Rt ^. g.f fill ,)" .1..•Ilginr. I. t qlp~ i'~:f l'd" U~f f, r`I"- •- ..I ~i'C! •. -i„~ ,,, ,; ~„ - .-~
<br />_,':u;
<br />r r: ,i .~ ~ ,.... i, ~:-
<br />vJ,urage th~!:~ :a r;,run~. +,. -;, i t;~ii r,a~:•~,t~,!,
<br />y£!. Astrrtrwstr i~ne Tt•tatxweti. ?. i':•r';si,cr rr. -.~, ! u;.r ,cat ,,.. ! ~ ~ - t~;,. ,nrcea `i~~.t~r r~ru r ~~ ,t i .e,~- at.t: sunin-
<br />~~--~eut~d by teals 3'loregage gran'tc,. ,r,. 1 e~¢a~1e t; sn+: :•-,~,•cnxou~ a , urr,reat r;r Bvrro7a r r=.a;l n+,• ogrrr3te ra *el?a€r
<br />in any manner. th? iiahi:itc- sf r„~ 9rit;ina; [3nrrour-; aa+^i T3or:ntcr~r. ~ ~,.~.~ru tr: ;.,:x;~t. I€:=.^,'rr shat! rice ~
<br />required to commence l;toetcaiiags vga,n:t - ct ra:-re5 ~r 'ut•e to extend rime for payn:en± ;,r r.therwisP modify
<br />atnortizatton of the st:ms seruret! i;_ tl:,~ ±lortEa~v •; rcasot: a; any- demand trade by the or=~t,,:.; B~,rrnwer and
<br />Bornwer`s sucsec3ors in interest.
<br />iI. Kwbet~aace by I.~der Not a Waiver. Any forbearaner by bender ut exercising any right or remedy
<br />~ hereunder, or otherwise afforded bt• applicable ian , .shat: not 'rte x wai.~er of or Grerlucie the exercise of any right
<br />nr remedy hereunder I'he l:ra:urernent of ms;jrance or clue payment of taxr~: or other hens or charges t:r Lender
<br />-u shall not be a waiver of Lender s right to acreler•.ue the maturity of the indebtedness secured nt this ~dortgage.
<br />~" 12. tiematG•s Gtunulative. .41( rernediet l;rot•tdert ;it this ~lurtgagr are distinct and cumulative to any other
<br />~ right or remrJv cttader thi, Aortgage or n(for+ie;f by faty or ,Nlu.r; . and ma, ln• exercised conrurrentl,•- mriepFrxi-
<br />-~ ealy or succeruicely
<br />~ 19. Stuceasors and 1lssigias Bound; Joint gad Several Liability; Captions. The rot angrier and agreetnenta
<br />herein contained shall i,md, and the right, i;areunder =hail inr+r•• tv. the resperti.e successore and assigns of Leader
<br />and Borrower, ~ubjert to the provisions of paragr.tpV: 17 hereof- A!! covenant= and agrectttenU; of Borrower Shall
<br />~ be joint and several. The captions and headings of the parasraphs of this ~IortgaQe are for convenience only and
<br />are not to be uaeti to interpret or define the provisions hereof.
<br />14. Notiu- Any notice ro Bottenv+•r prcwided for m this \lortgage shall Ix• ,;even by mailing surh notice by
<br />certified mail addressed to Borrower at the Yrotxvty Addre~~ stetted tx•low +xcept for any notice rrquicrd under
<br />paragraph 18 hereof to hr given to Borrows; to the manner preserihed by apphrtblc low. Any n,ttice pmvideel
<br />form this 4ortgage shad tie deemed to have been gn~en to Borrower when giver. m the manner desiRrtated Eterein.
<br />IS. 17mtorm Mortgays: Crovmimg I.av-: Saverabilit;. 'I'hiz forte of uwrt¢age combines uniform covenants
<br />fns natioual use and non-uniform cotenants with limited variations by jurisdiction to cocstitute a uniform ascu-
<br />rity instrument covering real property. This Mortgage shall tee governed by the law of the jutiedietion in which
<br />the Property s located. In the event that aay provision or clause of this Jortgage or the Note coa8iets with
<br />applioabk law, such conflict shall not affect other provistnns of this Mortgage or the Note which can 6e giver[
<br />effect without the conflicting protision, and to this end the praviaions of the Aortgage and the Note arc daelated
<br />to be aevarable.
<br />ti. Daaroas•r's Copy. Borrower shalt he furniahtr! a conformed copy of this i4ortgatte st the tithe of eseeu-
<br />~ ~•aftet'rcaordstion hereof.
<br />t7. nema(ar ~ ttw I~roportT; A.s•umption. It all or any part of the Property or an iotetwt thereints gold
<br />or Lraaaterred by $orrower without Lender's prior written consent. excluding 1s1 the creation o{ : lien ~ eaeum-
<br />branee tarttw-l:ttaie to this lfortgage, tbj the creation of a purchase money security interest far htwsehoid appli-
<br />att;ets, (o) a tramfer by devise, descent or by operation of taw upon khe death of a icint tenant or (dl the Stet of
<br />gay laaaehold intertat of three years or leas not containing an option to purchase, I.rnder may, at Lerxkr'a aQtieo,
<br />declare all the sums secured by !his '4Sortga~e eft be immediately due and payab{c. Lender she!! have waited such
<br />option to accelerate it, prior to the sole or transfer, Lender and the person W whom the Property is to be sold or
<br />tranaterrei reach agreement in writing that the credit of surh Iverson is satisfactory to Lender and that the interest
<br />payable un the some savored by this Mortgage shai! t,e at such rate as Lender shall rL'rluest. if I,euder has waived
<br />the option to accelerate provided in this paragraph 17 and ii Borrower's successor in interest has executed a writ-
<br />ten assumption agreeLent accepted in writing by Leader. Lender shall release Borrower from all obtigatious tinder
<br />this Mortgage and the Note.
<br />It Ltmdas exenisrw such option to accelerate. I.etider she!! :foil Borrower naive of acceleration in aceoxlanae
<br />with paragraph i~ hereof ~:uc, n[ttta--. ,'Bali pto.tdc• a •rs•rtexi of :tut ies>< [,tar. Sit uaYe [rata Cite gate Lett noWee to
<br />malted within which Borrower ttuy pay the sums declared due Cf Iiorniwer i.ail~ to pay srxh seats poor tee the
<br />~pr;stimt ,~ ;eta ?eriod, I_.ettdt: rtt3*i wt:l:mat furruer +~ttrr Eer ,err,.,='-,+: ,..• 4..,._..,.-....-•^..l;e ~.°_ r€m ~r-
<br />ffii'~ trir par~rapR tR ha!twnf
<br />,..gyp-~ ..:..aa, .. ~.. .. ~,. ..~. .~,. a., .. ~. r...., a~,x•+c. .... x,,. , e-..~. -___.__ ...rte v~rL,. ~. -in~,~-~,
<br />t#- ~ Sans•~. I:.Rr.y+t x• g,rr,.y?.ai to :,aragret:+: „ t:ert'<•E. ut* n tlortt;wtrs ttr~rh =! arty`
<br />rnvensstoragreenent of Borrower to this ~tertt;age utelwiuta the ruvrnanrs ra; ttav when der any aunts +ecured
<br />by this 3lottgage, Lender prior to acceieratton shall noel ntxtrr to Bornurcr an proctd,vi m luragreph 1~ heneoi
<br />speeifytug: III the breach, +2r [hr :uuon nvtwrr,! to eurr~ ..ueh Lrcarh. tat n ,late, not lean than [hirtv Jaya
<br />fran tAz date the nott.:r t. ntatiecl ro Ituttuuer- i,c ttf:u-I; =urt+ l,rrari, utu+t I+r rut.! ami ;~, that tatlun- to cure
<br />ouch breach on or hefon~ the date spw hied to the aoucc u,ay ra~ult in urreieration of the nufn> »ure.? by Ihu+
<br />Mortgng~e and sale of the Property If ihr breach fE not curvet nG nr be lore the doer sl,c•citir•rt u. the rtoticr, Lender
<br />at bender's tpttion nuy deelarr a!1 of the rout, sreure.i by then Mortgage to Ix anmetiutciy dtte and payable
<br />without futtlterdemand rind roar' fore+•irtar rhea 4fortRatte iw ;wl,ctal pr.>iwr.l,nt, I en+irr she!! 1,.- rnttt!e i to ro!}er±
<br />in surh nrocerdtng all expenses of tnreclosuu mrl;rdutg, but a+t ,--rut,~t tc .!s of ,laxu:,,rraar! rvuaenec.
<br />abstracts and title rrtwrts -
<br />ls. 9arew•r•s ttir~lrt to R•ttrsta!•. Xotaith.~tandu,K L.nda•r. ,tccrlrrattetr of the -.ecru- wcutr.i by :hta
<br />Mortgage, Borrower ;that! have the rig?tt tee hate=., arty ,-rw•er+?mho 1>r•gun by I.rn:ler 'o rnfurc:• thin Mortgag+' drr3-
<br />ecattinteed at gay hose peer to story of x t.:.leytwut taaidratttK tlta lttvigage tf: tar Itorrew•r psgls t.rsaisir aU
<br />attt#s ttrMrielt wottid bee due tteder this NNortgagr. ttte Note and notes securing Ptuurtr Advaueer, •ti ary, bM par
<br />aaeektr+rtioo oroustsd; jb) $oe^otrsr cureer al! htraeltss a( any other eovenamw or sgrrernerN~lt of Bonawer eera-
<br />€aineti is this Merf :cI Burttr+ver M~ ail rga+atsabiP rxltrttus tmurmi 't,y l.rrfc3rr in cnfomttg the nsvenanta
<br />t~ >#-' a# tI ceatsi...^-z i^. t.:~ ~?~,r;..,;, and €nfaraR I ~ °- : ren-rc,,::~ as t.r>uv„;nJ t.r p:r-
<br />gra~h t8 bct!mot, i~ltrdittg, but net ttLSrited w. rrstxreable attorney'> fees, and~tdt Borrower takes aueh action ar,
<br />t.enie[ trig reaaonibty t!sgni~ to aaua'e that Ehe lira of this Mortgage. Leader's interest in the Property and
<br />it~otse'a Ohliiptiiaat to t1aT tJte atoms aetlttsed by this a[ostpge shall continue traitnpaii;ed. C.pon such payrneot
<br />atx~+~ ~! Haasewer, this ~ and the ab3igatiotss xeurrd hereby ahaU teanairt in Jul! force and eltect as if
<br />tin ~ had r+cc~trrcxi.
<br />~. Rdai>/~aaM d I~Miee 1{,~ssiulmast aft Raoalsart Lwiat la Faattaaaioer. Ae additiumtal security here-
<br />tra~s, tlort~Yre.• harehy atttrigtr to bender ttt~ rents of the Ptcfeeety, provided that Bortew-er shall, poor to accekr-
<br />atiea turdst tN4rttgrsph l8 htrreof ar abandonment of the Property, have the right to eollert stet trtam retch rent:;
<br />rs they baettoae due and payabt.
<br />U'poe aeeeleratian trader paeagraplr l8 hertt+of or ahatadontrtcrtt of tdre Property. Lender. in ttrrxon. h>• agent
<br />or by }udieisUy appointed texsiver abaU lee eatitJed to enter upon. tare poasesr<ion of :end manatee the Property
<br />and to tmlket the rents of the Ptoperty, ineinding !base past due. AI! rents collected by I crkJrr yr the receiver
<br />sits!! be arrplied fast to ttaymertt of the coats as truntiterrrestt of the Pmttrrty :tn,i r,lt,=, r;,~„ „t r.~nr. ;.. ~ln.i,r,~ ~•~t+
<br />not limited to, receiver's fat premiums 'n recrtver's twuds au+l reasonnh!r .t!texn,•c - lre~ :u,:i +t+^~.nr., the sr,u.~
<br />secured b'I this Mortgage Lender and the rroen•rr si;all tom I,ahlr to arcunnt ,info fur the=, rrrr~ ,,r~,,;, is "~, ..•~i
<br />