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<br />tt~~ pm <br />EXHIBIT 6 <br />A trncL of land comprising a hart of Lot (hte (I) °f Prartional Section <br />Seven (7j and apart of fhe (Vest Half of the Northwest Qn:+rtcr (h''iNlt"~) of <br />Sectian Eight (B), all in Township F.Icven (11) N°rth, R~++tgr ':inc (") :est <br />of t}te Gth f.~l., Cit}' of Gran.i Isl;md, Il:tl1 County, Ncbr:+>}~'+ :'ad more <br />psrticularly described :~s fuiloxrs: <br />t3eginning at a point on the west tine of said Frnction:+1 Section 7; <br />said point being One 'I7rousand ihtc ihmdred Si sty Ninc and Seventeen Hundredths <br />(1,169.17) feet >outh of the norihcaest corner of said Praction:+] Sect+°n 7 <br />and :.lso being the northwest corner of Lot 2, Block 9, Cuntincnial gardens, <br />an additiwx to the City of Cr:md tsl:md, Nebraska; thence ?: 00°tip'3t)" E a <br />distance of .Pi o•c Hundred Fifty Fivc :mc} Fifty Ci ght Stundredths (SS;. SS) feet <br />to a 1Xxint on Lhc west line of Rue De College and alsoal'~nn£thctxarctoftta <br />a 573 fool radius curve; thence running southeasterly g <br />573 foot radius cxn-ve to the right a distance of One Il:+ndred 7~.enty I=ive <br />and Tko Tenths (135.ZO) feet (chord di~tnncc nne llundrec! Tlrcnt}• Four and <br />l lnnn'SK" 14) t° a <br />Ninety >=ivc lhmdre,ll}ts (3?•3.9~.J feet, ci+urd hi':Iring S .. - -- ~ - - <br />p°int of reverse curvature; thence r+nuxing ~o+i:hwesicrl)• alnul; tLe ;+rc of <br />a 11739 foot radius curve to tl+e left :+ distance of tAu• Ihm,Lcd 1 i fry One <br />;cad'Htirty Ni+r° Humlrcdths (IS 1. 39) feet (ihi+rd distance tine 11:u+~red fifty <br />tktc and It+cnty four It,:ndreilth> (1a3.'~i) feet. chord br;ning S !3 ni)'36" h); <br />tl.enrc 593°Ot~'t?tl" lti a dict:rncc of Iunr Ihmdred ;:Srtc Scrcu :ntd 4izty Fivc <br />Ik+ndre;dths (497_GS) fc•ct to the point of hcginuiug :mJ .antaining 3..i7: acres <br />of which 3.?4S :+cn•s gill he dedicated for kVchb Rnad right-°f-way. <br /> <br /> <br />