<br />'' DUB. ON SALE
<br />~ SAVING9 FUND
<br />Foar No. 720
<br />Loan Number__4952D_..-.--_19°--- .1 _.
<br />79-U~i~$93 MORTGAGE
<br />TIiI9 MORTGAGE, made and e:ecttted this .-l~ day of i/.~~ A.D.,
<br />19. ~y ., between the Mortgagor. Royer L. Hn,eve -and Cethy A. Naette. husband.. end rife, .
<br />.. .............
<br />_. _ . .._ __ ,~Q1At.LY and...eacb in t.lteiz atrtt.r.ighi .
<br />of . Gral}c1. IelAt>¢ . .County of Hail.- ,State of - -N.ahrasks , hereinatter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEUERAL SAVINGS AND IRAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, ?235 "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebrsska x8501, eta stttteraots and sesigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />ss Lender.
<br />Wrrxtassrt+: That the said Borrower for and in rnnsideration of the sum of FIttTY,>iti -Tiltl{iSAYD
<br />..ANA.-li(ILIQA-----------------------------.-..----r-- Dolan (US 1.15.Of)D._tIf)_ .. ._..... _)
<br />paid by sad Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its suooessoes and aaaips; the
<br />dsacribed property Heated in the County of .Hall-... ..- .- --._. _.__... 84ts o[ Icie6raaka:
<br />Lot lour (6), Elock Eight (8) im Weat Park Addition to the City of Graff Itlend,
<br />'Ball County, Bebratka
<br />Tocarxu with all the improvernettta now or hereafter erected on the property, and all satsaasnts.
<br />rights, apptatartaaca, rants, royalties, miamal, oil and gas rights and proflte, water, water ~. std
<br />wetter stock, and all fi:turea mw or heeeatter attached to the peoperty, ell of which, iaclutlsa~ rglltes-
<br />menta and additions thereto, shall bedeemed to be and remaia a part of the Property covered by this
<br />Mortgage; and all of the foregoing, together with said property (or the les_+elrotd eaters in the event thk
<br />Mortgage is on a kseehold) are herein referred to as G're "Property..
<br />Borrower coveruntx that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby cromveyed and has the right
<br />to mortgage, grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered. and that Barrow^et will
<br />warrant and defend generally the title to the Property spins[ all claims and detnanda, subject to any
<br />aaaemwta and eettrictio<te tested m a eclredmk of eztc~orts to coverage in any tide ineunnce pocky ia-
<br />eln9ai lwader's interest in the Property, ~ t ~) attorney's opinion of tick from abstract of title certilled
<br />by bonded abstracter.
<br />Pa!ntrttn Ai wars, smd these presents are esrcut~ and delivered open the follawiau crontiit. agree-
<br />t~Gr and ot~ligatux~ :~t the Ekxrrower, to-wit
<br />The $arrFiwcr agrxa. tr. psy to tits Iw~u#rr, or rsidNr, the print-ital ..utri r.f Fi€r~ T1 Aiti1
<br />-MOf,100~•-- -- _. ------- lbltare 11~v F1S.RQQ.fIO )
<br />psyabMr as provided in • note a:scored and delivered, connnrently henrwith, the final payment of princ~al,
<br />if rtot sooner paid, on the First day o[ ttezch 19 99.
<br />L1Ntroaw ('c~vaNaNTS. Iinrrowrr and I.encier covenant and agree as follows
<br />1. laye»ot of IRiactpoi sad 1 iorrower :hall promptly pay where due the pttrtcYpsl of and ur-
<br />tarest on the indebtaineab evitlertced by the Nute. preywyment arut fete charges ar prc~vi.trd m the NMe,
<br />and the prim~ipal nt and interest on any Future Advnnrea necurni by thin Mortgage.
<br />1. Funds for TaxN sad 6rur~ee. Suh~ea•t to Le+ndrr'v o{.tnm under tucragraphn t end ~ heteu(, Htx
<br />rower shell pay to Lender on the day munthh nu,tallcnante ~d pnnccpal and uttrrrxt are payable under the
<br />iVote, until the N~Lte uc peed in f>sit, a Burn therein "Punter;") rt;usl to one t+«lfth of the yearly resets arxt
<br />asanaetnartt: winch may attain prionty Duct rhea !11orcKagp, and grL,und tenth cm the f'mperty. ct any plux
<br />esrw-Nreiitit of YwefY i~aeafianetta for htaard iastt:aams, plus oss-twiith of yMariy prwdtaw ar
<br />ata~awnta for moetplge inamanoe, H as aB as rettsatahl,• estimated iait3ally a.~d htao time to tias_ b~
<br />Lsardsr oa the etaair of assesta'taata and best and reutortabk estisrtata thereof, shall ap~r tAs F`uadr
<br />to pay acid €a~4 as{eta, lrarrc-e pr~eariuaa; attd,.iar`wtt.i swifts. I,ettcfer etrii{ mrke ne~he i~ w
<br />hoidtog eat, apptytrtg the Fuads or L ~nfyu~ and aY/ntt'°~~ ~LM~ ;~eEitnelft! !!~ b4~1-. Thy I~Mt.r Ytlatl
<br />~ve to tM sorroirer, without charge, an anaaal aotwaritiag cd the FYuuis atwwing caedita and dtr#uta to the
<br />lunAt and tie pnrpase for which sarlt debit to tbwr Flmcis wet nutdr. The lhradr u+r pledged as adttitiosaal
<br />ast:urity ter the suass securedby rhea Itfortgage. 4'tte Baerawer a~w that tits Funds relay be held b~ the
<br />:~ Ltandse and erglad with other ftaaria sad the Lsader't ore funds and file Leader may W strch ttasns
<br />frpn ire otrn ftrn<fs and the Lander ahal! not be litbie ~ interest ~ dividends on snch Funds.
<br />ii the aaaoamt of tba fiB-dt held bs I~Nreitr, together with the future monthly inetalbmente of Funds
<br />paYabVe Prier to tbs ~- • dsRes of east. apttamtlets. iotrAares pssetitttor and ground rents. shsil e:eeed
<br />the amarat regtdrsd to ~sy acid t+aes~ attttamaMs, immanca pseutitmae acd ground rrnta ss they fep due,
<br />strut a;Coss atrts hs, at $otspwer'a option., eitYsirQ prom ti to Boeruwer or cngdited to Ek~rn~wer on
<br />tttoothly inataUmeats of Fvrtd4. Ii tM aiaouwt ~i ~e ds by Leader shall not t+e »uffic~rn: to p~
<br />tales, aesesemente, insttranes peaoeiaepa and gtroaeed tents as they [all due, Borrower shall pay to !.ender
<br />ar+ vmoemt necereary W make t~ th! wklsin tMrty days tfttr rttttice from Lender to itorttrwer
<br />teyureting~ thetieot, or Hartvwer dfa~' p, by an ittcr~ease in aanthly installments of Fundy required.
<br />rLrpsy the y within the Fond acrotmtirtP prrio.i.
<br />t'Iwn paynLent in full of all auras secured by th~:+ Mortgage, Lender +hali apt,h~ Pun•i. h.~l~i a< ~~ .-re•rlrt
<br />again+t elf +un;~ due.
<br />