipment. Plumbing lines are to be Brought thraui;h the floor in
<br />sleeves, and all supply lints are to be equipped with vale<•s. Ail hat and cold
<br />water lints are to be caverzd. Furnish and install water i:<=ating equipment
<br />as required.
<br />4. Tbere shall be furnished and installed in the leased premises all
<br />electric wiring, elzciric sezviee, disconnect switches, meter panzls
<br />panel boards, safety switches at matar outlets, all lighting fixtures (includ-
<br />ing Slimline recessed ;fighting fixtures in Sales area), shoe window lighting
<br />and entrance lighting. All equipment, whether installed by Landlard or Tenant,
<br />is La be compieizly connected by Landlord.
<br />5. A ctmsplete ventilating system shall be furnish-d and installed,
<br />including ducts. fans, blawers, also il:z Iurnislring and installation of a
<br />complete roof top it c.,.uiticnirz system. Ail air canditianing ducts to be
<br />coveted where sta2ciYied.- ..c~'ide cartrals far air condi*ior.ii°,g, ...-acing and
<br />vent iiaLion equip*~~nt as sgecifi<•d b}' Tenant.
<br />6. Aderuate heating equiprx nt, as required in tt:e operatian of Tenant's
<br />business, stall be fuzaishrd and installed. >:quir-•mt•r.t shall :< iocared in the
<br />leased prc~sies.
<br />,. There sha31 be furnished and installed in the leased premises
<br />division wails, urtain walla, t=artitian> an:.~ d.,~~zs, ~_~ ..~..=ms, stockroom
<br />shelving and cabin.:ts_ ;=I1 s=~cf; ;. ;.lls at<• t« t "?,aril+'~° drywa!i ur <an~rcte
<br />black srl~ert n2c<•ssary or appropri.;ie. A;, ac.,ustic ti 1: ar ~!rywall ceiling
<br />shall be instaile c3 .he rr required, as d=termi;x,~d by 7r,;ant
<br />Li, tit ere fro-. til~Leziai and t~-tal atr.ranc=° doers shall t,~ extruded
<br />aluminum. swinging entra,ice daazs shall be manufacLur~r's standard lint narrow
<br />sine doors with extruded iram<~s and dazed with tempered plate glass. C'cnter
<br />and sidelights ai <.._.ance shall 31so be glared with t~np~~r<<', glass.
<br />a. Thcze shall be furnished and installed all Y:ardware, burglarpreafing
<br />and painting_
<br />iCl. There shall be furnishzd and installed a pylon structure with rzces-
<br />aarp wiring thrretr, -r~r _snar3 sl;ared use- file ..._..;11.:.._-.. ~_ ., Y. S~~_L
<br />strucLUZe shawl be in Llsz parking area _ a locatian de,irnaied bvbTznant.
<br />ii
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