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,t INDIVIDUAL <br />~.,,~.~/" DUE ON ?SALE <br />,-T~ OP''I'tONAL FUTUItIff ADVANCES <br />$AVINtSS FUND <br />FOrrN No. 130 <br />loan Number _ 39J?.2- _ - - _ -1$.8 _ _ 1_ _ _ <br />79-~~~~~~~ M O R T G A G E <br />THIS !MORTGAGE, made and e:eeuted thin .....-..9th-... ---... .day of t~ebrtiery.- .... A.D., <br />[e. .-7Q between the Afortgagor, lobs R_ Ileltaa -arid Karzn L. Belau.. husband .arx3 .vlfn,- . <br />_..;oiatly..sad..each is _th~ .o>.at..ri>ittt, -. _.._.. ---- - - -- - ._ .. _ _... __ ........... <br />of . -Grated .Ialaad .. ,County of Ball.. - _.., State of ..lieh;><>}k.# - ., 6ereioafte: raierred <br />to as the Borrower, anti the :1$ortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL 9A~'INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />LINCOLN. 1235 "N" Street. Lincoln, Netrraata !{8501, it8 srfcceaaora sad aaaip>a, #reta®att~ nitrttred to <br />u [.ender. <br />Wrsxseettrx: That the said Borrower for sad in oorrmdeaation of the smn of . .TgIAIY-1i~L1fE8..-...... <br />...Tliit~Altlt..TYfa....AtiD .tiQL101k---"---.---........-----DoL'ars (US i-. 3I,2QO.OQ_ ..............) <br />paid hY said Lander, does hereby mortgage, grant aed eoovey to Larder. its nrocaeaas sad asigos: the <br />foilovri~ ~~ PAY located in the County of -_..... _.--Ball---- - -----.--- ,State of Nebrseklt: <br />Lot !iw (5), clock lima (5), in Morris lourt6 Addition to the City of 6raed Ialaed, <br />8x11 Cotmt~, 1labraaka <br />Toctrrxsa with a1i the irnptravemerftP now or hereafter erected oe the property, and ati eaaemaata, <br />tdgirta, efppaegeaasae, coots. eoyakias,, ail artd gas trighta end pro8te, wataR, water ~ aced <br />avatar stack, and all ftttutes ear or haaafEer attached to the prapeety, all of which, iecladhrg tatpiao.~ <br />ttttaWe,~ud a~see tAweto, ttha8 bardeatated to ke sad a part of the property cerarsd by tltie <br />Mortgage; and all of the toeegoiag, together with said property (or the teaeehoid estate in tht event this <br />Mortgage h en a Maeehold) one 6eeain refereed to as the "Property^. <br />Bonewer covenants that Borrower is {awfnity aeieed of the estate hereby rne-veyrod and has the right <br />Oo eortgage, geaat and convey the Property, that the Peaparty it uaeoctrarbered, and that 8oreovrer will <br />warrant and de[eod gettetslly the title to the Pttrperty againa: ail claims and demands. subject 6o any <br />aeasmeata t~ ra>~rct~ tip ffi : sere erf to coverage ire say title imrsrance pt~r ~- <br />aurrrrg Larder's intaasi is Life Property, or {?) attarrfey'a opinion of title ftrntt ebxtrac~t of ti#,~ e~ <br />b0` 6toodad . <br />t~uvte~ r3t_wnY, emd ifaear pre~eente nrr raecuied and tieiivereri u4'nrr free [ ~livwirrg .-~.r~~t(.~, agree- <br />tte~ta anrt ohiittat~ori of tAe Atrrrawer, to-wit. <br />'tire Borreersr egress! to pwy to the Linder, or order, rho principal !term of i1liRfi-3 <br />3siD _1ffi~.BGLi~-- _---------- -------ikri3ars it'c ~ 3J.2ti0.(J~ _. 3 <br />payaitie r prorided in a note eaecvted and detivered, ecrncvrrentiy herewith. the fins! payttrent of principal, <br />if oot sooner paid, on the 1st day of Febxuary Mk ZW9 <br />Urtroset Covarrwxnr. Borruerer atxi Leteder ctrvenant and agree as kiilows: <br />1. lapmwt d sad tntar+et Borr~osrer shall pnrmptly pay when due the trrrm-ival of and ia- <br />terset oo the indebted err evidences! by fire '.dote, prerpayment end late ehargex a>, pmvidet to the Note, <br />aAri Life principal of and interewt on any Future Advancos soavrsd by thn+ bfortQagr <br />1. Ftmda for 4arxs aed hrs. 4ubjeet to Lender'. optson under {rara>Lrsphr t ors! '+ hesraf. Bor- <br />rower ei+ell p.,y kr Lender oa the day nurnthly iearta{IfnenLv of principal and interest are paya`rlo utxkr the <br />Note, uati7 t1x Notr w paid in Mil, a .um therein "Funsts"t equal Io nnr twrlhh of the vwriv rases sexi <br />aaaeaarnertt„ which may strain p:iprih• over this Mortgage, and ground rrnt_> nn the F'rrperty, if any ploy <br />uns-tweifih of yeeurtp premium r~Ealimrnta for hazard ieuwttans•e, plus cefr•twelftR ut yearly ,,rea-ium m- <br />M~ttts f1Mt iaflrMltIIOQ, a ti8 rte Iasaslnhyr elfdtraeW iaitlafl astt hers ttttse Oa tbllrR dry <br />LiMilftr as 1frle tibia ~taarnlrwMa Ira 6~ asd rMroetahi:r aetisy{~fa theteet, J,aada ahaEl t2r ~o <br />Ua @gD raiE1 Raaee, saeeaea~afst. itoattnaaoa plstdmes uad gttomd casts Lslfdsr shad crake a~~ ~~for eo <br />rind t tine i rw vassfping sad srrarptite~ raid asaeaoeoesrts and bi@a. The eixll <br />is !!x Firrower, +eishtmt ~'ia. cut attuasa! aceemsMssg o! the Ftusds airrniag ce~its sae! +iehits to ~e <br />surd ttfa pfrpor car whiab each debit fo the Flenda was roofs. The Funds are pk~ed ae adefitiorfel <br />aactxZiFy t®r thie ttslaa stt~a! bar this 13etttr~r. Ti» I3ariowa ag>"sar that tare Ftratb rttay be t~ t,~r the <br />Leader t~wd a ~~. witp ere4er tt~i tgtd tea i~od~'a awwf tgade wd the Lertaer eft ttetrw <br />~!'rIp its ttirrtt riot LeotMtr +rriyy,,~,, 81Yt Da BttW for interret or dirWends oa wcfi~hn~s. <br />'~V • t0~athit wii;h th! ti~~ tAR6ttfZy irrataittirent8 irf FUtxl~ <br />pltylr- prior Ito the dsa dRfea ttlaat4 areenotMtwts, eeaarawca paamiums and grouad rent0. 9haU exceed <br />the tttlesudE rsq~ad safe'. ice, iaefaeaoarr plstsiueea stud ground rents as they fail due. <br />arch ezeeee abaci be, at y p~• 's Opliph, el~6ato~pr@~TOpud Eo Borrower ur crexiited to Borrower nn <br />ettanthty iastatlnxuta ~ Ftmda If the atMOYat the held by Lander +haU nut }w :sulii,•irnt to pn~~ <br />tease, aasestmteats, inauraaCe ple4fimu ttari gsstmd teals as they fall dife, f3ocrower .a{ta11 pay to Ler...rr <br />arty amosnt necssetrry w mate wp fix wire isitiy ueye eisrr nuaicC inrm i..erfsier iu ixrrnrwrr <br />~g txF tom, ~' l~tmf+sr~ as ietctenee is rtronthty instalimrnts al F'ursfs rryuiml. <br />repay the deAelawy within the Ftsed aecomitieg paeiod. <br />t`twn Nayment in full o[ ati some ersvred by thie hfart.Xattr, I.enslrr +hall atm~~ ~ in~i+ h.•1~I s~ n , re~~iit <br />aRainet all sum, due. <br />