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not erttrrv+9 trr pntstpone th+. clot date +!k thi: nt+ont h~ nt :+'i,nr-eta :e=f Frrt'tl tr3 +^ (ul ra RrapYi~ J find ?' hereof ut <br />change r.rsr amount of such instaldtrsends <br />Itf. Hwrowar lpot H~Leattrwd. 1?.xtenaion of the= f fret for iiaYrtlrnt ar ,tlodifieatiot3 06 amon.iaation of thr soma <br />aecwed by t6i,! ?4ortgage grantuf t,y i.ender to any succeeeor in interest of Borrower <hall not operate to release, <br />in say manner, tale liability of the ortginai Borrower and Bornlwer'w auccese~rn in interest. ?,ender shall eat be <br />required tr c+otttroo~ree proceedings agatttst. such successor ar refuse to extend tame for payment or otherwise modify <br />artnxtisation of the auras aeetlraf b)• this \iort by reason of any demand trlade by the original Bonrower aid <br />$ezrrrwer'~ sucasrots in iacezeat. <br />11. Fosbamvrn htf ltsdar Not a Wmtrar. Any forbearance try Deader in exercising any right or remedy <br />hereunder, or othetxist atlorded by applicable law, shall not he a waiver of or preeltde the exercise of soy right <br />or remedy hereunder. The procurement of insurance or the payramt of taxes or other liens or cM-rfea by Leadv <br />dp sFml1 not be a waiver of Ixnder's right to seeekrate the ttrattrrity of the indeMednese secured by this Mottle. <br />1h I!. 1Mmad'iaa Cuaalaties. Ali remedies provided in tiffs \1ori.gage ate distinct and cumtrW,ive to qtly other <br />~ right ar teroedy under this Mortgage or attonlyd by law or tv}uity, and may tx exercised tmtcnrtamcly, - <br />ey erddy er stlaaespvefy. <br />13. 1)Itsosaasas and Assiyrt ltolad: tarsi ®d So~eral T Catpliaas. The troveaanta and ayeameots <br />haeia caltsined shall bind, and tiu rights hereunder shat enure ta. the respective sucearaon and arsigae oft Inadv <br />... aril Borrower, subject to the provisuim+ of lraragrapi+ I7 hereof. All covenanu and agreements of Botrrw-ar shill <br />~~ be joint aril several. The captions and Headings of fi+c paragraph. of this Mortgage arc fo- eOrtvenienee only sad <br />arc not to be used to inter{.ret m define Lfie provisionw hereof- <br />Id. NWba. Any notice to Borrower pro~•tdcll for m this \lortgage shall he gii•en by mailing such notice by <br />certified [nail addrraeed to Burrower at the Pr^tgrerty .\ddr~u stated treloa. except for any notice required wider <br />paragraph 18 i,ereof to fK given to Borrower to the manner preacnberi hr applicab{e law. Any notice provided <br />for in this ~lottgrge shall fro deettteci to ha~•c lrecn green to Borrower when given m rite tnaarwr dasigsated herein <br />li. f7ttifas ltisrt~nya: tloraeuisY law: SavarwbilifY. This fore, of ,ttortgrgc cwrabime ttaif'orm eovanaaca <br />for taikbtiril tree and mxt-uniform coveaaata with limited v:riationa by jut•ndiatiort to earuRitute a miforit nsatr- <br />rifp+ irrsinrmtm6 covering real property. This \[ort:gage shall be governed by the law of the jutiadbetisa is which <br />bhi lrrgratiy is located. In the event that any proviawn or clause of this ?Norge a the Nato eog#leb rtrM6 <br />applisaMa law, stteh anHict shall not aQect other provisions o! this \lortgage or the Nate which eaa be pwo <br />rflset ttrilheut the eoa8ietitrg provision, and to this end the provisiotor of rite Mortgage sad the Note sro dsslawd <br />b M w+ar4hM. <br />I~. ~sarws~s Capt. Borrower shall be ittrniehed a rtmforrned copy of thin +.Ntrrtgage at the timed eisea- <br />tien ar sNar rseosdation itereel. <br />17. 7t~suir of tits Repwtf: Aaw+tdptioa. It all or any part of flu Property or w itrtaraid, thtpstin u said <br />oc traaatarrsd by Bostrower wi:houc Lender'r prior written eorrsmt, exclttding (a! the creatiart of •)iw of wt~t- <br />brtcnee wboedisate to this Jiottpge, tb) the craatiaa of a purchase money recwity irltemat (or Ytatrssirald appB- <br />amees, (c) s traaater by devise, deaaextt of by opetztioa of law upon the death of a joist tenant ar (d) the g~ d <br />atrgr Isstaelfrlid interest of tlatae yaws or less sat containing an option to parchare, Letder may, at I.mder's ttpWs. <br />declare all the atmrs secured by this'ltertgage to fx immediately dtlr and payable. Lender tea!! love waived wilt <br />apfioa to accelerate iti, prior to the sate or transfer, Lender and thr l,rryon to whom the Property b to be sold ce <br />traia[att+ed reach agreement in writing that the credit of such person is satiafacwn to Lender sad tisat the iatersrR <br />payable of the stuns secured by this \lottpge ahafl be at curt rate as Lender ehail r~tleat. If Leader has waived <br />the option to aceeknte provided u: this fmtig~ 11 and if $orrower ..urcussor in interest has sxscutrd a writ- <br />ten assumption agreement recepted in writitrg by l.tmder. Lendtr,dlail release Borrower from all obligatiosr tsidar <br />this Mortgage and the Note. <br />If I,aodw arrn~as snob optim w aeeeierate, f.tader shall snail 13orrawer aotiee of ~ pr aeeasdarEOrt <br />wiatt paragraph 14 herEOf. Such nottc~ a`l,ali l+ror`idr a i~rirxi of tarsi Eras 21tan 3f .3ays freer, thr .tart tf~ notice ie <br />tttiailad ttritbia whuh Borrower [nay pay the rums declared due If Borrower falls to pay such sums prior to the <br />et a period, Fader tray. wttltout furrl,rr notur ur tirtttarxl wr lintruwer snvolts soy r>a~iea st+v- <br />ttt+ittad hY pat~rapl± t8 herertt. <br />Nox-''wtrrl~ t'~..,Y=.t.., i}or...yr...• at:t1 I~nd..t• in.-thcr c•en^ertant an.l ;},qr..., n. f.iltniarx <br />i0. ~ Barasdcaa. ~:Tect`}d a= frr`H+,=tcaf a. 1'a~rat=l. I'. hF rrai. vrx=t: ltexrrow><r s trrrar#i pt soy <br />ernaiaat or aRreenwnt of Borrower m the ~lortgag.. ux•lud+ng the rur•rnantw to tray when due am xunlr stewed <br />lrp the \lortgage, Lender furor to areeleratan shaft n,stl nottrr to Borrnarr rs provxte~i sn lraraKrapl+ 14 hereof <br />rplrtfyiag: f f) the bread,, +'lf rite sMUrn nyurrecf to Rtre +ath t+rrwel,, +31 a date, rat lows than thrrty days <br />frau the date the nosier ~ u,aileti to Nurrowrr Irv n'hich suet: brrnclt mtnst tae rural . anti ~ 4 ~ th,., fa,lurr to cure <br />such breach cr, nr before the dart elmr+tied +n the mice way result +n aeceleratan of thr ,:unk -reuretl by thu <br />~tartiage sad sale of tt,e Ptgrrrty [f thr hrrari, to not rurwi ot: ,u brtorr the dart .pectti+ri rn Uw unfree. Lender <br />at Leader's optia, nwy deelam alt of the +wun rrrurerl by th,s \IortRage to ere unutedratdy dur atlri payable <br />without ftttthtr elertland and Wray foreeloer tlt„~ MartKaRr by ludretel proere~.irn}t I.rttdrr shall tie rntttlai t4 edlMt <br />to corn Irrviceeding ail raper,se~ of lun•rkMUn mrludrug. hul nut h+nq„1 Gt, rlx,tr of ~lax~urnrutars rt'kirner, <br />abscraets aril title reparte <br />It. lserawar'a ~ b Baiaa/sN. ~Mwrth,tarxlu,g Ixrxlrr. ;un•IrraUon •d thr ,urns .rrurnl by thu <br />Moths. Borrtrwsr [half fuve the right to hart any 1•rocrrtitnK,. Iwgun he 1..•udrr to rnforrr th,s Mortgage dr- <br />eoat~}rnd at anx7 tiros prior W entry of r ludgrr,rnt rnfayrtrlg riot, ~IoMgagr rf tai Korruwrr pay. IwMlder a!l <br />refits esiiri tsasii iti tfltlt dos ttathr this ~pllr', ttx Mott [awl tangs tseutatg Ifitture Adttwear, U MY. had iM <br />~ asaarrad; (Dl Barrserer eons ail 1lreaefiew of any Miter r.nentlnts or aget!ernen4 of llorrot-er twre- <br />tal~i in t$ift ~~; (~) $s~ttvtr€r pays 3!! ==ae~:abk~ rst,rr~ ir,• urrr:+, "v 1,>=t>'~Rr in ~°nfor-irg ttt« ::tv>er=ants <br />airs adurttrai~i of Bat9rawtr ca~taiacc iti this ylorttt;rltr anti in i•nfareinu f.etxfrr'* rvnst~iFS its Grvvided in para- <br />gtapb Id hersot, iielsdiag, Dot sot fislittd to, rrmortah}r attorney'+ tet~ an+i rill Norrvwrr takes wuch acttar as <br />LAlddlr my esissltaliy ragadre to assure that rite lira of this .11or~gaRr. Ixrtder's interest in the Property sad <br />>ssrctatrsrrs abilptliq to pit tAs wens sawed D7 this llaetgage shall continue uarmpaucd. [?poi and[ 1>KY~t <br />aid cam bqr BMSesrtr, bibs Maelpp sad the abiigatiorar secured htttreby shall rearain in tuft force sad eReet as ff <br />ras bad eoese»d. <br />aM, ~ t1C"BitiYt R~pa~iinat N ireritta7 Lrtiar it Pwwian As aMiltiottal werttrny Den- <br />tMdlfe •ortravnrt hars~'' attYgpa to I.Wrier the rEata of the Prolurty. provided that Baerweer shaft, prior to ae«ftr- <br />tetioi [radar parllgtaplt I$ ttersot a abandoeurlen' of the Ptgrerty, have rho right to rollcrt and reta+n Bitch rents <br />as [hair Laroor dttr sad payable. <br />Upon aeesbxatioa trtsdtr paeytRraph IS llereot or abrrrdmtmnt of the Ptvfretty. l.etxier rti by a};_ nt <br />or by }YdkiiBy appointed reesixer t#tsll be ~itkd to er!!er upaa, take }rtresesaion of atul ntanaQe the Ptoprny <br />sad W eoikat the rents of the P[oprxcy, iaeitwii~ t}sese pant due..~;t rents rofirrtrti hi Ixrufrr or the rr,•r:.rr <br />slwtlf be applied 8nt to paymeaL of th+e oosttt of mrcnsg~tcnt of the Pmlrrrt~' an,t collrrtu:n ,:: -rnt,, tt: :udtng. !^u? <br />not limited to reoeiver's fees, premtams on nrriver'. ianti:. anti n•anunaLir :,ttorur~ it.,.• ,~:,. then to s... .wen <br />secured by this 11ort{taRr Ixtuler and the rcceii•rr ahn!I tti• haf,lr ~n nrrount txrl. itir t'~:,,>,~ ~ .,rn::,l!i „, , .~ .~.t <br />