<br />7~~, ~U932f
<br />such price as they shall determine to be fair and reasonable, and to
<br />such person, persons, firm or corporation as they shall determine; and
<br />to take any and all necessary steps and actions; and to execute such
<br />instruments as may be necessary or advisable; and to enter into such
<br />contracts and agreements as may be necessary and proper, in order to
<br />carry out and complete the sale of the above described real estate; and,
<br />does hereby ratify and confirm all previous actions taken by said Berard
<br />of Directors in connection therewith."
<br />Gaylord D. Apfel thereupon moved the adoption of said resolu-
<br />tion. The motion was seconded by Kenneth E. Hilligas. The matter was
<br />then fully discussed. On being put to a vote, the motion was unanimously
<br />carried. The Chairman then declared that the motion was duly passed,
<br />19 votes being in favor of the motion, and 0 votes being apposed to it.
<br />The meeting was then adjourned.
<br />Secretary
<br />F. Hauser Winter, an Elder, United Methada.st
<br />Church; Minister, Trinity United Methodist
<br />Church, Grand Island, Nebraska, Chairman,
<br />Charge Conference, under Designation of
<br />w. T. Israel, District Superintendent, South
<br />Central District, Nebraska Annual Confer-
<br />ence, United Methodist Church.
<br />CHI:TRCH ON TUESDAY', August 23, 1977, AT 8:00 U'"CLOCK, P.M.
<br />A special meeting of the Church Conference of Trinity United
<br />iethodist Church of Grand island, Nebraska, was held in the Lower Sanctu-
<br />ary of said Church on Tuesday, August 23, 1977, at 8:00 o'clock P.M.,
<br />imanediately following the special meeting of the Charge Conference of
<br />said Church which was held at 7:30 o'clock P.M. Said meeting was called
<br />to order by Dr. F. Hauser winter, who presided at the meeting, he being
<br />a 47.inister of said Church and being an Elder in the United Methodist
<br />Church, acting u.*~der Designation by w. T. Israel, District Superintendent
<br />of the South Central District, Nebraska Annual Conference, The United
<br />3+iethodist Church. J. Lorraine Ogg served as Seczetary of such meeting.
<br />Dr. Winter stated that, pursuant to The Book of Discipline of
<br />The United Methodist Church, with respect to the sale of Church real es-
<br />tate, and in accordance with the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska,
<br />proper notice of this meeting, including its time, place and purpose, was
<br />given for not less than ten days nor more than fifty days prior to the
<br />date of this meeting, by due printed notice mailed to all members of the
<br />t~uzch Conference, at his direction as Senior Pastor, in "Trinity Tidings"
<br />on August 3, 1977, and August 17, 1977; and further notice by announcement
<br />frotr the pulpit by a Minister of said Church at each of the regular Church
<br />services on the following Sundays, August 7, 1977, August 14, 1977, and
<br />August 2i, 1977, anti on the following Mondays, August 8, 1977, August 15,
<br />1977, and August 22, 1977, and by publishing the notice in the Church
<br />bulletins on each of said dates, and by posting the notice on the bulle-
<br />tin boards of said Church on each of said dates.
<br />Dr. hinter further stated that the purpose of this meeting, as
<br />set forth in the notices, was to vote on the sale of a business building,
<br />known as the Gollaher Building, and located at 309 North Pine Street,
<br />the legal description of which was set forth in the notices; that the
<br />property had recently been conveyed to the Church from ttxe Estate of the
<br />late Mary 8. Gollaher, deceased; and that the Trustees did Wert believe
<br />it was advisable for the Church to go rota the business of operating and
<br />re3iting a business building in the City and had requested authority from
<br />the ^~urch Conferezn~ trs sell the Gollah€~ Building. Gaylord D. Agfel,
<br />Chairman of the Berard of Directors, also known as the Board of Trustees,
<br />-4-
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