If ~t::drt Ird ra~taph 1$ i.ert.ri r. }-~„~~,a~rt.~ ~ u. ~ „> Pro;wr'tc r- tit 5. , L ,. ! •, ,. k r.:~iF~
<br />,fie:li ap}~iy, Leo Rstcr ti:n3. tn~maf~arteEti peter t- r,~ ~~~~- ~!;~ Yn~ra,-~; nr _ ,ri<ru~. au+rz ' , ~,a=rs .,t•: i vn~l-
<br />1,r~dri by l,et+rf,et-,rt the tune r,t appioraL•o~ ~.a- :, ,~~ ugest:,t r• ai.~~. ..; ~i. rvi~ \ic~rtgar•
<br />3. Application o6 Pnpmonts. I'~rie~= ;ilrc,i+~a61~ 1-ru~ larsav~rtr= ~rthertiws~~. ail f}apntart.~ rcflPiCeeri #: Lxa-~~-:,~
<br />under the ``:ore and paraxraphc !and 2 hereof .;hal; iK~ al;pfie'i Lc Lendr~r ftrQ> m pa~~rtxnt of seuaant, payable to
<br />[,ruder by Borrower under Ifaragraph 2 hFrraJ, then to interest lueyabk on •' ~• \ute and on Futur, n~lvanca.~, if
<br />xry, and then to the principal of Ute \otr seal to rite principal of FuWre .~1~.ivances, if any.
<br />4. lam; I.iaata. Borrower shall µa} ail lases, asteramentu and other charges, fines and impoeitioas attrib-
<br />utable to the. Property which tray attain a prrority over this ylartgage, and ground rents, rf any, at lender's
<br />option in the manner provided under lraragraµh 2 hereof or by Borrower snaking payment, when due, dir+eMly t~
<br />the payee thereof. Borrower shaft promptly furnish to I.ernfer alt aotir_s of amounts due under this paragraph,
<br />~ and in the event Borrower shall make 1>symenL directly, Borrower shell promptly furnish to Lender receipts evi-
<br />~ denting auclr payments. Borrower shall promptly discharge any tcen which has pritrrity over this ~tortgagt: pro-
<br />~ vidsd, that Borrower ehsll not be rewired to discharge any ~reh lien so long as Borrower shall agree in wtitint to
<br />~ the payment ui the obligation secured by such lien m a rttanoer acceptable to Leader, or shall in good faith contest
<br />suet Tien by, ar defend enforcement of 6uch lien in, legal proceedings which operate to prevent the enforcement of
<br />'~ the lien or forfeiture of the Property or any part thereof.
<br />`~ >L 19arwd lawremos. Borrower shall keep the improvements noa• existing or hereafter erected oo the Prap-
<br />arty insured s;ainat loss by $re, haaards included within the term "extended coverage", atxl such other hasards w
<br />0f Leader may require sad in such amounts and for such Ixriods as !.ender may require ; provided, tltaL !.ender aksl!
<br />~ not require that tixe amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage required to pay the sums seeutad'by
<br />this 1Hoet~e.
<br />The insurance carrier µroviding the insurauce shell be chosen by Borrower subject to approval by Lender:
<br />provided, that such approval shall not be unnaaooablp withheld. All premiums on insurartee pol:eies shall be paid
<br />at Leaderi option m the manner provided under µaragreph 2 hereof or by Borrower «uking payrrrent, when dns,
<br />directly W the rosuranee carrier.
<br />Ia the swat say po6cp is oat r+aaswed oa or before too days of its aapitatiea, tbs Lsst3er, to ptiaMtt
<br />iw intwertt, may peelers irwraace oo the imProwa>.r-ts, pay the pcwna~s sad .~!- .rem shad! bsoass
<br />immediately doe lord payable with interest st tits rats sat lsrth in said Dote rwW paid sad shoe lie
<br />acquird by this Moryase. Failaro by Borrtmnr to comply may, d option of Lander, oeosfitub • dstsadt
<br />tndtrr tit teems o! this Mortp=e.
<br />All inauranee policies and renewals thereof shall be is form seeeptable to Lerafer sad shall include s tttsodaad
<br />daetae in fs~ror of sad in foz9u acceptsbk to header. Leader shall have the rigAt to hard the polieiw sad
<br />mm~nia tbeaaol, sad Borrower shall promptly furseial+ is bender all renewal notices and a{l receipts ~ paid pet
<br />miums. Ia tks evsat of law, Borrower shall pre pranpt rwtiee to the iasurarrse carrier and Leader, and treader
<br />tray >>aa~Ge proof of toga it sot tnadt prossptly by Borrower.
<br />Uaiaw Lender and Borrower othcrwiac agree in writing, iaattrauce proceeds shall be applied W reworatioa or
<br />repair of the Propaety daauged. provided such ratoratioa or repair is economically feaabk and the .eaarity of
<br />tills Irtttttlp~s is set thereby impaired. if atteh restoration or repair is not economically teadbk or it tM security
<br />o[ tl~ ;tartgtige would be impnir~, flee ia~trrarrce !*roteedi shall t>e applied to the sums secured by this 9iortp~,
<br />wiih tkt ezaaw, it say, paid to Borrower. Ii the Property is abaraioned by Borrower or it Borrower fails W eeapond
<br />to Lauder within 30 days after notice by Lender to Borrower that thte wunnce carrier aQen to Battle a claim for
<br />iaamraoea 6aoelits, Lerxler is suthonaed to collect and apply the irrsuranee pra~eeda at I,eade: ^ option aitktr to
<br />nstoratioa or rtrpair of the Property or to the sttmr second b; this Mortgage.
<br />Uttiw Lender and Borrower otherwise agree iu writing, any such application of µrocceda to nriaeipal shall
<br />notasdaad or postpone the dw dots of the monthly imtrllments referred to in µarsgnplts i and :hereof or ohaop
<br />tbeawsottat of smek metil~ts.
<br />Ii usdu pa~grapi; lB !teasel the Prv{.wsty is acquired by Lenrlcr. ail rigiet, title and interest of t3orrvwsr
<br />sad to say iastirsace poliais and to sad to the proceeds thereof tto tht eztsnt of the sums secured by this Itiaet-
<br />g~ y prtar to su€h sale or -~Itt~`~! reauiti~ tram Batt: =tr ti;~ Pt+ot~y letter sa tt~ ~ ~
<br />a shall t?t Lr.
<br />i. intwarR+tiae avd iiaisriatsrrsce sd iirrpastT: 1..: Coaidommwtms. Bnrrawer .nail ite~p tae ?rvp-
<br />arty s >i~ r_-. ,. ..,rr shall rem p~:t ... r~.m....~v...~:pa:.-n~... .,...~~ro a ..n..,: t`.t P~r._ a.m sF~t!
<br />x arttlt lire µrvvisior~ of any- leave, :f Chia ~lartgage is•wt a leaaeholal If tf.ia llortgarle ,. w~ a caadoatisiu~+
<br />WK, Borl~Ower shall nettorm ail of Borrawrr's vblrgwuuru~ utxfer tier dreiaratton of eondomtnrum or master dead,
<br />Ais -laws sod ra~utatioos of the eoadominiunt project and ronsutuens docurnenta.
<br />plsderlioa sl lsader'a if Borrower fails to {~rrform the revenants erW asnereteuts eontairt~ad in
<br />thle k/ortgsge, or tf env action or proeeedmg es eonunenee<t which mstenalh• afterte Lender's reterest m the Prep-
<br />esfiy, itteluding, but cwt limited to. rmtnent daruem rnrolvcvrcy, code rufurermerrt, or arrangetaenta or proeeed-
<br />~ invdwng • bankrupt ar deeedeat, tf,en Lender at Lender'.+ oluwn. uµon notu•r to Borrower, may make such
<br />appaaraeesa, diwbune suett auras amt take htttcl; actrwr as :+. uece.aar}' t., protect lw'eNler x mtereat, rneladit~, but
<br />sat litaitad to, $rDYraement of reasonable attorttay's fees and entry upon the Property to make repairs. Aar
<br />aroouata disbursed by !.ender µunwnt to thix paragraµh 7, wtUr interest tleerewt. shall beeeane additional it.dsbh
<br />sdaew of Borrowsr aoauted by €his \tortgaRe t.'uirrs f;urrow`er and !.ender agree to other terns of t»ymeat, such
<br />amouaL shall ire psyabls upon reelect Erse !,ender to Borrower reyuesttog lwyruent thrrwf. and shall bear intar-
<br />tat ire ttre dntr; of ii:burae~eut at rite rates .~tatrd u: the \utc unless lwynunt .~t interest at auti~ rrte mould ba
<br />eaetrary to appltdtbk law, in whxh event such anx>unt's shall hear mterext at the highest rite permianble by
<br />law. I+iatiring eeaa~iaad >a ties lrrstraph 7 sltali tegwte l.artdar w ra~tr ttMry wgtww ate ~ sq taw
<br />1s ilAaoliw. l,stwlar ayy ttttulte or caws W lee rnsdt• reasaaa6k eatrew ttpoa sad isspeetiaaa of the 1Ptrtip,
<br />wry, th*t 1,errAOr shad qrc Iorrower roller pttor to env surte mspcritoat rptetrirm: reosoaabtt cartes
<br />t W Ltd isgaaraat !8 iiie >Prarpartp.
<br />!. tlaia>lernasHtatt. '7'Aa paaeasds of lay award or clean for damages, direct or taosagttweist, is aoaseakise
<br />wick t~ ~ ar stker tskiug of the property. or hart thereof, or for eonvsrarxe is lieu of roerdessnw
<br />1isa,,aatlwaehy ~ sad aiaN M paid. to Leader.
<br />Is tks level of a teRS1 talthag of flee X, the proceeds shall l,e applied to the sums ~ecuretl by this Mort-
<br />, villa, tbs e3uuw, if aAy, pant w 13atttacat. Ili the e~cat of a yattial tailing of t~ Property, uniecs Borrower
<br />alptttt a writing, t~s sktll ba appltad to the war second by thw Alortgags such pwpor-
<br />ti~~~~l~i~as is agttal is that pateltartiw whisk tke ataeuat d the vacs secured by this Mortpee iassse•
<br />diatdy prior to tM date ^t tskiitg ban w the fair tsarket vsltx of tilt Properly iaetuadiately prior t4 the date of
<br />wllli ~ Italaaae of the psoset is paid is Borrearsr.
<br />It Rite is abaadoaod b7 earetiser or i! shat reties by I.aarkr to 8orrarsr that the eonderunor oflsrb
<br />to ~ tin atttstd or aeWa a aLtisi for doniaps, Bortttwar trub to t+wpoad to Leader witleia 30 dsyx of the dot,.
<br />~ tttto4 aotise, J.Aader is tedhotiaad to aoliscl sad ~s the protsede u Lender's oplron etther to rrxtontion or
<br />rs}air of rile Riepsitg er m ihs wttaa saaured tie Shia :1#ort.
<br />Unlaye Lender and Borrower otherwi~ teltrse in writing, any such eppficaUon of proceed- !u Imur.pai ~ha;:
<br />