<br />DUE ON S/ILE
<br />Glt9'TifahiAl FUTURE ADYANCE6
<br />FORM No. 720
<br />Loan Nurrtber _ _ 49.3.1_ _ _- _ ~ _ _ 1- _ _
<br />ry> Fa~cr.
<br />Tg" UGO~'~8 M O R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE. made and executed this - --_13--- --..-.__.. day of -- -.- -Pebr>aatry___ _.. A.D.,
<br />19.... ?~ between the Mortgagor, Arcle. L_ .Yi11ia..and..Dnanw I._ .ltillia, lfueband-ar-d vi.fe-, -
<br />3oinilx..and._e,rch..ia .their..rn~m_rfg~-t ............ __......__ _ _.... _ ..............._ .. .._..._ -......__.
<br />of .. -Grand- lalaad. ..., County of hall -.- ,State of ...Dlabzaska.. ,hereinafter referred
<br />to as the Borrower, and the Mortgagce, FIFi.ST FEDERAL 3AVINCS AND IRAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />. LINCOLN, 123b "N" Street, Lincoln, Nebraska 6ti5(-1, its suceeasorr and assigns, hereinafter tefirted to
<br />as Lauder.
<br />Wtr»seasre: That the said Borrower for and in consideration of the sum of .'1'~~.1C~X..OBR..3'NQgSd~ifu
<br />-.-Ti1Q...BLF17f .Af1Ii. YQl1AlIII-.----.----------.---...--=-.Dol:an tU8 f.31,250.-0(1-..._.._....._...-)
<br />Paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, great sad caavey w Lender. ifs sucaaaoee and attaigas: the
<br />fallowing dascrilrsd property located in the Cautty of .._..........._llall...._-............ mate M Nebraska:
<br />Lou Hghtsen (18) and Twenty (20), Block 'hrenty-four (24). Collage Additioa to
<br />freest Ltara, in the C1ty of Grand lslaad. Ball County, Nebraska
<br />lbctttsse with all the improvements rtar of hereafter ceected oe the property. and aN eutxrsats.
<br />rigl~, apptubsoamw, reefs, royalties, mineral, oil aed gas rigkta mrd proCtte. ~~, ~~' ~ sad
<br />water shock. anal aA tlttartes now os haeatter a!t•L'lred to the property. all of which, iuelodirr{ repisee-
<br />>arrpts and additions titareto, shaft be'dtatxaed to be and tbmairt • part of the property coeersd by tt+ds
<br />1llietpge: sad all of the foregoing. together with said property (or the leasehold estate in the event this
<br />Mortgage is on • leaaefrold) are het~n referred to as the "Property"
<br />Borrower rnvenaats that Borrower is lawfully seised of the estate hereby cvaveyed and hsa the tight
<br />to awrtsage, great and t~vey the Property. that the Property is unencumbered. and that Borrower teiU
<br />warrant sr~ defend generally the title to the Property against all clauna and demands, subject to any
<br />etwaiaebr sad rss&ietians listed la a aclisdule •f ions to csvenge is any title itc+e ptrliey ia-
<br />.i Lader'a ~tereat in the Friiprrty, or f 2) attatnc3Y`a opuuxc n( title (xsm abstract of title ogrt-lfred
<br />fyr handed af>rinetar.
<br />Fiaovtncn ALWAVS, and these proeenta an ezecutetl sad dcdi~•ertd upon the fotIo+rin= cered`tierte, egrc~-
<br />tr~ata sad nh3i~tit~ nl tt,e Eierrower. ttkwit•
<br />The Basro+rce agr,?ma to pay !o the Lender. ur order, the principal sum of TgIETY ~ TIf~SA1fB
<br />.'PY6. PIFl`lt. A~.liQf lOQ.--.----------------___~_ DoiLm itf~ S 31..ZSO.flB )
<br />payal>•e as provided in a acAe e:enrtad and delivered, coocvrr+erttly herewith, the fhsal lr•prr>ent of prirt~ipai.
<br />if rrK soarer paid. tm the 1Pt .. day of Februarx ,lit ~(7P
<br />U»ttreiasr ('ovtc»eNTS. Burrower end Lender covenant and agree ss follows:
<br />1. flaTtnsrat d f4iadpol trod iwtereat. &xrower shall promptly pay wham due the ptar~ct 1 of and in-
<br />terest oa the iadebtedetan evidwrcecl by the Note. prepayment and late charges a provided in the Note.
<br />artd the pancipal of and interest on any Future Advances secured by thi9 !lkxtgage.
<br />2 Ptroda for Taus ®-d fa.a~e. Subject to LandBr's aPtion under parartraphs >) and ,~ hereof. Bos-
<br />tower shall Arty W Lender on the day monthly irwtallmamts of principal and inierost err payable ender the
<br />Note, until the Nnte is paid m full, ^ surm (heroin "Funds") equal to rare-twelfth n( the vearh• tasen rand
<br />rMesaarpeats which tray attain ptwrityy once this 4f[rrtgsge, end grotmci rents on the Property, i! +aS' plus
<br />~trralfth of yearly pet$nium irtataltm~eynu far hazard i-wurarxe, plus ort~e-tw,elRh of yearly premnun ut•
<br />I,satirtrap lilt bMia o~araaastmwis aged bra asd ruttaistfatrtas tbarr~ol, Iwdar si+dt ~R~~' the T'trrdr
<br />~ pan acid iaaar. aasaarmaNa, ieruaeaoe prsarirra and greurrd rrtnts. Lendu ahafl males m ceautte for ao
<br />hafdiog sad the Mtardr or w-i~fyf:at: atad comptiag sauf aawsart>ettta sad bi!!s. 'I~tre laardrr slatil
<br />ie ilea . wiibooat tom, as ataausl ttocatisi(arg of tlta !fit alsmesag azedlts sad dehala t$ rise
<br />~t M4d ties purpose far wAiah sreh debit to ties Functr wax a~racien The F'ustcM are pkd((ed a additiotral
<br />attcauity 1tu tM coma ssmrred b}r tlds ltlerEp~ Tlta Borra~wer apses thrtt the Ftmds may be hakf by ~e
<br />L~dar ski aeWai rdtb abet Matt; tM Lrdstr'a amt tttudr a>.d tlr header ~.y psi sad, -it~a
<br />(<~ss6 ~!a arrn !tartlet datd ttie LartaMr test 6e Iia61e far irieetart ar ,othiidands as such l~tde.
<br />~Lie;J-rrutsiai ilw iRLada 3efi-iii-I+ar+let. ta~tlber w#le ihtr forte mostBlY iasta{imants ut Fundb
<br />~~~ ~~pn0e fw 16M dr• drier d W~epa~rppMMamustaM laeoanoaa Pr++~ttovs srri grormd tenb. sM(! e:csed
<br />a>ld~~~ ~ flee ~ ~ ~ rents as they fall Sue.
<br />sut:h eaoars be. at s sRiar to Borrower or cnditrd to Born,wer nn
<br />ntaailrty " of Funds. If as~ount the by Lender ahaU not be sutfx•ient cu psy
<br />te=as, asreaamsr~t, iaaraace preminase grauad tMab m llltq fall tine. Borrower steal! pray to Lender
<br />aey amotmt neerrrptryh to make's ~ dewy wltbia tldrty days after twtice from Lander to $orrower
<br />tang I t cveof, os f3ortM+rte tttr~, by an lnct'asee in tttoaihly irwtalhnenta of Fonda rewired.
<br />repay fire t~~y wither the Fvad aoeetrrrtistg gariod,
<br />ilium payment in fu11 ut all euens secured by this ;\tortRaRe. Lender shall eppl~ F'un~l~ h, i.i s~ n ~ n•riit
<br />a;;airs, ..; .,,.a.,, Jar.
<br />