not v:xterrtl +tr ~inar~,gs:~ne. t!;r ~luu .;aSG +:~i the .i:r,rtat?i:r ..-, r~'~,nae-r-t_ ,7,i+•rr+=+J t~~ ii: ;.~at:i~{ralin.. i mrrt9 :. ^`e;,rt ~.
<br />ahsnge the arn~rnsn4 of sasrh ;nstallment.s
<br />10. Borrrri-er Nat 8alaoasd. l2;xtrasian ai the runt for isayrurrt or tr~!iifiratior_ ar anmmr>:uttia~n ~~f errs slime
<br />secured by this forgage granted h}• [.ender to any ~,u•,^essor in intemFt of P,rsrmwer shall rot operate to release.
<br />in any martmr, the liability of rite ot•tginai F3nrmwer and Barmwer - succe~coti ir, tntet•~t. Fender shall :trot be
<br />required W ewttrneaee proceedings against such successor or ref:ssa: to exien.~ time for payment ar otherwise modify
<br />amortiaatior: of the Burns secured by this ~lot2gage• ht• r^eason of any demand made by the ongtnal Borrower sad
<br />Borrower's streceesocs in interest.
<br />11. Forbasrtrmce by [.ends: Nos a Woitrer. Any forbearance by Lender itt exercising any rigltt or remedy
<br />hetetmder, or dher•wise afforded 6y applicable law, chat! not ire a wai-re* of or preclude the extrciae of any ri~ltt
<br />or remedy hereunder- The pnxurement of insurance or rile ;ssyttxnt of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender
<br />w•y atoll not be a waiver of Lender's tight to accelerate fix maturity of the indebtednea3 secured by this Martpae.
<br />IZ Remedies (~rmuleAilre. All remedies providers in this; \tortgagr arc distinct. sod cumulative to soy ::thee
<br />~•( rtght or remedy under this \(ortgagr or affordr<i ha law ut +ganty, and may ix• exercised concut•rea:ty, uwiepenat-
<br />entiy ~ stircr~sively.
<br />~ 1S. Eaetwrara sad Ash ltotmd: Taint imi Ss:e-el Iiabrti8et: Caplioas. The covenants and agnxmasta
<br />ber'ttitt eocttaiaed shall bind, and the rights hereunder shell inure to, the respective euceersao^i and sesipts e: Lander
<br />' attd Borrower, subject to the provisions of Iwrsgraph t7 hereof. All covenants and agtrcrrtente of Borrower shall
<br />~A' be loin: sod :xvenl. The caption iwi headirtga of the paragraphs of this \lurtgage are for conve:rienoe only sad
<br />era not to be trod to uiterpret or define the proviaion• hereof
<br />1d. [lotion- Any twlitr to Borrower provided for m thin \torlgas_;r shall lit given by mailing such rtaM.iee by
<br />ceetifiai resit addeesaed to Bormwrr at the Property Address :fated below, except for any notice tegtured under
<br />pata`raph f$ hereof W tai: given to Horrowrr to the tnantmr pt•escnhed by applicable law•. Any notice provir~d
<br />(or ro this Mortpase shall lit deemed to have Ixa•n :trues to Harrower when given to tste manner designated ltmaia.
<br />li. Ortrues Ifest/~/ar Gwerip la.: sswantbii'My. 'this torn: of ntortgatte combines ttnitotm eovenaols
<br />far aatiaaal tee and stns-uniform covenant[ with limits( variations by jttrisdictwn to cortstittikee a ttaifoam traau-
<br />~r iMirumiat eoverint< nai property. This ~(ortpse shall lte govtu•rtett by the law of ebe jtrrirdietiaa is ttr6ioh
<br />tit plu~artp u located. In the event that soy provision or elattre of tha 7r(oregagr or the Note /to.9i~ ttriLh
<br />table 4w, smb eooAiet shall sot street other provision of this \(ortsa~e or the Nde which ten it ptrata
<br />afieet wlfbatst the aoeAfetieg provision, and to this end'the provisions of the 1(ortsaRe sad the Nato see tleelarwl
<br />is M ot>waeabls.
<br />!~. Daewes's CAPT. Borrower shall be furnished a conformed copy of this Mort;aae at the time of esreu-
<br />tittn ar tttifee rettordatioin heneo(.
<br />!7. itds ai tie f!rtevertr: A~irmp0ea. If ail or any part of ebe pr'perty or an iaf4ra.t therein u field
<br />or tiaoa(eered by Borrower without Lender i prior written consent. ettrlttdittg ia) the creation of a lisp or ar!!-
<br />6raase tttrboediesle to this Moripde. Ib} the creaton of r purtehsse :nosey security itltet+est for 6oirihakl tttppii-
<br />aases, fe) a :natter Dy deers, darters or by opeeatim of Isw upon the tleatlt of a joint tenant or fd} the ¢rot at
<br />s~ larattteld ialerest oI three yearn or lpi not eoataiaing w option to purchase. [.ender may. at I,aodar's agtwa,
<br />daoiars a!! t}te stuns secured by this blottgrtge u+ be imtnediatel~• date sad payable Lender sprit stave waived snett
<br />option W accelerate t[, prior to Ute tale or trr-m[a, Lender artd rite ltetson to whom the Property m to be :raid ar
<br />tsaosferred reeeh agrottmertt in writing that the credit of such Berson >8 sstrafartury to l.rnder ads that the inteta+rt
<br />paysbie eB the sums secured ear this Nors~ge sttal! be at such nttr as I~ndrr shall request. It I.etttier ltae waived
<br />tlr ttptian to accekrate providers in thin prrrgrsPh 17 and if Borrower's stteceisor m totereet has e:ecnted s writ
<br />tan srwrnption rgt>temtmt rco~tecl in wnttng by l.wder, lender shall release Borrower from alt o6liptiorr :mdse
<br />this Maeltpt~s aid 66e Note.
<br />It l,eadsr a eucit aplion to accelerate, Lander shall :nail Borrower notice of aeoebratian is reaortiaass
<br />wlt6 paFSasph 111 herreof Such natter tku-tl provtiie a ;rr•twi u. not !sac titan :f0 days least the state idle notion itr
<br />:nailed ttrithia which $UrnriYrr stay {ray ihr strrnii <trrlareci aloe- If Itorraw•er fads to ;my stteit sotto prtor to fire
<br />QS E`ltY: p<: rttltl, !_fri4[! [IlsY w't(hti>1t (rti~it?'r flfA iri- ,5F .te•i~.air-i ~,n ft+$i~T.~i=i ,..~i;#.+< a n_~ r~(3aa pit=
<br />mittrad t±v ~ ti3 sues:.
<br />'~i-asti-li It llrtiaai tea?': $t+'1a''r~. ri:.reowl>r i3iit I-~Ltt':p F" :tt YtJ,Y•r t't1 :'t"tt3nt 7llL "~TrYP i-. Slf::'?!"k.
<br />}/, heaalsratiaot lestsrites. f:xc~it u€ i'€a~ufts! sr. !saragrala:. t: su=tc~f, upu:i 8arr~+rn'< t•-3t'arh ttf :nay
<br />t+0'reaaai or sgr~eemeM of 8arrowrr to this 1lortgage. mciwsine th.• rovrnantn tv ;my when :fire any :+tma second
<br />b7 tkis AtorttPge. Lender prtor to arrrlrr:atmn shall sttutl t-oltcc to (~r~Vw1 , irovuiwi to latryteal>Zt 1~ heree(
<br />specifying: ttt t-te breech. t41 the a•linn rr+µttiav! to rurt• steep Irryeae~i,'I~T ~.ialr tiui tern titan thtr4y days
<br />feat:: the dau the notxe m utatMd to liorni,a +•r ~..~ n!,tei: *uri~ hn•urii west lx easel, ems r;t that fatlun~ to a°u1T
<br />such hreseb an or before the date ,ettecttirtl sn rise not tr. ;our saatttlt to rerrlrntion ilf the suus~ ..•t'urFl by ChY
<br />WaxigrgE sad wk o: the Pro{tcrty tI t!:e brrac6 sa nut cumi or u.> liriore the date spes•tfiral en the rx>iti'r, l.erttler
<br />at's aptiao tnrty drelam ti! of the ~uuts yt•curnl ha this \(ortgattr to fir t!nrtte+itately due and payable
<br />wrtttoW tttKlter dtnttaauf aryl «tay turcrt+sce• tint, ~ivnKaKr by iu+itttal pnocee•dtnq Iw•ntirr sltati hr rnutkd to cttllecl
<br />m soak ;iro~ere+ltrsq all exprttsrss ~i ~:inr!u.,;;n' .nr!u:!:nr,. !*ast ::s a, !::::u+vi tss. ~ct+t- u! .torusttrntar}_ rv piertir.
<br />abat.rrera artd tai {r rtywrtu
<br />lfl. lEaesw+er•r ~ ro Nsiiaseeu. \aitwstiswtasxltoq Lrrwsrr. urrrlerrluu+ u! titi• 'rouse seturr+l t•1' thts
<br />?1lartgage, Bwrawer apart have the tight to parr any Prvreeaitnty lwgt•n hr I.rndrt ro rr.(vmr thts ~tortt;rge dir-
<br />etwtt~rtwid s ttttq ::teas patter m wtq ai • 1~P~t ~~K rite liorti/sf,r ti. tar tisrrw.vr i~ reader a8
<br />lAeltte sWh +aeidll Ea tktn dtse otise' thin Maetplpr, the Mete std meter ttttieirriag PtNVte Adtrrsrr, N asgr. Mfr r
<br />aerilinNlia atrtrtrred; fbi llerrerrer cuet+s alt brearlwa d any other rovrrutMa or agn•cmeeto d Rerrotrter taaa-
<br />taiard in tAfi +*taitge~: tai lioftorrer pays a1i erasattablr rxl+rrutra :strand by lxntie•r to a•efor'rtng ilte rarrna~i
<br />seed ei attliiatx:d to tht. sia-ti t:ritt :r. r farcmr 1R ticiFi's :raxdtes ~ ;~»avt~ m fasa-
<br />gtrph is bracer, iaohdta~, but tat Limited to, ttessataWe attoth-ey's ftes. ads td t Harrower tales such act+oa ss
<br />l.ltrllat ~ ieareaabtir squire /o asserts that the lien of ihic Mortgage. l,ettderi tntentt to the Property ttrd
<br />Rtasrewst'r aityafiea b par the trees served by this sell casinos ttairtytrired_ Upon latch ptttytttrrM
<br />aed eirts blr •artrtwr, tlr- :tad the ~ titrcleeti hereby cltalt remain m toil forte anti eReaN a• it
<br />as aeerleaYioa hat ocretrsed.
<br />~, Atnb/rttrret of ~~ ~eYtYsrM ed saerieerr httrtrlar r >itrresreisr~ As ttddittatal seeunty hcre-
<br />• aadrr, Bertetrrr ltttalur >~r to Twadrr ttr r~ of the Praptrty. ptwrided that Borrows: ehtttt, prior w acceter-
<br />atiga under paragraph !8 bereat ttr n1 of the Pteperty, have the right to roller: arnl rrtatn such recto.
<br />m thsp beettttw dw end payable.
<br />Upaa aeetiMestioa trader (taeagrtap~h !d hexes( sr abrndeneieni of ttte Yropcrty, Lrdkr. to twntan, by agent
<br />or lw jadiaidM appointed reoaiv+ta• shall he ttaiit3ed to eerie upon, take ;tasreasion of ads ttw.,astr the °ropcrty
<br />:rind to MIleet t!a [cola of tht Pnoprety, itutuditag these prat doe. All n•na colteetetif by I,rnai••r ~r the rrrrtver
<br />shall be spptixd Atwt to payment of ftte :oats of ararta;<e:rtertt cif the Pr+rx>E•rtv xrrs rolirer t+.i• i,i .•.,,t. .n+•ht+ttnK i,iit
<br />trot limited to. rerrta'er'~ Eccs. ;ireinnt3nr oss rrrrtcrr'- fsa>an!• :an.s era... nxbir str:rn~ ~ - . , r..., ter ~. r .;m.
<br />secured by thin \1 xtgage i.rrtiirr atxi the ri•rrn-er .i,al l ?><• Itai+Ie h, uc~•oun! ~,n!. . ~,. „ ~ .. .:~ ...:;'t ~. , ~ , , ,.
<br />