<br />79- ~U4321
<br />also gave a further explanation of this matter.
<br />The following resolution was then presented, namely:
<br />"WrIEREAS, Trinity United .Methodist Church of Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, has recently received a generous gift under the will of the
<br />late Mary E. Gollaher; deceased, an esteemed member of this Church,
<br />said gift being the Gollahar Building, and which has now been conveyed
<br />to the Church from her estate, the legal description of which property
<br />is as follows, to-wit:
<br />The Northerly Sixty-six (66) feet of Lct Five (5),
<br />and the Northerly Sixty-six (66) feet of the taest-
<br />erly Forty-four (44) feet of Lot Six (6), in Block
<br />Fifty-four (54), in the Original Town, now City,
<br />of Grand Island, Nebraska; and,
<br />"P7HEREAS, the Board of Directors, also known as the Board of
<br />Trustees, of said Church do not believe it is advisable for the Church
<br />to go into the business of operating and renting a business building in
<br />said City, and they believe that the property should be sold and the
<br />proceeds used for Church purposes;
<br />"NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby resolved that the Church Confer-
<br />ence of Trinity United Methodist Church of Grand Island, Nebraska, does
<br />hereby authorize and direct the Board of Directors, zlso known as the
<br />Board of Trustees, of said Church to sell said above described real es-
<br />tate, zither personally, or through a licensed real estate broker, at
<br />such price as they shall determine to be fair and reasonable; and to
<br />such person, persons, firm or corporation as they shall determine; and
<br />to take any and all necessary steps and actions; and to execute such
<br />instruments as may be necessary or advisable; and to enter into such
<br />contracts and agreements as aay be necessary and proper, in order to
<br />carry out and complete the sale of the above described real estate; and,
<br />does hereby ratify and confirm all previous actions taken by said Board
<br />of Directors in connection therewith."
<br />Bayard H. Paine. Jr. thereupon moved the adoption of said
<br />resolution. The motion was seconded by Renneth E. Hilligas. The matter
<br />was then fully discussed. On being put to a vote, the motion was unani-
<br />~usly carried. The Chairman ;hen declared that the motion was duly
<br />passed, 28 votes being in favor of the .~xitian, and 0 votes being opposed
<br />to it.
<br />The meeting was then adjourned.
<br />/S,/ M_RS. J. L.ORRAINE OGG
<br />Secretary
<br />F. Hauser Winter, an Elder, United l~.ethodist
<br />Church; ?sinister, Trinity United Methodist
<br />Church, Crand Island, !eebraska, Chairman,
<br />G9iurch Conference. under Designation of
<br />W. T. Israel, District Superintendent, South
<br />Central District, Nebraska Asu,ual Confer-
<br />ence, United ;$e'i.hOG'ist Church.
<br />Z further certify that the above actions of me Charge Confer-
<br />ence and of the Church Conference set forth in the above minutes have
<br />never been set aside or repealed and are still in full force and effect
<br />as of this date.
<br />I further certify that references herein to the Board of
<br />Directors, and *_o the Bcsard ~sf Trustees, are used interchangeably and
<br />~Y both refer to exactly the same identical Soard in said Church and
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