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<br />1 <br /> <br />79- ~-~45~f <br />pm <br />In consideration of the sum of thte Dollar ($1.00) [o [h<< undersigned <br />WAI~RF,'t'.N C(l., an Illinois corporation, in 1s:md paid, rrrript wh.•r.•uf is <br />hereby acknowledged, and in further c~~nsid.°ra[inn ui tis.• p,rautint; at the <br />~eques[ of Utc uadcrsigued of the attached ;nid lon•buin,~ t,•:..,•, d;ttcd the <br />- `~ day of _ 14 be[wecn ?il;! ft~?;'fiNEt~'1' hN"1'l:RPRISF.S, INC., a <br />Nebraska Corp. and WALGREENNAS~TINGS CO., a Nebraska corporation, as Tenant, <br />covering the presises therein described and known aS No. [lcbb Road <br />(Ile de Grand Shopping Center) C,rand Island, Nebraska, [he undersigned <br />hereby guarantees the full and faithful perfo rntance of and compliance with <br />all the terns, covenants and conditions upon the part of the Tenant and <br />assigns in said lease contained. <br />In Witness i.`hereof, the undersigned has executed and delivereC <br />this instrument, undzr seal, the - day of _~~~~__~_., 197-% <br />WALGREEN C4., an Illinois <br />(J corporatioi <br /> <br />At <br />S?'ATE i3F IaLINOIS ) <br />) SS: <br />t;pU'AtTY DF I.AI;E ) <br />,, i3sforz mc, a Notary Public quali2izd far said count}', p~•rsonally came <br />1 €:. _ 1~' `°-_ Vice Presi:lcnt of a;algreen Ca., _ corporation, kna>w•tt <br />to mz to be the vice president :tnd identical per~ot; w".~~. si~n.~~ t;:.- fores;oint; <br />i r!sL t`umen2 „ad ackn3w l.~.:g~•d ii;,- ,~ecution tlsrr.~.ji t~ b~ i,i~ vol,,nt ury .,c[ <br />and deed as such officer and tLe voluntary act ,.nd domed ci aaid corporation <br />and that its corporate seal was thr.rrta affix.d bti its auci,ori[~. <br />I9 <br />i:I'd`w~SS €~~ hand and aotari:sl ,_al cn this - 3sv :=f <br />;`1y catmnissian expires: <br />=~C~Fv 'r'ut>lt. - <br />{'_, <br />~.. <br />1 <br />t <br />