Lw ~ I ... , rl= ,. n~~ 4' ~ ~ ~ ,.
<br />I' ,i A~pfnc°rskivr.' c~d^ Pr~ryzrsrissts. l r t I ..- 'I I , , .. ..Y
<br />~:'ndr'p ~ •4 tle;.f ~Lil~e t. 7'+i,[r:M• l:r~ W ,It;~ .~ '. C'f ~ I ' - . ~ ,
<br />i -Y ,tail ~ ~rri~ 11:: i II'i uii.'<1
<br />{aan~:l~rivt- I9o:r?•+va.r slai~t~: t:~r.t~ r. ...,.. uC -'icl. "o trierer I ~-r_i,~ I- rlr _ ..r.., :.li €~.. ,,. k ,ante'.. .
<br />or,r and the_r, to ti=e prinripa' ci rile tich~,;.,~ r,i t;,,- i,r:nr^ilYai of Future ~ricarr•.~. i. auc
<br />4. Chaagas; Liens. karrawer she?; t>ay a'! laser. a_-.._..;eut:: ar;d other charges. firt~ arx=. irri}taeiticns attriit-
<br />utable to the Property ;vhieh may attain :: pr:erit~• ov.-° tfua Lirrtga{;e; arc? grourr: rerit>, 1? ;,s;v. at Leader'r
<br />© option in the n~annes provided t:nver paragrapi;~ Hereof or !;} I?orroaer making payment. when due. <iirectiv to
<br />the payee ti,ereoi. Bo:•rawer shall prviril°tii furni=h ro Ixnder all Hatless a>i anieunts dur~ guider this paragraph.
<br />~ and in the event Borrower ~ilsti make payment directly, $arrvwer siiiili pranipi-iv iarmsh io L<nster receipts evi-
<br />~ dancing such payment<. Borrower ~hati terorr;ptly discharge any lien which lies priority over thin \iargage. pra-
<br />vided, that Borrower sha{i Hat he rectrirefi to discharge any .s•.tch tier w long a.>• Harrower sha!i agree in writing to
<br />e the payment a` the obligation secured by suel: licit in a manner aceel'etahie tee bender. or shalt in good faith c~nriteat
<br />such iien I;y, or d.-'end eniorcem~rnt of such lien in, legal proceeding. which oneratr ro prevent the enforcement of
<br />the lien or forfei'.-.ire of the Property ar ary Bart riiereoi.
<br />d1 S. Ilaaard frnuranu. Borrower steal; keep the ituproeements now existing or hereafter erected on the Prop-
<br />eery insured against loss by fire, hazards included within the term "extended coverage", anti such ether irasarda as
<br />Lenderlnay require and in such amounts sr.d for such periods :rs Lender mac require, provided, that Lender shell
<br />not r+sgtrire that ttic amount of such coverage exceed that amount of coverage rryuired to pay the sums secuted'by
<br />this Mortgage.
<br />The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall lie rhosen by Borrower subiect to approval by Lender;
<br />provideal, that such approval shall not br unreasonably withheld. All premiums on insurance policies shall be paid
<br />at Lender's option in the manuer provided under paragraph 2 hereof or by Borrower making payment, when due,
<br />directly to the insurance carrier.
<br />In the event arty policy is not renewed on or before ten day's of its ezpiration, Lhe Lestdes, to protect
<br />its interest, may procure insnrance on the improvements, fray the premiums and aurh amo shad become
<br />immediately due and payable with interest at the me set forth is said note until paid artd shall be
<br />secured by this Mortgage. Failure by Borrower to comply may, at option of Lender, eow+titute a default
<br />under the terrru of this 14Iortgage.
<br />Ail insurance policies and renewals thereof shall ire in form ameptable to bender aril shall include a +rtu-dstd
<br />inort~age clause in favor of and in form acceptable to Lender. Lender shall have the right to tioid the poficisa and
<br />resmws4 tbereot, asd Borrower shall promptly turnitrh to i.atkier all renewal rroticrs and all receipts of paid pre-
<br />miuast. Ia the evenC of toss, Borrower shall give prompt notice to the insuniiee carrier and Lender, and I.atwisr
<br />auY make proof of lax if not made prom{x.ly by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender aad Eorrower otherwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shalt be applied to rcstoratieu or
<br />rapsir of the Property damaged, provided such restoration or repair is economically feasible and the aecuriLp of
<br />this Mortgagt ~ not thereby impaired. If such restoration or repair is not ecorom;caliy feasible or it the security
<br />of tti» liottgege would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall !,e applied to tht ,ums secured by tltis b1olttpsge,
<br />with the a;rasa, if any, paid to Borrower. If the Property is abandoned by Borrower or ii Borrower faits to regiond
<br />tq Lender within :i0 days after notice by ixnder to Borrower that the insurantR carrier otters to settle s claim for
<br />insurance tienefita, Lauder is authorised to eolfect and apply the insurance proceeds at bender's option eitl-er to
<br />r'raLUratJOn ar repair of the Pralrerty or to the sums secured by this ~lartgage.
<br />Ualeas Lender and Borrower otherwise agree ui writing, any such application ai proceeds fo principal ehal3
<br />sot extend or postpone the due date of the monthly installments referral to in paragraphs 1 and 'l hereof to change
<br />tins amamt of such i:istslimenfs.
<br />If uader• paragraph lg hereof the Property ;a acquired by I.eocler. ail right, title and intares4 of $orr'ower in
<br />afa~l tf! arty i~~ufart~-e ~~iii~I~ arv'1 iia anti tv lii~ pritt#'~is titerccil !.tai tiE• eXt.@tit ;+: tn>' au71L+, a€`~iir'~1 Gy th78 '.i~prt-
<br />>pgs immediately prior to such sale or acgttisittont rcautting from dauutge ra rile 1'mprrty prior to the sale tw
<br />0. P~ ®d ~ fkngsrty: l~ Csuds~*~=L~. ISor..,~..1;;;;1 kip the F'ap-
<br />GrtJ Ln $~i Rp+ur aixi niiaii UUt perinlt ur CommiF wa,:?a, rmpairtitant. ar +ietrrlOra!iun~'~, t;ir t'ivpcrty and eliali
<br />..w.eil.. s.ifti .tie ..f i.,~ :f •i.: if.-....
<br />e.....l.. ...~,.... "a ,a... ..~ ... o .t °. . , .. ~, ~° ,..~ -ra=e t:.?l.i _- ..-.. ..__ _ .., .•.. .. ........,mtnitlTM..,
<br />unit, Borrower slutll'i~erfasin aii•u1 Borrv..er~. alrti~at ! - -.i~dr :i .,K. ~ ~tis<i,lc. ~_... nn..in,•:^.t sir maatEr did,
<br />t~M by-laws ark? I'Cgulatians o! the condomlmuui pro}act and constituent dtxuments,
<br />7. Protseiioa d (wader's Saettriq+. If Borrower fail. to perlarm the cuvenanta xnd agreements contained in
<br />thin Motgage, or if any action or proceeding is connuennYi svhn•h niatrrially atlects Lender + interest m the Prolr-
<br />erty, including, buL nut limited to, euunent daruau:.:u5ailcency..aic entarcenrent. ur arrangements yr proceed-
<br />inp involving a bankrupt ar deerient, thee Lender 3t lw:ndrr s option. upon native w ltorrowrr. inay rwkc such
<br />sppearaneee, disburse such awns and take sus: action as !~ nrreeyan• ru protect lxnder's interest. rncluding, but
<br />set lisaited W, distwreeurent of resaonabir attorney , fees and entry upon the Nroperty to make repair. Any
<br />amounts diabur~d by Lender pursuant to thi$ parsgrnpii r, with interest theteou. strati lnxonie additimisl iniiebt-
<br />adness of Borrower sa.:ureai by thi :tongage Unless Borrower and lender agree to other terms of payment, such
<br />amounts shalt be payable upon notice from i.rnaier to Ftorrower rrcfuesUng {iyment thereat, and shall trear inter-
<br />est lentil the date of disbursement at the r:,ta• rtateai ui the dote unitats payment of interest at such rate warld tie
<br />cvzitrary to tsppiicshle iaa, .i; svhici: r:•erit -u.•i: amount+ a}tall !:ear interest at >he htggtetat rate pertnisrritslr by
<br />applicaibl€ taw. ~iaihing contain=41 r !!.r= ~ yr Kraptr .tiil~ i~Klwir• Lrrider to incur any cxperrse us do any art
<br />hrrwal>~r•
<br />~. Leader may make or cause to hr rnadc rcseorrahle entriaa upon andrntg+eetioertt of tlx Prop-
<br />erty, pasvtded that Tender shall revs Borrower mrtir•e+ titxir tv env intrlt in...~v..r a.~;f~ng ..~..o..hl. ewe
<br />tbWita ralsted to Lnrider'a irrterett in thw Property
<br />~. Tl1C protxeda of any awir'd fir P[i1it3 f6r damages, dlreet or akNiaagtlerlLlRl, in tl6litteetleri
<br />with ~ t>oa>l~trtstioa a-other taking of t~ Prapartr•, yr hart tlcrmoi, ur for roaveysnce m lieu of eorrdarana•
<br />'~, a4 Iterebp aa4i~ted and shall be paid to Lauder.
<br />In t+be event of a total taking of the Property, the irroeeetta shall tee applial to the soma srcuried by this Mtut-
<br />ga{a, wj~} ¢~ 4x±~4..if any, paid to florte+rer. In rtes avast of s par~ial ~~ of the P.r~ierty. t:nieas Borrower
<br />aisd-+.slsdils Yiiw~+s~ agrtJa ur wreteog; tsars shall be let to the sums secured by this Mortgage suer Aropor-
<br />Usa of the proeesr3s as i!e egtaal W thaE pretis+rtioa which the smarm of the sums eeetued by tyris Mortgage itnme-
<br />tiiately prior [o the date of takit~ bears to the fair euritet valor of rtes Property immediately prior to the date of
<br />felting, tvilh3~ ba~ru±e of the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br />Ii tea !'r+ope~Y is ahsadoaed by Borsoatrer ar it after rtetkcc b:• Leader fo Harrower that 'he eondemrior offers
<br />to retttias sin riweertt or settle a cbun far dame; Bwrrtrtrer lath to eespt-etd to Lender within 3D days of the date
<br />Of aneh notice; ~~!dt-`r ~'i*1t=h~ri!!'d tQ ±+C~tR.~L'L $r!d atipl~ t4a I.trE#.R~ttg at I.@nd[-r•r 61;iiC.n c=iti3cP tt3 r-rsturattan fir
<br />repair of the Property or tq the autos eecttred by ki±is Mart-gage.
<br />TTpIE~ L_nd€r gnu Barrovrr a~ite*ttist agree in writing, any srish application of piviceeds to {innci, ai .hail
<br />