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F ., <br />.+.~i: rx (,~ ~,S ~-.~ ,~~i -, ir. ni a+•,+lia+~i '.t i~tinr ~. ., ;in I'r i.• ~.. ~~ .i. ~ ~, ~ ~, ,. ~ a.~, <br />,,. Application of Payments. T ,-~ 3,h' ~ <,~ vu „t ., ::+. ., I,e, ra~, r.r, . ~ .. .-. ., .,~+ <br />;rdcr tP+r.~ Ant,, :aru~l j~~+r~aq-~pl., 1 .,nd ..:u~rt~~~; .. „ .-l~g~fi~e,i i,. i.Frr,rn r s c... ,~a*:aurn,• ~=i ,.~. ~.,._a sycnh:e ~.; <br />Lender Lam- tiorr;.µer under I.aragraph 'l In=rr,~f_ +iu~7- to interest iun-a:.i.~ on rhr Aoh. xr,„1 r~;i Pots,*r .~dcard~ec, rf <br />cry. and then to rte principal vi the Aotx• ami r~, ri,e pnncipal ni Flst-t+rr A~irances. +i sm~_ <br />(, Charges: Iaa+rss. Borrower shat{ pad ai! taxes. aesessn;ents sod ot6P~ ehargrs, fi:aes and irripositious attnh- <br />utable to the Property whrch may attain a rnoritt- over tl~b Mortgage. ar:d grauad rent.=. ii any, at Letxler'e <br />option m the ntaRner proyideu under parngrspit 2 i\kre02 Or by Bolzoaver tnsktRf; j+kynlent, li'hetl due. directly W <br />(f? the payee thrreo.* fiarrawer shall promptly furnisi~ to Jxnda•r ail noticrs of amounts due under chic psragrsph, <br />r-1 and in the event Borrower shall makr f.ayment directly. $orroacr shall lromptly furnish to ].ender .v,.eipts evi- <br />~ denting such payments. Borower sha;i promptly .cis, barge any Tien which has priority Deer this Mortgage. pro- <br />~ vided, Borrower aha]} not bt regwre.i ro disthargt am such hen eo long a< Bottorer shall agree in writing W <br />,~ the payment of the obGgatiat securtti by such Iten in :+ trunner seteptable to Lender. or chat! iR good fsi.h casstest <br />~ such lien by, or defend enforcement of suet: !ten ta. legs! ;srocetdurg whrch o{xrr.te to 1+reyent the enforcement of <br />the Ilan or forfeiture of the Property or any part t I+creof. <br />1 5. Hassid 6ruranee. Harrower shall keep t u+~ uuprove+rxnts now ezasUng or t;ereafter emted art the Prop- <br />erty inaure!1 agstrset loos by hre. hsaanrds ine{uded within the term "tattetaded coverage", anti etch other h>.vrde a. <br />r+ Lender may require and an such amount.. and for such lanai- a_. I,erxfer nary rrcluire: provided, that Lender chat! <br />tat roquire that the snwunt of such coverage exceed that acwunt of toveragt regsLred to pay the sstms natred'by <br />` char Mortgage. <br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall ]at chosen by Bcat•rower subject W approval by Leader; <br />provided, that such approval slrsll cwt be unreasonably withheld. All premitmps on itpaurantx laolieies shalt be paid <br />st Lender's option in the manner provided under parsgrapi+ 2 laereot or hp Aorroveer making payment, whin due, <br />directly w the irraursnce carrier. <br />In tbs event soy policy is not tatrttnteti on or brefote too clays o! its aapiratitrn, the I.aoda~, tp pteatact <br />its interact, n,.y prorate insurance on the improverrtertta, pay the pttttsmittms and such nom ahaH btntrooa <br />immsdlately ~. sad payable ttriW ~tareet .t the cote ttet latch i. cold note antic ptaid and .rb.u b+ <br />aetveed by this Mortgige. Faihue by Borrower to t~ply may, at option at Lesadsr, oorostituie a dMttdt <br />rtndcr tee ttrrtns of chic Mortgage. <br />Ail itreutapee polieiee sad renewals thereof shall he in form acceptable to Lender aaxf shall iaehrde a atatstiatd <br />~o+WE tdauee is favor of and in form ace table to Lender !,ender aha11 have the right 4s hold tlce poliei4a and <br />reaewaie thereof, and Borrower shall promptly (uroirh to Lender al! rtuaewal ttotiow and aU roaip4 of paid pea- <br />tniume. In the event of tan, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the inwrsnee carrier and Lender, apd LsedN' <br />may make proof of ten if cwt made ptromptly by Borrower. <br />Uteleaa Lender atsd Borrower otherwiec agree in writing, insurance pracecdc shall he applied to raetoratian at <br />telciir ~ the Property damaged, provided stteh restoration or repair is ecooomicaUy teuibk sod the seeueity of <br />this bleeyape » nob thereby impaired. If ouch restoration or repair its not ecoeamiealty feaabk or if the traraueity <br />a1 rhea Mortgage would be impaired. the ipattrarree proceeds sharp Ix applied W the sums etneund by this lt[artpt/e, <br />with iLe seen, if any, paid to Borrower If the Ptvpe»y is alxrnian«1 by Borrower or it Borrower fsi:s to easpaod <br />to Lender witlsin 3t) at;ys niter notice by Lender to Borrower that the tosunnce comer atgera W settle a elsirn for <br />inwr~apee beapefi4, I.erader a authorised W collect sod apply the inataranet ptt>!•reda u L,etader'a option eitlrer to <br />re~aation or repair of the Property or W the attms secured by this \lortZagt- <br />Uplese Lender sod Borrower otherwise epee m venting, any ouch applicatson of pnacecds W pnncips) shalt <br />not arctepd ~ poKpoae she dot date of dx monthly irratalltnents referred to is psrsgraphe 1 and 2 bereol or chanrge <br />tin e~ of atrch arutaltsents. <br />If mdar patapaph IS htrreof the Properly ffi acquired by I.ender. stl right, title and interost of Bema~wer ~ <br />ated to any trtarrataer palieaes and an arsd W the pita0ensl. tiarretaf t W tlae eztest of tlsr carats sew urc'<i by teats Morb• <br />gttgla tmmad>at;eey prwr to ssteh sale nr aequiciiteut rrsulttng Iron darrasgt tit the Property picot W the sale a <br />oiti ~eagtl "- tti i~r :s: <br />R lwsaea~sa aid Des at ['++P~it% Laa~ Caedoattd It3:raw€r u'•.sll {coca the Prop- <br />erig rtt good rarrtr and tl:all rtoi petmtt or cromtnit waste, tttxpsarrrstmt, sat dttrnarstsaa, of the Property sad t~ <br />eeasply mites tes€ prur:ssm•s ct any 'tcs,', x :sierg:tgr ... art s `sta~ttolc, -...._, iurtgsg•:....... a c~~ss:stin~m <br />tom, t3otrawar ataa{=' petforrr al! of Borrower s catt;tgattcx~ ~.a:,dtr tttt s{rrtaratscm of eondatntntua: car ntaater . <br />the by-laws atpd roga+latsons of the tsatdornsntwn prolrct .tr,si constituent da•wutnta. <br />7. llfeis~iaa d Lsudar's Saarei4T• 1 f BOfMwar f ula w pertornt the cvrenanta oral ngreeraen4 toataiaad M <br />this Motrtpge, or if soy action or prx~tttng is raarunternt which matertslly affrctx I.etasler'n interact in the Prop- <br />erty, inelndirtg, but not limned to, mttntnt ucattsaut, tnsolyrncy, cyada• enforrerraent, or ymugeaxnts or prvaeesd- <br />ttrp introlvir~ a bankntpt ~ decedent, then Lcraitr at I rnder'e optuan, upon rwttoe W Borrower, nary taake ttueh <br />appearance., disbunr ruck scams and take sut6 xctton as +• nev-enaary to pnateM l.endtr's ascent!, rntltdirtg, but <br />pat lupifsd to, dtabtrracwept of reaeoaattlc attonrey a tae sod t•ntry upon the Property to make npain. Any <br />attaaupia diabttrced D'y Lender pareuant to thro parsgrayft ', wsUt Interest thereon, shall betxxue additwtsal iadebt- <br />adneae of Borrower ssec•ured by this ~lottgegc ("nlesn Borrovetr and !.ender agree to other tarots of payraettt, such <br />amounts shall tae payable upws notsre fnuu I.rndtr to Bornawtr reyuesenag lwymtnt thrreo(, and sha11 bear iM;sr- <br />aat {reap the ,late tit dutturerttaent at the tart starve{ to the \cate unlps pxytttrut of +ntetwt st curb tits would b! <br />cgntraiy to apfsltcablt taw. ut whrch event £ueit aauountx- wall bass mttreat at the htalaest rate perctacaibit by <br />sylalittabk law. tinthrng nrntamcri ~n true ;.aragrapl~ ~ ei+al+ rr,tusn 1_rtstle+ to rotor any etalsetaat w sM soy ar <br />elil~a-. <br />R >titptt~t~ Iwader Wray pyrite . ~. was to hr male nssaanshle enerin open sad irrspeetiatra .t the Ytap- <br />et4y, ~ Mat {~trder sdsall glut Iterts+:wet aets.•e t.rrer to env such imuteetien ayseeifyiprl rarsartahta ccraae <br />thnreftx retalrat to L~eader'e ipter4et in tltE Property <br />#. c"~atiemstraiisr. `t5te proaeeda of any award or rialto for dsmagec, direct or eotsaerpw.ntiti, in canrteatiee <br />with say ~ or aihrc tats of the Pntprrty, ar !swlt thereat, tar for convtyaace to lisvt at eosrdemas- <br />tiara, rw Acnby anigned and trhaU ba paKl to !.ender. <br />[n the e>rewt d • fetal taking .tt the Property, the praeeads shat! lrc applied to the sttats natured lay ibis INart- <br />tpyit, !~A titg tetaeaa, tf b -paid to Bonwwar. Is the event at s partial takipg of the Preprrty, unlw Barrier <br />sort! laitt-~r~eYwlalla agave n rerritng, rose alto!! be ayptted to the auras aarused by the 1Naetgaga such prapor- <br />tica aZ the preeaeda as is gtni t u chat preportioe whitrA lire amaat of the rtttpc scurried by tbu alariptge ittarpa- <br />diNcty prior to tM dstte of taking bears to the fair ttaarket vahtr of the Property immedisteh prior rA the dot ° ~t <br />eakitsg,. +trdh ilea balatttce of the pteeaeda pwid to Borrower. <br />U the Prtrpeety K abardoaed by Borrower ar it alter ttotix by I.ertder W Bomawer that the condemnor offers <br />in atsaie tw award or aoUM • plain far da®rgac, Harrower tells to nrpopd to Ltatder within 30 days at the dtste <br />nl atlair ttsitiee, l,oratier is attthariatsd W mlleset and etpply the preederte at L,etrter'e optraan tsLher ;t. r~u+rotron or <br />~ of thtt Propta+riy ar to the copra sesaraed by thin \lortgagr. <br />Ltnisaa Letxlar oral Rtxtarrer otherwrie rtgree in writing, any ±uth application of pr} aortic to {.nra-tpa? shat; <br />