~~ iNdi'YiC3tiAL.
<br />r " dtla ON S:At.E
<br />~'; u,. y
<br />~-._,.i~:° OPTiCENAII.. Ft3T'U~FtE AD"WAhiClElb
<br />~ SiA'V1hNG~ FUNd
<br />Foxr r~~o.'720
<br />Loan Number _ 4.~bA _ _ . _ 188 _ _ 1
<br />79-- (S !- 0 2 0 IVi O R T G A G E
<br />THIS MORTGAGE, made and executed this ~~~ -. day of FebruerY A.D.,
<br />13 _?9, between the Mortgagor, --- KennetF R. -Yot~g..agd. Dorgthy L. Young, huebaad sad
<br />_,gSfs,_.~oigt~y .and each .in.theig owwrs_right, _
<br />-... _
<br />of Grand Isian¢_ .County of Hall........ _ ,State of Nab;asice , hereirrftpr referred
<br />to ea the Borrower, and the Mortgagee, FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF
<br />LINCOLN, 123.5 "N" Street, Liaco!n, Nebraska 6£3.501, its successors and assigns, hereinafter referred to
<br />as Lender.
<br />Wt`t•trsase'nr: That the said Borrower for and in con~deraticn of the sum of . TB:~R7?l-.~ .......-.
<br />T~jQUS,AI!yD--THREE.-lIUNDRt3ll. AND, NO/.100--.--------------.-Dollars iUS S 32_,,300.04-. )
<br />paid by said Lender, does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender, its successors and aarisoa: the
<br />fotiowing described peoprrty located in the County of .._-.---__liall_.- --- --.- ._ - ., State of Nebraska:
<br />Westerly Fifty-eight (SB) feet of Lot Seven (7), Slock One tluadrad 'Ansat=-five
<br />(12S) of Yoenig b Wipbe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, ltal] Corraty, gebrasrke
<br />lbcsras3a with all the impmvementa sow or lrereaftax erected on the property, sad a0 easa~ta,
<br />appn:t~aaanr~a, recta, eoyattiea, mi*rarel. nit and ®.a t7ihta and profits, water, ..seer riE~. asd
<br />water clack. and all fiztarr~ sow or hereafter attmchsd to the property, all of which, iaciudnss reglaoe-
<br />msnts sad sttditiarr therets, shell be deeeaed to be and remaus a pert of the property owesed by tk,ie
<br />Moue; and all of the foregoing, together with said property for the leasehold estate in the event the
<br />Mert~e is on a leasehold) are herein refereed to ax the "Property".
<br />Borrower covenants that ]mower ~ lawfully seised of the estate hereby conveyed and has the right
<br />to mortgage. grant and convey the Property, that the Property is unencumbered, and thac Borrower wiU
<br />warcuaL and d~td gener:ily> the title to the Property agaim+t all claims sad demands, subject to any
<br />easements read r+eetricdiorsa listed in a schedule of esceptioas to coverage in any title iaenrence goYiey itt-
<br />at Ler~at'x inte:wrt ea tl,~ Property. ~ f2) attorney's opinion of title from abstract of tlttr eked
<br />l-p bonded alar~ractes•.
<br />I•tt~€t+ Aasra~ atsd these pr~t:t9 are eaeeut~ and deliverer er =*~ t_he to!L~i~ s~mdit. agt~-
<br />ta sad oti cf the Borrower, to-wit:
<br />The Svrr+awer agrEdr to~y ty the Leader. or order, the prirscti{rsi sum of i'l17's,-'"Y-~ii>ii
<br />-,A~i, 111,4fl-^-'-..°-----_........ I)ollar9 tEtB ~. ~[~.<4Q.,- i
<br />payable as psovlded in a note eztxated sad delirernd, tvacurreatly herewith, the fisnl paymt<tet at grirsstipel,
<br />if Trot sooner paid, on the lst day of Febxuer7 • ~ P008
<br />Uxtroaur Ccsvaxwurs. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br />1. Pa~rxt d PsineiPal sad krtarsst Borrower shall promptly pay whr-n due the pritnipal nt sad in-
<br />tereet on the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, luepavment and lath charges as prmided m the Note,
<br />and the primtipat nt and Intr.-rust on any Fixture Advatn~ e~•ured by this tiiartgage.
<br />rK t'wsds ~ Taxws ~ ~. !3ubjerr to Lhader'R option un~'er parattr'eghs 4 and 5 he-reef: llnr-
<br />nrwer shall ;,ay to Lender on the day monthly inatallrneot~+ of principal and interest are payable undst the
<br />Note, until the Note is paid in tall, a sum (herein "Fonda") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly to=es an<l
<br />emertts which tnav attain ptvority over ibis Mori gage, and ground rents on the Property, f any plus
<br />one-twerlf#th of yearl,• prenuurn i~ta)imenGs fcxr harard insurance, pt~ one-twelfth of yHarly presrtium in-
<br />^hs~rslsoat far if - ~ M ~ d assd tweaa i1Mi!
<br />i eo ~ ~ +qld~ ~ eaesaaKtiis bra tkweof~sod~t e~
<br />4e< iMSir acid M>er~, a~ssatmsalePa, jasaaie~ae paaa sad sesNa. T,e~ abaft stake ao tar so
<br />~~ and applysrsg the Funds yr verb s~ comma aaisl aase~sers~ and bills. The Leader shall
<br />kt Efts ~, vrsthe~sE , sa sa>3s:al ~ ffi fix Ftrada ~ exedita e~ t~ to t~tse
<br />tt+e I toe srki~ estth dt~it to the t+lrntia was roads. The Pt>ssda are plac~yadpgatr a~~tirwtal
<br />.. _ is Faso ~ Y;~ ~b ~~ Fusdssach items
<br />-~f~ ~ ~ 1+»t. wtih the futuze ~sehly :: ~'~ of Fulda
<br />pa~~t ter ~ dsss dldea ~ ~. sslealrasw~irra:~ms peaert~s aril greuad rents, shall a=coed
<br />tht asntspgt ragnired tk ~q~ acid , ~, isrnssi~ acid ground resrte as they fall due,
<br />such ercte>Ie 9klt)I be, a# Hee'r'a~er's eI~!! Eo Bart'ower or creditet! to Borrower on
<br />taurtthly lea ed Frrnrls. If aasehxtt o#p~ke~mds~ by I.essder shall not Le suHirient to pay
<br />taus, asssrtnerrta, ires~3raca cod alb-rettfs as thry fill dae, Borrower shall pay to Lender
<br />any eme~t ry t'o isjake ttra ~Y tlhya attar rmt4ce from Lender to Borrower
<br />r~r~ Irttya-at `„l~+eot, ur ~+ser as it~tae its monthly tru;tallments of Funds r~uired,
<br />repay the ~etlsfency within fist turd acruwtttt~ period..
<br />fipon payment in full of ail loco. secured by this Mortgage, Lender shell apply hunch held a. a ~ rrdit
<br />aRAinRt all yams due.
<br />