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1~ <br />.~? <br />01 <br />h <br />~,_ <br />li ,anlrr {iara{zrat;,_ {w' _ ...:o: ' M'n;~rrt . r:;- 1', ~ ...... .. . . . . ... ,_ ~ ~ --i, , , ,~t~~r <br />-tt ail Ott ,n~. ,, !;.rr ii~.~ui:r~'.1~att '~ ~, ..... ' { <br />... E~.[ 1ik i. ~ :.'if r'I t~ -[ '_ ?.~-~,, t li7!': .t~~ '.: ~. ::1: [Y:. .., .~ ii1 ~• .... ': i. ,;I ~~',tF~ <br />9. Rppticatioa o} Paprre~ts,. F ~-1e~~ y~~i~~ s i;~ Id3~.t tirnnutc~- ~~2at-rtur; .ii', l i:;'<~,. ~ <r,~:c> <br />and. r the'~t>te and I,Urakr,3t?it< I sort _ --c-r+.:,~~ .. L•a'„ hr ,cps' tc=rd Ire €.~^ndvr C <t :;; lacy ie:, nr .... ,.,;.>.:._- - - ea}-,;,.• re. <br />Lender try Burrower under {taragraph 2 u.~rrn;". rh,-r tc, tutereet I:ueablt- ar::Lt, ?':ttc an,f ;;~~ T-,rc:r,~ ,1,~it~anre<, ,? <br />any, and then to the principal of thF fiat' ar.:i ;o tiu lirircipal of Futt:n :~ararrr-, ti anv <br />~. Charges; Liam. Borrower shall pay al! taxes. assessment-~ and other charge-, fin•-~ g+~d i. ~i!ien~ st!ri!; <br />arable to the Property which may attain a pnnrity over thts tilortgage. and groawi rerun. if'•an~•. at. L.ender's <br />option in the manner ierovtded under paragraph 'l hereof ur by Borrtra er making payment when due, directly to <br />the payee thereof. Borrower shalt prompth furnish to Lender al' notices of amounts dot under this paragraph, <br />and in the event Borrower shall make payment directly, I3orrowrr sha!I Ixomptly tarnish to Lender receipts evi- <br />dencing such psyneents. Borrower shall i~romptly discharge any tier. which itas priority over this 3lortgsge: pro- <br />vided, that Borrower shall not tee requires to discharge any such lien st. long as Borrower shall agree in writing to <br />the payment of the obligation secured by suclr lien tit a manner arceptablc to Lender. or shall in good faith contest <br />such lien by, or defend enforcement of such lien m, kgai Lrvicertiings wluch operate to prevent the enforcement of <br />the lien or forfeiture of the Yr,perty or any part r hereof <br />5. Fiomrd lttwrmsoe. Borrower shall keep the uuprovements now existing or hemxfter erected on ttre Prop- <br />erty insured against lose by fire, hasards included within the term "extended wverage", and such other hasaxis as <br />Lends: may require and tit such anwunts and for such ieeriods as Lender may regwre, provide!, that Lender shs11 <br />not require that the amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums seettted'by <br />this Mortgage. <br />The insurance c artier providing the insurance shall tee chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender; <br />provided, that strch approval shall curt i,e unreasonably withheld. All premiums on itrsuunee policies strait be paid <br />at Lender's option in the manner providni under paragraph 2 trettot or by Borrower making payment, when dtte, <br />dit+setly to the insurance carrier. <br />Ia the event say policy is trot renewed on of before ten days of its expitatitta, the Letsder, to protect <br />its interest, tray ptvcuro inwrattce oa the improverneatr. pay the pretttitt~ and arch tans strati became <br />immediately dux sad payable with interest at the rate set forth in hid note anti! paid and tea8 fie <br />secvn+d by !his Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to coatply may, at option of Leader, couseiwte • dsfaak <br />trader tyre tedr of tiffs Mortgage. <br />All insurance policies and reaewak thereof shall tee in torn[ acceptable to Lender and shall include • atattdsrd <br />rnertgaga ebwe in favor of attd in form acceptable to Lender. lead ~r sha11 have the right to hold the policies sod <br />rmswals tbereot, and Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender alt renews! notices and all reoeipts of paid prs- <br />miutne, In the event of low, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lender, aed LtswMr <br />may make proof of law if trot made promptly by Borrower. <br />Unkes Lender sad Borrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance prrrceecis shall be applied to nstotatioe of <br />repair of the Property damaged, provided ouch reatorotion or repair is economicatlr• feasible and the .eeurity of <br />Ibis Mariptge is trot thereby impaired. If such ttatoration or repair u not economically feasible or it the security <br />of this Mortgage watts Ire impaired, the inwrsnce proceeds shall Ik applied to the sums secured by this Mettgsge, <br />with the a:txss, it any, paid to Borrower. lithe Property is abandotred by Borrower or it Borrower fain to tasfwttd <br />to Lender within 30 days after notice b}' Lender to Borrower clot the rnsurance earner often to settle a claia for <br />insurance benefits, Lender to authonttd to collect and appip the insurance proceeds at I.ender'a option ettbr b <br />rastoratioa or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Mortgage <br />Utskes Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any ouch applrcauon of proceeds to pntraipal shall <br />not satard or postpone fire dot date of the r»onthiy itrstaliments referred to m paragraphs 1 and 2 trereoi or shaage <br />the atarottnt of such iostslimente. <br />U aadsr paragraph I$ hereof the Prnpaty is aegwrrs by Leader, ail risjht, title amt interest of Borrower m <br />sad to any ttrsurancr tiosicies and to and w fire pnreeeds tirereuf ten she extent of tier solos ~rrEai try this ~olt- <br />~ immediately prior to such sale or acqutaition) resulting from danragr to the Ptvperty prior to t.hs tale or <br />mall pew t., I€r~i¢r <br />g. trrtaer!rotlea ~ d 1PropestSr; ~; C~d~~--- Bores+wtr *hit_'=! kip tlt.~ Plop° <br />arty rn good reparr anti saaii tort ptrmtt or ro,nmit wsat€, tmparnnent. ur :ieterroratron of tiro Yr~rcrty erns shall <br />rp~y ~ the - .,. - .,, • its. if •his :to:txagr ;.., . ° le°„~hclti l! th;s '..:, ~a~ .~ ,... s ~ -z.~itti'~t <br />oral, 1}orrrrwer shall uerfurn, all~uf Borrower's ubligattuns under ihr det'{aratrut+ ui ratkkunurttzm or rrraster deed. <br />tha by-laws rtrd regulattotrs of tt:r trondomuuunt proirct anct consutirent da•unrrntx <br />7. •rmeatiaa d Lender's [! Borrower isils to perform the covensnta :cud tcarcmrenu rooYUned in <br />thin M.rrtgage, or tf any actron or i,roteerling is ronunenced whtri: matenalh• atirrte i rndrr s tat: tts: tit the Pro}r- <br />esty, itsaJudirrg, but nut Itmierri tu, rnunrnt doniaur ntsolvrncy. c~air rniurerment of arra,tgeurrnts ur ptueeed- <br />inp iavolvittg a bankrupt rx decedent. then lends, at I.rnder"s optron. upon rrarce to Borrower, nay rnaka stxh <br />strpearaoea, drsburae such sutra and take sucl~ action as :. necessary to protect l.nuier's urterest, rnctudiag, but <br />rre- {united te, dtebttnataetrt of maratra-.k at:oruey'~ ;ec« aul eater ufru the Proper} w rrrake rvpaies. Any <br />atasants JWDttncA by I.eedcr prtnurttt to thts paragrrplt 1, wtUt uttetvsrt thereat, shalt treetrene a$ditronai ittdeltt- <br />edaew of Borrower secure.i by thir+ Mortgage I'alees Borrower and Lender egret to slicer arms of lrayrrreat, t»teh <br />smousta shall ix! payable utwu noun ircuei t coder ra Borrower rrqueaunR partwnt thereof, amt trht-ti bear iater- <br />ert }torn the dots of disbursement err the tar, atwtat n; riee• :~utr unless Iwynunt of tnterYSt ai such me would be <br />contrary t<r ayt,lteahlr 7rw ._, wht,L ,~rru .,rri~ ;tmottnt.. shah hca; rx,trtrat at the htghrst rats pentussihie by <br />aaplicahie iaa Vothurr; roe,ratu..1 ::, '?:tr .•arxgrattl ;rho". reyutn• t.errdrr to rotor any expcwre or du say set <br />Yssattad~. <br />•. Ltt~a/isa Laadsr taay make a etttab to Irc made aaaaetahMr eatristt u'aa sad iaspeetioait of e#e 14x¢ <br />mty, Pied that Lender shall give (tevsrsrer ttottre i~ ro say swat tnspetY.ton rrtreettytttg raMttrsttMe caws <br />thwter retatw to Lwder's ratersst rte ttte Ytvpert` <br />!, "2'ks pnsm€e's a arty :stns' err : far :tar.,agas, 3isak o: ranasquestial, to roaaaeti:s>» <br />wick any oeadeeapattaa or othsr taking of tha Prtyerty. ur trot thereof, or for tonveystrce in lira of rurtidetaatt- <br />tiea, ara 6enby assigned sad shall be paid to Leader <br />Ea tde avast et a lets! taking of tke PraMry, the taocaedt shall Ire applied to the sums serrtred by chi. -[ert- <br />~#J~~ it say, paid to Harrower, la the etnat et a pares! taking of the Property, tttilaw Bot~ower <br />sad WA'm tar wt~ittt{, tbaty ai.all tier ~ tv flit suArs sutrred by tlrii Jlurtgage :uch propru- <br />tim at Nte prooesds as is dual to thu ~xaportioa which she asseunt of she sums aeottred by this Mortgage imme- <br />diately prier to ibe date of taking boars to the lair atar4et. value od fire Property- immediately prior to the daft of <br />taking, rrlth tip tesisooe of the preoestis pairs to Borrower. <br />It tM Property ie sLatrdorttd by $errewsr or if silo traice try !.ender to Borrower that the condemnor oAetr <br />to make art award err settle r c;aian far dtuaages, Bortwer tarts to re8porut to Leader within 30 days ui the date <br />of each rtotite, Leader is suthaiaed to collect and apply the peocceds at l.endrr's option rithrr to rcatoratton or <br />r+part of the P:vperty M to the alma secured try tiers 1lertgsge. <br />Uakw Lender acrd Borrower attrenrise agree in writing, say such applieatton of prerceeri, ,,, {>nurtpa! errs+{ <br />