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hsOR"TGAGE <br />~'~--t~UG8U8 <br />THIS MORTGAGE ittaadettris .... ...........13th.......dayot.. Feocuary <br />19.79. , between the Mtrrtgagor, . L{QNBi_u- G, . DI ERS., . JR.. 1W0, CASSANDRA .i.. DI ~.'~ , husband aF~d <br />Kife,. (brain "rorrower"!, and the Mortsagee, Htxne Federtl <br />3avitrss t+td I.oaa Atreociatitm, • oorporttion orgaaitsd and aaisting tinder the Iowa of The United Ststes of <br />Amsriat, wiota address ie 281 South I.ocuat Strast., Grad Is6md, Nebrttks 16mairt "Lender"1. <br />Wrlsaws, Borrower b indebted w [.coder in the pritrdpal sttn ol•..5 l XT7.:1)tQ .THOUSAKR . E l VE. Hi-PtRHEO <br />APl4 .NOL) ark-.:----c-r, n-..---------------r.-.:f)ollat:, wbicn inckbtedneu is evidenced by Borrower's note <br />dated..... F9bf.49-.y . 13,. 1.9,7.9... (herein "Note"), providing for monthly inatallarcnta of principal and ittere:t. <br />with the baisnce of the indebtedness, i( not soarer paid, due std ptyabk on.....F3000b. 1.,..2Q0$........... <br />To 8tctiae to I.ender (aj the reptymertt of the icdtobttdneas evidettoed ty the Note, wittt itNerat thereon, tie <br />payment of ad truer taint, rith interest thereon, advanced in axordance herewith to protect the seasity d tiffs <br />Mortpyt, and the pertoraatnce of the covenants and tgreereents of Borrower herein cosrtairred, fed Ib) tie eapgatea! <br />of any future advtnces, with interest thereon, ms«ic to Borrower by Lender purswat to part~h 21 inept (heals <br />"Phitue Adraaou"). Btrrtotrar does hereby mortjafe, Ana: nod ooavey to Leader tie ~'~i tlncetded pwptty <br />lotatod is the Gloaty of ................. 1iA14...................., Btale at Nehrdra: <br />LOT SE YEN < 7) , 1 N Bltxlc Tl+lt) t 2) BflEMiM00D StbDl V I S 1(kl, 1 N THE C 17Y Of t3RMiD i S LAND, <br />FtAI_L C8i1hiTY, NE131~iiSItA <br />al~illlfMwNraMuw.t ...............31?.3i.1io4~cJd~t~ird...... . <br />lte.w tatst <br />Htats ani iw surer <br />?tom tddY of tit itoRtt+rttatat; tow es iettalter eraeltd Iasi t-r ptopeety, std t9 aaseltttabt. ei~ltlt, <br />tt~laitlaMpM, tttttlt, flitttAl. cN ttrd its ~ sad pltti~b water, traMr ri~It, sad wow taodt, sad dt <br />(illdtras tttrtr or Ititrendlrr Mlic±rtd to it petplt~. +tN at'~hltii, ftci~ ntlieranttra nod adt~titet dtnato, thrll a <br />t &t br attt! :1~ dt ~ ~!'~rty cQVatt~ by ski. ~; nrd aN at she ~ toenhn wig raid <br />[+mp~ tart .~ Iiaairdd Maio ~ shit htaefBrBe it tta a haraiold) tae iereia «titr;ead ro m dte "tropnty". <br />9trtaiwar eavwrts '`at Hasra~rnr• is tawlgliy tsited ei tie astttt ieseby ooaveyed sad has the ritht to mortpfe. <br />[~ ~d oeipvtq the ltgpe+ip. fiat tae I'toperty it stemewtabmed, attd rift Bomnrer wlti wtrrtnt and defend <br />t~Y Ar thle to Iii ltopetti nBtisrtt tti CitliMas tad dematdt, ftljbct ttr nay deeMtratiom, eateureats or restrictions <br />tittxd ~ t tebtdah: of tmeeyRioaa kr la say tills hrauratee peHcy lanrriae Leader's interest in the Property. <br />-I to 4 Fs+sih--6i f5---ii)xifi~MC ttit~ llxitlf~F <br />