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<br />Lt»der's written agrceme»t or applicabk law-. Horrower shall pas the amount a!' all mortgage i»sttraract prtmncros ~n the <br />manntr t:+r~:~~vrdttl under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disb;,rsed by [.ender pursuant to this gragroph 7, with rnterat therun shall txcome additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower xrurcd by this Mortgage Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms ~.f payment. such <br />emotion shall be payable upon mitt from Lender to Borrower requeuing gyrnent thereof, attd shaft bear interest from the <br />date of disMrrtterrrent at the me gyabk from time to time on otrtstatrding princigl under the Note: unless gytrrattt of <br />interest at s:tch ;ate would be contrary to appligbk law, in which event such amiwnts shall bear interat at the highest rats <br />permiu'b:e under applicabk law Nothing contained in this gragiaph 7 atoll require Lender to incur any expense or ±ate <br />any action irererusder <br />L iaspsetlaa. Lender may mate or cause to be made nawnabk rntriea upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shah give Borrower erotitt prior to any etch inspection specifying reasonable cattx therefor related to Lender's <br />imusu in tht Property. <br />1. Candeswaaiaa. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with say <br />condannatan or other taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for convwantt in lieu d condemnation, are hersby asygrted <br />and shaft be qrd to lender. <br />In fire evrnt d a total taking of the Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower In the evrnt oI a partial raking of the Property. unless Botrmwer and Letsder <br />aherwise agra in writing, there shall be applied to the sums stcured by this Mortgage such propor!ion of the proceeds <br />n is equal M that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date d <br />taking bqn to the frir market value of the Property imtnedistely pritx to the date of iakirtg, with the balance of the proceeds <br />qid to Bat+awx. <br />if the Property b abatrdorted by Borrower, or if, after notice by I.rrrder to Borrower that the condemnor oRers a taste <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days shat the date stadt notice is <br />mailed, Leader is autfroriied to collect and apply the proceeds, at Leader i option. either to restoration or repair of ffit <br />Property a to the watts secured by this Mortgage. <br />Unless Leader and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such applicatio:t d proceeds to princigl shah not exaserd <br />a potRports the thse date of the tttaonthty ittstallmenn rederred to in gragnphs t and 2 hereof or tisssye the arsrotaN of <br />such iastallmatta. <br />it. Besresrar Net RelaataL Extawion of the tirnc fur gyertent or modiAcation d amortiation d the awes aacwad <br />by thin Matgaga granted by Leader to any ttteeceoor in interest d Borrower shall itt+t opens to release. in trey raaraer. <br />the liability d the original Bortowar and Borrowr's t)ttcceaors in interest. Lender shall na ba rtagaired to eoeataant» <br />proceadiatla agaiaw such atrtocaasor a eefuae to wand time for paytaent or otherwise motHfy saraemstion d tie taw <br />asctrrad by rifts fi/ortgsge by tearon d aaT drtenanrd reads by the original Bottowr and Borrosrels acsccearos's is taepatR. <br />11. ~ariaarrosa ti Lwdar Nat • tJl'ttMr. Any fabcaratsce by Lender in exerc~stng any r~ht or remedy Ireratmdtr, a <br />othtxwiaa aAordad by applicabk law, shall not be a waiver of or prochde the exercoe d any stseh tight a mtaedy. <br />The procurewserrt d hrsrrasoe a the gymsnt d axes a other Betts a charges by Lender shall trot be a waver of [andar's <br />rigit to ttecNarele the titatwity of the indebtedrres secured by this Mortgage. <br />li ^aaattea C1wr1a11w. All tteteedio provided m this Mortgtye are distinct aed cttanutrMive to eery othse right or <br />rarnedy under thin Mortgage or aQoeded by taw or equity. and may be etterciae6 concurrenNy, indepaadaatly a stscwstidfr <br />1~. ifreeaeeo si Aes~tr Bawrit gale) tarsi Bnwai I.W~y; Captiaaa. The covanegb std ttgrlMMalt Main <br />aoataisrd tatap bid, and rhs rights harwtadtr shah inure r, the rospectiw stscceron and aim d Caesar awf liorressar. <br />sub}act 10 the Provsirxss of paragraph 17 hereof All covenams and agrcemenb of &xrower sha8 be pint atad several. <br />The captiax and ltesdirrgs d flee paragraphs d this Mortgage art for corwenteerce only and are trot a+ Re used fn <br />interpret a dsBrrc the pmviaiorss hereof. <br />t1. Natlea. flxcepi [or any notice required under applicabk kw to he given m another stay erotica b <br />Borcower provrded for in this Mortgage shall be given by mailing such trotrce by certitkd mail addressed to Borrower v <br />[he Property Addrsas a at such other addraa o Borrower may designate br notice to lender n provided herein. seed <br />(b1 any notice to Lender shah be given by certibed marl. return receipt regrrnted. ;o Candor's arldrer stored Isasen+ M tsf <br />.wet other addeer as [cadet may dasi,ptat,e by nonce to Bortrosver n provede6 grain- Any entice psoviisd far ®tftts <br />Mortgage shall be deemed to haw bees[ giwa to Bortawer err Iender when given k tars maerrer desiptatwrsi IravQSr <br />1g. l)tsrsro Gawasarg taw; Baewa~ty. Tlrra totter of mortgage coatbhraa tmiform rosessaad far anieatd <br />use sad woa•uttdtoera ~ wipe dmilal variatiena bv_ iur>~rct- tat Ca70st:ttLLe a rears0lm aRStrMy ~owissg <br />tea! property. "l'Ats Mcrtgaee shad he governed ey the taw tit rite )urssdretron ro wtnetr the f4n*estr s ioeasai ~ fir <br />event dsat any° prc;vis3=:rt ~ ~.aitre cam. *ha Mortgage Ys ettr; S;te ;~.rd!tctx wit!! ap~hcaCait 'alt. st_>~ c effete +t,?t affxt <br />other provisions d )fin Mortgage tr the Nee whrch tin b< seven enact witiput fir cottAictiee prrnision and to iii <br />and Me prevWOtu of tare Matgsge and flea Nuts arc deci~red m rte srsersbk <br />tti. Bwstsww's f'ay. Barowsr shad ttr frnnssttetl a s~e+trfr+rsrred copy of the Nstee and d sKs tstaesgaga ~ Aea tiaest <br />d aaacwiat or after recordation hared. <br />1T. Traatttw M fir ~7: Amnatpliw. It all or any qrt of the Pmgrty nr an rnteraal tlrarain w sold err trarastarwd <br />by Barrarer without Larder's prior wrtlnn convent, exclrrding cal ttx creation of s Bert a wctxtteran-e erthordswaM to <br />rhea Mortgage, th1 flee creation of a purchare tnstoev security interest for hornelrst{.t appliartca, rct a trarrfe* br devise. <br />daaynt ur by operation of law upon the death d a taint tenant or tv. the grunt d am ktnelroid inteeaat of thew years a Ism <br />tad coi„sining an option to purrhaae, l.endsr mav, at Lender's :tpttatn. declare all tAe soma assured by teas Matgys to M <br />rmntsdiataty dos and payable. I.errder shall Rave waived .uch option to attekrate rl, prior 4i the aerie or tnuraftr. letsdei <br />and tM person to whom the Property is to be sold ax tnmferted reach agreement to wnnng Mat the credit d such passers <br />is rtfsfsctsrry to (.ender and that tM iat[rest gyabk on the sumx second by thh Mortgago shall be at such rue n (:seise <br />alts(( tegtsear 1( Lander has waived the »ptuwt to sccekrate provided in thn paragraph IT, asd if Borrawerl suceaaaor ra <br />interest hn esecuted • wnltgr aoremperm agreement acceptod in v.riting Iri 1 ender t ender shall rekne Borrower tray afl <br />obtigstions under thu Mortgage and [he NMe <br />If Lander ertarrtsn srrh ttptton to aca~eMtatt. t coder aria(( marl Borrower rxVrce .d accekratton en xratstance +rnsh <br />paragraph I• beret/ Suetr mice shat) prnvrde a perxtd »f run tots than lit days from the dale the office n mailed wttssn <br />Bonrawr wy pay IM stern deelartd ttYa~ if Barawr fMia ro pay arsch slwra prior q ltle aaplrMrw d aui prarsod, <br />may. witltoat ~athN aetiee or demand oe Borrower. lavote any rMardiea pttrmitMA by paragraph lg haf~. <br />Ntrt;-LINiPr}a~ Csx~!€s i#,rev~r amt L~ndcr f:srthet u*vtnat<! ami agiit as follotr} <br />it lnrirtssiaa{ Rema~s- Btseaps as lwsYai it paeapaph 17 iasaat, ~r Banerses'r iraaeh 1 wy ewrraai err <br />aBwamtat d Iftssrowv Y tMs Most- tstclar/isg fin casaaarsts a pq when doe ear wso trctattad hr chi . <br />tattttlo pttt.r r aca.r.d.. tt~ aaaB stern r 6esewsr . pttewltlad r parapapls a hatttfai grrlp~tsgt f u the ta..aic <br />t~ Iha net.. ta~Y~ ~ a.. ttttttth raaatht t]- . thtetr, ..+ M tB)ttw ~ tle/a hers tht data IM tttterar r ..Bad r Barsswer, <br />by t~ talth leaash trot M eaea4 a.t/ to Ihat >Sti>au w saes taesh haste! w err hrisaa M 61a ttpenw r Ae tanrse <br />tttt4 ea.dl ht aoabaarar of tM saw wend b this Miatrtra, geeaelaaase 4 ~'M praeadkag ttr si rf the -r.*.wy. <br />The rarw ahaB Barter Mom •areawo al tM s~ r satsasaee atiesr ntnralrrawn aai w atgtat r asset r tw f«ad.... <br />pr.atdleg IM rw~aalrtrn et1. tkBfeM err .sty attar tlalaaaa .I Brra.«.r r aredwaYw fa.rk.... r the is.arh <br />4 sat carat/ w w raters the dent ttpaaMai 4 tlr taaties, ladar M Lwittra glba ttrsy declare d of tla saw aaettrad y <br />thM Miotrttp M M iw. -tliMab Aae a+tl pgabia sslthaal hstrthar imard ttssd rosy faraelrw b ~ pseeaelisrg. [seise <br />she! M atttrrd r arrest it area! gst~a-yritt{ o! aspaaaaa s/ brxiasare, Mrl~, M net BmiN ra, cwts of betwantary <br />reliaaes, ttitMetseta rtri flea rarasM. <br />1f. Baaeewatta ~ r ttalaelata Natwitlsaad;tq letaihr's aecakruion of the sums secured by tRrs Morto,ge. <br />Bortosvcr scull isaw the rfghi to haw any ptucwditsgs begun by Lender to enforce tfis Mortgage diuaxtti»ueai at any nine <br />