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~ INDiYiDUAL <br />~ D'JE ON SALE <br />s'~-r' OPYIONAL FUTURE ADVANCES <br />SAVINGS FUND <br />FowM hu. 720 <br />Loan Number , _ 40540_ _ _ _ _ 188 _ _ _ _ _ _1 _ <br />79-I~UlU16 Mt~RTGAGE <br />THi9 MORTGAGE, made and executed this ~~- - . day of A.D., <br />19 ~.y .between the Mortgaggor. Roy L. Cupples and Nary Alice Cupplea, hush nd and vifet <br />tithfl T. Woody„ a si_ng,l~ person; aointly and severally and each in their ovn rightr <br />of Grand Island , Cottnt}• of Gall ,State of Nebraska t-erei:taftet r,efe~,d <br />to as the Harrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST fET)ERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA110N OF <br />LINCOLN, 1235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 685()1, its successors and sasigns, :xtavratter nkr:ed to <br />as Lender. <br />Wrrnssssra: That the said Borrower for and in .•onaiderafyou of the sum of P.QR7'7f .1'#11iF„lt--~D <br />fJME.-BIAIDEBD ANA_NO/1Q0 -r----:--------c-----c------Aol:aea tUS:..4.3..1{lO.OQ..... _..._- ....) <br />paid by sstid I.ender, does hereby mortsaae, srartt and rnnvey to Calder, is suca~et~s sad aaargna: the <br />toibwing deaeribed property loatod io the County of __....._...11it1.1 ..................... 9tats of Nebeaska: <br />'11fe Esaterly Eighty Eight std !finely Four Hundredthslett (gg.94') of Lot ibe (2) <br />and tbs Westerly Nineteen aed Seventy 8emdzetdtha Faet (19.70') of Lot 'Ibtee (3) <br />in Sunset Subdivision. is the North 8alf of the lfortheast Quarter of Section 11. <br />Sovtaship I1 north. Range 10 Wsst of the Sixth Y.M., 8x11 County. b-raaka <br />`IbcstTtst with all the imprm+emeats :>aw ~ bersaftee erected an the property. std all aassewats, <br />te~gba, apportatsanos, rents, royalties, eninerat, al and ~.. rig6a and pesdta, water, water rigbei„ atoll <br />water ettook, atsd a8 firttetrea now or hseaslttsr attached to the psoparty, all of whueh, replatw- <br />manta and tdditw>ys thereto, shall b, deemed to be and renisin a part of the property co~veneri by lido <br />MaiiSstfs; and all of the teregoing, together with grid property (or the leasehold estate in the event this <br />A/ortgsge is on a lessetrotdi err herein referred to sa the "Property". <br />Borrower coveaana that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby cronveyed and has the right <br />to mottgrege, Brant and convey the Property. that the Prtepetty is unanenmbeled, and ihaE Borrower atil! <br />te.rrant and defend generally the title to the property apinst ail claim. and detaratKla. subject t. ~y <br />..aensaaa and restrietbats listed afl a stdredule o! escepf~rra to ooverate in any title iosatt~ce petticy in- <br />wuvfp, !.seder's inten+et in the f'ropctty, or 121 attorney`s opinion of title from abstract of title eked <br />by bonded abdr+w~t~. <br />I'ag*toae Alwars, and these presents err raec7etrd and dcttvrrrrl upon the i+tikewiag c~arxiitiata, aarls- <br />eraereta anti oitlraatuaur of she i~rrooer, to-w:t . <br />The ~irrvsrer agrees tct pay tat the Lewder, or order, the gn:eE~pal seen of PQ$1'f T1IS ?'~15~ <br />pfR.EA /-tOl.ll9/100 ---.----------°-------------[bllan IUS t +3elOfi.Of1 1 <br />payable as ptovided in a note esecetted std delivered, concumntly herewith. tl-e final payraetet of princtpai, <br />it esot aoarrer pwid, on the Flrat clay of March , Jp 2009 <br />G'stet+aui C.rvsiv~t+rrs. Burrower and [entice covenant and aAnr ax tallonrs. <br />1. lteryatseat d std Itttlsrsst It.rm.wer ahaU prwrrpily psy when due the ptno\-.~a1 of and is <br />fated on the indebtedness evidenced by the tiote, prrpayttxnt and late charger as provederd in the !Yore. <br />toll the principal anal interest on any Futures Advanc'ea securrct ll\' eh19 Mortgage <br />2. Ponds lo: Taxes sad htatratac+. :Suhjer•t to !.ender'; optwn umlrr pataktapM t and ~ hereof, tlru- <br />mwet shall pay to Ip,ecter ou lire d.y tewnthiy enrtalhnrnt» u( pnncepal and t~errrwt err psyahle undrr the <br />~otr, tititll tlx- \c,ir rs paid in tYll. a xutrt eherr•rn ~~Fund-s~~1 e.yurl tii ~rne•-lwrlfth of !hr \eyrly ttx~ sitj <br />ssrreeatrtertts rtf,irh may attain pricuit~ uvor this 41urtRagw, and smutuf rrrtt» im fhe 1'n.perir. tl ant pier! <br />arEa-twelTtb eJ ,yaarl~ti paunium :~_•~t'°,.,..•_ tar haiard +asuraaty. ~a oawiwelfth u! yrarts prr~uuaa in- <br />aWlineab fser iasst#gs letiansas, M sqt as as ieraeirably wtimaad -t~lfatn ttlws tr ids Yy <br />Leodsr eft the htters of aasassmsnb tied hale and rauonabM estimates tlfseeal. tehdt ylpty tAs ptt#t~ <br />tct v3s3' tat:, a~t5, ~ orvmiut~ ans# t~ r€rt_ I~r ?atF tm ::-_-ter-fis~ee tar ~? <br />htJtfittY And applying tlto F or ~'d'ity'isg still c~mpitittg said aatreastrtetetx atui bilhr. The Lenskr ~U <br />give to t#ts Btarrow~tr, witlartrt c~targs, an attnuri aeratrttrmg of the Fads ahowirta rra~ta atut do6iter to the <br />1M1nttb arut the pgpass !or w#dCtt andr tisbit to tM Fonds was resells. 'J~a Fwda u~r plar+gad ss additions! <br />escvrih' for the scans aacnrsd~r ti-i+t Mtestgage. The Horrower agissa that the Foods may be held b~ file <br />L+ntder and osiam~sd wtlft @tlisr hwal sled the leader's awn Brads sad the iastMr may pry such clear <br />Aom its own funds and the tender alas not bs liable ter iatsrsat or divicteada set ar~hh Funds. <br />tt the ieeiearit of tlta'aads Itsald 1tY t+sader, Io/+eflesr wtdt tAie hrtaae rm:etldy imeta8meeta of Pbteds <br />petior Qs the des swsa st War. assaswaaEN+e, iesonaos perms and ground rents, sMl1 exceed <br />~intewat r4disd tm pay srid tenor, assasssasiNs„ ineeuartce peesrtitiws end growtd rents r they tall :leer. <br />seseh eiteees shalt tee, at Berrowas'A crpltge, der }fro y ~ to $orrow2r or cr«tited to t3om~\+•er cut <br />enoalhty imtalbnaita of F+anefa. Tf tits smoemt of tb~ lrsld by Leader LstutU not be 4uffscient to pa\ <br />Linos, ataasssnsaa, asmaoce pniar~es ritd gaotred i.^a as tLily fall due, Horrower shall pay to Lender <br />any ansaxtt twoesrary t+s mt+lcs tai tDe dsf4aAncy w'thin tlti:ty days after notice Ltottt !.ender to Borrower <br />esqusating ppaa~v~awrtt thereof or 13.~rfnwar a1a1t, by an incrwre in monthly irtatallmrnta nt h'unc?. rrpuirci. <br />erpax file daSeisacy withi:e the laemd awl petind. <br />t'pon pa3ment in Lull of all sums secured by this blortttaRe, l,rndrr .hal{ ate{~iti F~.nzl~ brit! :t~ :a • r,•~?:~ <br />aratn:;t all Hunt» deM•. <br />