79--- r.~le0ki~1~
<br />L)rrtpoarr ~'avt>y+nn'rs. Harrower and Lender ca+enant and agree as follows.
<br />1, Payment d TrfarJgf surd Iatercel. Burrower shall ?raraptly pay when titre the pnncipal of and intrrest on the
<br />indebtednea evidenced by the Note, prcgytrrcrst and late charEes as prrnrded sn the Note, and the princspal of seed Interest
<br />wt any Frnurc Advsncu secured by this Mortgage.
<br />Z 1Pe.ei for Tasea and leaweeee. Sub)ect to applicable Iaw er ro a written waiver by Lender. fiorroc;er ,hall pay
<br />to Lender art the day monthly imulbnents of priacipa! end tntsrest are payebk undo the Note, until the Note a pab m full.
<br />• arm (herein "Fonda") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assastttents which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgsge, and g-ouad rmta oa tRe Propsrty, if any, plus orte-twelfth of yearly premium irrstallmenp Cor hazard rtw~raoce.
<br />plus otte-t+vef[th o[ yearly pranium inatalfmtsnu [or tnortgate inatuatssx. if any. all a reasonably estimated initiapy and from
<br />taro m lime by Lender on the ban of aaaarrsants and bilb and turntable aetimew thereat.
<br />'Lhs Funds shalt be Geld in an institution the deposits or accounts of which are irtsuted or gttarYnteod by a Federal or
<br />stela ajency ;inchtding Lender if Lender is such an institution). [,ender shall apply the Funds to pay aid taxes, aaasrrtents,
<br />ironreeCa premiurtu and groutd rents. L.ertder tnay not charge for so holding reel apptyiag the Funds. analyzing acid account
<br />or verifying attd compiling said isaxaments and bilb, antes Lender qya Borrower inter:tet agrtfee Foods and applicable bw
<br />pspmih Lender to make such a charge Borrower and Lender may agree in writin~lit$te time of axecutiorr d LRis
<br />Mortgage that iatereu ms the Funds shall be paid to Borrower, and antes sttc6 agraematt n made or appliabk Iaw
<br />requites etch inturat to bt paid, Lender sMll not rte required to pay Borrower any intt:+ett or eertuogs oo for Frmds. Lsada
<br />eha8 tiara M Brrower, without cbuga. an annual rsxountiog of the Futtds showing credia and debit: to the Funds sad the
<br />purpose for which each debit to the Fttnds wa nude. The Funds ue pledged a rdditioeal security for the stsse tsecurod
<br />by this Fltu[gegs.
<br />U the ttseoent of the Funds oeW by Lender, together with the future monthly issstrtBateots of Funds gyabk prig b
<br />the due gems o[ taus, rsskesrnma, iawrance premiums and ground roab, shall exased the amount required to qy said texas,
<br />trssaeentents. itatnaece prmairrats and g-ound rsnu a they fall due. wch excess shall he, at Borrower's option. either
<br />prosptly repaid k Borrower a uedited to Borrower on tttonthly iretdlmatts s>E Funds. It tlse smorrtt of the Ftiteds
<br />held hY Lander shag not be tticiatu to qy lases, ateewmertts, imurane^. premttrass and ground rents r !Rey fall due,
<br />Borrower tthaB p.y to Larder soy amotrtt atxweary to make up the dr8ciertcy within l0 days from the date eating a madad
<br />b1r Latrrtlar b Borrower teyuating Payment thereof.
<br />Upon gyeteet in tub d a8 are. sa~ttred M thu Mortgage, Leader aAaB pretetptly tefwd a Borroww etty tested.
<br />bald by Lander. Lt ceder paragraph 18 Iteroof Ilse lroperry+ a sold or the Propmty a at{rrwia rtegtnred by Leader, Lateder
<br />aMB apply. to Ia1er then ismediaaly Prior w the sale of Hr IkopsrtY or its ttuistmttea hfr Leeds. tmy Funds Irld b'Y
<br />Lettrder at tM [i[se of appHcatian a • cretfit agnost tlr errs eecund hY rtes Martgtrgs.
<br />1. Aggifaiiae et P4s~ Uebss aPP4ashb taw ptovitlas rsthawbe. aH Peyess'°t• roceirred yy LeoAsr tmdr tAa
<br />Note trod paragraphs 1 and 1 hsnof :ha8 be appfred by Lender first rtt gymntt of amowsu gyabb to Lt:ttder by Borrower
<br />uedrr paragraph 2 hero[, there a ieee+eM gyahk oo the Nee, that to the priecipal o[ the Noes. and rhea to itntera[ aed
<br />priecipet ere soy Pvtstee Advrees.
<br />d. C~Pet IJeee. Bortower tsRall qy all toss, aeasnsaets and other cRarges, sae and rmppitiom :ttributabk so
<br />the t'rppattY wlsich s4 attae • priority over this Mortgage, std leaeehotd gymaad or Vatted ree4. it any. le the asaeYK
<br />presided tteda parogrep6 2 henef tx, if rest paid in wch taaoetcr, by Btxrower teatiq ptsymerrt. srhee gees, directly to >r
<br />pages thareott. Bermw~ rYaB pevspHy furoiels m L.aeder aN enrages of areouab dtte under this pa[epapl4 and b fhs swat
<br />Bonower ehaH sate paymart dirxtfy. Borrower ~ promptly Furnish to I.adar receipts wideattiy retch gyerau.
<br />Btsrravsr shall promptly diachuge aey Ilse Wlttch Ra prtoruy over this Mtxtgttga: provsrled, that Borrower slta8 not ha
<br />retgtred W disciar'e any xrtch liar oo brtg a Borrower tthatl stgree in wrurog m else paytaertt of the obhfasioo sacstead hY
<br />such lice is a ttsaneer acoepuAk to Ledger, or shall in good faith roMCSt itch Ike by, err clefestd enforcement of such list in,
<br />legal prooeedigp wRtch operate to ptevem the enforcement of the Ikr or [orfsuure of the Property ur any put thstsreof
<br />Y.. BWsd faat[raere. Borrower shall lteeir the smprovemertts now existing or hercatter crated on the Property usswad
<br />against ba try fire. Beards included snthrn the arm "extended caveryr", and such Mher hasartb a Lender may rcyuue
<br />std d edastma !tad for such periods as tender racy requite: provided, that t ertckr shall rtes rsryurre that the saavusu of
<br />aseR coverage emceed that amount of awvtragr regtttred to pay the sttftu secured by the Mortgage
<br />711e ieatraoce career pn•viding the ieatredce sMH he ~psisaa by Borrower stMlect to approval by Lxttder: prvv;sld.
<br />~ WtA trpprovat tthaM scot be tmreesonabty wltRReid- All premiums oa imurarax palictp shah tee paid m tft reenact
<br />provided trade paragraph 3 he,~ tw.:f net psrd in such scanner, by Borrowu rttaasrtg paymseat when due. dtrectlY to the
<br />iesarrause carrier.
<br />AA t poetcns aid reoesraa titmwi shall t,c na fatal w~epta'uls: t::::.~. cr srt:+ ~l:at! '=t.!`~£ ? ~t?rscfatt} r#~rtga~a
<br />c;erstaa is fa. r of a.~..:: w~ .::~tabb M Letder. L=ttder shall have ifte rttht to Itasld the pa,iscies and rortewah ttesreof.
<br />sad Borrower shall prompt!)' Itutsish to l~oder all rerowal rtotscex and a.l recespts of peed preesrtnns In she cress a,# ka~
<br />Bonvwer shalt gri`e prompt att:::e [u the irtwraacc ~rner a~ !.ender. Lestdrr may males pn,cu i+r rasa tt ~ roadt protnptty
<br />hY Btrrower.
<br />Ueistr lender aed B,artoww ctherwsse agree in wnuog, iruwarttt proceetb shall be appltsd ro resttsratbn or repair of
<br />the Property damaged. ptovrded such restoratwn or repau n ecorw,micaHY fcastbk and the sr<urity of rhss Mortgage u
<br />trot th.r.hy imperred. 11 such ratoratsam a repast n nal eCa[lalnlCllly ICastMe w st the secunty a( rhn M•xtgagr wawrld
<br />be isPuxed, the sroutttoce prrtoeeds shall be apptted to the xsrmr ses:urat by tMs Mortgage, wsth the excess, if any. qtd
<br />to Burrower. Lf the PropatY d attarrdorterf t» &xrower. or it Born,wer lash to rtspamd to Lender wsthsn )U sfeya from the
<br />due tsopp x tttatied by Larder to Brxrower slNC the sre!~raase ~rrrrcr attars w talk • ,teem fur tnsurawce htnteAn, Lender
<br />is awhoried w s'alleCt sad apply the trsruran,:e proceeds rt Lender's optwn ether to restoratrasn at ropau of the Proputy
<br />« to the turret reeured by this Mortgage
<br />Llolaa Loader sad Borrower taherwtae aQrcc :r: *xr:isrg arts such applssatron .,1 pn,s~eals to pnstcspal shah naX extend
<br />ax pttaptKSe the clue gees of the mcxtthly snrullmenu reterrcd t„ in pasygraphs I and '_ hrreut ur .Itangc ttu antounr of
<br />xttch trMaNments 11 under paragraph t M hereof the Property a a~yuuad by Lertdcr. oIl rsKht, ntk and tnterest .,t &xn,wrs
<br />rn tad to .ey iwurra.e pdis:ta anti us anal tc+ st:c pn.ac~ls ihcreot scsuls,ng rr.+rn ,Suuage to she Prr,pertr prrr.r w the sale
<br />pr a~ ~4on aha{I pea to l.eadar t. the a}tent .,t she suers secured by the, M,.rtgagr ,rnn,edutely press t.~ ,ugh sale :*r
<br />~ti. i4sarsallee tr1/ tWseeeee d Pwgrtyi f.etrMeMY1 CeedesieYtset pYeed UaY DeralepeeMS. Borrower
<br />ta'ep dtr Prop~erey ba geed regatr and swell rte sxseaeit waasc au peraut stoaatrmedt a dateritxNioo of rtes Property
<br />sad dseH otxttpfy wKh tl~e provtsiena .sf any brae s/ the Mortgage n oa a leasefwtd. It thrs Mrrrtgsp rs ors a can ui o
<br />cmdoetWUm a e pleased unit developrrsau, Borrower snail f.srf3rrn alt of Btrvwa'x ~~ldsgatrens ands: rtta dectararwu
<br />m oosteeaeu aaMiy a gswuang the axu,rmutitun ur planned unu slevrk~pmr,t. the by-taws and regrslatwuss ut tRe
<br />atrsdoatiertrm err pinned uret de+alopment and conaitttent doctettersts. If a conatominhun a planned Unlt tkvsMprtteat
<br />rNr is estaotAed hl' Borrower aed neosded lgatlrr wtih this Mortgage, ttta eovsmartu aed agroematu of eaters rtdar
<br />~ be iocorptsrard sego awl shag atsrad sad wpplensart tha wvananta :od ttgnedtaale d the f4,t-tgaga a st the rider
<br />were s part lured.
<br />!, Iteettactlee et L.eedee's B«~4. If Baxrower fats ro perform the covenants turd sgnamena contasrsed in the
<br />Mortgage or i! retry accieo or proaebog n catsmtertced wRklt materially afGcu Lersder's sntaerst in the Pupeny,
<br />iacttding, but not Rtasitad t^ tamiroM domain, insdvency, cavk asforeement, or rrtangastenn err proa~eedinp involving a
<br />bankrupt or dseadeet, than leader err Leesx'a option, upon notice to Borrasrar, troy make ash sppeannsea, dnnurse strch
<br />attar. creel tike rtsch retina a u rtecessaty to protect Leader's rearm. rrulsxchng. test rte iimuest w. dssbursrrstenc ,•t
<br />tasedabie sattraay"e [gee ad entry aped tits Progrty to mate regain. I( L.ertder required rnort;age rnsuran.Y as a
<br />.,oad7tion al tttttkatg the ban senued by !Rte Mertgage, Borrower slush qy the Premiums requsreat to masntasn rush
<br />ieauranee in effect until such time a ttre requuemeat for inch inswancx terminates sn actvtdance wsth Burn,wer's and
<br />