roro exttBnr,{ n ,:a~tponr• titer iiur:irate of il~:- inr3r~~hic r r,tlu;~~.r ~t•r',re i ,~. ~~x:-leru;n~- and ": kurre~ni r+l
<br />nfixnge the a:nour,t of ,sofa instalin7eate
<br />!f). Iforrower Not RRleasod. tsxtenstc:or of tfxr nnt,^ fns I-aymr~nt :rr stmriiiienPan+~ ~rz attluritrzitign trf the aeons
<br />secured by thin iNortgage granted !,y- 1.Cnarr to art±t -url:~ew~;or ua tntcr[•st rat Bnrrauairr Thal! hoe o~aerate r.o rtleaae-
<br />in any manner, the liability o[ the original }iorrower and Borrower'- .ruccewrr m interest. 3.ender shall not be
<br />required to romnience proceeciitig3 against such wurcessor or refuse to exttxrd firm for pa}-rrtent or othtnrise modify
<br />amortisation of the sums secured by thi= \lortgxKr in trason of env denund made by [he otytinal Borrower anti
<br />Borrmred'a suw:essors in interest.
<br />Il. Ferbearmtce by Lander Not a Wafer. Any forbearance by f,errrler in exercising any right or remedy
<br />hrreturder, or othtnvise afforded by appiieable Saw•, shall not .re a wai:~er of ur prttitule the exercae of any right
<br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payment of taxes or other lime or charges by Lander
<br />shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to accelerate the ttuturity of the irKlebtednesw secured by this ~tortEage.
<br />12. Ret®rrliiaa Cumulotive. All remrdtes {?rcr+'ided u1 thra Mortgage are dutirict and cumulative to any outer
<br />Mi+ right or retrredy under this ~IortgaRr nr atfordcaf tn• loos or ntuity. 9nd mny iw• exrmirecl ronrurrentty. independ-
<br />rnLly or suecesstvely
<br />Q: !3. Srtt+eeaasea grad Aasi~s Dc?uad: fofat and Beceral LiQbititT; Captiiooa. Tier cocrtutnta and apeemenb
<br />~ herein contained shall bind, and the nghtw hereunder wboll ururt to, the teeprrttvr sltcteawrs :Ind ass>ans of bender
<br />.,r and Borrower. auhlect to 4he pnrvtwion~ of paragraph 1" hereof All rovrna:rts and agrrernen4+ of Borrower shall
<br />y ~ helotM an' rveral. Thr captiuna and hradirtgi: of the paragraphs of thew \lortgaitt are `or conveniene.: only sAd
<br />I are not to be need to interpret. or define the provisionw fresco(.
<br />~ 1tL Any entice to Borrower provrdcai for to rhea \lortgage• shall IK• {peen by msiBr.g auth notice by
<br />etrttfied uuil addrrnwert to Florrowa r at the Yrolrerty Addmsti ,tatel! twlow except fur any notkr nquired under
<br />parapsph IB hem?i to tx• given to borrower ur the waunrr Irrrscn-re.) by xpplicablc law. Aoy hotter provided
<br />for in thin ~lortgagr whale Ix' derwed to have Ixvn gtcrn ro Bormwrr when gicrn to the nunnrr designated herein.
<br />lg. 11hai1eem II(ostgaye: Csoticnisq Law: Severabiiity. 'Chia form of ttrortgsPe combines uniform oovenaota
<br />foe national use and non-uniform covenants rsith limited varrat.ions by jurisdittiort to eomtitute • imitoem qaR•
<br />riRjr is.tettmtal covttittg real prtrperty. This \lott`age shall be governed by the isw of the jraeindletiat ie which
<br />lht I'taperty ra totaled. In the event that any provision or clause of this ltortgie or the Notre eeaAiela with
<br />applioabk hw, such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this \lortiafe or the Note which eao be pwn
<br />eQtad without the corrfliMiirtg provision, and to this end the provtuona of tFx ~lungagr and Ute Nola are deein'ed
<br />b be aavmbla.
<br />!L >lassaAnr's Copir. Borrower shall bt furniaiaed a ranfornted raotry of thin '+lortgage at t!x bane o! sssoo-
<br />tioo or after reooedation hereof
<br />17. 11ra~siM et the Trepertr: RartMption. If ill or any part of the Property or an intered thtttteia is Mid
<br />or t~ssedarred by Borrower wrtttout Lender's prior wnttm convent, excluding to I the creation of a lien a eawt-
<br />brante wbeedioate to thts Nort;aRe, 161 the creation of a purchase money attbrttity ielered for lwaenheid a~-
<br />anoa, !e) • trattder by devise, desoeot or by opentron of law- upon the death of a joint tenant or (d) the R~ et
<br />ae~ laaeehold iateeed of three yenta or kss not contairang as option to purchase, Lender may. at I,ewdar`a ei,Aoa,
<br />dseh-n all the ar®s securad by the ttlorlfair to 6e immediately due anti payable. Lender shall have waived wait
<br />option tq accelerate tf, prior to the Bale or tnnaftr, LerKier grad the i+rtvrn to whom the Property k to br sold ar
<br />tratamfarted reach agreeareert ur writing clot the cndu of such i~erron is satrsfactury to I,erader awl that the iatered
<br />payable ao the wishes seturcd tn- this tlorlgage shall tee at wash rate as Ixnder shill request. If Lerrder has wartred
<br />the option w acreltratt provided m thrs paragraph 17 and if Borrower w w:.a^eesrwr in tnterrst eras exeetdad a writ-
<br />ten assaarapWOn agreement aeaepietf in wntmg by Leader, Lender shall roltast borrower irwrt al! oblystioor taoder
<br />thin Mortpie and the Note.
<br />u Lendu err~ersea+ such optic? to accelerate. tinder :hull :rue! borrower rtot.iCt of aecdera4en in aeoordsaee
<br />with parr~raph 14 hetxr?f. riuch trotter strait provwie a l+erioa: of hat Yeti, tha:r 30 Bays from ttx date the notice ie
<br />ensiled wittritt whttir borrower shay pay the sutne drrlamf due. If Ffat7awrr fatL to pay such .urns pt•iro to tJte
<br />rapintirfn of such period. Lender mat. without furth+•r hotter or .irntrmi uti Flurrowrr, invoke any reme=dies per-
<br />mitted by para;rspr I6 %.ere,,:
<br />Vote-it;vtrrrteta t',r.s:xA~a. E;rrrruwrr nrKf I.t=nrfrr fu:'tlrrr r•uar+tiant snit apt`er ax ferllur-x
<br />Ill. AO4Y1lr4lf0o: Rame~es. F'.xrrl+t as I~roa tlh.! ul kgirri~rul d. 1 i hr swot. U}K)r' ItOrT?w tf • hirrirtt 4f aqY
<br />e0tie11ant W agirafoent Vf llirrfil+srt iU iiii< <[Vrt Raga' +Ir,•ianlrHK illa~ aYri-ri+a6ta tar ira} xrhrir title self .UnKS .rtertrral
<br />by this 1tOrt{a~l+. LrrKier prior t0 ileCelrrAttOri nirall Itrali tlUtlel` IU l3orroN aa.}:rut+drri to i+araRnf?I. i• hereof
<br />apeeitl•rng: t I I the breach. ta} the xetK+r. nktuireal to tufts allr~j ~.~1 ~ :late not Iran than thirty days
<br />front the dwtr the notice n nrntiirl to Burnm,•: ba a.luch +urh f`+t•~yi~J~~ anti fir shat iarlurr• to cure
<br />>.arch beeae•h on or before the data' ,p<•+thrai ui the :,utirv nra~ result rn arerlentiain nl the >un~ ur-utrd by thre
<br />~tortiaae end wk of the Yttr{wrty II the breach r nut .urwt nn or treton• the date ;pecrfiad to the autrre, Lender
<br />at L.etrder's ir{Nion nuy declass all of thv ..ui:~ ara•r:rari Lc t!u, \lurtgage to !re w:tur+iratek due end frayabk
<br />withottE farther rlrrauncl anti nuy iarrtlix,a• this ~turtg:oar by }aaheasl lrtrret•erltiyt iwndrr whall far rntnleat to colktl.
<br />m wueh procecdrng alt rxprnwrs ut iorrl•larr,urc rrrhxlurk but riot luodr+i to ;uw(a of da•unrentarv rvKtente,
<br />abstraola and title report.,
<br />Iii 71aee+was'a niiM to tbainetote, Votwnlratatutrng Lrndrt. ,ureter»hou ut the awrra ,rcun+d by thw
<br />1Nttrt~rge, 8urt^rrwer shalt have the right to hear nuy prt+cigrhnttr i+errun by t sexier to rnturrt• this llortgatte dts-
<br />tvmtutuud at any tlntt prwt to enttl° of :. }ud$tnrnt rnfi;CUtw the. \lurtaattr ~f Iai barrvwcr lwys lender all
<br />arw wieieh wwii lw ttYew t!w ttatlatr ttlM 3forspgr, rite Nose ataWd ne-ea ar:nrurg t other Adyaraeee. tf testy, itaai ins
<br />aosawe~iaer Metswd, Ib) Hortraenr cura+ aU btcarhew of anv otMrr Covenants a aRrettnetMS ~ 1lsaerewsr oatt-
<br />taiod.ia thin Moefpp: lt- Boetower pave a!t reasonablC txlrenyta iaruttwt by Leader to ratoreing the toreatali
<br />seed asrosmwtr of Baerower ewttsraed rn thtri \Iortga?te and m CnitrrrmR I.rnder's retnMrts as lrttrvtdtxl in para-
<br />t iii tidrelif, ~, bill tirif ltstite.i to, ~e~H+ahie ettirrrrrY'e fees. ai'ni fail 13drrirw•~t toffee •rrch aetao{'i ii
<br />i.esdu rosy rsaeosahly rsQttire to assure that the lien of thi« \lurtgage, I.rnder'r ittteret in the Yro{rartr read
<br />Beerowr'a obHplim W py the.ams aeeute~d by Chia \4urtgagt whall rantioue uatmpatred. ['fwn ouch payment
<br />aodenea bgr Bttesaesar,.thia M~faN sad the abii~atiow artund hereby sttafl remain in full force and etlset ata iI
<br />so aeaeisMtMa had oecuned.
<br />ai. ~ieieollMdsi RMira ~taiaiiottwi si 1Reosisrsea Letriar in Parasersira Ac ydriitawrai security bare-
<br />natder, Borrower httteeby ~ to Iwe ter the rents of the Property. provided tfiat Borrower shall. Ixior to aeeeler-
<br />atioa under parairaplt M hereof or sbaadoremrttt of the Properly, hour the right to arollrtt and man, such rents
<br />as tttt:y hearme dire and payable.
<br />IIpat aeeekxatiorr render parrtiraph Ii herttof or atmadansrrent of the Yrolxrty. I.ctKirr. in I+rrson. by agent
<br />or by jtsdinnily appointed t+eoeiver sFtaN 6e tatitkd to enter utprmt, take lwreseeEiou of and nraoagr the Ymprm•
<br />sad to tmlkot the rents of the Property. inelttdinit theet past due. A11 rents Colkrtrei t+y Lrnrler or the receiver
<br />shall be applied Ern to paytnenL of the tads of maaattetnent of fire Frrt>Frerty ant! rolhr•ttun ui ~ .... :nclt:drnK. I,ut
<br />not limited to, reCrirrr's fCrta. prrmiutns an mrrtver`s l+onds and mnsonahtr aft nrnev'< ter- a .+ •.': n ro tt:~ ,nn,.
<br />serttred by thaw \fnrtgugr Ixndrr rind the rrern~rr ~hx1` hl~ iiahh- r.. ~Irr~rrun+ ,~r•1a f,n tbrr_,. .. , -1~ t::a''a ., .. ~+:~,~
<br />