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It EuecfE°r par:i~rapi~ It± i;frnw~t ;h~~ 1'ru{K~~tt.w :• -o~,~ •I~~ f'm;,ert~ i;. stn+ns:-. , y: ,.- ,. 1.,-~,~i•~+~ ,~ ie~r <br />.Mall apply, no late.~r Cl.:xr unmrri:ately prior Gu ri,o -., ,, .; tau. t'rujx~rt-.' ur ~t- ar~.l~::>itn7r i~~ .., .~,,r=r tinti~ H~„~~+p• <br />field t7y Le•ruder at the tune of spplirstiuto ~s. :. .ratif:[ aytu:n~r tin .,;ir.~ -,rirr:-d +n~ r},~r '11,~^ia, <br />3. Application of Payments. L?r€Iw~t.• x{>Islcat,le isw trrovtrirr othet~+~i~:~, :all pxvm.•r:t> re,-•:n~:,~ to Lender <br />ender thrr ""Carte and para(;rapl~ 1 and ? laereot nhs!1 6e np!~liezl by Lrrular ti*~t t^ hay+nrnt „i uutx,;ui=- t~ayxble to <br />Ixnder by Borrower under paragraph 2 hereof. then to intercat l,ayahk un ti,c ~vtc :uxi un Future .l~:vsnces. it <br />any, and then to the principal of the Motu end to the prncipaa! of Future advances, if ary. <br />4. C3atgoa: Lions. Borrower sliali pay al! lanes, amaesstnents and other chargra, fines xrd impositions attrih- <br />utRbk to the Property which may attain a priority over this l~fortgage, and ground carafe, if any, at fender's <br />option in the manner provided tinder paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower +naking payment, when due. directly w <br />;~ the payee thereof. Borrower shalt promptly furnish to Lender all noti..x of amounts +lue under this paragraph, <br />~ sttd in the evert Borrower alwll make payment directly, Borrower stall promptly iurniah to Ixnder receipts evi- <br />r denaiag atieh payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over thin yortgage; pro- <br />Q vided, that Borrower shall not be required to discharge any ouch lien so long at; Borrower +hall agree in writing to <br />t= the payment of the obligation secured by such lien in a manner actxiNSble to I.emfer, or shall in good faith oorttert <br />.,~ cosh file by, or defend enforcement of such tier. in. Iegai proceeding. which operate to prevent the enforcement of <br />' the tbo or forfeiture of the Yroperty ar any 1>irt thereof, <br />~ S. ldaanrd toatroatce. Borrower shall keep the nuproven,erits now ex+sting or hereafter crzeted on the Prop- <br />arty insured agairwt lase by fire, hazarr:s included within the term "emended coverage", ynd such other hasarda se <br />under troy requiro and in such amounts and for such periods as Ixnder may ttquire: provided, clot bender ttball <br />net nsquite that the amount of bush covengr exceed that amount of coverage .squired to pay the sutras secueed')r7 <br />` this Mortgage. <br />The ituutance carrier providing the insurance shalt be chosen by Borrower aubjeet to approval by Lender; <br />provided, that cosh approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. All peemittms on insurance la:ieies shall be paid <br />st Lettder's option in the manner provided under paragraph ? hereof or t,y Borrower making payment, when due, <br />dirsetl7 to the insurance earner. <br />In thr ewer any policy is not rrrtewed oa or bstarcs tan days o! ib ettpiration, tM I,andwr, to psulaet <br />iu inbttsat, m.y procure inwrance on the imptoverttenta, pay the premiwa and truth rum shill broaaa <br />iranoediably dw and payabir reith intreaat st the rate set tooth iia said note wail paid aril aM11 br <br />sscarsd by this Mortpp. Faihtre by Borrower to trotnply may. at option of I.mder, amstitttte t dafanlt <br />ttudsr the bans et tAia Mortgage. <br />AU itrurartee polieis sail reetewah thereof shall be in form aeceptabk to Lender sad shall include a sbadaed <br />oiatrse is favor of nail is fora seoeptable to Leader. f.2~tdcs shaft have , he ri~tt to hold file prllsiss nail <br />trawaia theeeoi, sad Borrower shall promptAy ftunbh to Lender all tettewal notices and all tsoai{Ms of paid par- <br />miuw. Ia the event at fors, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insurance irriar and I.eadst, and Lsndu <br />tax teakr pt~oof of leas i( trot made promptly by Ba~rmwer. <br />Unless Lader and Borrower otherwise agm in writing, inwnnce proeteda shall be applied to rosioratistt s <br />repair of the Property damaged, Provided such restoration or repair is economically feseibk and the security of <br />ikis Motlgys m ttb, thereby impaled. It such rttatoration or repair is not ecorwtnintlly feasible or if the security <br />of /Ills Mat+tgage could be tmpaind, the tatwraoee hroeosds shall fir applied to the sutnt secured 67 this Illptrl/r, <br />wNh the straw, ii any, paid to Borrower. it the Ytq+erty is abaadandf t» Borrower or if Borrower fait to tasepand <br />p Lsodsr wNhia 36 days after notice by Lender to Borrower that the uieurauce carrier offers to sottle a claim br <br />iasuraoos bsne$ts, Lender is suthoriaed to sollset sad apply the inwrnr-ce ptoeesds at Lender's option eitLar b <br />resttteation or repair of the Property or to the sttaas aeettred l.y 'hw \lortgage. <br />Calw Lender sad Borrower otherwise agree in writing. nay wch ;,t,plieation ui proceedr to principal shall <br />ttrt sped ~ poatpotut the due date of the tnanthy itistallrnenu referred to ,+, paragraphs I and Z heteoi ae change <br />till srnsttat of such iad~sata. <br />It tta~r gtteageaph ld heseot the Prepestq s aegairorl by I_rader. sd r>$ht, title and inbratst of Boneteer at <br />and to nay insurance poluxs fled u sad tit the pteesnis thrreat tw the tattent of the rums secured by ttis Mert- <br />~ immsdistely prior to snob .ale or sequirititia+ raruttiug fron, :trinage to the Property prior to the oafs air <br />aiaa shah panty tc Leader. <br />•. 1lseasees~n smd at tisepwtT; l.sirwelseida: Caademieiuot. Born.r~cr s,rli kret? t-h,= itreg- <br />~ ua good rsl~+' acrd shat! not petmtt or comrtut waste, +inpaitTrrent, ur dete'rlOlaUOn of the Property and shall <br />etimpi7 with the provtsmns of any ieasr, +f this \iorrgage +s uu x i-:•asei+uui if tine ~ic;rcgage :s m: a csmdomiaits <br />unit, 1'~r'eerrs; sited l+Rrfa:ns ail cif Aorrowvrr's r,t,ligat,or„, under ri,a :iKriaratur,+ of rnialomtniun: ,.r toaslar eiserl, <br />tits by-laws and esguiations o! the eondomituufu protect and cotisutuent doeuiarnen. <br />7. hrlrs'llss d Latrdse's f3re~reky. If Borrower falls to {,erforni the ruvenanta and agreements eontaettad ut <br />this MortpRe, or if any action or proceetl+nK is commenctai which materially aflrrta Lender a tntetest to the Prop- <br />set7, iaeltding, but trot lirattstt to, emweat donisio. tuaalvency. ,•txlr 2r.forccalr:nt.:,r arratigementr or pr~ned- <br />itti~l iavGivlog a bankrupt or decedent, then Leader at I,endrr'e. option, u{wn notice to H,,rrower, may make sash <br />apprtraew, disburtre such sums Aral take ouch act;w+ :to i., n.•rt•ssary t;i protect l,endl:'a tuterest, inciudtag, but <br />art liplltrd p, dtsburssntsat of tessonsl,le attorney's fern end rntrv upa: tht Property p rrtaks ~R Aar <br />wstmtsdisbutesd by Let«fer pursttrt+t ro etas {,aragrapl+'r. wiUi interest thereon. shall 6eeasne additioarl iadrt:t- <br />ednw of Borrower seeurvd by this Mortgage Unless Borrower amt [.ether agrn to outer terms of paytaent, cosh <br />amorata shall be f,avable upwi notice fran I.rmier to Borrower reyuestinK payment thrreot, and -kiall bwr mtsr- <br />Yt Irani tht fiats of disbutaeawnt rt the ratr .lat~l w thr :~otr uulw payment u! iutotwt at such rate would bs <br />tooatrarx to appi_cabte law, in which event -sorb amounts shall :,car ,ntertatt at the highaK rate peratasibte by <br />rppliea6le taw othing containe.t .n tl,r l.aragral>I, ; ,.hall ee.tu,n~ Ixnder to :near any eapease tx do sax act <br />~~• <br />~. Leader tar make or catty eo he made ressoeuble entries upon nail iasprstioas ~ tM Pfap~ <br />te'tp; ~ drat l~tt~ier a!`~}! gier f4t+rma:Fr otrr l:rs}~r t±. sty •ttrt; t:ttien sperifyittg v'e~~xx±aAle t~wss <br />tbrtdar tahttrd to I.etiderL inta>riat tit the Property <br />!, dadausstaei0r. TM psoseads t f any award or ciaita for damages, direct or roast+gttretbl, is emaratiso <br />' witk +~4Y restdsutma~ao er etArr taking et the Property. or l+art thereof, or fw ratvsyttnxat is Ilea of cewdewr- <br />tics, aw karr167 t>~ fad shall be paid W l.earlet. <br />Ia tM local of a bra! taking of the Ptbpts~rt7, the proeseds chuff Ix applied to the sums scoured by thin IkaR- <br />gr/Y, wililXs~A~ arty, paid to Brtir@wes; In the ewrtt of a attrfial iakmg of the Prapert7, ups Baerower <br />aettltariAar pltw iA wrkltog, flues{ tthsit be apptistt to the stttas aecutert t'Y thin ?1lortRags stroll ptvt~or- <br />t~op et thr prtawda s it ~ to t~bae pr+opartLaa why the atoouat of the atone resoled by this Mortpge ituass- <br />diatsty prior to thtt dot ^f faking hnrrs to the fair ntarint r•aiuc ~ the Prepeny imtaedutety prior to the date of <br />tak7ieg, wNh.tM halraaer of the proorads paid to Borrower. <br />IE Wes Pr9psety is ibaedatrd br Ber'tvwsr oe if sitar aortae by Leader ttr Borrower that the condemnor offers <br />p aMtltr net award or settle a eksiur for daata~s, Boseawer taih to respond to Leader within 30 days of the ilea <br />of cosh ttoRaae, I.ader is sutttoeised to eot3set sad apply the proe~et# at Ixnder'a option either to maturation or <br />npaic of flu Pt+gterty ~ to the au~nftt seetetrd by this \lortgage <br />LTaless l,erider end Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of pnrce,•,;~ t, prui~°i{,se h:e!I <br />