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not e~xtc~:xta yr f,oatpone the due date of Ihu monttil}- ~,_,?taunrrnv- -r;c^e~i to ri ~.arr~,rapt;, 1 aru: ~ hereo; rr <br />rhangr the amount n! such installtncnts <br />10. aasrower Not Aa' wd. Extension of the time for {,avmerxt or tnodrficat:on of arnortiaatton of the aurt~ <br />seeared by this ,Lfortgsge granted by Ixnder to any succs~or in interest of BcrroR~er shall not operate to release. <br />in any manner, the liability of the origins! Borrower and Borrower's succrasors to interest. bender shall not be <br />require!! to rnmmence proceedings against. such sueeetreor or referee to extend time for payment or otherwise modify <br />amortisation of the auras secured tx• this Mortgage Itc reason of any deenstaf trade by the criginaf Borrower and <br />Borrower's aucoessora in itttereat. <br />!I. leebomaeen by Leader Nat n WaHes. Any torbea-once by Izneier in erterciaing any right or remedy <br />lteteuttder, or otherwise afforded by sppticabk law, shall not t>e a waiver of or preclude the eaerciee of any ri~Itt <br />~ or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payn:eut of taxes or other liens or charges by Easier <br />~ shell not be s waiver of Lender's tight to accelerate the maturity .,f the indetrtedness secured by this Mortpge. <br />~ !t tlearedfos Cte~trfatitre. .411 remedies provided in this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any other <br />Q tight or remedy under this 4tortgagr or afforvltrl try lore ur equity. and may Irv exercised concurrently, independ- <br />ently or aueeescively <br />~ f7. aooeaaaers aced /laogws totted: foist ttatd $nrrntral Liability: Cnp4aos. The covenants and agreetaents <br />•'~ herein contained shat! bind, and the rights hereunder et+ail inure to. the respective successors and asigne of Leader <br />and Borrower, evhjeaK to the provisions of Itatagrapn l7 hereof. AI! rnvettan',t• end agrcrments of Aorrower ![hall <br />~ be joint end several. The t options and heedingr of chr paragraphs of this Morigage are for conveniener only seed <br />/+,~ are sot to be t»ed to interpret or define the provtstuns hereof. <br />14. Notion. Any notim to Borrower prv;vtdnl for in chi. \(origsgr shall Ix• given by ttwtling rtteh oetiee by <br />certified trtaii sddresred to FSormwer st the Property .arldreas stated below, rxerpt :ur um• notice required tender <br />paragraph 18 hereof to hr given to Borrower ui the rnsnnrr prrscribetl by xppht•ablr law. Any tsetse provided <br />for itt Obis Mortgage shall he deemed to have Ixrn green to Borrower when given m thv manner designated herein. <br />15. QtttYaaae lleetyaor. Goheainq Law: $ntrsratbililY. "this form of mortgage ambines uniform osveasnfa <br />tornstiosal tree and non-ttnitorru troveaants with limited variations by jurisdiction to constitute a ueitorm eeeu- <br />~ irrtrttataot covering real prgrerty. 'this 4ortgage shall be governed by the law of the jnriedictiar, in tsatieh <br />L1s Pwpetty u located. In the event that any provision or clause of this 14forigage or the Note c~6iota with <br />amble Inv, such conflict shall not aftrot other provisions of this \lortgage ur the Note which ern be pens <br />saaat without the conflicting provision, and to this end the provisions o[ the ~lorigage seed the Note aro dee4wd <br />to bs weaeebic. <br />1i. loeaswol'a Cot+r. Borrower shall be furnished a conforrrxd cwpy of this Mortgage at the time ai ezaett- <br />tian ar sitar tseotdatiort hereof . <br />I7. lYasriae at tlr Propartr: Aasnm)glioto. If all or any part of the Property or an interact therein •r rand <br />or trawierred by Borrower without Lender's prior written conaeat, ezelttdutg (a) the creation of s -ien to asmrm- <br />beaaes subordinate to thin Mortgage, (b) the ereatioa of a purchase trtoney eetvrity interest for hotre-sM appii- <br />artses, (e) a transfer by devise, decceot or by operation of law upon the death of s joint tenant or Id} the punt of <br />my laaaehold intereai of three yeah or lens rat containing so option to purchase, Lender may. at Leader's eptiaa, <br />declare all the sums -ecttred by this Mottgts~e to be nnwediatrly due seat payable Lender shall have waived such <br />option W accelerate if, prior to the sale or trarpfer, Lender and the Irertwn to whom the Property u to Es sold a <br />trattJarred rrseh agreement in writing the credit of such I.ersort is uttwfarton~ to l,emler and that the interact <br />payabb on the sums secured by this Mortgage shall be at auc6 veer es !.ender shall rcYlueat if I.cnder has waived <br />the motion to accelerate provides in this ryra(tntph l7 and tf Rorn>wer - suct•.aaer to mtrrcrt has executed a writ- <br />ten awumptron agreetrtrnt srcepted in writing by I,ettder, Lender .hall release Borrower front ell obftpitons under <br />this tl[mtpEa amt the Note. <br />I! Lest ettercirws such optitm to arcelersic, Lerttter at:sll •usrl Be-rtarwer no~rr of acceleration in a~ <br />wig {saeapaplt 1! henvf. inch ntuice slut!! prov-dr r lteritxl of tart leer thin 30 d:rr from the tlMe the aaaian M <br />tPtlilttd xitatin wbtch Borrower may pay the sums derlareci due If Horrowcr fall. to !ray sari, enters pria* tq else <br />attpiAtiat vi sucFt p!rwd, Leader rtuy, wttlruut fur!i,rr nut,rr• ,.r .irnusal do li.~rewrr, tnvokr acv remedies p!F <br />by ln+t-'F- f f? h <br />Nett i~tetrtrart t`tnratrasrnt. Itorrc>trer and [,ender further ctsvt~nant ante aftrrr• ss follows: <br />as AiOOaiMalMtat tlesedlw. E:xeelst as pmvnlar! to i•etrrgrtl•h 17 hrtrut ulwn Ntmowrr.. breach of any <br />ootroaint ~ agreement of Borrowet in this Mortgage, mrlu+ltnR the covenants to Iraq when due any atttib secttretl <br />by this lfortaage, Lender prior to arerlrrauun shall ante! uuu<•+• to Burnr.tcr m ~rmvtdtd ur luragraph li hereof <br />apestitytog: (Il the breach, i'21 elm nchon rvqutrvYl to curt ,note 6rcsch, i;it r dart. tent teas thtriy dayr <br />from the date the goUrr rs to liurruwrr, by n loch .urL b+t•tu•h wust l.r rurrt!• steel +tt that ta+luro to cure <br />ouch breath on or before the date %(rr'flhell to ti;r naucc ursy result m areeletatttut of the ware ,rcurrti by the <br />Mertp~tr and qla trf the Yrq+erty If the brrsrh u nut rums un or IrHnro the +tau apeet8ad ar the oottce, I.ettWer <br />at Lender's option rttay declare all of the +unts sr+~urtvl by tln:. lfortfittkc to t+e imntrdiatety due sad payable <br />without turtherdentand stKt !nay forn•luse• rhea 4turtgagr by t+ahctal I!nxrcvimg [rndtr shall tx rntttled to collect <br />to such proceeding all exlwnrrs of tnmrlururo mriu,img, tu+t not luuu,vt err. rusts of ~turuu+ru!ary rvldettee, <br />abniractr and htlr reports. <br />Ill. 1Mfwwnda 31iyYe M ffwiealatn. \cxwtthatnndtnp l,r+nfrr'e arrrlrrsttuu ai the aunts sreurrd 6y the, <br />l~ort8a{e, Borrower shall have the right to ttavr suv pr+xrrtttnXe, I,rqun by I.cndcr to rntorcr ehn 4tortaagt• dis- <br />NUIILIMII M stlfr time prier W atWy at • jtttirerrtsel cattlM+ia! this Mertp~e i/: ut Horrearea pyre Lsewisr tt~ <br />same siiait tewfd M liar fin ruttier this lfortp{{e•, r hr Note and sestet sates»qf RtKUre Advaans, it nny, ttad nn <br />acasiessc}ap eeettr+nd; fb) fton+ctser sums sIl hs'rarl+rw rat any .K beer +mrnaner or sgrter~ttetrte wt f3eelswlr @etlt- <br />leaesd ia'hic Mortpr;e, tci Botmwer -+ayr all t•rw.nnahir rxl+rnv tnretrtvri by ! eerier to cmtorctng tree revrnanr <br />atad 6f Illmrotcer tontainatl in rhea 4tortgaKr amt to enturcmq I.t•nder'x rentetlter as pmvnted is para- <br />ptipA 1t 6NtrOi, ioeludis8, MtR tpt Iitnitaaf tor, nasonsbte attot•aey'a !K! , aMi t A t Hwrower takes enn•h urine u <br />f,,,ep~ef atyp rasMlonaWp regatta to tlNttte tltaf tAa lim of tIu- liortpgc. l,aaks•r m the Yropsrty sad <br />aeart~tser'e eYliptiort to page Nr selves rretnted by this Mortptgr shat! tmtimte unimpaired. Upon stteit psyrrrat <br />atad~ Eye Battiawt, tabs Atett;age seed the oblitpttiaar seetaett hereby shall remain to full Eomr and rftret as if <br />ns Asd eec~rred. <br />AIi)~11t1 -^t »tolrt $auiMtuuE1! sfl iMrreit-ast iseties Ira laasseaiea As ttddttioeal secuttty hete- <br />tMte3er, teleerswer ht8kbf tutttipr is Leader the reset of the f-ttoperty, prodded clot Borrower stall, prior to acoekr- <br />atisat ratite pluvtpapk 113 Asreot ar ~hartdoemext of the Pt+ttperty, have chr right to toHett arxf trrta+n snch rents <br />r t~q -sraasa der wd payn6k. <br />'fit asat6MatioC tntdsr parapaplt Ii betas( ar of tree I'm!>ISrty. I.sader. in {arson, by agent <br />ar ht jediriallr appeaetted reeeiver• skill be entitled to ett#er t~ton, take f+ossrasion of and manage chr Property <br />and is eeateet the fsa4 of the Pt+nperty, ineandisg those pipe due. All rents rollecte.i by !.ender or chr r.r•eiver <br />shall he applied Are! to payment of tlx eveta of rnansgemert of chr Property and ru!Irrt:ue, . ~; .:t~ :n,•lru{~:tk. but <br />not limited tut receiver's fear. IYrelt!lWtxa nR rerrlYers iwrnL~ and rcasouabir atatrnry ~ icc> .rn.t ti,rn to chr= >;,m~ <br />sMUrod by this bturtgagr Ixndrr sent chr rrreivrr shall tk• hahlr to arrount ,rnlr• it+r ,,. r• rr=nt~ .,~t ~er:lc ~~ rri r.i <br />