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<br />CHURCH ON TUESDAY, August 23, 1977, AT 7:30 O'CLOCK, P.M.
<br />A special meeting of the Charge Conference of Trinity United
<br />Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, was held in the Lower Sanctu-
<br />ary of said Church on Tuesday, August 23, 1977, at 7:30 o'clock, P.M.
<br />Said meeting was called to order by Dr. F. Hauser G9inter, who presided
<br />at the meeting, he being a Minister of said Church and being an Elder in
<br />the United Methodist Church, acting under Designation by W. T. Israel,
<br />District Superintendent of the South Central District, Nebraska Annual
<br />Conference, The United Methodist Church. J. Lorraine Oqg served as
<br />Secretary of such meeting. Kenneth H. Schmidt led the devotions.
<br />Dr. Winter stated that, pursuant to Tlie Book of Discipline of
<br />The United Methodist Church, with respect to the sale of Church real es-
<br />tate, and in accordance with the Revised Statutes of the State of Nebraska,
<br />proper notice of this meeting, including its time, place and purpose, was
<br />given for not less than ten days nor more than fifty days prior to the
<br />date of this meeting, by Sue printed notice mailed to all members of the
<br />Charge Conference, at his direction as Senior Pastor, in "Trinity Tidings"
<br />on August 3, 1977, and August 17, 1977; and further notice by announcement
<br />from the pulpit by a ?Minister of said Church at each of the regular Church
<br />services on the following Sundays, August 7, 1977, August 14, 1977, and
<br />August 21, 1977, and on the following Mondays, August 8, 1977, August 15,
<br />2977, and August 22, 1977, and by publishing the notice in the Church
<br />bulletins on each of said dates, and by posting the notice on the bulle-
<br />tin hoards of said Church on each of said dates.
<br />Dr. Winter further state3 that the purpose of this meeting,
<br />as set forth in the notices, was to vote on the sale of a business build-
<br />ing, known as the Goilaher Building, and located at 309 North Pine Street,
<br />the legal description of which was sat forth in the notices; that the
<br />property had recently been-conveyed to the Church from the Estate of the
<br />Sate Mary E. Gollaher, deceased; and that the Trustees did pat believe
<br />it was advisable far the Ghurch to go into the business of operating and
<br />renting a business building in the City and had requested authority from
<br />the Charge Conference to sell the Gollaher Building. Gaylord D. Agfel.
<br />Chairman of the Board of Directors, also known as the Board of Trustees,
<br />also gave a further explanation of this matter.
<br />The following resolution was then presented, namely:
<br />-ivriERI:AS, Trinity United Methodist lurch of Grard Island,
<br />Nebraska, has recently received a generous gift under the will of the
<br />late Mary E. Gollaher, deceased, an esteemed mem*~er of this Church, said
<br />gift being the Gollaher Building, and which has now been conveyed to the
<br />Church from her estate, the legal description of which aroperty is as
<br />follows, t~-wit:
<br />The Northerly Sixty-six (663 feet of Lot
<br />Five {63, and the Northerly Sixty-six (66;
<br />feet of the ~:esterl_,= Forty-four {443 feet
<br />of Lit Six (63, in Black Fifty-four {543,
<br />in the Original Town, now City, of Grand
<br />Island, Nebraska; ar_d,
<br />°WHERE.~S, the Board cf Directors, also known as the Board of
<br />Trustees, of said Church do not believe it is advisable far the Church
<br />to ga into the business of operating and renting a business building in
<br />said City, and they believe that the property should be sold and the pro-
<br />ceeds ncnr~ fr~r £..}"~~}. p,=; Y.,~y.~SeS;
<br />"NCRaF, TH;;REFORE, it is hereby resolved that the Charge Confer-
<br />ence of Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, does
<br />hereby authorize and direct the Board of Directors, also known as the
<br />ward a` Trustees, of said Chuzch to sell said above described real es-
<br />tate, eii-her personally, or through a licensed real estate broker, at
<br />-3-
<br />